The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1957

THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTI ST_~---------~'J~unc 1957 BOOK REVIEWS Ii<)() 1, I, I·: \' 11~: \\T ~Ir, 1·;11, ,1llt'tl1 l 1 ~lli()t, Hlttll<)l' (.ll' 'l' lll~tll '< , ll <~ -\ 111~~ l)l 1 81,l JI~~. ~ })()l,. l1c1 , ,1 1111<)\ll l<•t\ll 1l1<1t ,1111·0>"– n t, i11l'l)lllt' frf)lll t l1is 1)0()1\ , ,, l1ic·l1 • • ,, ill l,t.\ ,l1cl1' f'< l <'<( t1nll) \)~· tl1c f1,·<' ,,·ill<)\\~. i , l)('i11g e11,11111rle<l c.lireet- 1,· i11t() 111i~sio11c11·:'· 1)1'().l<'<·t~. ~[1·"· 1::llitlt i, 111<' ,, itlc),,· of ~Ji111 F"'11iot . (lll(\ tlt tilt'\ ft\"(' ... \l lll\l'll'clll llliS'ilOl l– Hl'll'" 111<1rt)·1·('<l i11 1~:< tllHtl<.)r lJ)" tl1c \ tll'cl [11tllclll" lH~t \'('ell'. ' rl1e l' O(lh: • ,Yill be 1111llli,l1t'tl l>>· Il <1 r11er & I ~ rt) t l 1 t) r " t1 11 :\Ia, .. :.. flt l 1. • '<l1·11el ] ('c111c1. l"if<' :.\la~azi11 r 11l1tltog1·,111]1pr - <·01·re. 1)011de11t. ,,.. 110 l'l'lll l'llP(l l'Pl't 1 11tl,· f r<J lll <l lllOllt}1 ·~ • t ri 1) to r:< Illatlor ,,·l1er e 110 11hoto t!rn 11l1L'<l tl1c:1 ,,·itlo,,·. c111tl fa111ilies. i" t lie 11i c·t11re edito1· of the boolc. .\ Ir . l 1 a 11a or ig·i11a ll~· ,,·e11 t t o :r: tjlla– (l<)l' yr}1e11 tl1e 11 e,Y~ of tl1e 111i.. i11!.! 111 i~~io11a rie._ 111,1cl e heaclli11e~ a1·01111cl t li e ,,·01·lcl. Tl1e 11001( i11 cl 11de. 64 ])<l!.!. e of 1111 ot og1·a}) l1s ta l<:e11 11J" t l1 r 111i~ "it)11a1·ie as ,,·ell a .. :\Ir. 1 apa. 1) R E. :\I 1 D, C) R 1 ( ,. TT R I13 l '" I J .. \ - TI X R... ~ J>T l -rRF.J I~,· Rol1ert T. I{et t: l1au1. D. D.: • +ti lJage : 1 rie r 7:Se: or cler fro111 Reg11la1· Bapti. t 1)1 .. e . . fiOc " 011tl1 Dea 1· l)o1·11, , , t1ite -± "' , 'l1icago ,) Illi11oi. . 'fl1i~ l1ool{let 0 11 t lie c:011t1~0 , ~e r~i– al <111r tio11 of tl1c RaJ)t11rr i 11clt i11te11clecl to 1Je tl1e tlrfi11iti,.. e ,,·01·lt l111 tJ1r -... t1 l)j ct: it i , ratl1er . ,l primer fo r the la3r111a11. I t . et . fo1·t l1 j11 a <:011ci. e a11 l C' lr ar lllcl11- 11er ...,<>111e of tl1c 111ajor 1>o~it i,·e a r – :..!11111<111t -... <>f tl1e l)ret ri1J ltlati c)11 ,,·11{><l1. .