The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1957

March 1957 -~---------TI-IE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST P age Three ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ( 011ti1111 ecl f r o 111 11c1g· ..J ) c·e1)t t l1e f,1it]1 11c-1, 1 r i11 co1n111011 ,, 1 itl1 tl10. e \\ 1 }10 r r j r ti it 1 \ }1at ,1g·1~ee111r11t ca11 t l1e re be 1) t ,,,re11 a t c 1111) l e of rocl ,1 11cl j l ol ? 11cl ,,'.f r c-11·r a t 1111 le of t l1e l.Jivi11g -x od. T 1 ,1 t i. , v 11 at ( 1 o d 111e,111 t ,, 1 he11 li e .·aic.1- I ,,,ill c1v,,ell c:1 111011g· t l1 111 a1 l ,,,all{ a1no11g tl1 e111 · .i-\11d f ,,rill be tl1ei1· iO l ,111d t l1ey ~ hall 1) 111y p opl . The1·efo1·e 1 0111 011t fro111 a1110110· the 11atio11 .1 11d . ·epara t ~ rot11· el ,r £ro1J1 t l1e111 . ay. t he Lor 1 ' Ild tOll h 1 otl1i11g illl l lll' ; 11d I will ,,, lco111 you; 11d T ,, 1 ill lJe a fathe1 .. to 011, A11d yot1 hall be n1y 0 11. a11 l da l1g·l1 t e1-- ., a3T t l1 Lo1·cl the Rl1l 1· of all . ' \'Tit l1 the e 1)1"0111i e , dea1· frie11d. let ll pl11·ify 0111'\ lve £1·0111 e, 1 c 1·}r– thing that pol ll1te. ithe1· body 01· . pirit a11cl i11 de p e t 1·e, re1·en ce £01-- :tocl ai1n at 1)e1·fect holi11e . - 2 01,iuthian. 6 :11- 7 :1 20th 1 e11tu1·y I .T. WHO P y .._ 1 bor1·owed ed- itorial : 11 g·ov- ernme11t i11 tl1i , coi1ntry f d ral . tate a11d local- a1·e p e11ding· ar - proximately $110 billion a yea1·. Thi. i. abot1t 011e-thi1 of the a– mo11nt of 1no11ey t1 e p eople ear11. A11d the tre11cl i.· con t in l1i11g· u J)– ,,1ard. The1·e i 110 let-up of pl1b– lic . 1)e11 ling i11 ·igl1 t . It i.· log·ical to a ]{ ' ' Tuder llc b co1 di ti 011. why i. ·11 t the1'"e a 1uo1--e cl et e1 ..m i11e<l cl e111a11c1 tb at co t lJe cut ,vh e1·eve1-- l)Os jb] , at all le,rel of go, 1 e1·11111 11t, £1·0111 cot111t1·y eourtho1l e to t he 11ational cap– ital t ' ' .A11 a11. ,,·e1· to t l1 at c1 tte. ·tio1-1 wa. 1·oviclccl by Cla1·th .• '1 hoe111a ]{e 1· J>re. ·icle11 t of t l1 e ( 1 itize11s l t l blic J~X J)e11<lit11 t'f' 811r, 1 ey, ,,,J1en he . ·ajcl, ' ' ,Ju~t a )JOl lt e,re r yo11 e, a11d ce1·tcti11- }y e, 1 Pl'Y 111ajor g t'OllJ), j , geiii11g s<J111 e1 11i11 g· fro111 t }1 g·ove r11111 c11 t.' ' Il ci g·a\'C' HJ)P<'if i<~ xa111 1)le · of 110,,, Jal,or, ag·ri<"1 1lt11rc, a 11 e,l lJ11si 1 ess al'P all g· 1 t ii11µ; g·<JVt'1·11111P11t aids of S(> ll l(! l<i11 cl. No111t1 of' tl1c 1 se aic ls, 11<> cl o11l)t, at· j clc,s i1·a}Jl P a11(l 11 ·<'P~Sclt'j". 