The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1957

l a 0 1', o THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST_~~-------~ Ma.v 1957 • Editorial C omment 1,<)<)l \1 ti 11 ..\ ( 1 1,,,·.\txl) .\ ., t) ]/( 1,\\..\ l, 1) I·: t l i t () r -1 l r ( l - t t' t l l i" l l l) g rt' n t l 1 < >11 < l t'. l1ttt it llt)t\~ l\l\t•(l\lrHgt' tlll' l)<lel,– ' ' ill'll Hllll t'tlr\\,ll"<l lc)cll'". Il e)\\' \\'l' (lt, tl1n11l, (1(><l t'llr tlll' gr('Ht ,,·<)rl'" <)I' 11 l,. li i11lt' ,·. ,,·I1c) l)r<>11p:l1t tllt' • () l.l{ . lll) t t ) tlt<' ~t,111tl,1rtls <)t' tlt<' lll'~t t)f rc'lig·it)ll~ 111ng·<1zi11e. . \\"" l1<1t l1 - t ) r ,r t' t•a11 fi11(l ,111t)tl1rr 111c111 to tal\.e l1i~ 1)lc1er c111c.l 111,1i11tai11 tl1e e1xcPl– lt' llL't' L1f tl1e 11,ll)L\r. or 11 c)t. ,re do ll t' li<',.<' tl1,1t tl1e l) l1io Reg·11lc1r 11ap– t i"t ....\ s:,,o·ictti<.)11 ,,·ill eo11ti1111e to 111c1 l,e 11 rog·1-- ..._ . 1 f t l1e1·e i 11ot l1i11g· t 11,1 t st1eceecl.· ' Ji},<' "llt'('l"'S "' . ,,·e l1011}cl fee l t}1at ,, 1 e l 1,1, ~ t-> j 11 ~ t · o 111 e t o t 11 e 11 a ·e , r 1 er e ,,·p l' a11 ~:o f or ,va 1·(1 to eo, ·e r t l1e ~tate of t 11io '"·itl1 t1·11e I-3ib1 t' l1l1 re lie:. Tl1e ,,·ri ter re111e111 b 1-. · l1i, fi1·st i11t1~ocll1tio11 to tl1e a · ·oeia– t i o 11 a t t 11 c > .. o l l t 11 ta 11111 at 1 1· re 11- ,,·t1oll in t 11 e . 11111111e1· of 19:37. ~1 eet.– i 11g· i11 cl te1 t a11 l e11jo),. i11g ,·er)'" 111eagr e fc1 ·ilitie: the pa:tor. the11 felt g·rp,1t J)l'0~1·e..· l1acl bee11 111acl. 'I he fo111·tee11 el1111· ·hes that hatl orga11izecl tl1e a ·ociatio11 i11 1027 l1as g·ro,,11 i11 te11 J'"ea1-. · to . 01ne tl1irt, y. Tl1e11 ,, 1 e 1· 1ne1nbe1· our • a111111al meeti11g· i11 10-!:3 at J->ort.· - 1uot1th, ,,~he11 R. A. B le.. ·i11g· r e- 1>ort cl tl1at ,,·e hacl fo r t)r-ou P tl1111·t l1e.· ,,·ith a total of 7,-!0() 111p1111 el'- ·, a11 l that 011r total givi11g– for the .',.ea1~ for all J)ttr1)0. e. ,,,.as . ·2-1."5,00(). The ,,·1·iter ,,·a: o e11 - c·ot1raged tJ1at he 1·et111·11ecl to his e 1111 r(· 11 to preach 011 < ;o l : ~Iart·l1i110· 111 Tl1e r ree "ro1 : ' ' It ee111 eel lil{e a mo,,i11g i11 the to]).' of tl1e 111t1lberr3-,. t1·ee.: tl1a t pron1- i. e l 0·1·ea ter , rictorie. to c:0111e. I,Jooki11g· at the 1)1--e:e11t ,,?e :re 1(10 rhurc:he banded togeth 1· fo r e,· a11ge I i:111, 111i.