The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1957

July 1957 ~~~ - TH- E OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTISrr - ----------------------- Page Fifteen l<)H \'P it f<>l'P\'P l' , I 11 s,l\' .... ,,·l1ctt • ,tl><>lt1 ,J <'S\ls Hll ffc ri11 g· ! . . . I I<' l><' - c·,111 1<1 H }1l' l'S< >Jl ct11cl ('cllllP cl <>\V tl l1c> r P .... \YP ' ll S('(' .J ('N\l8 ,vit l1 ( :c><l 8()1\l (' cl,l,\T. I f ) •()ti SH.)T, ' I \\r,1 11 t lo N('(' (}{>(l, 1 } () \ ' P rJ P~\18. [ J('t 8 all le)\'(' (iC)< l cllt<.l l i,·p ri g· l1t . 1 \ \ T J}(\} \ l 1 l H\ r P g() l) (1 cl I}{ l t () ] ( l tl1 e 111 (locl 's \\ror<l tl1 11 I ,,·a11t i<> g· t<1ll t l1e ll 11a111\ )ii-;as tc>o ,vJ1c'l'P 111)'" r el ('1t i,·e N~1c)tl<ct li , 1 es .... I ,r,111t to tell e,rr r )·o11c' th r 1·('l . .. . ~ l.1et s a l l 111al<c a joyf11l 11oise1 to .J estl8 .... l1et s all lt)\'P fJ PHlt8 ,' l tl1i11k: of 8a)ri11g·, Hl)(l tl1,1t '.· \Yl l\ 1 l ' 111 .·a)ri11g tl1i~· 110\\' . " Si11ee rl ari ri ha... ·0111 to 1(110,,· tl1 I.101·cl 'I a1·iri . ,, 1 ife cl ll Cl t,,ro litt] e clat1~l1ter ·, a11c1 t\\ 1 0 , Oil.' l1a\ 1 e re ·ei, ,eel t l1 Lorel too. ()111:)r t l1 r t 11ree }"Ot111g·e. t age f i \ Tf a 11 (l t111 - ler, 1·e111c :1.iu l111 a,Te l . 1. it a11)" ,,,011cl 1· tl1 JJO l'Cl l'Oll1 l) ]1.· ll • to o·o ' ~ ~ to tl1 e 11 tte1·1110 t part ,,, 11 e1 t l1 r e ate thot1:a11cl. of tril1 ~ · l il{ the Sha1 l"a a11cl tl1 At1 ·a., throt1gl1 ,,1 110111 IIe ,,,a11t .. to 111a11ife: t Ili po,, 1 er o,, 1· " ata11 a11 cl r0 l ec:1.-e the111 fro111 l1i bo11 l age ? \V 011 t yo11 1 1·ay , , 1 harcl e1· for t l10. e ,,·ho cl aily figl1t t l1e po,,·– er of atan ' O that "0111 fro111 e,Te r:y· TRIBE a11d NATIO~ ,,,ill be th t"e ? ~ TI-I .L AEL GI, E 1T ()F 1 0D ( 'i o11t i11t1ecl fro111 1 ag·e 13) Board '\" hi · 11 i11cl t1cl eel t ,,To l)a ·tor · of R13 ch11r ·he.. R , ,. J oh11 }. Balyo of 1 eclar IIill I3apti.·t C 1 hurcl1 1 level a11d a11c1 Re\". Ver- 11011 Billi11g·to11 of 1·a ·e I3apti t 1 ht1rch Roclty Riv 1~ l1io. 1\ 1naster·ful 111e ·sage give11 b}' the a - .·ociate pasto1· of (i la1· IIill Ba11- ti:t ( 1 l1u1·ch Rev. Earl Leiby. I t ,va.· a 1nighty chall 1 ge ·011ce1·11- ing tl1 J)a. ·t lJa cl 011 ' II ith '.}1·to 1}1e lJorcl hatl1 h l p cl tl,' ' a11 l a tre1r1e111011,· i11ce11ti, 1 e for t J1 f1t– t11re IJasecl 011 \\T}1ere 1l1er e iH • • 110 \ rlSlOll tl1e J)('Ol)lp f)C' ri: ll. ', S })eC'ial 11111 ."ie ,,,a s 1'e11clc1·ecl a11c 1 111eeti11g ,,,as apJ>l'O])l 'iatel)" eo11 - ,, l11d :1 cl \Vjt}1 the J)oxolog·}" a11cl ll ('– ll1·r,,,·-E11g·li8}1 l~e11rcljetio11. 