The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1958

IN11 PENDENT BAPTIST S ptemb r 1958 T. CURI TOPHER MEDALS NEEDED 1, 1 ·~ 1~_, 1, • 1 ~ ( 1 ... \ s 'r. lll{l~ '['()l>l l E l '8 ~I F.1 1) .. \11 ~laJr ~7. l ~l)S 1)(1 , t ) l' "\\"'illi,1111 l 'lo11ces S t J ) s ') 1)]1·.. :\ Ii.... sio11 l)l,·1t1011tl1. l1io • l )c,n r R rot11 1· : Tl1<111l~ ) ·011 for ~"o t11· g:oocl 111- t t 11ti 11 i11 . e 11di110· 111e the t. l11·i~t01)l1e1· ruet1c1l. I lo,... e 3"0u r· , t111 l f t11· J e s 11 • salte and ho1)e t l1at , ·011 ,,·ill r ea<.l ,,·l1at I ,,·1·ite to ) "Ol l, ~ I l1a , ·e 1·eacl , -0111· lette1' . :\I,.. • • 11 a1·t ~oe._ .. 011t to t l10 e ,,·10 t1·11 t ' i11 el1a r111~ a11d i11 h11n1a1 '· ai11t lo11g 1· 1110, ·ecl f 1·0111 t l1e e11e .... ,, l1ere the,· ca11 co1 t in11e thei1· • ,,·01·k of helpf11l11e . I t i. ll1J'" .i<.1~- to tr11... t dail~· i11 the Lo1·d J u 'l11·i t . ,~tho i able to be p r'e e11t e,·e1·~-"~he1'e a11d help u becat1 ... e l1e i., li od i11ca1·11ate. Ile ha o·r a– cio11 l}· l~ept n1e fo1· ma11~... ~Tear .· . a11(l 0111eti111e~ deli,·er ed n1e i1 a 111i1·act1lo11. manner· a11d o I clo 11ot feel the 11eed of an,.. le . er • J1elJ)e1\ . I ltno,, t hat "\'"Oll <.lo 11ot l)elie, re & ,,-ith t he ) f 01'mon tl1at hl1man ·1·eat111·e . lo,,·l)... e, ..ol,re i11to g·od l111t tl1at ho,,·e,·e1~ l)le. eel ,,·e 111a:).. 1Jecome i11 hea,Te11. ,,ye ,,Till f or" e, ..e1· 1·e111ai11 ·1'eat111·e . ,,·itl1 the limita – tion of e1·eat111·e . I f that i trt1e tl1en . if t he1·e e,... e 1" ,,·er e 11 • 11 a 1na11 a 1 h1'i, to1)he1-- . " ·hicl1 i.· high- 1~... i111p1'olJable. l1e i. ·t ill a f i11ite cr eat111·e n1 hea,te11. Tha t i e, --e11 tr11e of 1'f a1 .., .. , ho,ve, ,,.er· ble ·eel • sl1e 111a, ... l)e. ~ he ha, 11ot beco1ne a • g '() (l (1P ·s, a. ) "() ll )"Olll\ elf ,, 1 ill gla I– I,.. ,l l111 it . 'I' l1e po. i le Paul plai11- 1·, .. ~a, ,. t l1at h11111a1 l)ei11g-.... ,vill fo1·- ·,,.e1· 'l1a, 1 e the li111itatio11 of t h ·1· at11r , ,,.. l1e11 l1e .. ay ' ' Whil. t ,, 1 e a1·e at home i1 t he body we ar·e ab. e 11 t £1,0111 t he Lord . . . ,,re a1· of g·ood cot11,age I ay and a1· willi11g· 1'athe1· to be ab e11t f r o111 t he bod,T a1 d t o be at home " Tit h t l1e Lo;·d. ' II or. 5 :6- . l 11le .. , 1 {e ar e to agr ee wit h the r\. clve1 ti t t hat 0111' . ot1l. ~ leep in t he g·r a, re . we will have t o belie, 1 e t l1at 010111011 mea11t t hat t he c1ead cl o not lc11ow ,vhat i. g'oi110· on. i11 t hi '\"\"Orld, ,v l1en he aid The dead lu1ow 11ot a1 Jr- .. thi11g·' E ·cle. . 9 : '"' . E,re11 i.f he wer e allowed to h ear our prayer . . ho,, fooli. h to thi11k that ,vith hi r eat11ral limitation. lie coulcl hear· a millio1 pra:y'"er an hour and pa t hem 01 to ~Iary and t o thi11k that . he co11ld pa all hi a11cl t1 0. e fron1 all t he other . ai11t , all tho e offer e cl di1--ect ly t o her on to t l1e Lo1--d fJ e 11 a11d a lr him to g1--an t . ome a1 d r ej ect other I \\Te beli ,re t hat t he Lord J e ll ca1 h ear all our prayer beca11 e he i ocl a 11d O ha i11finit e v\ri - do111 : l)11t he malte i t plai11 that he doe. not ha, ,.e to 1--ep eat t ho e praJ"er . to t l1e F athe1" i1 hi. i11t e1'– ce ory worl{ one l)}T 011e b11t t hat a.