The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1957

March 1957 TI-IE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST ~~~~--~~~~ Page Fifteen ~ 11~ '1 1 % l 1 E I~ \\ 1 t I 'l' I~~ ( > 1'< 1~ I ~ f_; l~) ,. \ ' I N 1 'l' / tOJ' JJl.lJ //t (J ll ,<j /tf : 01' (' Jl(J/ .lf f) l(J' t /1 o , < r Ill I : , ne if 11 cr ar .lJ (J 1 r ,. 1 < r, .IJ s lll ,l/ ,, ,a.lJ ,\ scritli ll1 r l .1orcl. /?or <t s f.l1 e l1 caz ·C' 11s arC' l1ir; l1 r r tl1c1,1 t/1(' errrt/1 :rJ ctre ,n.lJ 11a.1;s /1?°gl1 C'1· l/1 c111 .IJfJ ll r li rt ,lJS a JI rl 111.lJ 111 o I< .<J /1 Is I /1 r, ,, JJUl{l' t l1 01tr;l1/ /. lsc1i,lll 5,> :H-9 '1 l1e fc)110,,~i 11g ,,·as l'P<' Pi\ 1 Pcl jt1.'t l)rfo1~e 111~es.· ti111e frc)111 l~)'' · J>alll l\ l rtzlel', ll1i HH10 11Hl'.\r t o 1~ ra11c:e t111 cl 1· I~cll)ti .·t ~l icl-i i i.·– I io11s. 'l 110 1 l etzl 1·s a1·e 8J)e11(l– i11g· t i111e i11 F lo1~iclc1 for 1·e a s() 11 : of 11 eal tl1. F,) 1 i to1· IIo,,r \\ 7 Q11d rft1l j t i. to l{ll 0 \\ 7 tl1at }10,, 1 e, 1 r r l1ig:l1e1· li i. \\ 1 a)r, are tl1a11 0111-., a11d IIi t l10 11g·l1t.1 1 l1 c1 11 C)lll. thol1g·ht. t}1e3r ar al,, 1 a)r, \Vc1)..,-. a11cl thoug:l1t. of Io,re. Tl1i. 1· a1i- zatio11 ,,·a l)1--0110'h t ho111 to 111 ,·er)'" for ef11lly ,,Tith t he ho111e e<1 l l– ing-- of 011r clea1-- f r ie11d a11d l)1·other , Re,,. II . K. Fi11ley. .. 1\ ltho11g l1 I had hea1· l 111e,vhe1· that our B1·otl1e1~ F i11le3r lid ·0111e to Flo1·ida i11 the ,vi11te1· 1 l1acl 110 idea t l1a t he ,,ra i11 Flo1"i la a11 1 lea. t of all i11 ._ t. P et I\ b111 .. g· . o ,,,e ,, 1 e1--e lll'pr·i. e l \'l l1e11 ,,·e 1· - cei,red \\TOrd that \\T ,ver to l1a \T him and l\'.Ir1. Fi11le)' , ,i. it 11 F1·i– clay F eb1·l1a1 .. j ' tl1. "\\T . 1)e11t a , 1 e1"y agreeable ti1n of fello,:v. l1i1) tog·ether. I do 11ot 1<110,,· v,·be11 1 l1a, 1 e ee11 Ollr lJr othe1" i11 b tter pirit. a11d . ee1ni11o'ly i11 better healt h t ]1a11 the after110011 of t l1a t ,·i. ·it. "\"'\ e 'hic1ec1 l1i111 0111evvl1at \vhe11 l1 e tolcl 11. tl1 at al t l1011g·h 011 \ 1 acation l1e ,,Ta, edi ti11 0• the l1io I11clepe11 le11t J~apti. t a11d l)I'epa1--– iug ,·ermo11. fo r f ll tt1re 11:e. B ll t said he, "\Vhe 11 I a111 0 11 , .. a a tio11 I do t l1i11g·. · I l ilte the l)est to d a11cl thr t]1i11g ,vl1ich J e 11j 0) 7 t ]1 l 1110.·t j., cl oi11g· t l1 e l)al)Cr c1 11 cl stt1cl:) 7 - • l 11 g. 111 tJ1 ~ coL11"se of 0111· ·011vcr~a – t jo11 ot1r ages ,vere 111e11tio11rcl. Ile st1gg·estr 1 tt1at 111:v ,,,ifc~ a11 1 I hacl n1a11 , ,. 111 ore yea l'H to o·i ,re t he [;orcl .. . n in ser,ric_·p lJetall8e \\ 7 P \V r r ,' () 111ll(']} ~y·ot1 11grr 1 l1a11 110. ' ],c) th i8 ,,r rra(1- i15 a~8P I)t()(l l111t at ihP ti111P J (' 01 Ll ( l JJOt }1c.1l1) \\'Oll(l<11·i11g if ell thP ag: l of (j!J I \\'Oll1cl )1 a,rc-l rl!-, )lll lt'll \·it<ll– i t .Y a 11 < l a 111 lJ i 1 i <J 11 cl~ 11 e. I~ <' f <> l'P \\T~ !