\l,o i11t·lt1c1rtl ,lrP ~0111 \ ~ea1·chi11g ·1·itici 111~ of tl1c tl1i11l~– i110· of <·<>11te111J)<>rc-1 1·)· l) c>. ttril)t11H– t i < > 11 ,1 l i..., t "'. , 1 11 < 1 a 1) 1· i P f t 1 · P <l t 111 e 11 t <J f tl1e ~I itltrilJ11latit111 ,·ir,,. 'l']I J~: l' .. \.'E 1 1 "'() 1~ .JI~SlT~ '1' 111 ·~ :\lf:SSI.\ll I~:· ( '11<' ...,ter E. 'l'11lga~ 1). 1).: -4-l– l)<l!!°P"': J)ric.:P- :~.)t ~ I e!!.t1lar 13a11- 1 i,t I>re""· (j()~ ~- l) ra l'l)o1·11, , 1 11it0 ~+ . ( 1 l1il'ag-o .1. I lli11oi. . 'I l1i, ,,.<>rl( <·<>\"Pl'~ t it<> f<>llc)\Yi11!.!· !!l 1 ll<>l'<tl "'11lJje<·t arra. : 111,1j or ()ltl ,.f<>"'ta111r11t l)l'OJ)l1e<'ie" c·c)1 eer11i 11 ~· t 11 l' i\ I r ~" i H l 1 ,l l l l l t l 1P 11 cl t l 11' e c > f I I i <·<>111i11g· : tl1P ~P,r r['p~ta111e11t f111- fi1 l111e11t <>f :\ft1"'-.,ia11i<· l)l'<>})llPt·.Y·: 1 l1t\ rP<·e1)ti<)11 <)f .J P')tt, I>.'· l1i" eo11- t Pitll>t>rariP"- ; .J <1,l1"' <·<>11ee1)tio11 of Il i11l'-i('lf. rl'l1c.1 l)OOl<l et i l1i~l1l,.. ' 1·pa(lc11Jle a11cl ti11111lati11°. r1,11 '.\ rPade1 .. ,,·ill f i11 cl the ectio11 011 J c- ,t t "i' <'<)l l <'f' l)t i<>ll c)f J l i111"p} [' \ 'P l'.\ li<' l1 )1'11l i11 tl1,tt it ~llJ)t>lie~ l1i111 \\ ith cllll ])l ( lll cltPr iHl t<) ('Ollll>,1t t}1<1 1\11'-i<' ,l ll t l cll1Pllli C' ( 1 }1r1 stc>l <>!.!. ~" <>f l l 1•P"" < \ 111 < l ,l)· l i I> e r cl l is 111. 1.) lHl 'I, 11 Ii: :\ I r ~ ~ }'( > I-{ ~ ~;R I 1~: ~ • l)I~E ...\ 1 II J~G Tl1i. little' lJoOl{ clP8e1·,rp, · a llig t·e, .. ie,,·. ,,,,. ilJ iau1 (}otilooze 1>1·e. e11 t J)l,111 .... for .. e1·ie. J)1·eacl1i11g· a11c1 ·t10·– g·e ·te 1 ot1tli11e ·. 'f'l1 r . rc: t io11: a... i11di 'a t ecl belo,v, c:arr,t a .,erie~ of e1·111011 Olttlin , ., Pa<·]1 l roJ)erl)'" captio11ed broken clo,,·11. a11 cl co1111ectecl ,,·itl1 a Bible 1 ex t . I~a ·11 . er .. 111011 Ol1tli11e in the ,·ariot1. . ec-tion8 i.. 1 .. elated pro– ,·icli 1 g· a eo1 ti1111ing e1 .. ie. ·. Tl1e ettio11 l1ea cli11g.· a r e : "\\ "'" orcl io1111ected ~ r 1·ie - I clea C 1 01111ected ~e1 - ('1bc11)ter 1 01111ectPc 1 " 1 e1 .. ie. - 1.; oct1·i11al Serir.· Life ()f h1·i:t 1 rie.