The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1957

\ 1 tl1(\ c11111l1Hl 111(\L\1i 11~· t l 1e <l e- \........ \) l l () f 1 I 1(\ t 1 l) l l l l l' i l () r r 1 <' 11 t () t\llll)ltl). 111t\ ,l , r<\t!t t ln r . <'~lit <) l' ,r:l~ 1·,1 t iJ'i,\<l l),\ t Ill\ nssoe 1,1 t1011. \\ e ft)t'I tl1<1t it i" ,l f! r t>,1 t 11<) 11<11', clll tl t\\,,] J)lt',l " l'< l ttl 1}1i11l, 1]1a t Ol ll: l)rttllr<-'11 l)<' ]ip,·p ,,·l, ell' <' \\'tlrt l1)~ of tll\' J)<l"iti<J11. \ Tet. ,,-lt<' ll ,,·r e() ll – ~illPr t l1e res11011,-- ibi lit~· of rig·l1 t l)" i 11 t t, r l) r Pt i 11 ~ t l 1L) f ~1 it! 1 a 11 (1 11 ~ 1 r– }1l)~ (\ ~ of tl1e a8. oe1at1011, ,,·p ) fe~l l1 t1111 l) Ietl cl 11 l 111 t1 t 11 i11 110e 1 of cl1- ,·i 11t:1 aid. l t i~ ~tra11g·c hoY'{ {ocl ,,·or l,.· l1i J)lll'J)Ose~ 011t . .. 0<.1 11 c1ft cr ,y·e :i~· a111 t<) >l1io. l~1~otl1er I I. I( . .F 111l e~r ,1 . l\.P<l 11: t o l'Ol l icler l)eto111i11g· a et>11t1·ibt1t i11Q dito1· ,o tl1at ,,,.e 111 ig·l1 t be t r ai11ed to t ake o,· r, if lat~1· l1e ... 110111 l r etire. ,, ...e tha11l{ecl l1i111. bl1t a , 111 ..ed 11i111 t }1at Ollr ex– J)e1·ie11ce i11 ,, ....e t , .,.irg: i11ia l1acl ~c– <1t1aiuted 11, ,,.. it l1 t?~. '\\Orlr 111- ,·ol, ·ed. a11cl the -·r1t 1 1. m. that 0111et i111e co111e, a11d that ther e– f 01·e he bette1~ f i11cl . 01ne 011e e I. e. ~001 aft er hi. t1·ao·i · cleat 1 last y,·i11ter , tl1e 1 ol1n il of Te11 a.,lrecl 1s t o . er ,"e fo r l\Ia, .., ~J l111e an 1 ~J 111)· ' a11d hi11ted tl1at I 111igh t po.,. ·iblJ"' lJ a lrecl to e1·,re })e1·111a11e11tl}" late1· 011. I ,,·a. ,,Tilli11g· to help Ollt b11t 111acle it plai11 that I tl1ou ght a f11 ll ti111e mis. io1 a1·,,. hot1ld l1e :ect11"ecl • a11cl t l1at 1 ,,,.a. 11ot the 111a1 fo1· that jol>. [11 J 1111e I ·0118e11tecl i o relie, ~e l~1·other \\ illian1 (l r ee1 ,,·ho l1ad bee11 a. !{eel to eclit the r>aper cl111·i11g· 11g11.·t .. 1 e1)t emlJer a11cl ()ctobe1· : bllt t hat ,, 1 a l lp – po. ·eel to be t he l i111it. ... rot t l1at ' '"e cl icl llOt lil{e t he jo}) fo1· \Ve ha\ 1 e lo,·ed ,,·1·iti11g· ·i11e;e high : ·hool tla \" ; lJ11t ,,·e clicl 11ot ee ho,v ,,,e ' co11lcl 1·e io·n ot11· ch111·ch a11cl live r-, on au ecl ito1-- . ala1·y. Theu t l1e J..Jo1·cl beg·a11 to ,\.OJ'lt b3 .. OJ)eu i11g· a11cl e; lo i11g· cloo1\ ·. 111 f act , for . 0111e :ix 11101 tl1: ther e hacl lJee11 o f e,,. ·01r\"e1·:io11. i11 F o to1·ia, that ,,·e c·o11ld .