The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1958

l l\11· :111 1111(1 l }ll , 't\ t illi!' \\ 111 l)t ' g'lll :1t t11e <~,ll;t1· l l i ll l\ct{)tt, t ( , l111r e l1 iii It ,·t' la11<l j 11,t ·t tl~1~· t)r ~l) ,1ft er t 11 is 1,,11 P t-a l) l lll', fl'( l lll t 1l t' })l'l' "-S , , , < lll 111i11t i tl l'l\ l l(l1 \ lrH11~· ()ll (ll ll' , , ,> t 1 int i, >11 a11(l ,, 11at it , ta11<l~ f l) l' 1 ,· ,111,l , t\ l' f,, ll t) \\ ,1111) cll ll l ll () ll ll' :lllt l f< l't'l~' ll 111 1, si t) ll,ll'> P lltl ""H\ 'll l' . lt J)l'()lll(llt'" ) 'llllfl l \\'() l'l, ~lllll (' ~I – t ( 111·a g·,, , l~i ll le-t r t tt' l' tl11e,1t t t)ll. \\ l' tl1a11l" l ~t)tl fl) l' all tl1c1t i~ ll<""111p: (1 )llf' tl1r 11~r l1 (l 11r cl"~c1e iati t)11. a11cl ,·~ f 'e l t l1c1t , tl 11111<· 11 111<lrt' ; 11l tl ilc l()ll(' if a ll ()\ tr (·l111r ·l1<' s eal1gl1 t t I 1 ~ ' i ' i l) l l . \ \ •11,· i , it t l 1 a t ~~ ' ~ o f o ti r • • • (·l111r,·l1e, <l o 111<)~t <)f tl1c g·1, ·111g:. 111<>"' t {)f t 11(' a tt 3 I1tli11g· t1f 111fr ti11g~, 111t), t t1f tl1\ l><>o~ti11g·. a11 tl t l1at tl1('1·e clr(~ al111o~t as 111a11.,~ at the l ottt)111 <)f t 1 t' 1 ist t l1a t see111 t o sho, r 110 i11t )r est ! l>cl t or ~ l1a,,.e tl1 e a111c J) l'()l)le111 i11 tl1r loe al 111e111l)e1\ ·h i1), ,111 l l i 1~e t 1 e111 ,,·e ,, ... 011<.ler ,,·hethe1-– ,,,. \ 111i O' 11 t 1> t o l>la 111e f 01· t 1 . ·it - t"' 1ia t io11 . ,..\ 1· ther e tl1i11e-· ,,·e a r fc1 il i11 0· t <) cl o tl1at 111ake .·0111e 1i ·– i 11 te1· t1 t ed. 01· i~ it j ll ·t h ll111a11 11a– tl11·e fo 1· "0111e to be t l1at ,,·a~· ? ,, ...011lcl it l1el11 if ,,. g·a, ·e t l1e f <) lk ,,·i th CJlle tio11 a 11d t r itiei 111: a el1a11t· e to exp1·e the1n e],re ? ~ <>t t11at ,,·e 11a,·e e, .. er l1a c1 t o 1·e– fl1 , e "l)aee t o a11}· 011e. b11t hol1lcl ,,·e l1a ,·e a t111estio11 a11d . 11go·e tio11 11ag-e a11cl a, k 0111· col1ncil member . o a11 ,,e1-- the1n ? "\'\Te ha, ,.e fol111cl ol1t tl1at 0111e i11t er e t ed cl1111· ·he. tl<) 11ot ·e 111 t o k110 ,,· the .. i1111 le 1>1'<) ·etl t11·e l>: - ,,·l1it 1 t 11 ~ ... <:a11 eon1e i11tt) Oll r fe ll o,,·. l1ip . ._ .. 0111e l1a, ·e , ·ot ell a11d told t he etl it o1· . lJ11t dicl 11ot ...;ee111 to 1·ealize tl1at the, · ·h o11l cl ._ ~e11<.l the l'P.(111e. t 011 t o the elerl, t>f <>11r a . O<' iat io11. . '0111c ha,·p 1111 it Pel ,,·it 11 tl1e (-} ... RB a11 cl 111c:1 ,. • l1a,~ :. a ll111ecl t hat at1tomatica ll,y • 111acle tl1e111 a p a1~t of the hio a. - , t)l·ia ti 011 . or ,·ir e , ·e1~a. Ther e 111a , . • 11<1 otll(-' l'"' t l1at 11a,·e <·0111e i11to ot11· ' ' ""-<><·iatio11 a11cl ,·et ,,·011 cl er ,,·h etl1- • l· t· 1t i, a ~l'riJ)tl1ral t l1i11g· to llo. ,,,.. P. l1a,·e aic1 l)efo r e t11at all 0 