· Ea~ter Se1·ie: 13 il le ( 1 l1ar- arter ~ 1 e1·ie. ( 1 l1l11·ch I li:tor,T ~ er - " ie. - II J"11111 t 1 e1~ ie: a11 l ~ a tt1re • ~e1 .. ie . .i\ : tl1cl~.. of tl1 e l)oOl{ ,,·ill gen– e1·ate app1·eeiatio11 fo1~ it. I1alce r Bool{ H ot1 e 101 ·\"\Teal- t 1)' • 1 t1·eet C{ra11cl Ra l)id 6, JI ie 11 ig c111. . ·2. :-50. T}IE I 11 thi bc)Ol( of al1110... t :30() paoe , tl1 e t l1rolo~ ict11, t l1e l1i ~· to1·i,111 a11cl t he g·ec>!.!1·a11l1rr 111igl1t fi11cl poi11t~ of i11t e1·e ·t. 'rl1e 1>a2.e~ I r c.. P11t Tl1 e F"'pi."' tle of ~ 1 ,1 i11t l g1 at i11 . . Tl1e E1)i. tl . f t 1 l e 111r11 t (') f R <)111e , J> 013~c a1·1J. 13a1·11- a l1as, I I e r111a~. 1) iog·11 et11.', P ,1 I ia a 11 <l c1~sc>c ·iHtE cl 1)a p e1\ . Tl1 e boo1< l'arri<\ 111t1el1 i11fo1·111atio11 of i11- t c1·<'"t t<> 1 l1t>~r , ,~11 0 l1a,Te ,111 i11- tp1·e t 111 clll(· it111t lc)rP. 13c1l\t 1 r I~ool\ l 1011. e. (J.ra11 l Rap– itl~ . ·:{.~).) ,.I' l I I~J 'l' I~ .L.,. 'J'. ( '. \ ~ ~, ...\ XD ( l 1~ l :,; ( , l l) ...\ I.J \ T 1~.,R ~ I ) .LT~ 1 () 1~ 'rII 1~ 1~1 BT.;E l l er e i~ a t rxt t1al pl1 l)licatio11 <·011. i ti11g of a l)1·ief 11111111a1·)T of 1·t'l<'e11t 1~eHearcl1 ext raC.'tetl fro111 tl1 'I,,,~e1 tiet l1 1 e11t111·3~ E11 •)" ·101 eclia of Rr ]igiot1 K110,,,.1 clge. 'l'l1e J;ool( cleal ,,ritl1 the 'l'ext f 'l'l1P Bible Tl1e ('ia11011 )f Tl1e l~il>l e. T l1e Pri11ci1)al , ,. 1-. io11 .· of tl1e 1 ibl e. a11cl tl1e La110·11age.· of tl1e BilJle. Tl1e 11age · al o ·et forth , ·clll1al)le clata 011 the l )eacl ~ 1 ea 8c1·oll.. F or tl1 elc1 1--00111 t l1i.· l)ool~ ,,·oltlcl 1·a t l1ig·h i11 ,Talt1e. I3al{e r J3ool{ 1Iot1. e, :11·a11cl Rap– icls, i ii ·biga11 *1.50 ' l' 11 I l{'l' ) ' )T }~.\ J'{H .\ \ \ ' .\ '1( 1 l 1- '1'( > \ \T 1~~ R 8 1 ~ ..\ \ 1' 1~: I I r i"' a 11111C'11-11 c>ec1Pt1 l><Jok rlPctli11g· ,,·itl1 ,/ ( /1 r,i·r1/1 1 s \\"it,,rs.·rs. ,vrittP11 lJv 011e \\Tl10 ,va c-losr l ,· • • ct~. <J<·iatPcl ,,·itl1 thr et1lt for 111orP 1 lia11 thirt)" ) 1 r a1-. a11 cl ,'l)eal<. a 011) l1a, ·i11g· 1<110,Yleclg·e of hi.· .. 111>– ject. T.1ilce a p:ia11t oeto1)t1.· tl1 e ''TA T 1 II 'I'()" \VF.JR .. ( 1 I F.JTY l1as ·1)1·ea 1 it. t e11ta le.