· t he accepted of t he F ather our faith i11 hi1n i llff icient. It i · hi. l)lood . l1ec1 that p eak for ll a11c1 he cl oe. 11ot ha, re to mal{e hi. lip ., : pealr a millio11 ,,.,or cl · a minute t o pre ·e11t 0111' p r a} 1 er . Thi i hi . , ."T .... ~ ... TDI.L TG and TATE' ' ! 11 rlii·i.·t- 0 1t r Position Ble , eel i11 1 h1'i t- Eph. 1 :3 ... \ c ·eptPcl i11 Belo, ..ed E ph. 1 :6 allecl . ·011 I J 01111 3 :l I ,i L ife 0 1£1' '01iclit io,;i \ \ .. e ~ r e Fo1'ai, ..en-E p l1. 1 :7 J1~~tifi cl Withot1t "\\.,.01·k - Ron1. Ble · ·eel I n Deed J ame· 1 :25 Accepted i11 Life II 01· . 5 :9 "\\Talk A ,. iuch I The . 2 :12 Let 1...~, Be Fo1'gi, ri11g· Eph. 4 :32 ,J11.·tifiecl B 3r W 01'1{ J ame 2 :24: 3 . 9 ["'\ ..... , , ...e .... \.1·e K e1)t I P eter 1 :5 )I ~et11t-1 - Ilea\·e11l\'~ 1 01. 1 :12 .. ( 1·dai11et1 Ete1'nal 13 :4 Recl ee111ed to God Re,·. 5 ;9 Let l T Keep 0 11r ·elve · Jude 21 :\I eet11e:. E a1'thl3r II Tim. 2 :21 Orclai11ec1 J"Ood "\V 01·k Eph. 2 :1O Rec1eemec1 F 1'on1 ~ 'in Tit t1: 2 :14 - F1·om TfIE "\'\T0 .1. ... DERFlTL W RD b~,. C{eo1'ge H e11de1' 0 11 ,,,orc1 fo1' it it1 ,J 01111 16 :26 ..J 7: ' 1\ t, that < la)"" y shall a:J( i11 my 11a1r1c : a11d f 1 ·a3.. 11ot 1111to YOll, tha l ,,,ill l)t'ay the ] atl1e1' fo1' you: for t h } 1 a the1' hi111. ·elf loveth yo11 be- a 11. e ye have loved m , a11cl have belie, red that I came out £1,om od. o,,{ if that i. true of the inter– ce. or,T worl{ o.f hri t a11d J e.-·111 · '" hin1 lf av. that it i , ho,v child- ., i h it i to thi11k that ther e ha t o be a cl1ai11 of verbal interce. - io11 fron1 a n1ortal to a aint a11d fro1n the aint to l\'larv a11d fro111 .. :\far., to J e. 11. , a11cl .fron1 J e 1. to t he Father a11d ho" 1 lacking· i11 :faith i11 the ufficie11c,r of the 011 ·e a11d .for e, rer con1plet ed acri# .fi~e of hri t ! Hi ·bed bloocl peaketl1 better thi11g tha11 tl1e blood of Abel o ,vhy 11ot tru t in it effi ca y a11c1 i11 the lovinO' con- ier11 of Ol1r 1"eco11 iled Father who l{11ow ,vhat ,ve ha,re 11eed of be– .fore we e, 1 eu a lr him. The Father i. 110 lo11ger ano·r'y with hi blood– boll o·h t child, a11d th on i 11ot r el11 ta11t o whJr ,,,.a t e tin1e ,, .. ith <: har--1n. a11d . ai11t ? It i. 1ny i11cer e l1ope that J oel will ope11 yo11r eye a he ha fo r thot1 a11d o.f otl1er Ron1an prie t a11cl give }""Oll thi ble ed f aith i11 h1·i t that deli,Ter f1·01n f ar. The11 lil{e Jacob on hi. ,, 1 a}r to Bethel }~Oll , ,Till btlr)r ~ ..0111· ·l1arn1 deep a11d 11eve1' go back t o t hem agai11. i11 e1'el3" yot1r i11 hri t, Ralph T. 1Jordlund FR l\f THE REAT ,-L D T0.1.TE If I am a keel ,,,.hat i.· th e 1·en1ed}T f 01' the deep e1' 01'1·0,v , of the h11111a11 h a1·t, I 111u t point to ·on1etl1iug which i11 tl1e well-kno,,·11 h ,r1n11 i. calleel 'tl1e olcl old • . t o1--y. ' ' ' .Jla11 tal]{ · of the ·t11·,,. i\"al of th f itte~ ·t. bt1t the 0·101',... of the o - • p el i that it tra11 f o1·m the l111- f it.