·ee Ili111 t lo:i11g~ ot1r pa~- torate the1·e afte1· 1nor e t ha11 . e, Te1 J·ea1' '. We pra~"ecl £01· t he Lorcl t o l(ee1) 11 in tl1e pa~ tor ate b }T 01)e11- i110- 0111e otl1e1· cloo1' but all cl oo1·s we1--e kept :hl1t. The 1 01111cil of Ten kept looking· £01-- a .·tate 111i ·– .·io11a1·,r. l)llt all cloo1·. ,, 1 e1·e ! h1t fo r ' tl1en1 i11 that . ea1·e;l1. 11gu ·t ca111e ancl tl1e,.. ,,·011cle1'ecl if t l1at n1ea11 t ' the, ... hacl thei1· 111au al1'eaclJ'". l-311t ho,~ co11lcl I ? A man ha: to l)r o,{icl e for hi o,,·11- 01· let h i ,,·ife cl o it ! Then the Lor d open ed the door ,,..itho11t pre, 1 i o11 , ,va1·ni11g· f 1·0111 u .-, THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST E cl i to1· Ir. . T. _..\ r orcll 1t11 cl ct 11 cl i if e a11 l lo an 1 beholcl it ,,·a. by ,va3T of t J1e " 'ife. Tl1e Ri. i11~· ~ 1 1111 . ·hool , jt1 t . e, re1 mile: f r o111 F o. to1·ia, J)ho11e 1 a11 l ,, 1 1·ot e a11 l lJegg·ecl , all i11 01 e la. t ,,. ek of 1\ 11gL1:t. fo1· ·chool ,,·a. · 01 en i11g· i11 f i, ..e 11101·e la,.· a11 l the1·e ,,,.a. 11ot a t eache1· i11 · ·ig'11t for Lat in . ·on1c E1 §.rli ·11, l1i"t o1•3r a11cl geog rapl1)". \\TQlll(l lie p lea.·e c.:011.· icler ! \\Ye l1a,.. r 11 ot l1ee11 1·a i e 1 011 t hr 111ocl e1·11 iclra that t l1e \\ 1 if e s l1011l cl 111alce t ]1 e l i \ T - i11g· , lJ11t t l1i ti111e it . e111 la.: if tl1e J;o1·cl \'Va, 1nal<i11g it ]Jos. il lle t o eo111e t o the a::oc- iation' , 1·e ·c11e a11 l clo a j ob £01· Il i111. [ t 111ea11.1 11111cl1 ha1--cl ,,·ol'l{ for .:\ Ir .. . ~ 0 1· 1- 11111 l a11d fo1 1 t l1at 1~ ecl8011 ,,re p1·i11t he1· IJiet t11·e alo11g ,,·it l1 0111-. f o1· thi.- iH a pa1·t11e1· l1i J) bt1: i11e:: . IT alf of tl1e 1101101· lJelo110·. to her . 11 f aet \\ritl1ot1t her this f)l'ea t her \\ 1011 lcl 11e,·e1~ ha,,e bee11 co11 . icl 1·e 1, £01" he '"'Ot1l l l1ave fa ilecl i11 tl1 111i11L·t l'\' }"ear · ag·o ! ~io ]101101· t o " . ,,·ho111 ho1101· i. clue 1 ot 011l3r to :\11· . .._ T0 1"cllu11cl~ l)tlt to ,111 J)r aC' l1- er .· ,,-. i \'e,·. The, .. a1·e a :elf -:ac1·i- • f ici11g· a1·111y of : 11pporti11~: t1·001 : , '"·it ho11t ,vhirh t l1e f1·011tli1 e .·ol– clie1-. ' ,,~ot1lcl ,,ra,·e1· a1 d f ail . November 1957 .L\ C 1 ~ 1 1 r\ 'I' J. I 1\ N 1~ < > R X F.1 \\ '1 11tT1 1 IIE~· 'l 1 l1a,t i8 t he :c.3eo11cl 11,llf (>f 011r t it le, clllCl ,'0111 0 OI thP l' (la.'Oll \\' }l_\' t J1e a, 80eiatio11 tho11gl1t it vror tl1 - \ \T l1ile t o 1)1·0111i:e a 8alar)" of $1(}() a 111 011 th JJll1.· ·ix c: 11t.