· to tl1 e far c·cJr- 11e1·. of the ,,"orlcl a11cl he1~e i a l)ool{ writte11 bv ""\\Tjlliam .J. ~ •ch11ell .. ,,Tl1i ·h 111eet. · thei1-- a1--gl1n1e11t. a11cl expo. e. t h ei1· tactic . Balre1· Bool< II ol1 e, 1019 \\T ealth3T ~ •tre t, +ra11cl Rapi 1. , :.\Iichigan. 11101·e tl1a11 2()0 1 age. , ,,ell l1ol111cl, 11ec1t .iatl{et, a111 p1·iC.' ecl at ._·2.9G. • 1 ~ : RJ I c) :'.\ S ( ~ THE I <)R I) '~ J>R ...\ Y f:R I 11 t l1i. l;c>c>l< ,,e l1a\·e 11i11 r . er – !1 1c>11: J)I'e. e11tetl by p1·0111i11 e11t 111in– i. ·t ers of tl1e ( 1 l1ri.- tia11 Refor111ecl (,l1t1rc·h, a11cl . ·hool.. l111po1·tecl bJ· t l1at clr110111i11atio11. "\\Tl1ile tl1e 1·ea ler " "ill fi11tl 111tith 111,1 t e1·ial de, ·otio11al i11 e ha1 .. act e1 ... a11cl .·0111e J)a1·agraph.- . 11ital)le fo1· i11c.: lt1,.io11 i11 ·e1·111011 01 .. le .· on.,. tl1e J3ible ta11gl1t l)a:tOI' a11cl tea<·l1Pr ,,ill 11ot l1e a l)le to f ollo,,· tl1e doc– tri11 e of tl1e.·e 111 e 11 1·elatecl to tl1 c 1~ ing-clo111 of (}od. "\"\Te clo 11ot gi,Te tl1e 1001{ 011r 1·e ·om111e11tlatio11. I t 111a·y~ lJe l1a 1 £1~0111 Zo11clPr,?a11 Pl1I)- ._ lisl1i110· 1 10 11 'f'. C+1·a11d Rapi 1. , ~Ii ·l1iga11 . ·:...Ol). TIP.: F ( R TEI~X~ 111 thi . ,,·ortl1-,,·]1ile l1ool<let . .J l r~ l.J .J ( IJ X::4()~ . Di1·e<·to1· of the J l i1111ea1)0Ji., Yc)l1th .r,01.. ( 1 l1rist, g·i,·e: :0111e g·oo l acl, ·iee to t ee11- ag 1· . I t i abl111 la11tl}T e,?ide11t tl11·ol1g]1011t tl1e ti3 pag·e · tl1at the al1tl101· l111 l e1·stancl. , ... 01111tr t e1·.~ . .. Tl1e l) oOl{ i.· in. l) i1·i1Jo· a11cl cl ig11ecl to l)1·i11g· ot1t the be t tl1e1·e i: i11 a bO)' 01 .. g·i1~l. Zoncle1·,·a11 P11bli hi11g· 11011 e– . ·1.()0 I~ 'I' TE ... 'f TI T i Y( l TR IJIFE P OJ)le are al,,·a)\' i11te r e ·tel i11 tl1e \"i lcl r1·01n i11,·e t111e11t~ l>ll t. ' 11u11e 11a · tl1at to i11,·e t ,,,.l1iel1 i~ 111ore \'cllltall]e tl1a11 IJI .r 1 f.J . 'l hi., bool\let b)'" \\.,.. .J. , .,. e1·11iug·. ...\ .· i .. ta11t } 1 te,,~a1·d ·l1i1 1 ol1n elo1· lf tl1 e L.1l1tl1era11 il1l11·el1, :\ [i "OUI .. i S)"llO 1. i: b1·i ,tling ,,Yi th ~ • ·1·i pt t11·a l a 1,.. ic:e to ~"Ot111 o· p eople. Zo11tle1·, ·a11 J l1bli.·l1i11g· I loll r. l~ 1·a11cl I a IJicll· ,-