The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1958

( T}l l I~l INDEI.,ENl ENT BAPTIST__~---~-~~ S pt n1b r 1958 -- 1, )( 1 l ~l· l·~ l ; lJ l~l, \\ .. \ 1,1, 1·: 1) J;A\I,1·;1/ 1 )< r 't , ~~( < t \ ' t 1<) l'llt' Jlrilli11:1 l~a1,t1st ~ "1111 "111i l l' () \ "l'l' tll( , t()l \ tl1c11 l tl l ~~l , ,l <lll ll • I . Ix lt 1,l'ft.. ller , ,·c1l l, ('t l t <) t llt'ir l·l111rl·l1 i 1'< 111 ("ll' \ t' l ,tt t<l 1 <) ntft' l l<l t l1e a111111a l ll}llt'tl ll~ () r ti lt' ( 1 l t'\"('– la11 l l'c11,t1"t .\ "~<)vin ti<l 11 - c111< I lli<l it lla1·Pf<l< t. \ \ "'1tt'f lier lit' ,va 11\t'<l t lt t' f11ll :..~) 111ilt' ' t)r 1<)<.ll, H . t 1·t>et ec11· a~ f,1r a" lit' et)\ll<l . ,,·e ,lrP 11ot tol ll · l,11t ltP tlttl e ..1r1·, l1is ~11or:s a 11 c.l soe l,~ • 1111til lit' g <.)t t<) l{ <.)t•l, , · I:) i,·C'1'. ,,·c1sl1 ec.l ~ . l1i" ft'r~t <111<i l)l l t 0 11 l1is ~llt)('. , a11cl I r<)<'l'rtl<'tl t<1 t l1t) el111rel1 ! \\·f, n1·t' 11ot lll) <.)11 t11e li fr of .Jol111 J ). t'Ilt)ll!! ll to J, 11 ,,· ,,·11 t l1er he ,,·a. c1 lrt clti,· \Y<.)1·t l1 ,1 111 illio11 i11 1 )97 l)llt • ,, l) -... ,1 J)e<:t lie ,,·as. a11d tl1a t lie did t1<,t " c1,·t"' l1i ._ s l1tle. fo1· fi11a11eial r ea - l)ll~. "\\"l1at i11t1-- ig·l1e"' ,1 " i t l1at t l1i. 1 ,t1 "i 11es s 111a 11 .:o e11jO)~ecl a . oeiatio11- ,1 l 111e ~ti11g. t l1at l1e ,,·a, ,,·illi11g t o ,,·all, all cla,· t o att e11d t l1e111. I~.1itl1e1-- • 11t~ l1ad a dreJJe1"' a1)pre ·iat io11 of t l1P ,·al,1e8 of : pi1--itttal fello,,\-- l1ip tl1a11 ,,·e l1a ,·e. 01· the old as."o ·i– atio11al 111Pet i11g. ,,·er e 11101·e i11 J)ir– i11g or botl1. ,, ....e st1 'I)ett tl1a t · 'l)oth' · i. tl1e a11 ,,·er. The d i ·t1·i t a ·ocia tio11 ,, a~ i11 tl10.. e claJ~ a ce11t r of Bapti. t life ,111c1 :e1~,·iee. The t at e eon – ,·e11tio11. ,,~er e t oo fa1· a,,·a~yr for· 111o"'t J)eOJ)le. a11d t11e ?\Tor t l1e1--11 l~<lP. ti"t <>11,·r11tio11 l1a 1 11ot vet l)ee1 .. t l1ot1g·l1t of; 111t1c.-h le . C>t11· cxocl11 to f or111 :111 c1 • oc·ia t i011 of Ollr Olrn. 1 t ,,~a~ a ~11i1·it11al t1"ea + fo1· thP 11eo1)lc to get t ooet l1e1-- f r o111 tl1e 11ei!!l1borj11 o~ ·h11rche. , 1·ectd t hej1-– el1111·c;h letter .· of p1·0~:re. or t r ou– ble. hea1· tl1e l)a t or\ preach. a11c1 l1a ,·e cli1111e1· on the g·1--01111d . Ilome.