111 a118'\.V(_) 1' t<> J) J'H V<>J' J>11il li110· • ' h J>} a11s al'l_. llJl(l C) l'\\ 7 H\r f<)1' 1\\'<) C'<lb- ilJ!-, a11 cl a clcliti<>11a·l sa 11itar,.. ar- • ra11 g< 1 111c 1 11t s 1'<)1' <·,1111J) t l1is Ht1111111cr . '1'•11t ,tti,·( 1 J>la11 s arP }1t' i110· 111aclP f'<Jr tll l 1 ">\\'i111111i 11g 1>001 a11cl l{itc·}1<' ll – cli11i 11 g: l>L1i]cli11 µ:. \\ 1 c 1 l<><>I< f<>t'\\'c11·cl 1<> H grc--at st 1111111<'l' i11 1 lt <' I..J<> l'tl. :\l'c• \\ri}) H)>J>t'PtiHl<' )'<>lll' )>l 'c\)'Pl')-.; 111 <'<J1111P<'ti<>11 ,vi111 tl1P clir<'<·1io11 ~111 , 1 s t 1 1 >, • r ,, i :--. i <> 11 o r c• a 111 1 > • • . s 1 > i r - l t l ta ) 1., cl 11 < l 111 at t I r j rt l I \' . 'l' rt t 1 \' t '1 P (;c>t·cl J1atJ1 cl<> 11 e1 g;·P,1t tl1i;1f.r", – wl1P1'P<>f ,,·<· H 1· p g·l,1(1 ! News from Baptist Bible Se1ninary ' ['11 <' ) ;C)l'Cl fct\' ()J' (' Cl l lS \Vi1'1 t)('J' - f' p (• 1 \\' (\cl t l 1 p )' t 11 l' () 11 o·} 1() l l t () l I l' ( I () 11 I - l""I 111 (' 11 (' (' l l l (' l I I a( I 1 i \ 7 i 1 i (' s. rr 11 (' ~ I i( 1(l - l c' l'S \\'()11 111<' l>,lHC'l)al} 1<>lll" l lcllllC'llt <11 <>111· ( 1 ht11 1c11 1g·(> ]><ll'k 1, ic·1 1 ic·, ,111cl [' I'() 111 t Ji cl 1 <' , , P 11 t , V <1 111 ( >,' <' C l 1 h 1' ( ) l I o· Ji h ,l11 t}1p Sl t }Jseqtt<' tl1 f'1111c·tjc>11s ,,itl1 - <> l l t ,l 1111 (' I 1 . s Ol l l (\ 1 !) r r i (1) l ( 1 H () r li .l~.~. g·a1 hr r <'< I a1 111<' l~,1 11<f11Pt, ,,, J1P l ' (' :\ l is:-:; ll ct zPl \ 1 il>l lHl'{l \\'HS the · g·1 1Pst <>f' l1c) tl C)l' <lllcl c>tll' :2~t 11 1\ 11 - !ll\' Cl'H,ll')r th thC'lllC . ' ['ltc• J>l' C)Ul'cl l ll 11) ('] l l ( 1 (' {I (' () I 11 r· i 1 ) l l t l () 11 s r l' C) 111 :\ l 1 · 8 . l{ al1>l1 ~lite11 <' 11 I1e1,·. J)c>11g·lc1s ( ' l1l'isie11 l)t'. 1\ rtJ1,1r \\Trig·ht , l)r . Ke1111P111 1 . J(i1111 c,,· l\lrH. l~stl1<1 r :\ft1r1>h)r, ~liss 1~: tir.~ll)t'tJ1 1~ 1<'1c· l1<'r, cl ll (l <l llllllll)C' l' Of' st1 1 ]p111s. l t \\' clS n clelig·J1tft1l e\'r11i 11g·. '111 J>rP- \ ' i<)tts r,re11 i11 g· ,, 1 e1 hc1cl li8tr11 ed t() l' P})l't-'8t'llt<tti, 7 C' N~ 1 11ior8 tl'st ify or th e fait}1fttlllC1SS of (;ocl ill J)l' ('~riOllS cla~r. · clll(l Ilis lPctcli11 g for th> 1 re.·– e11 t c111cl i11io L11e fl1tt1r P. Reg·al<1cl i11 aC'<1cle111i<' :,; pl r 11 lor, tl1r fae11lt) 1 a11(l se11ior · g·aihcr 1 for lt e,T. Rol1ert II,1,,c.le11 · : i11(.' er r . . ' 1111111stry clt I3a<'ral ,1t1 r eat c. 