11ttt <>1 l1<l1·s i11c· J11cli11g· \ 'P l ')" to!')tl.v <J110s - ar< 1 11 c)1 <) 11J s, ,,,as1Pft1l ,t11cl 11ee>cl – J,1s~ !Jtlf , 1ll<JI'P illJ}JOJ'{HJl t, llllC l P I' 111i 11 ra tl1 P j11i1i,t1i,,e 1hcj j11cl e 1>c11cl– e11 'P, a11cl tJ1 1 SP ll S > ()f l' 1 S J)()JJSi- l>1 ]i t.)r of! 1l1C)S(l l' t'( 1 Pivi11g· i h l' lll . '1' JJC'Y H l'C <'Xcl ll l J)lC's C)f g·o,' (' 1'1)111(' 11{ t l () - i11 p: f' or J)<'<> 1)l , ,vJ1c1L J)P<) l' IC' c-c:1 1 cl 11 ( 1 H}1 0 l I I(I (l () r () 1' t 11 (' 1118(' 1,, r 8 - ,l 11 cl 111 ,11 is ,,?J1,l1 t111i111Ht l' ly clP– Hi 1·0}"8 J><)litic·,11 fr t1r< lc) 111 i11 att)' (!C>1111tr)' cl11c l r rc ltt C'PH 1}1p i11cli , 1 icl– l1,tl io th e ,' i c1tl1~· <>f H .· t ,tti .· tie. "\\ c ,,,ill l1c1ve e l1 Pa l)P l' g·ovr r 11- 111 11 t ,vllt' ll ell] t l1 c g· 1·0LtJ >S ctg· ri – e11ltt1rt' b11.· i11ess, l a l>o1· ,1rc vvill – i11 g· to cl r 111a11cl c· 1tts tl1a t r ffPet. tl1 >111a11111ot jt1si tl1 1 otl1er f e1 IJ0\v. 11 t l1 e ()l'<letie,11 s iclP i t is 1i111c tl1aL 1110:t of tt ~ 1·P,tliz 'cl t l1Ht g·o , 1 - er11111 c11 t ect11 0111)' s 1>e11 cl ,vl1,tt ii J'ir.·t tc1Jt c.· f r o111 llH a11c l t l1c1t a lot of tl1 e 111011 c'.)" tljHcl]) IJe,t rs i11 il1c> o:-:;t a11cl ,, 1 ,tstPs tl1at g·o ctlo11 g· ,,,itl1 11olit ica] a l111i11i ·t r aiio11 of Oll l' af- f . a11\ . 'l l1 r 1·a11l< ,l11cl fil of t l1 c J)cor le l llllSt i11 .1 i . ·i t ]1at e,rc1·y })O. '. ·ible C- '0110111Y l )C )llatlc. 'r11e tj111 to 111c-1l{c tl1at l e111a11 l i.· 1·ig·ht 1 0,,r. - 1 1'0111 !111'011 ielc-'r r l cg· ra1n El 1·ia, l1io liAP 'I' I ~ r BlTLLJj, TI~ E I { ( ·E ~ • ~ lB~ <RJI 'II TE~,. "11 i 1 a g· o 111 : T1 i e B ct p I is I 131 t l l e - li11 off icjal orga11 of t l1e le11 1·al ..... ..........o ·iation of R eo·11la1· Bct})ti. t 1 11111· ·lie , l1a. · 1·cce 11t ly a 111101111ce 1 a .. 11 lJ ta11tial 1·e l11ctio11 i11 it . 11 lJ– . c1--iptio1 r·at e. . The 11e ,, 1 rate. a1·e a. f ollo,,r . : 1-11 di ,,iclt1al 11 l) ·c1·i 1 t i 011. $1. 50 pe1· yea1· a11aclia11 r Fo1· ig·11 ~ 111), ·1·i1)- tio11 $1. 00 l}el" 3rea1· ~ 11 ol .1\ ti,, { 111 bc1\ ]1i I) of cl 11111· h- $1. 0 1) 1· ) 7 Ca1·. 1 o 1·e l 11ctio11 ,,rill be 111acl e i11 t11e . ize 01· CJ llali t~ T of t l1e 111c1g·a- • z 111e. "\\Th 11 a eht1r el1 .