The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1958

_O_ct_o_b_er_ 1_958 ___________ THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST -------- Page Nineteen ---- GOD'S OUGHTS OF PEACE REFLECTIONS OF GOD'S FAITHFULNESS- No. 8 ··}"c>r [ l,11 0,,· the1 tl1()ltµ:hts tl1 ,1t I tl1i 11 l, to,,·a1· c.l )t tl .·aith tl1r Lorcl, tl1ottg·l1t.· of p ac· a.11 1 11ot of r , ·jl, to gi,Te ~"o t1 a 11 <:XI) <'tr l 11cl. Tl1is ,·e1-. e ha8 l)ce11 p:i,,e11 to 1110 c:l11e,,· tl1e: la:t 111011 t l1s as I 11a vc .· e11 111)" 0 ,,,11 J)la 11.· b1·ot1gl1t to 11al1ght a11cl a lJ.·01·1) (1 i11 Ili: tl1ot1g·l1t .· of 11ea te. 1 ha 1 XI) etecl to ,,,r· ite to 3ro11 £1·0111 111}" 0\\"11 ho111 i11 ~Ia11o·t t110·1t t l1is t i111e l-: t1t co11 t r·a1·.,.. to 111)" a11ti ·ipa - tio11s I a111 . till h er e cl t T ,~{t111gt1. Tl1e 1·easo11 i · that ~ 1 I1·. .J a11 tr, the cie. ·ig·11er a11d cl i1 ..ect or of the ht1il l– i11g of 111)r hot1. is doi11g· st1 ;11 a11 rxtra g·ood jol> 011 it tl1at it is 11ot ~-et r eady £01· oe 'llpa11 jjT. M ea11 - Yvhile the (lri11g-. fa111i l y f ro111 t his ~tat io11 l1a ,·e go11e for· a f e,,, ,,·e l l<:. · of ,, 1 ell-ea r11 ecl ,Taeatio11, a11cl l a111 ·· 11 oldi11g the fort' ,,r}1il they a1" go11r. I t a1,,,ay.1 g·i,,. ., spe ·ial jo)' to :ee ho,,, the Lorcl ,,,orl{s t hi11gs Ollt a; 1 orcli11g· t o Jl i: 0 " 1 11 pt1rposc a 11 l ·al1 .·e.· all t}Ji11o·s to do,, tail togftl1e1· J)erf eetly. I f ,,,e l)ll t a ·- tfpt IIi. pla11 a11 ] expo:e 011r- .· 1,,e: to th0 eiret11t1sta11 (' 8 of Ilis ehoic·e' ' 110 111 atte1-- ]1 0,v 111t1 ·h ot1r o~,11 ] it t 1 p 1 a 11 s a r e 11 J) ~ ~ t a 1 1 cl 1 l1,,·arte l ,,re ,,,ill pa1·tal{P of J 1 is tl1ot1ght .· of p eat<' a11cl the exp ect cl c 11 cl "''ill l)e g·l <)1·iol1,·. 111 J)l'll ,vhe11 the) I~ 11: 1110,, Pcl to Kil<,, 1 it to 111ert a11 p111p 1·g·en(•)' tl1Pre 1 t ook o,·pr thr t,ro Bil)lc C'la.·s;~ i11 R o 111a11 .· a11d i I<1rl{. r1 1 }1i.· 1>1·ovrcl to IJ ;) a r al <·l1all e11{2: a11cl LlP8si11g· tc> 111 r. fc)r 1 l1acl to . 1)e11cl )t(>llrs J) t'PJ)ttri11 g· the1 1 :1:so11 s 111 t l1 1 l(i l<,,·a11gc> lc111g·,1ag·<):-;. 