->t> J>,t r a1<><l <tt c 1 \' <' 11i11g·, l!ro1}1e1r J•'i11 ) \ )' }Pel i11 J>r<ty 1 1· a 11 <l J>l'H JTec l P ~ J > P <• i a l),\' t I 1 a i ( l <) < l \\ <J LI I tl I e c:l c. l ,111 cl g l l i ( 1 p <l J l ( l L l ~ p J 11,\ \ \ ' j f p ( l } l ( l I i I) 1I is s P1• ,r 1 c · ci. 11 \\,l. a1 c•ig}1t c, '<·l<><·I( Hc1t1 11 ·- clt1 \ 7 e1, c•11i110· t li,11 \\ < 1 ,, P J' c• <'ct I ]Pel • r'! t,) 1J1ci c l c)())' <}f ()lll' c.l ) )Hl'LJll P llt HJl(l tc)lcl tl1,tt tJ1 e1 J_.' i11lP.)'8 a11cl 1,,cJ 11 ti . s1011arit 1 s l1acl lJePJl i 11 u11 ,lLt - --- CONTRIBUTIONS TO HOME AND CAMP GIFTS TO CAMP PATMOS l 11111La 11lL ,J I ~Hl)tii-;i ( i J1tLl' C'J1 , J\ 1·c·a 1111111 ························-·················-······. $ 1().()() (~" irHt l~H J)ii ~1 ( •J1t1r c: l1, <:,1lli 1)<>liN ........................................................... l G.0() <) 1·t 11 l' it1 I< l J{a f)1 iH( ( 1 l1 t11·c· l1 ·····················-····················-························ 1 ().0() (} 1'1 ]1 1 O)Tcl li 0 11 l ~H 1ti H1 N. N. .... .. .. ·························· ...................... 2().()() C 1 a l , , c1 1• y J ~ <l l t i :-,; t ( 1 h 11 r <' h, J 1r 11 <1 I' c > 11 t H i 11 e ..._ ...................................... 15. () 0 1 > r 1111 1\ , · P . l ~ a 1 > t i 8 t N. 8., N11 H 1· <> 1 1, I > a . . ... ......................... _ ............ G .0 ( ) f11clr11 11 (le111 Ii,11 ti x1 ( 1 l1Lll'C'l1 or1h ,Ta c· l<H<>n ......................:............. 5.0() ( 'i l i 11 1 0 11 \ r j l ](' J ~ < l I) f 1 81 ( 1 h l l l' (' I) ( 1 0 J l l Jl l b 11 8 , . . . •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •. •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 22.() () ( 1 al,, cl I' y J, ,l }) 1 is t ( 1 J 1111 · C' J 1 1 H J 1 i o 11 . . . . . . .. - . . . . . . . . . . •• . . . . . . • . . . . . • . . . . . • . •. . . . . . . . . . • . 1 .25 1~0tl1l cl1 111 1, cl ])iis t ( ~11t11·e l1 ( 1 lr,,ela11 <l ................................................ 12.() () ( 1 ,1 l \ ' c1 l')T l~,111ti s i ( 1 l111 r c· l1 ( 1 ]C1\' (' l c1 Jl (l .................................................... 10.00 Ber e <t 13 a l) i i Ht ( 1 I 11 tr , 11 _.. .. ..._ ._ .... __ ......_. . . ......... ......................._ ............ 1 () .0 0 ( 1 e 1a1· l l i ll Bapti .·t •11111·el1 ( 1 10,,pl,111<1 ·····-············--·-·····--··············· 10.0() 1'1·111it>r J cll)ti .· t ( 1 h l ll' (•l 1 f 10l' <l lll ·····························-·····-························ 5.()2 I~l 8S 1 I lo]Jr l~cl) tiHi ( •l1t11· c·h , N11·i11 g f' ir lc1 ..................................... (19.41 l~,.. a 11 ... , , i l l ] cl ]) 1 i 81 • l 111 r C' l 1 . . •.•..........•..... _. . . . . . ••. . . . . ••. .. . . . . . . . . •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1().00 ( al, 1 ,t l'),' l~aJ)tist 1 l111r ·]1 N or ,,·,1 11{ ...................................................... 36 .00 GIFTS TO THE HOME 'i ,1 J,, a1·)r Ba1)tist 1 J1t1rc·l1 (>i Jr,·ela11cl ............... ........... .. .............. .. ........ $40.00 GIFTS TO OHIO ASSOCIATION Rev. R. J. Reynhout, Treas., 279 Washington Ave., Elyria, Ohio B t l1lel1 tl1 1 1 , rela 11 l .. .. ............. ... .......... ...... ... ....................................... $ 5.00 5.00 5.00 al, .. a1·y 1 \' l cl ll 1 ·················································································· P e 1111 A , re 1111e, ~ i l1a1· 0 11 l a. --······-················---···-·····------··· ······-··············· B e 1" a B a I ti . t f 1 r· a ...... ..... .......-..................... ---......... -....