The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1957

'rHE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAP'r_IS_T______ _____ July 1957 EDITORIAL COMMENT 11 l) \ \ ' l~, 11 J l J \ . \ l ~ .. \ ~ 'l' l )l ·1 11) I 'l' ~ ! \ \ '" t t l 1 t l 1 (' l la "s 111 g· t) f l) r. l~ i 1 l l < \ > . l)H , t()l'll'"-S <·l111rvlt('"' <l l" <' \Yllll(ll'l'– i11t>· \\ ltl'l't' 1llt'\. ('«lll tlll'll l'<>l' <l(l - - . ,·t<'t' <: <ll\l'<' l'lllll~· t!_(l(l<l lllP ll; HllCl l)cl"'t<)l'~ tl1nt Sl'l'l, cl e l1<111 g '<' ctrr 1 er – l1H ])"' l'\. l' l' lll()l'l' cl 11xi<) llS cl l)Olll it. ~ t)t tl1nt l ) r . 1~ i11l e ) · cl,1i111t'cl c111~· t''\.el11si,·r rip:l1t~ 111 tl1 r firlcl or ,11,,·,1 )·~ c'11jo~·rll tl1<' r e~110118il)iliti : 11l<l<'t\d 1111011 l1i111. lli~· i11flt1e11ee ,,·,1~ c'11tirl'l,· 1111official c111d ea111e 0111,· frcl111 tl1e e .. tre111 i11 ,,·l1icl1 l1 r • ,,·as l1clll l1)· llot ]1 })asto1\ a11cl el1111·l' l l<' ~. ll e al,,·a)· se11t ,111 i11- <tltiri11g cl111rcl1 tl11·ee 11a111e ~" , o tl1e3· ,,..011lcl 11 ot fee l 1 ,,·a. cli ·ta ti11 g_· ,,·ho111 t lie, · l1011ld •all ; a11cl it ,,.. a. • l111c .ler:tooc.l t l1e,.. cl i 1 11ot 11eed to ' eall a11 \ " of the tl11·ee . • \\"' e l1a ,·e 11e,~e1· bee11 al)le to ·e ,,11, · tl1111· ·lie eo11. ide1· 111en that ,,..1·ite di1 ..ectl,· to be elf-~eeke1 .. ' c111 l te11d to l)e i111pre e 1 ,v hen e, ,.eral 11a. to1· · r·econ1n1e1 1 tl1e a1ne l)1·otl1e1·. \\Te 11ppo e tl1e Lor l ;a11 leacl ...e,Te1·al 1ne11 to r e ·01111ue11cl tl1e 111au of hi t hoi ·e ~ but '\"e 11 - pec:t that if 1nor e tha11 t,-ro do . o, it i bec:all e the ca11didate ha. lJee11 o a11xjo11 that lie l1a a .. l{ecl . e, Te1--al to l)l1t in l1i. 11a111e. X at111·all. l)oa ·tf11l elf-c·o111111e11 cla ti 011: : h 01il l lJe C'a. t i11 tl1e ,,·a.-- te l)a. l<et · l)t1t a factt1a l letter abo11t hi.· 0,,,.11 a– ,·ailabilit1· l1i. ecl11catio11, fa1nil,,., . ~ expe1·ie11ee a11cl faitl1. with . 0111c 1 .. efer ence. o·i,,.e11, 111ight he 111ore l1011e t tha11 thi.· '· 111i11i. te1·ia1 l)eat– i11g a1·ot1ncl tl1e l)tl, h · t l1 at i. ·011- iclerecl p1·ope1" a1uong t Ol11· c]1111· ·11- e. . 1 ertai11l,r 110 cht11--cl1 l1ol1lcl call • a11~,. 1na11, cli1·e ·tl~,. or i11cli1~ectly 1·ec- on1111e11cle l, ,,·itllOllt i11, 1 e:tig·,1tio11. I t 1uight be ,,·r 11 to ,,·rite to 1nor e tha11 gi,,.e11 1·efere11ee , to 111e11 who . e1·,..e i11 the ·ame area a11cl l~110,,~hi.· ,,·orl{, or lJ~T a , ·i:it to t 1 e (' i t)r wl1er lie li,·e. . "\\Tl1at the eht11·che · an l l)a. to1·.· of l1io are goi11g· to l o to 111eet a r eal 11eecl i.· not for-- tt.1 to . av. "\\Te 1111cle1-. ta11cl that tl1e 111atte1· ha al- 1·eacl,· l)ee11 li. t11.. ·eel i11 t l1e eo1111- • cil of t e11; l>11t ,,·e are . llre the: l)ret hre11 ,,·ot1lcl ,,Telc·o111 .·t1o·ge. ·– tio11.· f r o111 otl1er.