'l 11irt~r-six l)() \,.. . f i ) l j sh(' ( l t l 1(' (. () \ 1 l' :,.;(\ a l l ( l t \ \ r () c, r·t}1<1tll cl t' P ]C)Ol<i11g fOl'\\' Rl'(l t<> Jl- 1 <> 1• i 11 o· < > l l r c ·e 11 t 1• a l J 1 i l > 1 P 8 <' J 1 oo 1 a t _:\ la11 ;tt11gl1 tl1is fa ll . 'l'l1P t1c>ccl Jor J)l'PJ)c11·e1cl 11ati,,e1,, 1 orl<r1·" i. ·o g r e,t t . ~()lt l s (•()llti 11UP t<) ('O)lfP~S ( 1 l1ri~t i 11 1•1 P :--;11 rrol111cli11µ: ,·illag·ps ,ts tll<' \\'<>t·cl i"' fait l1f11ll~· l )I'P<l('llP<l. I~ttt t• \ ' Pl'\'\\ }l P l'P , ill (-1\T(l)'\' \ j J] <tg"(', t llP (')'~· is: .'' ( 1 0 111 <' c111cl 1Pa 1 el1 11:-; 1ltl' \~"(>rel <1f ( ;(>d.,' 'l'Ji ~ lll,l,J(>l'it~r <Jf' tllc):-,t• ,\' l 1 <) I 1 a ,· P t (> 11 f ) :,.;:-, <' c 1 ( 1 l 1 r i :,., t cl • N, t , i<>lll' ( \VP}} <>\' Pl' 7()() 1}<)\\ ) Ul'<' H<l11)t:,., ,vlt<> ,·a11 't l'P,t<l. 11 ,, ill tl<J1 <lo 1<> g J \ 1 t• 1 )lPlll ii J)<lt't i(>ll <>f 1 }l<' \\' l)l'tl a11cl 1Pll tl1P1t1 t<> sP,trt·h tlte N<·t'l)) llll'PS f<)J' 1}1PlllSttl\ 1 P S. 'l'l1c•ir l>,t<·l~- :,!,' t'()llll<l j~ tJll<' <,f sll l>l 't'St i1 l<>ll \\' i1t•l)t•f 'Hf1 , f'<'<lf' <Jf 1ht• SJJit' i1 \\CJJ'ltl i111111,,1·,tlit, . I t i:-; t r11< · 1 l1,1i ( 1 <,11g<, I I tl :-i t • I 1 ( l 11 g t ' ( l I) I I t t Ii ( I:-,; p I, l ' :-; } l \ ' j l- l<tg·c's ell' <' .. t ill he lcl 1), .. cl ct rl< l1 c 1 a- • tl1c Jli.·111 a11cl 1 11sla, 1 ('(l I>, · e,· il I •a- • t ,111il' 1)0\\' P r s. I 1·rct<' l1i11g· tl1r Gos- 1)<' 1 t<> tl1E 11 1 l)e riocli c·all)T ,,·ill 11ot lll C'Pt the> 11 eecl. ~01110011 \\ 1 ith a tr11r l)a8tor .· l1rart 11111st li,,r 1 hri.·t c1111011g t 11 e1 111 a 11 cl t Pil • h t l1e111 c·f> 11- :--;i . ·t e11 t l ) .. , cl a~"-1)~,.-cla>'.. , • li11e l1p o11 l i11 0, 1 1·eee: pt 111)011 I) l' ·e1)t.' Tl1 1·c c' 1' \ .'O fe\\ 1 llliS8l0llal'iP.' a 11 l ev l l ,vit l1 t l1 t,,,r l,·e tOllI) l e. · fo1· \\' 11 0 111 ,,,rar e tr,1sti11 g· t l1e l1orcl t he )) Rt ,,·r ('a11 h o1)r to clo is t o ·01111u it t hat ,,,l1ieh ,,·r l1a vr l1earcl a 11cl l<110,, 1 to fc1 it l1f11l 111 e 11 ,,,110 .· l1all l)r abl<: to tra 1 11 otb l'S a ]80. ' "\¥ C ha,,e t\\ 1 0 11at1,re pa. to1·s herr i11 th ) l a r ge l , v11 t1g·o ·,{illap: . 11dr i1' . ·heJ)– L. er (li11g th r , ,i]la g·e floe}{ of t1 r eee11tl5r 8ta l>lish r(l i11clige11 0ll.' l'l111r 1 l1 ,,rl1il e Da,,id is th va11g·e– li.