The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1958

_O_ct_o_b_er_ 1_9_58___________ THE OillO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST )1 R PRERT ENT LJ;ED F R PR,.1\. YF.JR The fir t da:)f of rtol)er ,va et a.. ide bJ" Otlr p1--e ide11t a a 11atio11al la)" of p1'aJ... l'. \Ve 1·e– cei,"ed ,,·ord of it too lat t 1nalc a11 a1111oun n1 11t a11d o ,,,e can 01113-... ,,,oncl 1" ' '"hetl1 r ve1'y n1a1 y of ot1r people 1~e 1)011d d to tl1e all. It ,,,a.-- 011 a \"\Te l11e day ,vl1 11 n1ost of Olll" ·hlll' h e ha\ 1 th ir· praye1· 111eeti11g. a11d O it \\TOUld b a.· to a lr a11 of tl1 e ·hu r" 1 h 111 n1 b r .: to come out to p1·ay. We hop Ol11· ·l1u1·cbe r e po11ded ,vitl1 all th patr--ioti 111 they pr--o£e · a11d with tl1e faithft1l11 to th io p el they 1)1--ofe · . If ,ve ar trt1ly fu11- damental , we vvill a · pt I Ti111- othy 2 :1-4 a11d pray for all m n a11d e pe ially for t l1e rl1ler of Ollr 11atio11. If th 1·e ev r ,,,a · a ti111e whe11 l1ri tia11 11 edecl to pray it i in thi year of 195 , ,,·h 11 1'ightly or "''1"011gly ot1r tate department i pur ui11g a 'brinl{ of ,var-- ' polic)r. \\ e Wi h \\T kl1 W v\ 1 hether it \\Ta 1·iglu or ,vro11g. \ e have lo11g felt - that the mode1--n i<1ea of policing the world i wro11g and ,,rill inevitably leac1 to anotl1e1~world wa1· ~ but ,vith the onward ere p of 1 01nmt11 i. m we frankly do 11ot 1{110,v ,vhat to do. J tl t ,vl1er e to ~· ay Thu far a11d 110 fart her i l) yo11d th ,vi dom of the ommon citize11, ,vho doe not have all th £act. . 11 ,ve an do i uphold our p1--e ·icl e11t ~ 1 ith praye1·, no,v ancl hope a11d p1·ay tl1at ,ve will 11ot have to uphol cl hi1n witl1 boy and lJull t .· later 011. \"\ e do 11 d that a1111ual day of p1 .. aye1· ~ but ,,, ,,,h o love the IJ01·d ho11lc1 give mu 1 h 1nore: ,v shou ld pr·ay dail)r for th p ea ·e of tl1 .l v.1or ld. ARE 1 A'rII IJI \ • AlJ\V .i-\ Y~ ~ \\TI{ J. I 11 tl1' ~ •01)i. 11. isHUP of tl1 \\rat ·l1111a11 - I~xa1r1i11 1· ,1ppe,1rec1 tw Pclitorials t}1at eo111racli<·t 011e ,t11- 01 hc~r . '111 .a lo11 g r<lito1·ial lP,1lt ,vitl1 , 1 t> f)ar,ttio11 ,111 1 11 ( 1 c, 1· . (i: 1-1:-17. \~Tp <·ot1lcl ,1grc, ,,,itl1 all tl1at ,,·as s,1i< l a l)cJlt1 ~<!1>a1·a1 io 11 fr c,111 t 11 ' s i11 a11rJ i(lolatr)r <Jf t}1 <1 \\()rlcl , l>tlt ,, <)ll l<.. r >c l }10,v J )r ]{ra<1Utl l'Y ·ol1 lcl .. lJ t" ~<> . 