The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1957

il.£ 'J ,, \.'11t, Fot1r TI-IE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Novembe r 1957 DE OF PERSECUTION IN COLOMBIA E D 'rill' ll\lt''-\1 ll)l\ ()\ \\ \1nt l'lll\St it l l 1l'~ rel igil>ll ' 1)e1·~t'l'lt t ll)t\ , , cl...., H 11s,,· l' r t <l ~ l'-.... t l' r l l n ~ l)) n ~ l) l) 1, t' ~ 1 l l (l l l I'<> r l ,() lc,111l >in 11 l)l'<l{l'"1cllltl'\. l)r . ' l) <l l' \\". 'l',1., lcJl'. ~ l 1 l'l'l't,ll' ) t1f \> t1l1l1e .. \ f – fc11r ...., t)f tl1e ~ atitlllcl l .\ ~~<)l'i,1ti<)11 of 1~: , ·c111gelie,1l~. l llcll1l' t }1p ~tclt<\ – lll('llt i11 ,l ;~ 1).lll. ,1tl <ll' l'SS ,1t t l1C' r.,ir~t l) l'l'~l),· t r·1·icl ll l lll l' <'ll () t' ' l , l - • l'tl111n. \\"',1~l1i11gto11. ' ' rl.,llt' l,1,1 fc· ,,· l ll()llt h "' l1a,·p ,,·it- 11e"S( ll ,l r,1sl1 <)f t1e11ia ls b~· t l1C' l{ t1111,111 l 1 ,1tl1<)l it· }) l'P~s t l1,lt 1>r c)t e:– t,111ts l1,1,·f 1 l) 1 <?11 ])<\ r sP ·t1tecl i11 ( 1 0- 10111 bia tl t1 ri 11~· t l1e la8t igl1 t , ·E 1 ,1 r~. ·· 111·. 'l c1, ·lo1· :a icl . Il e acl - • • tl :)tl tl1,1t t l1e ~tc1te111P11ts • l1a,·e 11ot <)111,· eo11fttsf'tl 111a1r\· iat l1oli ·. , l )11t . ~ al. ·o cl r ot1se 111a11) · t { llP ' tio11: i11 t l1c> 111 i 11 cl~ of I) rote."t a11 t . . , · 'l',1,·lor ~aicl that :·i11er the , ,.iole11 t • t l1a11~e of go, ·er11111 11t i11 c·o10111- lJia la:t :\I a )· · · a1·tie le~ b ga11 to ,1p1)ea1· ,,·itl1 ~:1·eater £1·et111e11c)T i11 tl1 e Ro111a11 '1at l1oli · 1)1·e in 111eri– ra de113·i11~· 1·eligiot1: J er· e 11t io11 i11 ( ol o111l1ia .' ' · · T l1 e fi1· ·t ,,-itlel}TJ)11blieize(l a1· - INVESTIGATE CEDARVILLE before you favor any college God i s d irectin g . God i s b les s ing . Cedarvi ll e Is growing .•• growing in fa ith, in en ro llment, in ever. broaden ing support, and in academic standards. Offers A. 8., 8. S., and 8. Mus. degrees. Wri te for catalog today. 16 Acres, 10 Bvildings Strong Bible deportment. 140 Shldenn, 12 lnstructorJ Also English, Music, Science, Soclol ldnl location in S. W. Ohio Sciences, languoges ond Athletics Write for free Copies of •s ulle tin·. No Obligo tion. CEDARVILLE COLLEGE A 8APTIST LIBERAL ARTS COLLEGE CEDARVILLE, OHIO Rev. Jomes T. Jeremiah, Pres. 11t· lP ,, as J)ri11t <' <l i11 l Ti(' I{ i\ l ,1gH zi11<' <>f tl1t 1 ( •,ll )ll< 1 l1 i 11 I.. ' utl 1Pr s 111 ~(\\\ \ r(} }'){ i l l .J \ ll} (l, 'l }}i'-; 11} {lll'}} ,Y,lS r P1>ri11t t 1 tl i11 tl1e 11r lft' tl1r o11 gh – (>11t l Jclti11 .. \ 111p1·i t· c1, 111 tl1e E11gli . l1 ( 1 ,1t l1 c1 li e ]) 1' ('88 , <t11cl i 11 l ia J>re11 .