· io11ar)" ext 11 i o11, ecllteatio11 , a11cl f1111cla111e11tali ·111. La:t }'"ear Olll.. total gi,ri11g: \,·a.· . 'l.679.7 ~) 1. a11cl tl1i: ,--ea1· it ,,·ill • 1111clo11btecll,,. be n101--e. "'\'\-re l1c1,,.e • a11 PXt llent 3"011tl1 l'a1111) a11cl a g ·1·0,,· i11g a11 cl ,,Te ll-ec1l1i p1 ecl c:o l– lege. B3-- tl1is ti111e ou1· total 111e111- br1·. l1i p i o,Tet 17,000. "'\'\Tl1at ·ot1lcl ,,·p 11ot c1o if all of ll. ,,re1"'e 0 11 fire for ( Joel, a11cl a l 1 ,,·or l{illf!: too·ethe1· i11 f1tll c·oo1)e1·atio11 ! .A~, ,,·e look lJatl~"·arcl. 11111eh l1c1 ,· bee11 at<.:0111- l)li~l1ecl i11 ;{() hort )·ea1-. · : l111t as \YP loo]~ for,,·arcl, 11111t 11 re111ai11s to l~e clo11e. I.1 t 11. · 111arel1 l) r ea .. t f or,,·arcl ! IIELI-> ~EEDED I111a~i11e .\'"<>111·.·elf c-all ecl ltpo11 to . tPI> i111 <> t11P. l1c)es of tl1<.! 1>r<-1s i<lP11t, clll(l \ rOll \\'il l llll(lPl'~ta11c1 }IO\\' t l1i~ .. l'i ll -i11 r< li1 c) t' l'Pc' ls. \\.,.p t,11 1 't g'<'1 <>lt1 c1 g·c)<)<l 1><1 J>r r ,,· it ]1c)t tt tl1p l1 c\ l11 c>I' ,t ll tl 1P 11 ;_-1st<) l'~ i11 t l1r s t ,l t <', C)l' \\'llc>t'\'Cr ~c\ r,·P8 as 1·r 1 ortr1--s i11 PH<· l1 <·l1t11·c· l1. \\'r lle l il'\'P tl1 P fi r Rt l )lll'– J>o~c' c>f 1 l1 P ()II~ i. to sp r, r ,ts cl 111eclit1111 c> f f' pllc>,,-. hit > l )c>t,, ·<10 11 t l1 r C'h11re hrs of tl1 c' HH80eiatio11, ,111 cl 11p,,·., ,vi l l pro, ·e 111or e eff tti, 1 e fo1.. tl1at I>ll I' J)O.'P tl1a11 , er111011·. rrh J)clHtor of tl1e . 111,111 <1, t r l1111·el1 . l1ot1lcl .·<'e to it tl1at l1i: el1tLl'C'l1 i.· 1·epre– He11tecl i11 t l1c 11e,,·: eol1111111: at lea,st 011re a ~,.ear : a11 l tl1 l)tt, ie:t l) a . ·tor . l1ot1lcl fi11cl ti111e to . e11cl i11 .· ,·eral r r po1 .. t . a ~"ear £1~0111 the la1·o·e1" el1t11·c·l1e:. • Xo11e of ll, li,·etl1 to J1i111:e If, , sa:v·... I a 111 'au l 110 111a11 cli etl1 to l1i111...el f. ' ()tl1r1·s lo <:ar e ,,·l1at l1ar1)e1 : i11 011r rhl11· ·h, a11c.l ,,·ill rejoire or IJI'a.'.. fo1-- ll, . a, t l1e 11 eecl 111a,.. (liC'tate. .. P e1·ha1)s ,,·e a:l<ecl for too ea rl)'" a cl eel 1 li11e ,,·I1e11 ,,Te a:l(ecl l31·oth– er Rer ·e to J)11 t it at th e 2 Ot I 1 of eaeh 11101 th. ~ 1 l1all ,re pl1t it thi: ,,·a3 .. : .•\ 1·tie les ,v· hethe1-- reg·t1lar· <)I' 11 11so]ieitecl, : l1ot1lcl l)e i11 t l1e ha11t1: of tl1e cclitor at 200 ,, . F 011rth ~t., F o.·tol'ia. ( hio 11ot late1~ tha11 tl1e 2()t11, bt1t )] (_) \\\ ,, 1 ill l1e acceptable tt11 t il the 2;t}1. f ·01 trse . 