·t ,vho spe11d: 111 t1 t h of hi s t i111r g·oi11g· f 1·0111 vil]agc to ,Till ag·r to c11 tot1ragr the ( ~}1ristia 11s. '\\T' c:o,1lcl ,,Ti~ 11 t 11 eir 11 1 t111 b er to l)e 111 ltl tipli 1 1J~,. at least 011e ht111 (1recl , c111c1 to • thi8 e11cl ,,. ar c> 1) r a)·i11 g· tl1e l -101·c1 of t l1e har,,.est a11(l g· i, 1 i11g Ollr – ·e]\ 't:\' to clo I l i.· ,,,ill . F <>1· the' ]a:t ,,, rl< cl f ,v of thP 11ati\ 1 .) ,\'Olll 11 }1a\' l)e 11 )0111 - Your IN i11g: at 11igl1t f<J t' 1>r,1}·P r. 'I l1e~· '1 a,. P I) r <-1 11 11 <:> l l i 11 i g· 11 ora 11 <• e . c) l()11g· c1. · s la,'c\· l>Cli11g· l)ot1ght a11cl solcl at the ,,·i ll of th el lrr 1nr.11 of t l1 Pj1· fa111ili t1s, t l1 at it i: a .·pec:ial c 1le l ight to srr the :tosp l ligl1t l)r·ra l<: t l1r ol1g·h to the111. J lo11g· tl1clt t 11P.'l tO() 111ig· l1t lctl()\V tl1 e1 jo).. of rPtei, 1 i11g· clefi 11 it a11:,, 1 er~ to clPf i11ite 1)1·a~,.er .1 . '111 is 111011 th 111c11· l<H cl , 1 ea1· :i11 ('e • 1 lrft tl1e ho111rla11cl. l)ai l~v .. T prai. e (locl ff)r l>rj11gi11g 111e llaclt to 1 011- 00 for 11 iH clav-1>,.. cla\" o·tti la11 ·r b , , ~ 0 <111cl le )PI)i11g, fo r ] Ii.· th(>t10·}1t. of })ea ·e to 111p,,-. a r c.l- Hll leadi11g to tl1r c 1 XJ)cctecl c11cl: rl o behol c1 lli.' faC'P i11 (:lol')". 'rr11l ) 1 , ·· I t ,,rill l)e , ,-.or t h it all v,--h e11 ,,, : e J .'ll ' . ' ]3,r t}1e ti111c thi~ lette1· 1·eac:l1e ' • )·ott 1 ,vill IJr i11 :\ Ia11g·l111g·l1 i11 111~· o,,·11 11 0111 . 11 v'" aclc1re8.· ,,--ill l)e: • ~I a 11 g·1 t11 g-11, 13 l> 26, I liof,t, (io11go J1elg·c>. \\.,.011 ' t :'{Olt '\YritP a11cl lrt t1 .· l{11 c),,. that ) "Oll ar·c r 111e111l)eri11g l l .' ? J>Zea. e 11,entio1i THE OlIIO I r_ DEP E1\ TDE1\7T B ~ PT I T wlie1n ll "ti f i11,r; 01£r Acli·crti. ei· . It 1.lill be aJJJJ'r ecia t ecl. of SELF, PRAYER & FINANCES In HOME MISSIONS WILL PAY ETERNAL DIVIDENDS - ' Reach America to Reach the World" HIAWATHA LAND INDEPENDEN'I BAPTIST l\DSSION 1109 Ludington t. E canaba, Mich. - • ,._ _ PORT SSIONS P .O. Bo 465 ith our F I "" E PR YER , GIFT .. I Help thti: FELLOWSB iP OF BAPTISTS FOR HOIVIE MISSIONS Rechurch An1eri a itl1 ound Bapti t .. hur b Elyria, Ohio