·a ( cl ~ ]) cltlis l1 lc1il)r J)1·i11t ecl i11 J. ~e ,v \ '"c) l'l~ 1 it )·) , a1)t)a1·p11tl)· cl.' thP h1e1·– , l r c:11,· ': offi eial (l 11ial of ·11a1·g )8 () r Ro111 a11 ( 1 at 110 lie ])01'.'CC'll tio11 of ( 1 ()lo 11111i,111 I >1·0 t<': t a 11 t: . l 'I'hi: l ... iei{ a1·t i ·le cliH111i: : e8 pe1·– ,'Pe t1t io11 ,1: 11 t l1i11 r.r b11t a lo al l)r ,r\,ar 1 l)et,,·ee11 E,·a11ge li ·al. a11 :l C 1 ,1t l1oli c-.- . rrhe E,ra11gelical lo11 - f e l 1·,1t io11 of ( •010111lJia ha ._ a ·– tllclll,r cloe t1111e11tecl o,·er 700 ca. e.. of , ·iole11 ·e ,,· l1er Prote t a11 t .· . llf– f er ecl . It i. t1·l1e t hat t he e ,ver all loeal a ff aj1·: . Ther·e ,,a. 110 ·0 - 01· li11ate 1 effort aero:. olombia i11 011e (la~T or 011e 11011t l1 t o wi1)e out J>1·ot e. ta11t.·. B11t cl11rin~r tl1i. 1Je1·ioc1 49 J>1·ote. ·t a1 t ch111· ·he. ,:ve1"e t ota]l)" 01· partial l~r c1e t 1·oyed 34 othe1", co1 fi. ea tecl (n1a11J" of the e a1·e 11 o,,, . er v i11g a. :C' hool ·, offi ·e. of 111a}ro1·.' l)Olic a11cl 111ilita1•3Y bal"– l'RC' l(s a1 l have 1 ot be 11 1·ett11·11ec1 to J>rote:ta11t. . ) I11 a11 o, ,e1·,vl1el111- i11 g· 1111111l)r i· of ·a. e. 111ob a11d att atk: ,,.. er e r it he1· 1)e1 .. ·011all:v· or i11- cli1·ettl \"" le l ll ,r l oeal Ro111 a 11 1 ath- ~ . olie J) rie:t~. · 'l hi: bri11 g: l l : to a. le \\.,.ha t i. J)e1·.·eet1tio11 ·! 111 the : 11111n1e1· of 1036 ,,·hi} e i11 ( 1 0 }0 llll) ia "\Ve \\' e l'e i11fo1·111ecl lJ ) '" _B' atl1e1· (): p i11a of the .J a \'a1·ia11a l 11ive r 'ity, offi ·ial J1101tt hJ) i c~ee of t l1e hiera1·rhy there t l1c1t J)cr :ecl1tio1 cloe: 11ot ex i. t i11 r 1 olo111bia- al t ho11gh l1e ael<110,vl - 0clg cl r r ligiOll.' , rio]e11CE ·]1lll' t h e." l)t11·11ecl , J)C'<>}Jlr l{ill ecl a11c1 that 111a1l)' }1,l (l st1 f f e1·ecl. .I3t1t , l1e 'clicl The Golden Gate to Christion Service On ou r beautiful campu s overlooking San Francisco Bay, high school grads can obtain- A CHRISTIAN EDUCATION FOR LIFE AND SERVICE. Four and five year degree program : A ..B. & B.Th . A three -year diploma cour e. FOR BIBLE STUDY THE BIBLE COLLEGE Write for fr ee ca talog WESTERN BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE Rev. H. 0 . Van Gilder, D.D. Pre ident Hill and Elm Stree ts, El Cer1·ito, Cal. tl1 c> r ( 1 <'a11 l>C' 110 1)01-. ·e1c·t1iio11 1t11 - l rs.