· ,,·e1--e ope11ecl . fo r t he a.. o ·iatio11 111et fo1· t 11ree la}· , a1 d f rie11d. l1ip. ,,;ere f C>1~111ecl 11e,·er to l)e f 01--g:ot te11. \\""e l(no,,· ,,·e ea11not t111·n l)aCl( t lie l1a11d of tin1e. lJ11t ,,..e ha,.. r t lo11e e11Ol1g·h barefoot ,,..alki11cr t o tl1i11k ,,·e lc110,'f ,,·hJ" .John D. took off hi l1oe : a11cl ,,·e ,,·i. 11 ther e ,,·a. 0111e ,,·a~· to 1·e,·i, .. e the lo,·e of ' l1ri"tia11 fello,,· hip eno11gh ~o t l1at I3aJ)ti ·t ,,·011lc1 e,·e11 l1e ,,·j}li11cr to . ~ ,,·all\ 111 01·c1er· to g:et to Ol11· :tat e ,111cl cli t1--i, ·t a. ·ociatio11al 111eeti11g.. . l 11 tl1e eo111fort of c>11r· n1ocle r 11 <:cl r-... . ,,·p ·a11 g-et fro111 l)ort 111011tl1 01· < Tallipoli" tc> ot1r , tate1 111ePti11g i11 'Jp,·rla11fl i11 le. ~ t1111e tl1a11 it took Jl1·. Ro<.:liefelle1· to ,,·all{ to :\le(li11a; · a 11 cl ,,~e a 1·e 11rP t hr 111e ag·e a11cl 1}1e 11111 i,· ,,Till 1),~ l)Ptt ~r a11,l tl1P l't, 11 () \\ ~lltJ ) jt1~1 H"' ~\\('P t . I f H hiµ: l >l l ~ lll l\ "' ~ lll Ull <' ()ttl<l (Hl<P <>i' f 1111' ('(> <l r l'<>t1r <l,t,·~ t c> ,1tt t' 1cl a clist rj t,1 • 111t't't i 11g· i11 1 )~)7. c·c1 11 't ,,.<' a [fo r cl tc1 tal<t' tl fl' n f11,,· cl,1,·s tc> a ttP 11 cl 0\11' • ~ tHt P Jll Pl' t i11 g , \\r( <'H ll if '\'(' ea r p . 'L' lll~ H'l~l 1\ll l1l "S () }1, 1< ( I RE "'\ l r XO .\ t 1 e(l ar,,ille 011e of t he . en1i11 a1· i11~trt1et or s .. aid ~ ' :\Io.·t of 011r J)r c,\at l1e1~s do11't 1·ead l1ig· . eriou bool,s.' \"\T 111ade a n1e1 tal 11ote of it, ca111e }101110 a11c1 1· ad t he lat .-t \\ at ·h111a11 Exa111i11e1-- a11d t her e fo l111(l t l1e t e ,timo11y of \\ 7 • R. ul- r R~: YOl " I->LA~~IX } T T EDAR HILL T. 13-16 ? ? • Y 01 11eetl 11ot ,valk barefoot, lJllt ·01n e d e11101 t r at }1io R o~- 11lar Bapt i t .· ar e ali, , ! O'Ood J)rog1--a111 ,,Tait tl a1 cl r·oyal 10. pitality ! 1011 a · t o ,,,hat 1·eac1 i11g a book by 1 • an1pbell 1\ for O'au had mean t to him baelc i11 1907. In the book The r i e of C111--i t, l1e had op 1 ecl 11p to him the r eal 1nea11i 110· of n1an . er eat io11 in the in1ag·e of rod . 1 od i: a '1pi1"it: a11cl i11 }I i. i111ag ,ve a 1. o ha , re a n1ind to thi11k 111ot io11 to fee l . a11d a "vil l to choo . L ater tl1a t t r11th OI) 1 ed up R , ,. . 3 :20 to l1in1 a11d he : aw t l1at lie n111.· t let t l1e Lor cl i11to hi.· n1i11d to thinl< Il i.· tho11ght · i11to hi · e1notio11al life t o lo, ,e ,,·J1at Il e lo,re._ a11 cl ' i11to hi · , ·0Jitio11al lif to r hoo e fl i:· r l1oi~e:. .t\ 11 that life-cha11o' i11g d)"- 11a1111te ea111e £1·0111 the r acl i110· of ,l bool<. Th i: 111011tl1 ,,-e ha,·e 111a11aO'e l t o zi11e. · like t h O I B ) . '\\Te ·a1111ot lceep 011r 111 11tal 111ac l1i11e1·, .. i11 O'QO l ,,-01·l{i11g· orde1· if ,,·e cl o i1ot 1--ead. ..\ 111i11d i1 to ,,·hi ·h 11othi11cr 11e,,· . . 0 p, ·rr to111 C'8 1.· l1l<e a .:tag11a11t l)Ool get 01 tr 11001~ r r , ·ie,v~ baclc ,,,. l1r 1-- r tl1P~" l)c.)1011 <>', rclitec1 l)J" Re, ... . 