·. ( )11r tl1i11g i: lll'e a11cl tl1at i~ tl1at 110 11e\\r ec.1- itor of the < I 11. or a . ta te 111i .-io11- a1·~... can <Jtlitl<:lJ'" fi ll tl1e pl,1eP 011ce l1elcl 1),.. 01·. F i11le,,. . N11c-l1 i11fl11- .. .. e11c·e }1a~ to lJe ear11ecl tl11·ottgh J"ear-. of 1J1·0,.. e11 ~oocl juclg·me11t. "\\TP t111cler .·tancl that i11 the G1·a11cl Rap– i cl. A . oeiatio11 that tal{e.· i11 1no1·e tha11 l1alf of tl1e (}.L\RI3 el1111·rhr. of 11 i ·hio·a11, a J)a. tor i: c·ho e11 a. n <'<) tl!,t <' 1 111c111. ()ttl' l'i, 1 P l<><'cll HS– ~<><'lHtit>11s c·c)ttlcl l>c' ltrg·Pcl tc> el1 c><>SP Sll<'ll cl 11\clll, clll(l ill() fi,rr t()~Ptl1c>r 111 i t..? l 11 ~ r r,.. <, cl " a : t <l t P (· <) 111111 i t t <) <' . Il c),,·c,, ·c' t\ it ,,·olt lcl l1a,·r t o bP cl ef– i11it Pl,· ,l11c.l for r , .. 0 1· t111 c.ler:toocl t 11,1 t ~ll • 11 111e11 ,vo11lc.l ha , re 110 ex– e l 11si ,·e 01· offi ·ial po,\·er . of r eco111- 111e11 l,1 ti 011. l)tlt ,,·011lcl 01113-r be f rie11d. of tl1e ch111--c l1e.· a11 l pa - tor .. . ,.e\..11s.. pa tor l1011ld ha,·e t h 1·ig·ht to 1·e ·0111111e11d a11d a11v ' . ·l1111·th Jllll, t ha,re the 1--ight to eall a11·y•• 111a11 tl1 \ T ee fit ,vitho11t a11,r ' .. . ee11.. llre for 11ot g·oi11g· t l1ro11o·h proper 1 ha1111e 1 . B... PTIZIX x IIILDRE~ \ T acatio11 13ible ehool hot1ld be clefi11ite1) 7 evang·eli . tic a11cl in 0111 .. Regl1la1· Bapti. t cl1t1rcl1e. they al- 1no._ t i11,·a1~iabl)T a1·e. ~I any of 01l1 .. l1tirch · 1·epo1--t ten or n101·e on- , ·e1·. io11. at their va ·ation ·hool. . E,Te1·,r pa. to1 .. 1· joi ·e a. he h ea1~ their· co11fe. io11 1Jtlt he al. o ,vo11- l 1-.. · ,,,.}1ethe1· tl1e3" are olcl e11011gh t be baptizecl a11d take11 ii1 to th111·ch 111eml)er . hip. 111 hal f of tl1 e a e the par 11t 1·eft1se to f2:1--a11t p 1·111i · io11 either l1ee,1l1Re the\" f eel the,,. are too ~ ~ 3ro1111g, 01' lJe ·a11. th y '\\ 1 a11t then1 to 1111itr ,,Tith . 0111e o h 1~ l enon1- i11ati 11. I t i: the other-- half t hat p1·e. e11t · the J)ro blem. The Bapti ·t })a.·tor cloe · 11ot belie, re i11 ix 111011tl1 J)l'Obatio11 f 01.. th 1--e i 11othi11g· lilte t l1at i11 th .1. Te,,, T ta- me11t. 1 011,Te1 .. t. :ho11ld . o oon a tl1 } .. o·i,'e a ·r clibl p1·oof of ·011- , re1·Rio11 ol)e}'" tl1 ei1.. Lor cl i11 bap– ti. 111, for bapti ·111 i the pttblic ·011-. fe-. io11 of thei1· faith. f our ·e \\' <:' ca11 a 11d l1011ld J) ll t off both J"Ot111g· a11cl old if ,, 1 hav 1·ea 011 t o (lot1bt thei1· ~·al,,.atio11 ~ lJ11t that is ver)· cliffe1·e11t fro1n t l1 :\I th– o li. t icl ea of pro ba tio11. \"\Titl1 011r Bapti t belief ,vhat arc ,, 1 e g·oi11g to clo ,vitl1 the eve11 to t e11 ) 1 ea1· ol l · that pr--of ;on– \7e1\· io11 i11 , ,a atio11 il)l e . hool– f>r· i11 1~evi, 1 al 111eeti11g~ for· tl1at 1r1atte1· ? \\Thil 1t111t1 cl elay i.· ,,T1·011g· i: it a.