· t11e ( 1 11\ll' (' l l orrlrr.· I e1-.·eel1ticJ11.' \\ r J)refe11· t<> ll. 'c> \\rrbst Pr .· cl r f– i11itio11 that ' t o cat1.· r t o .·t1ffer l>e– e,1t1. of 1·el igio11 lJeli0f' is p r r se– et1tio 1 . 'I hat · xact lv ,,rhat has • go11 e 011 i11 ( 1 olo1nbia f or 11i11e }Trar·s, v,·it h : ror es :t1fferi11g cl eat h. 'l 1 hi: illt1strate. that Ro111c111 ( 1 atl1ol iei. 111 ac1111it. 110 per . ec11tio11 t111l :. · the 1 h111· ·h 01·cl e1·: it. Y011 ca11 cl r. ·troy -19 ·h 11rche: , co11fi:– cat 39 111or e 1nt1rder 9 cht1reh leade1-. f1· eqt1e11tl3r 011 order of local ·lei· g,r and },.et thi. i . 11ot p er . ec t1tio11 ! The fact that a hu11- clre 1 tholl, ancl olomlJian. l1ave bee11 kille l i11 the political cli.· – t l1rba11ce i11 ·e 1947 pro, 1 icl e. 110 j t1.:tifi ·atio1 of the fa t that e.,van– g· li ·al cl1urche: have lJee11 b11r11ed a11cl co11fi cated ancl belie,Te1· mt11·– d er ec1 becat1. e the3r ,,rer e p1-- eachi11g t he 1 0 p el or po. e eel a ~ e,:v T e·– tan1e11t. ' D1-- . Ta}Tlor applaudec1 a r ecent . t ate111e1 t i11 El T ie11ipo (n ev\ 1 pap– er ,,..hich ,,a clo eel llll :le1" the Roja. 1·egime a11d allo,,Ted to ope11 t111de1· t h 11e,v g·over11me11t ) : Freedo111 of 1·elig·ion i 11ot a ~:1·acio11 once io11 of the 111ayo1· 01· a clonat ion of tl1e .. al1thoritie b11t a right made . a ·reel b1T t he natio11al on- .. : tit11tio11. It i the ubj ect 111att e1· of a11 inter11ational ·01n111itt1nent i11 e it f or111 J)a1·t of the harte1· of II u- 111a11 Right , ,vhich l1a been : io·1 ed by 1 olomlJia, e,;ire11 tho11gh it ha. 11ot alwaJ'" bee11 ob · r, 7 cl. The , 1 iola– tio11 of f1· eecl on1 of r·eligio11 a1--e 110 1101·e t o 1Je excu eel that the abt1 ~ of the other-– right: of ma11lt i11d . t1eh a: f 1·eeclo111 of pee h f1· eedo111 of a~··e111l1l3 1 f1..eecl o111 to tra,"– e 1 01· £1 .. ecl o1n of p olit ical ,~i ,,.. . But i11 comm1111i- tie · ,,,her a p e ·ific 1--eligio11 i. g1--eatly i11 the maj orit)T t he1"e i a t ende11 ,,,. t o mini- • 111iz the impo1"t ance of 0 11a1"' - a11teei11g· the 1·ight of mi1101·– itie ,vl1ich t he n1aller t hey n1aJT be the 11101•e theJT a1"'e expo ed to llfferi11g· opp1·e - • 1011. ' • • • ~ i11all3.. D1· . '1 1 aylo1-- eo11°·1·atl1- lat ecl the 11evt o·o,·er11111ent of o– lo111bia 011 t ep to gl1a1·antee pe1-. oual a11d 11ational fr eec1c>111 a11d to 1-- :tor-- 1 olon1bia to the interna– tio11al 1--e p ct it d e e1',1'e .