-......... --.......-. 10.00 2.00 10.00 5.00 10.00 5.00 Pio11e 1·, N 01·t l1 R :va 1 0 11 .. ..... . .. . .............. ... ................... . ............ . .. . ... . .. . . ~ ir.' t Baptist all i1)oli. ............................................... ....... .. ............... . }_;11c li 1- rotti11o·ham }_;llclid ........ .... .... .................................................... IIeb1· 01 L a}"ma11'. T-1eag·lle ............................ ........ ......... ...................... . a 1, , al"' y r or",, a 11{_ .... .................... .............................................. .............. to1110 l)ile aee i lc11 t. 'I 11 1 arty ,, 1 l10 l11·ol1gl1t tl1i.· ; al 11('\\\' to) 1 l l S t hat he 1111de1·stoocl that Brotl1Er 1"1 i11 - le,,. l1ac1 ber1 lcilletl. '\\Te ,, 1 011] l ]lot l)e1 ie, re }1i111 l>ll t ' '"(lll t i111111 ecli– ate I :v t o thr }10.·1)itcll ,vl1e1·c tl1r)r h a 1 l)er11 t'"1l{r11. Tl1l0r e it ,,,a.· tol 1 11,. t l1(1 t hP liecl "l1 ol'tl)' ,lfte1~ l1i~ a rl'i, ,,ll at t l1r l1 08])ital . f c·ot1rHr ,ve ,vr1·c st111111e<l ,tt tl1i: b11t r 0- 111 e 111 l > e 1· i 11 o· o l l r 13 r <) t 1 r r as ,,· e l 1 ct t l r- s ee11 ]1i111 l lcll'P))r t,,Te11t)r- fo111· l lOl ll'S INVESTIGATE CEDARVILLE God is directing , God is blessing Cedarville Grow,ng in faith , ,n enrollmen t, ,n ever- broadening support, ,n academic s tandard s! Offers, B. A. deg rees. You, a nd Cedarville, need each o ther Write for ca talog 1S Acres, 9 Buildings l 40 Students, 12 Instruc tors Ideal location in S W Ohio Strong Bible deportment . Also English, Mus ic, Science, Soc,ol Sciences, Longuoges and Athlehcs . Write For Free Cop1fs of Bullt- t1n • N o Ol l1gol 1on, CEDARVILLE COLLEGE A BAPTIST COLLEGE t,/ LIBERAL ARTS CEDARVILLE, OHIO Rev. J . T. J eremiah, Pres. 1Jefo1· ,,,e c·o11l l not help l)llt J)1--a1 . t l1 Lo1·cl, t l1at h r l1ad l ) r e 11 tel lcc11 :o . 111 clc1 l~,. i 11 to th0 })rr .. e11c·e of t l1e r.Jorcl, r at]1r 1· thc111 t() l1a,Te s11ffe1~e l lo11g·. ·\"\-r c (lo I)raise t l1e };or l tl1at ,~·p !1a,rp l1acl t l1 l)ri,,ileg· r ()f ll i11 g· l1rre ,,·ith :.\ frs . .B,i11l < 1 ~ T ,111cl l>ei11g cll)l tc) l1el1) l1e l' as sl1P l1as l )Cl 11 i11 tl1r J10:--;1)itc1l. Il c1· 1>at ic11 1 c:111cl .1t1b111i:.1io11 to t l1P I1or cl 'H ,Yill l1<ls l)re11 cl rrcll tP: t i111 0 11 , ~. Hl1 e cl<>P~ • 11 e cl tl1c C' o11t i11 1tec1 J)ra}· e1'. of (} t)cl \; ])(' 0 ]1l r. '\r r s ,,·c ,1re ~lll'<-' t l1,lt ct ltl1011g·l1 \ \ '<' c·c1 1111 ot llll(ll' rst,111<1 ,rl1,,7 (to(l 's • Hl} l' \ 1 a11 1 hHs llt10 11 lclk:Pll 8() Sll<1c1 c' ll - }~T li e' hcl 8 H r r ,tsc) 11 ,t11cl:.., ll ll\ clcl) ' \\.(' \Vi ll 8 t'l1 t]1,1t it \\'H S \) ('( 'HllSl' <lf I l is \\'<>11ti( rf 11 l l<>\Tl' . ( 1 l1111·c·l1c's t>r i11cli, icl11als clc\"'1ri11g <\ \.t l' ,l t•c>J)iPs c>f til e' 1~·\\ l>rtl cll'.' t'Cl– iti<>ll c>t' t l1P ()/1i (, l 11 rl < JJ< >1<l<>11 t lt r11>- l1 s I , 1 h t1 1 H !'-) 1 < •( > 1111 ) l <' t <' 1 ....."' 11 <' t 'l l- i 1(' ( l l ) \1 I l . I\ . 1~' i 11 l (\\ . l \ l H·' \ \ I' i 1(\ ' . 1 li t' t•ir(·t1 lnt ic)11 111n11 ngt1 r , ~I 1·"' l 1arl \ \ T • ~ l H l' t i 11 ' :1 l () - 1 (J t h ~ t I '(\ ( \ t ' l~l,r1·i,J ()l1it>. " <> t• llHl'!f, . '