The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1958

\\ 11 > ll .. \ ~' 1'11 1' 1,1\ l (~ t , 111, I ~ l' ! rl']1 l llll)tlPl'l\l"t ll~ ( l\t l"t ltlll (. 'e 11 - llll'\' 11:ts l't'lit'llt 1) \ ,tllt\tl t'tlllll, t– l\lP{1t:-1l1 ,111 :t cln111 lll'ltit1tl \\ l1i t· l1 ill<' t1·11tl\ "a~11ntl'"'· n11<.l ~11n:g'l'"t" tl1,1t ... \ 11\f'rll"c\ll l>11-...1tll''" 111t't1 lil~t' 1t> t , , l, t 11 l' l i l) l l, 1 i t l' r n 1l ~ be l. a 11 "'t' i t tll)e, 11(,t l ,J11cll't1111 t ll l'i r b11"'i11<'~s llll:)l 11 )ll , rlt (' ll it ~cl ,\~.•• 'l llt' ("() 1\ – tt'llti<.lll of tllt' lil><'r,11 ( "l11·i~tia11 J)l'(''' tl1nt tl1P \\T )l'll ()f l1 l>tl is tll) t cl l t)Ol~ <)l' n "'t' l'ill" <)f l'ili lJl)Ol,s l>11t tllt' l .ii ,111g· l , l1rist t<.) ,,·110111 ·l llP I i 1,lt' llt~,1 rs ,,·it l lt'S.. i ~ 11ot ,l llll 11t' ' er ,, ill b<.' n pt)pl1l,11· 011e1 for it l ri11g" j11tlo·111 :)11t lll1,,·11 t o tlate. ' \\~t' co11ltl ,1~1( 110,,~ tl1i " Li,.. i11g· l "l1ri:t ~1)e,1l~s :111(1 \,·l1at it i ll e ~,1,-" tl1at ~011 d e 11111s ....\.111 1·i a11 bu i- 11e. 111e11 ; l)tlt it i: too e\·ide11t t ll<l t t l1e Li l)e1·al.~ 11,1 i ,·el~.. tal{e f 01· g1·a11tec.l t 11,1 t Ile peale 011ly tl1 rol1gl1 tl1e111. a11d tl1at their ocial tl1 orie .. i._ the ,,..,. 01·d of od rather t l1a11 tl1e Bible it elf. \\Te a1·e glad tl1a t "' t1c 11 ,,,· ,,,.ill 11e, ,.e1-- be popll- " . . la1· a tl1e, ,. co11fe except 111 l1111- , ., , ·e1·~it:· a11cl l1igh-b1·0,, 1·eligiou ei r <: le.. "\,bat we a1·e co11cerned abot1t. ho\"re,·e1--, i ho,, ,ve ca1 1nake orc.ii11ar}" J)eopl e 1·ecoo·11ize Liber·al– i 111 -n·he11 the,- hear· it. and tur·11 ._ fro111 it. 01 1eho,v the. e :\Ioder11- j ·t are o .-- liclt that n10 t p eople 11e,·er . ll J)ect that tl1e}T .'lre be– i110' led tep b}.. ·tep to 011e-1\·orld o-o,·e1·11n1ent a11cl a 011e-,,orld 1·e– liO'ion tl1at will talte the 1 ta1-– ~ 'pa11gled Bau11er off our f~ag– ~taff a11cl tt1rn Ollr hl1rche 111to . o ·ial ·e11te1· ,vhe1·e a mixture of all 1·eliO'io11." i. tallO'ht i11, tead of l~ible l1ri t ianit,T. The,~ ca11not "' ,, lJelie, "e that their" pa tor , who talk al)Ollt a Li,ri11g h1"i. t a11d t11e '\\"'orcl of God. a1·e talki11g about on1ethi11g e11 ti1~e I\.. diff er e11 t f rom ,,·hat tl1e,r a. :oc:iate ""ith tho e .. te1·n1 . Pal1l . aicl t11at t1cl1 111en ··preach a11otl1er ,J e u , ·' a11cl are anathema. Read I I orinthia11 · 11 a11d r:;ee. The~,. f)reach a11 imaginar}· 1 hr·i t of their o,v11 fabr-·icatio11. Carl l\ic lnti1·e i r·ight ,vhe11 he ~ a~l: ··The 