· l{i110· too 11111 h for t l1e111 to ha,re a ~ ix ,ve l{ . 111e1n– ber:hi1) la befo1·e ba1)ti n1 to help 118 to cl ·icle ,vl1eth 1· tl1e\ 7 hav l)ee11 • t1·11l , .. : a, 1 ecl 01' 11ot ? ~ i11e \\'e do • 11ot 1) li ,, ba1)ti. 111 a,r r that the)'" ,,·ill l)e 1o. t if th y ·}101111 lie l)efo1·e bapti n1, 'Ul"ely they ·a11 ,,..ait t l1at 10110' v,,.itl1ol1t ,,iolati11g ~e,,~ Te ta111e11t xa1upl . ~ttl'll a c· l,tss ,rill first ,,·r c>cl <J11t 1hose1 tl1a1 jl1st got ,t <'hilclisl1 110- t if>11 it ,,·ottlcl l1r ,,,011clrrf11l 1<> l>c, l>,lJ)tizccl. Tl1 y ,,·ill ff)r~rPt t<> <·01 11 r to tl1r ela.. or tirr <>fit i11 a ,,. el< or t\,To. .1-\ C' la.-. · that 1Je– g· i11. ,,·ith t e11 t1.·11ally :111~i11l<. t o f i ,·r lJefore it i.- o,,.er. The,,. a 1·p • 11ot tolcl tl1ey ·a1111ot be lJaJ)ti zc.3cl a11cl yet they prove to both pa tor a11 l J)are11t. that tl1e~"' :l1011lcl 11ot be. econdly llch a cla · will help the pa. tor~ to kno,v hi · ch11rch ·hil– cl1--e11 b tter a11d better jl1dge ,v·heth r tl1ey houlcl be enco11ragecl to o·o ahead. 1o t pa to1· are not clo e e11ougl1 to t.he boy a11d gir 1. to develop that m11tt1al frie11d l1ip that ,vill mal<e for 011ti11uauce. Tl1e ad fa ·t i that i11 ·pite of e,:·erythi110· ,ve ca11 do if the pa1--– e11 t do 11ot ee that the. e young meml;er 1--emain faithful they " 7 ill 0011 1 .. evert an l go hon1e after 1111clay hool. X ot 1nany peo1Jle go teadily 011 f ro111 co11,Te1-- io11 to hea, re11 o~rac111atio11 clajr, a11cl r hildre11 natt1rally ,,·earv of well ~ ~ cloi11g· n101--e lllickl}r. Thi1--dly t1ch a cla . help. to i1npart added l{11owledge that v,·ill h lp the on, 1 e1--t to g·1·0,,T i11 gra e, It i not a ure-all. It ,,ill not pre, ,.eut all back licli110·. \ T ery lilrel:5,. 011ly 3% of ,vl1at i tal1g·ht ,,·ill b r e111en1be1 .. ed bl1t that little i ,,,orth,vl1il . u1 .. people · rtai11l)" 11e 1 to be e tabli heel in the faitl1 for the olcl ayin()> 11 e a Bap- ti t al,,,ay. a Bapti t i fa1 .. fro111 t1 ..t1e. Eve1--y-tl1i11g ,ve ca11 do to e ·tabli h 0111~ yol111g me1nber. . hOllld b do11 . Ye. , n1e111ber hip ·la, .1e fo1, ·hil– dre11 are g·ood; but ,vl1at abot1t t1cl1 ela .· f 01· a l t1lt ? , . ,.,le ,vot1l l be o·lacl to hea1 .. fron1 pa to1·. ,,·110 ha,·e had experie11 · ,,?ith tl1e111, a11d will ,,7 1 ..ite abo11t adt1lt n1embe1-- hip trai11i11 ()' 11ext 111011th. \\7 II T \\ 7 ILL TIIE ll .1.--\ R\TJ~ T J~E ? "\Vitl1 a l)o1111tif11l hc11~,Te t 1·ip - 11i11g a1·ot11J cl 11" , we a1 ..e r en1i11c1etl of that , . 1 .. e of riptl11,e : \\That– soe,1e1· a 111a11 . ,veth tl1 at hall l1e al, o r ea p .·' \\ he1--e,;re1-- a fa1--111er pla11ted Yvheat, th 1--e he fi11d. a l1ar,"e t of ,, .. 11 at; a11d \"rl1e1·e l1e pla1rtecl oat~ the1·e l1e 1·ec1p. a l1a1·– ve. t of oat. . If be allo"~ed ,,,ild at to be 111ixed ,,~ith tl1e g·oocl ee l, h ,,·ill 1·eap ,vilcl oat too.