· a 111ilC-> fo1· t r c1, ~(~ 11 i11g· ex1)e11. e:. \\ 7 }1ilr the)? lo 11ot ex1)eet th eclitor to be cl f11 ll t i111e . tate 111i:."io11arJ" or to ope11 111) 11e,,, ·h11r el1e: l1i111.·elf the}" do l1ope l1e an c1o a liai. 011 \vo1~1t be– t"1ee1 11eecl3 .. eo111111 l111itie a1cl ,,?ill– i1 g bl1t JJa to1~1e. . 111i11i. t e1~: . Tl1e 1 011. e1·,Tati,..e Bapti t of ) Iichiga11 a1·e ·tart i110· 011e 11e\\" l1111~ch a 111011th. They clo 11ot ex1)ect t l1eir ·tate 111i. :io11a1·}· to 1o all of that , fo1" a 111i: io11ar3"' ca11 . ca1·celJ 1 get a 11e,,r ·hllreh goi11g· in le. than a , ·ear a11cl it ofte11 talce him t ,,To " ' 01~ th1,,ee. Ratl1e1-, the B pa to1-. i11 :\I ichiga11 ar·e 1uick to bu )... 11p opportt111it ie to ta1--t l111C1a~r . ·11001 · and pr·eacl1i110' tation ancl D1·. IIei11 often help them to fin 1 a 111i11i. t e1~ to go i11 the1~e a11d g·e a 11 e,V' cl111r ·h o·oin~:. I f 0111.. 1 011·e1·vati,,e lJ1·eth1~e11 e;a11 clo it, ,,·e ·a11 al. o. I f l\I ichi– g·a11 off e1--. 111a11)" J)1 ..0111i i11g· fi eld. , so doe· bio. I t ma}· tal<e a ot1ple , ..ea1'. for ll. to o·et 011 to t he 1·ope._ a11cl l)l'O111 ·e t ,,~el, re ne1'' Chlll' h e a 1'"ea1· · lJllt ,, 1 e l1a, 1 e a11~ead:y" b een .ta 1·t i11g· t]11·ee 01 .. f Olll" a }~ea1· with– O Ll t Rll 1 7 :tate ,,,.01·lte r a11cl \\ 1 e 011ght t o clo f)etter i11 t he fl1tl11·e. I t i.· p, ,i l 11 t that ,,..e ,·r ill 11eetl t l1e c·oo1 e1~atio11 of all ot1r ch111·cl_:ie: a11 l J)a.·t o1·. . 'I he}" ca1 lJ ~1l~e I Io};a 1) , eJ~e. f 01-- t1 a ,,,.e O o p~y·111g fo r t]1e Lor c1 . TheJr ca11 i11,..ite 11. i11 to ·peal{ ancl ·ho·v,T ll fi eld -, a11 l 1·eeon1111e111 \V"o1-- l{e1·. . The}"' can l)tlt the \.. . o iation on thei1· b11cl – g-et ·o a to . llP})lJ' t l1e inew c)f ,,,a1· . They ·a11 h lp 11 dol1ble t lie . 11 l): c1·iption li. t to t l1e IB a11d ·o malce it a o1"eate1· 1)0,,·e1-- f o1 .. tl1 Loi· 1. \\Ye a e;ept the aclclecl 1·e pon _ i– l)ilit)'" -n'itl1 jo)· l)eca11 .,e ho1ne 1111 - .·io11. l1a long· bee11 011 0111' hea1't . ,, ex1)e ,t to , ,;ro1·l( hand i11 h~11d ,rith t l1e F llo-n'I' h ip of Bapt1 t . f 01· II0111e :i\l i. io11. 011 ,vho ·e boa1·cl ,,·e ha ,te lo11g· hacl t he ho1101· to it . Yet ,,,e ·a11not expect that 111i: io11 to clo th ,vhole job. on1e– ti111e a 11ea1·b3r lo al ht11~ch ca11 a ' 'llllle all t he 1·e pon ibilit3r. ome– t i111 · a 111a11 i ,,Tilli11 o· a11d able, lil(e Pal1l to ,vo1·lc at 0111e t1·a le a1Jcl help o·et a cl1t11·ch ta1·t ecl .too. E, ... e1 tl1e po t le Pat1l 1 .. eco 0 u 1ze 1