0111)· plaee that this ,,hr·i t <·ot1lcl J)O.. ibl:v· })~ ali\·e i. i11 ·t.he i111ao-i11atio11 of the e n1e11, ,vl10, i11 e the e,.. il in1aginatio11 of their hea1·t'"". cle11~· thE> trt1 tl1 of t he . ' • 1 • r1pture.. a11 it be that l)ad ~ 1r e ·, i11-· cle cl. Thirt~.,_ ·e," 11 ~"ear. ago ,,, fi1· t ra11 i11to it a11(l r ealized ,,,hat i t t l ' l'H l l t . ) <) 11 r e ( 1 i 1 l) r '\ cl ~ : t J' l'l' ' h Ill a ll ill ('O II q~·1' a 11 d h l'H rd i1,1w J) cl" t < l l' :,,,H ,\ H< l 1 l l (\ t l t l Il g· l 1. l, l' . . j '. ~ ~ : • ' l }t\() J)ll' ' ' () l'l' ,\ al )c) ttt ge1 t111 g cl\\ cl) l' t• ()lll ( 11,rist, l>llt \\ (l ll PP< l 11('\' Pl' \\ ()l'r\ nllt>111 tl1 ,tl , t'(>r l1P i8 cl g·r o,v– i11g ( 1 ]1riHt tl1,1t g'l·o,,ys ,,·itl1 ec~e11 g'('ll<\rn t il>11 , for r He 1 ge11cr ,1t1011 J)tlts its l>PH1 i(l0,1lH i11to fJ cst1.~ .< 111 ~ l1P bt' 10111rs a g·r rc1t er _a11(l g1r<1t r,1 ( ' l1rist ,ts t he ee11 t l 1r1e8 g·o lJy. \\"p li:tr11 ll 111 ,1111ctz 111 e 11t ::tJl 1 :,1itl t() l>ll l'Hel,.. <~ • • • Does lie ~11e~11 t 11,1 t ,,·p 111,t l{e tJ P~11 , i11 ·tead of )11111 111,1 l{i11g· lt ? ' ,,Te c~11 ti1111 eel t o li stPll it l)ee,1111e O e, '1tlent , t l1at ,re der ided 11 ever to g·o l)acl{ to l1 ec11· l1i111 ag·ai11. 8l1r h a11 i1nagi11a1·y hri t ~a11 11e,re1· ho11e t ly l)e ·aicl to b al1,re , or t o l1a,"e ~113r powe1-- of judg- 111e11t. IIo,v 1nillio11 of church 111embe1· · ·a11 cont i11l1e to belo11g to cl111r he wher e t1ch ca11t and l1JTI)Ocri )T i tall o·h t i beJ"Oll~ u1~- de1· ·ta11ding. Particula1--ly 1t 1 diffi lll t to llnder tand how lJu i– J1e . me1 ca11 p t1t big offering· i11 each l111day, ear11ed in our free-enterp1--i. e ).. te1n to pay for p1"eache1-.. and de1 omi11atio11al J)la11 that are t1·yi11g to de troy t l1at v tern. 1Teither can ,ve l1n– cl e1'. ta11d how bor11-ag·ain hri - tia11 ca11 UI)por·t 111en who p1·each a Chri t who ,va 11ot virgin-lJ01·11 ,·rl10 ,,orked 110 r eal miracle who 1nade 110 blood ato11e1nent for their ·i11 a11d ,vho n ever 1·0 ·e agai11 ! '\Vhate, ,er they maJ... ,·a:y,. t hey er·– tai11ly cl o not l1a, 1 e a Livi11g 1 hri t ! I t i. t he 13ilJle-belie,ri11g Fu11da- 1nentali. t ,,ho l1a. a li,~i11g 1 hri t. He ha hin1 a hi livi11g· i a iot1r· from i11 hi daily I11 ter ce.. or be- • fore the Throne hi · e, 'er-pre. ·ent ,,on1panio11 along the ,vay ~ a11d he l1a · him a hi. 1·i e11 Lord ,vho ha · all autl1oritJ" i11 h eave11 a11d 011 ea1"th a11cl ,,ho ·a11 lJ1·i11g judg- 111e11t lo,,·11 to elate ! "\Ve c1011 t 11eed a ne,,;r