0111e 11ev\'s ,,·ill be g·oocl a 111011th lat r r a11cl ,,·ill l)e 1>ri1 tclcl i11 thr fo110 ,,·– i11g· i. ,· tie. S e11c1 a . 11111 eh 11 e,,\. a. · , ·011 ca11 a.· :0011 a.· "'\"Ol t ta11 . . ~ ~01 1et i111 e: ,,·e ,,·011der ''"·h1T .£ \ 11 - .. 11a .J a1·,·is ,,·01·l{rcl so l1a r cl to g·et ( 1 011g 1· :. t o legali:1,e ~I t l1e1· '. · I a)" . ()f ro11rse, . ·he ,,·a11t r l to ho1101· J1er o,,,,n goo 1 111other: l)ltt clicl : l1e thi11l< al l 111ot l1 r · ,,·f\1 .. e ,,·ortl1, .. of 8 llt 11 a cla.'~ ? ()1· (licl sl1e hop · the ol).· er,·a11ee ,rot1lcl }1el11 to 111alce t l1 e111 ,,--or tl11· ? • :\Jo ·t f1111cla111 ntal 1)a. tor8 ol)– sc-1 r,·e t }1p c1a.'... ,vitl1 <{t1al1ns of ·011- .·eie11ee. Sl1011lcl tl1e)" al lo,,· 011 e • 11101·e ~l111cla~T t l)e t11 1111a11izecl? E,·e11 r e ligio11~ 11 0 li la),.s lilre C 1 111--i,.t111a.· a11cl Ea. ter larg·el)r 11111- lif}T the C}ospel t l1at i · J)I·earh ecl fo1· p 01 le c1o not eo1ne to e httr · 11 011 1110:e claJr, to o·et 1·ig·l1t ,vitl1 C}ocl. b11t to ce le l)rate. i 1·0,v le l el1ttl'(' h ,' 0 11 :J)ecial cla) ...,' lo 11 t (1 eei,·e \x1Je1·ie11ee l pa. tor. . The~· clreatl tl1e ,,Tl1ole tl1i11g a11 cl 1 a1·11 to ex1)Pct fe,,· ~' t)i1·itt1a1 1·e~· t1lt ·. [ f ,re (1 i(1 11 ot · c1e '"'})e1·ate l)T 11ee(l lJetter 111ot lJ e1· ' '"e ,,·ot1l l o·ladl,,. t°" • bea1· the e1·iti ·i. 111 of 1"ef11si11g to celel11·ate1 either l\I othc)r .· <> 1· B atl1- P l' ,:--i l)a.\·. 'trrt ,,·ith jPcl1t -H Jt tl – .: l1 or t ·-atti1·ecl 111c,tl1er s t hat ,, 1 ork fc>r 111<)tlPr11 l<it ·h p11s a11cl tl <'µ: l <1c·t tl1 Pil' <· J1i lclr r 11 ,rite> fc>rµ:<11 1li c> s J)ir– itt tctl c111cl thi11l< <) 111,· of 1h<'ir c·hil - • clrc' tl 's 111atPrial 11 rc>c ls~ ,,·he> cli,·c> r c·p f<>r a trifle ,111(1 gi, ,, r tl1Pir littl e1 <)11Ps •a 11 P,,. cl aclcl,, ' ' 111<>st c> lc1- • fc1sl1i<>11ec l J)rc>a<·l1 r rs ir,\.. tl1,1t cla.,· to tall 111c)t l1 r 1·s lJ,l c·]{ t<J t}1p J;or cl. :\f ,1t11re 111otl1er.· 110,\· c·a11 yo1111 ~ gi 1· 1: l)rto111e 111at111"c 111ot l1ers i11 ... tin1e to .·a, .. e tl1ei1· r l1il clre1 f r<)111 cle lillfjllPll ')r ! I f 11att11·e cli(l 11ot clo so111etl1i11g for µ: idcly J"O t111g t l1i11g·. . t l1e ·all e ,,·ot1l l i11 cl eecl l)e ho1)e 1 e8. · '. :\I o. t of t he111 ,,rill 11ot lJelie, ..e ,,~hc1t the pa. ·to1· .