The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1958

l JI \ 11 \ 1 t ~ \ I l 'l I~' I' I t 11 ~ l 11 1~ "''I l 'l' l 'l' I·~ l c 11111ll1t',i fr 111 l Hu·' S) cil)ll t)f l{t"~ t1la1· I :lJ>tis( l ' lltl1'( 1 llt'S. J t ,,·as fi1·, l'l ( 1 llllll\'ll\ll'll t<l i llt' el111rt•llt ~ t>l t lie I,)\\ .1 • ,'lll'a , l\:1 ,t , st»ei:ttit>ll l)\" 1ht1 ~1,·til ll ()i tllt'll' l ( llllt•i) ,,, ~,,, t'll ()ll ~J 111,· ~1. 1 ~ .i:... • ) 11 ( ),,1 <lllt'l' ~l l. 1 ~l i;~ t 11,, "· 1111 r, 11,,, t)f \ c 1,,1, ,llltl ( ()l()l'atl l l'l'l'()U.' lli l ()l'l~I ,l, ~111 i11,l,'Jlc11cle11t l{c11)ti~t t'tf lll'Zl t ll)ll,l J 111,t l t llt itlll ill cll'l't)l'll ,,·itl1 tltt' tltl<1tri11nl })t)sitillll tlf tl1t1 \l itl-,, ,,,t 4\ ,,tlt·ict t it)ll ()f l~l'g·11 1 ,1r l~,ll)t i,t l"l 111 rt·l1t'' · <._)11 ,J llll(' ~:2. 1\),-lll Ht tll,' ll t'H<lt[llcl 1'1 t'l'S llt)tt'l i11 ~ t·;tttl,,. \\"i1"l1i11gtt)11 , jll~t 1)rit1 r to tht\ <1111111,tl , e ,,il>11~ <)f tl1tl (}p11t'r,1l . \,,l)l·ic1ti(>11 of 1, tl~{ll lnr l~HJ)tist ,l1111·t·l1t ~. 111, 1 1 01111eil of B <>l tl't t'e ll , t'tP l tt) Hll})ro, ?t' t lie t 111c1 l1a 13c1p– t i, t l~illl l) l 11~tit11te ,ls 011e of tl1e , 1\. i11<le1)tl11cll 11t .R, 1 g11lar I3aJ)ti t e<ltll'cltio11c1 l i11, tit11tio118 of t l1 de- 110111 i11c.1tio11. A BIG COUNTRY - N1ger1a, At rtca, the Bri t ish protectorate of 35.000.000 people, is Afr ica's biggest country, 1n population. In 1960 Nigeria is schedul ed to receive her independence. This will involve many changes and uncerta1nt1es A BIG CAMPAIGN - Four PTL Gospel Teams, equipped with sound trucks and 2 mill ,on Gospels pr inted ,n 5 languages, have launched a 2-yea r Scripture d1str1but1on and evangelization campaign 1n Nigeria. A BIG CHALLENGE - "41ger1ans w,11 soon be free politically. Only the Gospel can free the hearts of the peop le of Nigeria PTL Team Members are racing against time to get the Gospel to the N1ger1an people. Your prayers and your g1f ts are vital to th is great mission· ary effort. Alfred A. Kunz, lt?t~rnat ional Director .. .:•..!'9 TY.IE ffil) INDEPENDEN"f BAPI'IS'I, 'I ht ' < >11 1:111:i I \:i Jlf is l I tilll< ' I 11 - st it ttt t' i:-i c1 g t'(>\\111g· •'< l11c ·a1 1<111,1I i 11 " t 1 I l l I i() 11 j l t s t I 1(' g· i t 1 t l 111 µ: I () ( I() ~ () l ll (\ () I' l t ~ l )( \..... t ..... (' r \ i(' (\ r( l r () l 11 ' ( f l 1 l' i" t t c 11 l ' l) 1111 ()' I)(\()1 )1(\ () 11 I' • t'." e l111r <· lt<' ...... u11t l <>ttr 111i~sit) 11 fi r lcl s (>f' tlt<' ,, 1 t1rl<l. It is J)riu1c1ril)· , t, r, i 1 1 g· n I a 1• g <) cl 1 ·PH l > l' t l l <' < • P 111 r <l l l ' 11it t't l Ntc11e~ ,, hl' I"(' 111 > I Pµ: 11l,1r • • l~clj)tist l' l ll ll' e l1 t 1 8 nrP g·r t>,,·11tg· 111 :-ii rt' a1 1<1 t1l1111l >c> r . .\ 11 ,,·110 111a)'" be i11ft' l'('S{('(.l i11 tl1e t l t1 , ·Pl OJ) lll Pl lt of t}1is 11 (\\\' He llt)O} c1 l' P a~, J{eCl to }) l' cl ) r 1llclt tlll' l3il)lr 111a,.. <ll,,·c1,,.s 1·e 111aj11 • • tl1() t• l1ipf textl>ool< i 11 t he et1r - r ie11l11111 c111d t l1at it ._ lrade1-. l1i1) 111a,. c1 l ,,·,11rs clir·eet its cl t 1 ti , ,ities i 11 t11e' \\' cl \" 0 0f (1 ocl '.. \\ 1 ill <l ll (l f ttll • THE H~Jr\RT ()F I~Dl 1 ATI() ( "1011 t i11l1ecl f 1·0111 pag:e 6 ) {ocl . "\\T ord ,,Te ' '"ill be ' ' e, ·er l ea r11i110· a11d 11e, rr r· able to cor11e 0 to tl1 e 1{110,,·ledge of th t1·11th. ""' ~11 ed11c:atio11 that doe 11ot pr·e- J)ar the ·t11cl e1 t fo1· e te1·11it~,. i~ 11ot ,,·or t h," of t l1e ua111e . ._ Tl1 e A 11. ·wer ·' \Vhe11 tl1 e e11en1 ,r l1all ·on1e i11 I,, lil(e a fl oo 1 the ~ '1 1 ir·it of tl1e Lo1--d ,,~ill lift 11p a . ta11 la1· l ag·ai11. t ]1i111. r... !