go. p e 1 to l)ri11g jt1dg·- 111e11t of ;10 ·ial e,"il · clow1 to dat . "\\Te 11eve1' ,vill g'o beyo11d ,J e l1, · perfect e11l111ciatiou of p er . onal a11cl . ocial 1·ighteou. ne . Wl1at ,,,.e do 11eed i. the co11 ciou 11e.1 t l1at the 1 hr' i t " "110 pol{e in Gali– lee i actt1ally ri. en and that hi " "\\T 01·cl a1--e jt1clg·i11g ll, ' cl a)" b)r clay a11cl that Ile i. ali,,e to tal{e note of it. I f )'"Oll wi ,11 to avoi i gr eat heart– cl<!hes clo11 t l)e , ,.o1{ec1 to t ho:e ._ that r eft1.1e the yok of ( 1 hri t. Augt1s t 1958 Ji' i\ I J I 1 J I f \ Ii \ l IC N'I N. • 1 • ( 1 ( ) ! T 'l I~H'l' \ t t l1e ( 1 <> tt11C'il <Jf 'I e 11 111P ti110· ,1 t t t 11or i 1, .. , v ,ls g r ,1 11 t P tl t o h cl,,P cl st,tt r-,ri(lP Htt11(l,1y • •c·hoc> l <1 ffo1·1, th i.· fall . eo111111itteC1 ha s l)ee11 sPt tlJ> eo 11sisti11g· of I->a:to1· .1\lla11 J ;e,vi: l b rt R ynhol1t Ro.v 1 larl< IJ011alc1 \Vooclby a11cl chair- 111a11 Ea1"l Leiuy. .., o ,ve are j 11 trod t1 1 i11g' a ' F 1\ l; [J 1I1-\RVE., 1 T fo r our .._ l111cla}' ~chool e11clea, 1 01· to be ·011ducte(I ()cto l)er 5tl1 th1·011gl1 J ove1n l)e r· 9th. \ ¥ e a1~e a11xiol1 to have eve1·y ._ u11da)T cl1ool participate o that ,,re can 1nal{e thi a great Evan– g'eli t ic Effor t fo r the Glory of God. v\ e a1-- all awa1--e that THE P T R PL Y., A MO T IiI- p RT XT P RT i11 the l1cce. of ·u ch a program. o don't et thi. a ide and think W ell it s n1onth off, but introduce it no,v and get a program set up for ·~hi fall. W e ,vol1ld elicit yol1r im– mediate r e po11 e in pu hing thi i11 your ·ht1rch. The rommittee ha made four cli,Ti io11 i11 ot1r u11day chool - la . A tte11da11ce fro111 1 to 101 la B - Attencla11ce f1·om 102 to 201 la - Attenda11ce f rom 202 to 350 ( 1 la. D A ttenda11 e from 351 a11d llp Y Oll h ould take your averag·e a tte11da11 e of the month of pril (5 ) t l1roug·h 110-t1 t and ll e t hi a. yol11-- ba e. Then for e, "el"J" pe1" 011 you have in attendance above the ba e yol1 will get one poi11t. t t h e 11d of the ' HAR- "'\TE T the tu1da3r chool \,vit h the g1·eat e. t n11mber of point i11 each g1--ot1p will r eceive an fIIEVE:\IE T vV RD PL Q E . Each participating· u n d a "J' .. ~ ehool ,,rill e11d a weekly r e– port of the atte11da11 e and the11 each ,i\i1eel{ you will r eceive bacl{ a total r eport to keep 3rou up to clat 011 the p1·og1--e bei110· made. The e11trance f ee will be 6.00 for each t111day chool and .·hot1lcl be e11t to Pa tor Roy ( 1 la1·l< 11011 1\Iile ve. levela11<1 5 hio. The deadline for thi to