·a3... befo1·e tl1e cli. ·tr e:– :e. of exp e<' ta11eJ" a11cl tl1e JJai11.· of cl1il c.l-l) i1·t l1 . olJer t l1e111. 1ocl l~11e,,,. J)1~ea ·hi11g ,,·0111 i clo litt le !.?:Oocl, a11cl . ·o he 1)la11tecl tl1e 111othe1~ i11. t i11et i11 thf ir heart.· a11cl a l o11~r– i11g: a,,·al{e11 fo r C}o 1 to hel1) t he111 raisP tl1ei1· l1abe.1 a1·i o·]1t. l_)altl ,,·a: rigl1t ,y]1e11 l1f .·aicl that ,,·0111- P11 :l1all l)t . a\·ed l))T chil<.l-l )ea1·i11g. ( [ 'I i111 ..... : 15 ) () f eo111, ,e he l1a(l ' 't l1 e 1 J1ilcl-l )earing· ' i11 111i11cl 1)) 7 ,r l1i · h all of 11: are . a,·ecl, ancl l{11e" · a IJer . ·011al ac: ·epta11te of 1 l11·i ·t i. 11ree. : a1"\" · a11cl ,Tet n1ot l1e1~l1oocl . .. :ee111, to i11cli11e -n·on1e11 to,,·a1·cl t l1e l Jo r 1 a fathe1·l1001 cloe 11ot. Tl1e1· e ar 11ot 111a11,T i11 £ic] 1 111oth- • fl l\ ' . l Jo,,·e, ·rr, 11 11111a11 11at11re i: fal– lf 11 a11c1 so 11att1ral i11:ti11ct i: 11ot e1 11011~rJ1. \\.,.l1at ml1:t .Y·o1111g· n1oth– e1·: ha,,.e t o help the111 n1att1re? ... ·ri11tl11·e i11te11c1.· t J1at tl1 e olcler , ,·c)111r 11 s11011 lcl l1 el1) the111 a11 al- 111<>Rt fo1~g·otte 11 clll t )T ! l 11 'I'itt1: ,, 7 e r racl , . 'rrh e ag·e 1 ,,·on1e11 lil(e,,,. i.·r tl1,1t the, ,. l>e i11 l>eha, 1 io1· as l)ecorn- .. rt J1 l1oli11e:: , 11ot fal. e a · ·11:er. . 11ot g·i, ·011 t o 111l1<:h ,,·i11e, t eael1e1\ ' of g·c>o l th i11 o-. ·: t l1a t t l1e.\T111,l3· t ea · 11 t l1r .Y·o11110· ,,To111e11 to l)e . obe1·, to lo,"e t l1ei1· l1l1. ba11c1: to lo,·e t l1eir C' l1il cl1· 11. to b li:('1·eet . ·ha. te . let PJ r 1· at 110111 • ·ood , ol)eclie11t to tl1 r ir o,,·1 1111 l>a11cl.· , tl1at tl1e ,, .. 1·cl <)f < :oc] l><' 11ot l1la:1)he111ec.l .' ( Ti– t11H 2 : ;3_; ) ,,T11at a liffi ·11lt a::ig·11111e11t · e.-- 11eeiall)T i11 thi: la}" \\"he11 a ·mat– te1·i11~r of l)oolc lea1·11i11g· ha on– ,·i11eec.1 t 11 e J·ot111g· that t l1e ol cl foll{ .. 1011 ltllO\\T an,rthi11 O' •• ' y et the .. ri o J1t lci11(1 of a mothe1· ·a11 t ea 1 ;:""' l1c'1· 111 c11·ried clat1g·l1ter a g·1·fat lral , rs l)ec.: ia 11>.. b)· exa111 p le : a11c1 0111e– ti111e8 a 111otl1e1·-i11-la,,· 1na11,1g·eH t o l)<: so 1111 (le1·:·t a11cli11g t 1 at e, ·en l1p1· ,1cl,·ice i · ,,·el ·0 111 1 ro,·icl c1 it iH 11ot gi,,.e11 too ofte1 . roocl ,,·0111e 11 <·ct11 sa)' ,,·hat 11<> J)ast c> r clare~ 1<> . ·a)r. Tl1 r <>ltlrr ·a11 l1 t-1 l1> tl1e \·0 l l 11 u·e 1' . ..