'I i1r11 ,,. l1 ect1· cl 111 o r e fro111 tl1e se11ior · at c·lo · i11 g· ·l1a1)el, a11 l fi11all) 1 eo11 - ci l t1 l ecl ,vitl1 tl 1e trilJ11tio11 of cl e– grees a11 l cli1>lo111as aft01· Re,,. J\l – lct11 I e,, 1 i.· cl li,, r eel l1i j· fi11 ·0111- 111e11cr111e11 t clclclrrss. '\'\Tc l1,1, 1 e .·e11t fortl1 -!7 111orp o·raclt1c1t c:;.; i11t o tl1e Il ar\' ."t fielcl 1)ra:5ri110· that tl1ev t, ' 111a}" lJ 11cl t1e l ,,Titl1 the po,,,. r a11 l ,,Ti.-clo111 of 1 oc1. 11111111e r ~ 1 chool ,va ·0011 1L11 l e1· ,,,ay ,, 1 i t 11 a11 exe l le11 t e 111·ollu1 11 l a11cl eigl1t J)rofitablr tot1r.·e · avail- al)] ~. l\iea11,,vl1ilc 011r Lib1~a1·ia11 ' ::\ Ii:. l\I i1·ia111 '\\ agg·o11e r j oi11ecl ,,,i tl1 a 1111111 l)er of ( 1 l11·i~. t ia11 Li l)rar·ic111.' i11 a ·011£ e r 11 c· at ~ , ,- ' ael< £01· a sti11111]ati11g xeh,111g·e of iclea8. J) e,,elo1)n1e1 i of Ollr i11 - t e1·<.'o 11 eg i ate s 1)01·t~ l)l'Og'l'H 111 c·o11- ti11 t1e.· ,,,itl1 11P\\' 8 of i11t er e. t for t 11 - ec>111i11g: i11 tl1e 11ea r f11tl11· e. 'l 1 ll<' seltc)ol H})irit t l1c1t }1it c1 11(Y\Y l1ig·J1 111 tl1 e Ntt1tle11t Ex11c1 11 i()11 ])ri,re l,1.·t ,,·i11l (.l l' ,,·ill l)e clllll) ].)~ 1· r ,,·,11·clc)cl ,,·iil1 tll(' 11 ),,·s tl1c1t tl1 cl O<'C'll l),1 11t of t J1p 1>ri111 sl101) clt tl1<l rP,lr <>f' J{icll c)' llall is \ ' clt,1ti11g tJ1c1t b11ilcli11g· al><>llt .L\ 11g·11st ] . ' l']1p l'<'\' lS( 1 <l 1>l ,1 11 is 1o clp111c>lisl1111c.' 1)1·1 11 1 sh<> 1> a 11 tl 111ctl(e ,1 11 (l 11l c1rgt'tl ,trcn f'<>t· ,·c>l lt',\' !Jail, s l111ff']pJ>c>,1rcl , ,t11ll a 11 i c ·c, 11 (,,, < > t t 1clot> r I' i r <' 1)1, t l' <'. \ \ l' (, 1>1·c1isc' 1 ht• l1c>1·<l l'c>r I I is l>l c:-;s i11 g·s, H}>iri{ttal clll<l lllHt (l)' )cll , Hll(l l 1 H~(' l' - 1,· H\\'ctit t}1 p f'nll SC'c\S())l of tlc· - • lightft1l fP ll <>\\~l1i1> c111cl ~1>iritltHl <}P\ <' l <>]>lllt'll{, 1\J >r>lic·ntic>ll~ fc>I' tile• fall ~elllP~ tPr l)J't>111i ~P a largf' "'1tt<lc\11t l><>tl) j 1_ 1 N <' J > l <' 111 I l< 1 I' . I ( <) \ \' P \ ' C' l' H I) l)I i < •H- 11<>11 s l' r <>111 <1t1alif'i<'<l slt 1<I P1tl s \viii I)(' )'( H 1 ( i \' (l ( l l h l' () 11 g h (J II t t h (,I S 11 tl ) - 111<'1' , i' c>r 1~.1~.N. is c·c> 111n1if1<'c1 1<> ~·1·c> ,\' ,,ith th u cle111a11cl f'c>r 111is H<· – <• r e1 < I i t <' < 1, I{ i I}I i <• c 11 i 1• n i 11 i 11 ~ • \: <',, < • c1 I " I <>gs a r <, a \ ' "' i I r1 1 > I c, a 11 cl ,,· i 11 l )(, n1c1ilc•c l 1>r<>11JJ>11J' t1J><J11 1· uc1t10s t ~ ctcl – clrPss c1ll 111,til : I~HJ>t is1 l{il>lP • •r 111 - i11cll')' , ,lc>ltt1 so1 1 ( 1 i1.