·111). eril)e for ,,ery acti, 1 fct111il}r 111 it._· 111 J11l)er – sl1i1) tl1i~ 1·c1>1· e. 011t.._ (lllite a sa, 1 i11g'. Tt is 11g·g·e. t ecl t l1<tt C' l1l11·c· l1rs })cl)y fOJ' t ]1 • e Sltl ) ·1·il )liO ll8 Olli OI t }1 1l' 1·eg·l1la1· c·t1r1·e1 t ex1)r1 : l>t1clg·rt, i l1e11 if cl cs ir cl t l1 e1 eo11g·r rgatio11 C'ct11 bl asl<0 l tc) 111c1lte c1011c1tio11s to 11Pl11 c:o,'Pl' th e C'08 t. l1i:-;t .· ,"e11t t o t h <"l 1 l 1 i <' cl g· o o ff i ee 1111 < 1"' 1• t l 118 l) l H11 sho11 lcl l1a,·e 11 , l111es <l 11 cl clclclres~r8 ; l ('('lll°<l1 P l)r t.)T])C(l <l l l(l i ll ,l l]) ]lcll )Pt – iC'cl l tl r clt 1 l'. If S<)111 e i11 <li,,icl11,lls 0 11 11 I i Hi cl 1· t' H l 1 · p cl ( l.\' 8 l lbs<· 1· i 1 > e 1· s, 111 ri I' s 111 >8<' 1'1J)1 ic> 11s ,ri l I ~i111Jll.)~ l>P <'X t P11cl c>c l f'<>l' <)Jl<' , Tt' HJ' . \\ )1 1· 11t> f • • o· <' t ' ' () l 1 l ' (' J l l l )'(' h l 1 l () 1 l 1 h l' • " \ \ T J l () 1 (' h ., 1\ <'1 i,·c, :'\ J 111l>P r~lti1> ' ' 1>l,t11 ! ' l' Jt , uc lcll' Pss <)f' 1hr l l <TJJ/tsl Jt ullrl111 is (i(JH N. I)pa rl >c)t' Jl HtLi1 t' 1 4- K, ( 1 J1i c·ag·c> :i, ll] i11t)i.1. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Publish ed Monthly by THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES Publication Office 110-118 E. Oak St., But ler, Ind. J . IRVING REESE, Editor protem P . 0. Box 455 Elyria, Ohio Circulation Manager MRS. CARL W. MARTIN 316 Tenth Street Elyria, Ohio Suh cription Rate: Per single copy .. .. . .... ..... $ .15 Per year ... ................... $1.50 Adverti ing Rate: P er column inch .... . . .. ..... $ 1.50 Per h alf page .......... ...... $21.00 Per full page ............... $40.00 Entered as second class matter at the P ost Office at Butler, Indiana under the Act of March 3, 1879. COUNCIL AND OFFICERS Ohio Association Of Regular Baptist Churches Chairman REV. ALLAN E. LEWIS 18901 Lake Shore Boulevard Euclid, Ohio Secretary REV. REGINALD L . MATTHEWS 937 Gran d Avenue Toledo 6, Ohio Trea ttrer REV. ROBERT J. REYNHOUT 276 Washington Avenue Elyria, Ohio Mi ionary REV. GEORGE O'KEEFE 3420 Henninger Road Cleveland 9, Ohio Yot111g People REV. JOHN STRONG 727 Mentor Avent1e Painesville, 011io M 111l)Cl'S REV. W. I-I. GREEN REV. ELTON C. IIUb..IIJL REV.CC. CLAWSON REV JOHN G BAL YO REV GEORGE R. l~IBSON REV R. KENNE'I'II Sl\ilEL.SER