-9 :10 (}od ha · rai e l IIi · ·tauclarcl he1·e i11 Be ·kle:}'" \'\ 7 e. t \ rirg·i11ia, ,,~}1e1·e for : ix full ,v·ea1-. · 011e of 0111· C-tARB h11rcl1e.· • ha po11 or ed 11t1rt111·ed a11cl . t1p- po1--ted a ( 1 hri:tia11 Da)r -. chool. E, 1 er,.. la,,. at the l\iot111t Tal)Ol' ._ . ' hri. tia11 IIig·h chool is ope11e l ,,,i th a 111e :a o· f1·0 111 ocl '. "\V 0 1· cl. E,re1·y · l,1.. i · lJeg·1111 ,,ri th pt"a}'"er. F..J ,Tei·,, . ·t11cl en t . t 11clie: t l1e Bible ._ 1111cl e 1" thr i11: ·t r 11 ·t io11. of a g·odly teacher. The :\Iou11t rrabor 1 l1ri ·tia11 Aug us t 1958 BOOK REVIEW 1~,, 1~1~~ \ T, ( 1 • ( 1 , ( 1 ] 1.\\\r~()l\: , ;3{) 2I ( 1 I' (1 :--i ( . () I I t I) )' .' ( 1 () l t t ll l I) l l s ( ) . ()~ 1~~ , 1 1\ ~(l l•.i IJJ~i\I l>\' ( 1 }trl ~J . ( 1 • • "\\: o l r. ( ,\,. 111. 1{ . I~r< ll llHJlS I)ttl) ~ l i~11i11g· ( 1 0 ., < 11·,t11fl J--{ ,l t>i cli-,, 1\!i,·11. $2.( () ) F-',Tc1 11g·el iH111 .. 1 ot1 l \\,. i1111i11 g· ,111 t l ~ '1 <l l vat i o 11 l >.) T f cl it 1'1 ,l 11 cl 1· r , Ti , . ,l l i 11 0 111· ti111e i: ,, 1 ithot1t clo11t>t cl g·r r,tt ll PC'e. 1 : it,r. \Vhclt c-011.1titt1t <1s tr11<-1 • <1 \ 1 ct 11ge Ii "111 a11 l . ·011 l ,,Ti1111i11g· l1c1:--; bee11 , ·er,r a l>Jv ,v1·itte11 lr,· ~Ir. ~ . . ( 1 tt1·l J . • \\To l f i11 }1i.· 1>oolc, ' ,J (\ T ll x ED,\T ARD~ ()~ 1~ \ A~ }EL I .. 1 1\I . rrh is is a e lear c111c: ·011 ·i. ·e clige. ·t of er1no11." tl1a t ,,·ill i11 'J)ire a 11,T 1·eacl er to o·reat e1· . ~ . e1·,·ice for the Lo1·d. The ba. ·ic , ,al11e of fact: . et fo1·th her ei11 a1·e e · ential i11 lc110,,Ti11g h0\\ 1 to to11- lt1 t a11 e, ,.aug·eli. tic pro0'1·a111 ,,,ith 1·e ·111 t . i11 oul ,,i1111i11g·. II io·h • el1<)0] offe1· ·, t he . tate r e– Ci lliJ' ed ·t11·1·ic11111111 p l u: a 11 t11n be1-– of electi,"e. . 1 h1--i:· tia11 a ociatio11 a11 l hri tia11 eparatio11 are majo1· factor s i11 Ol1r 1J1·og·1--am. "'\'\Te be– lie,·e t l1at tlz e edz£catio11 of tlz e l1eart i · tl1 e li eart of edztcatio;z. r .oar 1 1·oon1 a11cl t11ition are of– fe 1·ed at the lo,,~e. t po . ible co. ·t. A .~tt1de1 t <.'a11 atte11cl t l1i ·hool £01· l e 8 t ha11 . ·-oo £01.. t he £1111 11 i11e 111011 t l1... of .·e 11001. Tho e i11- t e1·e:t ecl 111ay g et £1111 i11for1natio11 bv .. "' 1 1·iti110· : :\Iol111t Tal)o1· h1·i - • tian Il ig·h ~ 1 ·hool r ,'o Re,T. B. . ~J e1111i11g· , Rol1te :3, Box 2 2, B e 1 lc– l e)~ \\_,. e ,t \ 7 irgi11ia . The Golden Gate to Christion Service On our beautiful campu s overlooking San Francisco Bay, high school grads can obtain- A CHRISTIAN EDUCATION FOR LIFE AND SERVICE. Four and five year degree programs: A.B. & B.Th . A three-year diploma course. FOR BIBLE STUDY THE BIBLE COLLEGE Write for free catalog WESTERN BAPTIST BIBLE COLLEGE Rev. H. 0. Van Gilder, D.D., President Hill and Elm Streets, El Cerrito, Cal. ------------------------------------------------------------~