\' , ~<'\\' , rcJ t'l<. I~ 1 <>tt 1· ,t < 1 cl it ic> 11 s 1<> the' f,tc·tt lt )' Ji,t\' C' })P< 1 ll Hllll<Jllll< ' <'Cl by 1~. J>.~ 1 • • • J (l\' . \\ril]ic-1111 Il c) J)P\\ 1 Pl l 11 cl8 ct(·– ('('!>1('(1 tl1c c·ctl l 1<> hrc-1cl tll <' :\ li i-;s ic,11s 1) r I > a rt 111 P 11 t . ~ f r . I I <> I > P,, . e 11 11 <l 8 SP J'\' P (l llll(lPI' t}1p ,. \ 8SOC' i:-tti<)Jl o f' 11,l JJ1is t,· l'<)I' \\ 1 <> rl cl l 1 ~\·,111o·r ll8lll jJl • 'l""' ~ [ l't 111 l H l >• I . a 11 c l i 11 S <l l l t i ct o· c, ( 11 ·1 b ' 11 r 1 r cl<' hi 11 g j 11 111 P N r 1r1 j u a r y ,l 11 l 11 i} ) l() ( J l 8 l i l t l 1 <' l I l 1h OH r t \VO c·c,L1111ric>H. Il e l1,1s cl l~ . .l\ . fr<)ln \\ 7 }1 rc1to11 ( 1 cJ ll t'g·r ,1 11 cl a 11.l). fro111 l 11 ai1 11 'l 1 l1eologic·,1l ~ 1 (l llLi11ar,\r . Ile c·o111rs to l~ .I~.N. t111clrr a11 ext )11<.lecl ftt t'l o 11gh fro111 .[\ . I~.\V.E. to 011- larg·r tl1r :\lissio11,t ry l)e1)a1·t111e11t. Jl r i H ,tcl111irc'll1)) 1 (lC JlliJ1]) CC1 fc>r tJ1i: 111i11ist 1"\'". • ~liss Arl3r11 J>riteJ1ett eo111e., to B.13 .N. tl1is fc1ll as I )ea11 of "\\ro111e11 . .:\ I i:-;s l)r i t c· 11 ett rr<·ei ,·ec.l l1er 11 .R. E. frc>111 13. 1 .8. i11 ] !)53. Ni11 ·e th,1t ti111r . he }1a: ser, 1 0 l a l)ire<.'tor c)f C 1 liristia 11 Ecl11 ec1ticJ11 ,lt ({ra11cl,·ie,,· J>ctrl< ]3a1 ti st ( 1 J111r c h, J)e~· Jloi11e.· , l 0\\ 1 cl. 1 >re,rio11 .. to l1r r t 1·ai11i11 o· i11 b ,J 0}111. 0 11 ( 1 lt,\r 811P ,v,1~ ClllJ) l O)'"C?Cl i11 t l1e 1>11il,-icl r lr>l1i,1 lJ11~j11ess ,,,01·lc1 . J{e,'. ~~clrle II,lr1·i111a11, 1>c1:tor of C 1 ,1111 le11 r{a1)tist ( 1 l1t1reh, Kipt o11, ()l1io (·0111es tl1i: fc1ll to tl1e IIi. to1·,· lr r)art111 11t. II r. l1c1~ a Ji ....\ . fro1~1 (loJ·c1011 C 1 olle~rc, cl 'rl1.13 . fro111 l1cl ]Jt ist 1 ible ~ 0111 j 11ar)·, a 11 l i , 110\\r C.'O ll ll)lrti11g }1is ... l et 'tC' l' 's c1e– g·rc0 i11 l1i ~tC)l',\T cl t "\\r P~t (-11'1 l r\ rsr l'\' C {T11i,.. ersit,... • :\f iss \ ri rg·i11ic1 :\ lario11 ,,·ill joi11 tit 111t1sic· f,l<.'ltli,·. Nil<' llH8 <l • l3c1tll l 1 lor or ~lltsic: i11 ( 1 lllll'(.'ll ~lll - Sl(' fro111 l)1·al{c' l .. 11i,·c rsit,?, ,,·itl1 • ,l 111nj l> l' i11 <Jl'ga11. l 11 cl<l<liiio11 t<.) <>1·g·c111 ,111cl 1>ic111c> l esso11s s l1 \ \\ill gi\' e s11rc·i,1 l c1ttP111ic)ll to tr,ti11i11g· o f ~lllctl} l' ll St' ll lll ] ps, Slll'll cl'-; <!llcll' - 1P1S Hll<l lric>l-1 DEAR READER . I Yot1 pt·obal)ly clo 11o l o,, c tts a 11)r n1011 y. We wi 'l11 \ Ott tl1( l. \Vll)' not'? BJ.i~I "'IE Elt' .. BIBIJI·~ 1\ 1 l) ll(lOK ' 01\fl> 120 Park A \ ' t". El~ 1 1·ia, Ol1io