1·– !.!a111za t io11 110 111eu t io11eel i 11 the I~iJ ,1.. are Pxt1·a-Biblieal. ,,·J1et J1 r t 11{~, - l,t) i11~icl,· 01· ot1t, itle t l1e lo ·a l • t 1 11r(' l1: l)tlt tl1e ,· 11et1cl 11ot t l1 r e- • fo r e lJe llll, 'c·1·i11tt1ral. It i" 1·c1tl1er 11crl,· tc) a,· t l1<1t al l a~ Ol' iatio11~ r- • • a 11 1 11. i,,io11 ~<>c·iet ie, a r e l111~ e1·ip- 111·al. fc>r t l1at 111Pa 11"' tl1at t l1e~~ a r P a11 t i- . '(' ri1)tlll'Hl . '1, l1a t t l1e~- a r e rx– t1·a- l~i l) Ji,·al j ..., rt (liffPrt.a 11t 111citt )r. ' )'ht' \ . Jllil \ t h <) ll ll<' g'( ) )Cl , 1 hc> tt g' h t l1p ,· s lt<ll ;l (l 11 t>t ll<\ 111,1cl< 1 , t t e:-; t c>f' fp}}cl \\s }1i 1> () )' Clf C) rt}lCl (l (! X~ · \~ 7 (\ 111t1st 11cl1 r Pftl ~< \ tc> l1a,·p fPllc>,,·sJ111> ,, it 11 ,l <·l1 t1rv l1 of lil<c) f ,1it 1 s i1111)l)" lll'('HllSP it cl()('S ll () t l' e1 lc>11 g t o () lll' n s"' < > c: i a t i <) 11; 11 <> r sh o t 11 < l , vP < • o11 - clc' 11111 t l1osr i11s iclr o t1r a!-;.~oe iatio11 ,r ile> cl<> 11ot c1 l,,·c1~·: a111)1·0, ·r 01· Sllp – l )Ol't e, ·r r)·tl1i11g: ,,·e do. If ,,·r ro11 - <lr1 11111 otJ1 r r org·<111izatio11. jt1. t b - l ' a l l , P t l 1 e," lo 11 o t 1 Jr l ong t o 11 r . , ,, <' a r , 0'.11ilt,· of ha,·i11g· a !)arty b • " I WOULD NOT LIVE WITHOUT A CHURCH" B,· I{.\I.JPH T . ... .,. RDLl .,.N I) ._ 'I ,,·ould 11ot l i,·e ,Yit l1ou t a · l1urc l1, " I oftc11 hear folk a~~; ...\.nd I agree . l)ut ,,·011cl er , vl1 ) · 'I' h e~T elcl on1 ·0111c t o 1>ra~·. " .\ t hurch l1el1> rHi e our r eal ., tate , .\ n <l n1ake a l >· tt c r to,,·11.' ' 'Ti tl oul )tle t rue b u t , ,·eek b ~? ,vcck rph C\ ' ] ·t th e (l P :lJ' ChU r Cll do,,·11. • "011r c hild r e n lo,·e t l1e un da~· c11ool, Our , ·out11 tl1eir ~E'e llo,,· hjr>. • l ~ et }J nre 11 t 11 ec d t o take th e 1 a cl O r , ou t l1f u l f eet ,vill l ip. • I , voul d 11ot li , ·e ,vi t hou t a c11ur e h But I \YOul cl clo 111t1c h 111ore : I ,Yill 1 ot fa il t o take lll)' ])l ace , ~ o r le t it clo e it cl oor. .'J)i ri t . or of l1er e ')~, acto1·tling t tl1e X ,,. 'r e, ·ta111e1 t 111ea11i11g of t l1at t er111 . J)altl 8a, .. s tl1at l t t h ,1 • 1 Ja r t)? s IJ i 1· it i ~ ear11 a l . I t j . 11 o t 0 11 ]~· ~i11f1 tl , l)t tt :el f -(l ef a ti11g fo r it cl1·i,·e. a,,·a~· t l1c , ·e1'}" J)e pl e ,, ·e ,,·a11t to r r a · 11. rJ' }1 Pr e i: J 10 ll8 e to l 11,· t J1a t • 0111 et i 111 Ps a . pea l~er i11 o t1r a. so ·i - a t i o 11 l)rt ra~·s :0111 P l)a 1·t J~ . J) i1·i t, lJ11 t ,,·e ,. a 11 s,l , .. t hat tl1e1·e i."' a • 111i11 i11111111 of it h e1·e i 11 ()l1io. '\\"" e 111aj o r 011 t 1 c ( ~OS}) P 1 a 11 c1 0 11 b1·otl1- r· r l , · lo,· . ,,~c a. scJ ·iat , ·ol1111ta1~ilv· • • fo r 111tttllc1l P11<:o t1rag-r 111eu t iu tlo- 111g tl1P ,,.. o r ]{ of 1 l1r·i .. t i11 a hard , vc > r 1 c I. \ \ .. <' h ,1 , , , c > 11 I,· c > 11 c• t r> ~ t c > I' • fp )lc>,,·~l1i1 ) Hll<l tl1a1 i~ Hg r PPlll Pllt <> 11 t l 1P f, 111 < I a 1l1 <' 1 1 t H I~ <> f t h" fa i t h. l~P~"o11cl tl1at '''<> PXp rc· t \'Hri et:· i11 <>tlr c·i1ttl' <' llP~, j1ts t ,1s t}1rr c> is ,·a1·i c> t)" i11 tJ 1c> flc)\\'Pr g· ,lrcl c- 11 . \VP ntt <1111pt 110 : t1pr 1·,,.i8io11 a: a11 ,t. - .·otia tio11. \\ < 1 l1olcl 11 <> clollar s ig11 O\ ,.P 1-. Olll. f 110\\'Ship. \\ r. 11ee1cl l110 lle v· bacl},, f or Olll' \'lOrl< IJllt \\"(> • • tleJ) e11cl o tl l)" 0 11 lo,·r a11cl t ·o 1n1110 11 p11r11 .:e.· t o : eet1re it. 1 h11reh e. are f r ee to affiliate a11cl jl1. t a.· f 1·ee to ,,,. ithdra,,.. Ile)\\' t a11 :l1ch a , .. ol1111tarv a .·- • sot ia t io11 l ' r 1111. 1 t 1 .. iptl1ral ? The J11ost a1·de11 t l11cl epende11t ,, 1 ol1ld 1~ot fee l it ' '"a, '\"r o11et to , .. i it a 11eigl1bo1·i11g· p1·eacl1er p eriodi cal]3r fo r f ello,,,..,hip, 0 1.. fo r the two c- i1t11·<·l1 : to holcl a joi11t erie. of 111ee ti110·:. • illch coope1~ation could 11ot po.-.· ibl.'T i11fringe upo1 the i11- clepe11de11e3-T of ea ·h ch11r ·11 0 1 .. ca:t n c lol1c1 0 11 the fl ead. hip of l1rist. If t,,·o prea ·her 0 1~ ·h11rch e ca11 l1a\"e .. ll ·11 f ello-n" hip 011 a , ,.oll1n– t a1--.',.. l)a ,i. ther e i 110 I'ea on wl1y cl h1111d1~ed ·hl1r ·he ca11not do the . a111e thi110·. Far from , -iolatil1g ~ c·1·i1 t t1re i11 ll ·h f ellow:hip the}'" ' '"oul l oIJey- the ·ommand to lo,Te 011e a11othe1... I olatio11i m i not L" 1 .. ipt111~a1 or piritual. :\Ieeting t oo' tl1er and p aking, often to– g'etl1er i11 the e cla1--ke11in0' day of ap o." t a. y i a 11111 t in hri t.ia11 0·1·0,,,.th. • T'\V BI :t ~IE ' • I 11 the ptember i u e of the l~a J) t i ·t Bl1lleti11 i · a brief exho1--– tatio11 1) \ 7 tl1e ·ha i1--111an of the "' ( 1 01111 ·i] of F ot1rteen D1"'. J o eph .:\ I. ~to,,·ell '.'1ell I t Xot!, Il e x l101·t · tl .· to . t a11d f or the t1--uth aga i11: t d 11ial a11d u11l)elief witl1 all Olll' 111 jo,ht. and }'"et to be ju t a tc1ref11l that ,,,.e tell th t1~uth ,vhen ,,. a tc-t1:e other p1'eacher a11cl de- 11 0 111i11a t io11· of e r1' 0 l'. ,,, e ca11 ell tJ1 cl t rtltl1 1)3~ ·omp1~omi e, but ,,. <:an al:o ·ell it b, ,. bei110· t111truthft1l. To that exhortatio11 ,,..e 'a}" a big· 111en . 011 the e(litorial pa ·e Editor' :\Ir rl II ll ll o·i,·e l l • • 0 111ethi11~ to l1e111e111l)er . ' ' II ·all upon lls t o 1' P111em b r I ( ,orint hia11· 13 i11 ot1r <.:out 11 tio11 f o1· the t rt1tl1 and a , ·oitl t l1r .·l1a1·p a11d l)oori 11 ex– ]) 1' t\·s i o 11s t l1at p1·0,·e t o ot11e1--: that ,Ye a1·e la l~i11g· i11 b1~i. tia11 lo,T. \ . , ~ ,, .. '"\ ga 111 we . a)~. j. 111 11 .