1 • 1 • 1 la,,,._ 011: a11d ,ve hop e the, .. ,;t{ill l1elr) 011r pe()J)le t o bll)" a11d 1·ea(l g·o<)cl C 1 hri: tia11 l)ool<. ( a11d 111aga - t l1 ,1t l) l' PP( ls s li111 H ll ( l ll}(l l - <><1() 1'~. \ 111 i1 1c l tl1,1t ()111) 7 PX J)()8PS i1 ~r l f t <> t l1P f ri\'()l ()l lS S])C> rt8 ,lll (l ac·t i, · it iPH <> f' t }1p \\' OJ'l cl \\r i}} ll H{ t tra ll .)" l>eC'OTllC' f ri,·c> lOlls 1oc>. ,\ 111 i11cl tl1at fppc)s l l[)011 t }1 p goss iJ) of t}1 e 1 r ig hb<>l'– h ood ,,ri 11 l>eC'o111 r els 1111 <· lra 11 a:-; that t 111o11 , ,· h i <' }1 i t f r ( l:. A 1 n incl th a 1 11 r ,·e r ~oa r . a bo,·e th e littlP circl e c)f its ., lf i.·h t hot1ght: ,,,ill l)erornr a ·]o:ecl -ei1~e11it of pett i11es: t hat be- 1 ir s t l1e g1·ea t 11 e. . of ma 11. "\\ 7 1n ight e, "e1 do a little 111or e t hi11ki11g· 011 t l1e t e timo11y of W. R. llllo111 a~ t o the 1nea1 ing of Re,·. ;3 :2(). v\ 1 hat doe. it mea1 to in– ,1i te 1 hri:t t o co111e i11 a11d l)e t l1 Lor 1 of 011r li,·e. ? Doe: it on lv mea11 .. t hat ,,-e ac ·ep t hi111 a: Ollr aviour f r o111 f11tt11-- e judcrme1 t a1 cl :tar t goi110· to ·hl1r h ? It ,vot1ld . ee1n t hat n1an y thinlr o j11dg·in0' by their t l1inki11g a11cl behavior. Talk to t he111 abol1t a11y of tl1 e gr eat p1--ol)le1n .· of th e d ay and tl1e~y'" eit her 111a11if e t complete ignor a1 ce or in1- ply 111irro1-- the c111~re11 t icl ea i11 th e 11e,,· 'paper or of the 11ew ommen– tat or . The~· h a, ·e 11e, 1 er ·eriou l)· t r·iecl to thi11lc t he t l10110'ht of h1·i t and appl~- th en1 to t he proble1n of t l1e da, r nor ha, re t he"\... r ealized t hat the}T Ill ll t ma1 ife t Hi e1no– t io11a l at tit t1de of lo, , fo r t h e rig·ht a1 d hatr ed of the wro110' nor c1o t ]1ey em to r ealize t hat lli choice.: ot1°·ht to be their .. ' . ~Io. t of t h ·hur·cl1 n1ember of 0111-- t in1e a r e 11ot per,re1"' e, bu t omehow the, r have f a jled to thi11k t hrouO'h ,vhit di ·iple. hip mea1 . Tl1ey l1a, re not r eacl their BilJle e110,1gh, 1101-- let t l1e Bible be the c.;1·it erio11 a to ,,~}1at fl11·ther n1ater ial the~r ou gl1t to 1--ead. L et ll.: g,i,,.e ot1r mind.· ,,·i11g. ,vit h , ,..hi t h to ri.'e al)o, e t l1e pett3~ little r o1111d: of co1nmon or– di11ar~,. '1 l11·i."tia11 li,ri11g· a1 d d o it b~r 1·eadi11g· 11101·e. TIP T TR T lSER • pray111g. 1 i ,·e t 1·ac t~.. ,,..11 i · 11 a1·p ap p 1·op1--i– ate to th oc-ta.·io11. Talk , ,,. ith ) ·o t11· : t1l)j Pet, i f p o~- . ible. A l,,ra)", off er t1·a ·t , ,vit l1 a .:n1ile. Do11 t for ·e t 1·a 1 t l1pon p eople. 1T. e 01 l}T a ttr acti, 1 e t ra t .1 . K eep yot1r t r act n eat a11d lea11. Begi11 110" " t o 11. e at lea .. t 011 t i·aet a lav. ..