11rt· it ~l1ot1Jcl Il <Jt i11e lt1llP ~P l)at,t1icJ11 f1·<J111 c- J111r ·l1cs 111at tlP 11 )' 1}1( f,.ti11J. 8t ll' P1Jr t}1 c• !'i tll ilJlCl 11111 <·ltcl})1Prs ()r JI ( 1 ori11t}11,l)IS l)J'( )\T(l tl,,1t f)( '(J ])l( t llclt (' lait}} 1() l)(' ( ·111·ist ia ll S HJJ cl ~rc> t l)Pl"\' Pl't ei t l1PI' t J 1f.. l ll < > I' cl }s <J 1• t I 1ca l l l <":-; • cl g' • CJ f 1 l 1P P\\' ' l'<·st,1111 <1 111 ill'P 1<> }H· aVt)tllPcl - ) ' P8, lllt> J'<l 111,111 1l1e lu t at· tu I > t.:) ,1 ,, <J i t t .. c l ! \\ e ,11·e 11ot a1·g11i11g tl1at l)Oi11t ] 1_0\\T ho,,re\rer l)tlt the CQlltl'cl(lic– t}Q}} l)et,,, e 11 thc1 t edi to1·ial a11cl c1 l101·ter 0 11 011 tl1 op1 o. itio11 of Ro111a11 (: ;:1tl1oli ~ to th t1.· of jon– tra · J)ti, 7 ~. • 'I h e l ito1· e111 1 to g· lo1·ify a r tifi ial birth-eo11trol a , a \ 7 l')'" g·ood thi11g a11c1 at lea. t . 11gg·e.·t.ecl .tl1at P 1·ote ta1 t 011gl1t to lJ for· 1t 1) 1 ause c•atholie.. ar(:\ aga i11 .·t it. I t ~v 11 ac ·t1. cl t l1e I10111a11 eh1Lrcl1 of 111alci110' the il– liter·at (: ' vi 1 ti111." of t111 1 ~11t1·oll 1 .. x. ·' ' l1at .. ·t1·a11g·e argt1111r11t ,· ! 1 atl1- ol1e.. a re al:o agai11.·t di, 1 orc '.), lo . that 111ea11 that ,v . ·hol11d all pr·a ·– ti ·e it 0 ? l f 1 h1--i. tia11 ar· to be . ep– a1·at fro1n tl1e ,;vorld ho,v 1 a11 th y appr--o,re of that \Vhi 1 h i d ballCh - • l llg Olll' )TOU1 g p 01 1 °? y\Thy tallc alJ011t t l1e 1--ight of 111ar1·ied I ople ,,,h 11 th t111n1a1--1·ied have fr ac- ·e -.· to 011t1·ac ptive ? 'I i1ne ,va ,,,11 11 o·irl f ared adve11tu1·e "' f 01-- th ha111 a11 l . ufferi11g t l1 y 111igl1 t bri11g upo11 th n1: lv .. 1 ow tl1e v{i. e fear 11othi110· a11d vi1· - . . . h g1111t) 1 1 :coffed at. ~ •01netl1i11g that :o n1,111if ... t ly belo11g t the lllJtt1·lJ. of 1 0 loin ho11ld 11ot b a lvo ·ated l)y do ·to1· of clivi11ity ! Let Lot m , , to •oclo111 1)11 1 t r· al 1 hr·i ~tia11 tay avva)' ! Tl1 Bible i 11 t again t a r ea– .·onabl li111itatio11 of t l1e .family but it advo )at . lf- 011t1·ol a11d 11ot p 1,.ve1· io11. R ad 11 .. i 3 a11cl ee ,,,hat (1od thi11l< of pe1·– ver io11 a11 l th 11 r ead I ( 01'. 7 :1-5 a11d ee ,vhat IJ thi11lt of elf- ·011t1·ol. Tl1 e l o ai · la,, 1 p1·ovide ] for a 111011t hl y ab 'ti11e11r of t 11 to t,,,el,r da)r. an l t l1at h el1)e l to li111it .r{:)\\ 1 i~'ll fa111 ili , a11cl p1•ote •t the 11 alt l1 of 111other . "\'\ e ma) ... 11ot fee 1 ,,,c ar 1111 l r the 1 tte1~ f the .J e,,,i.·11 la,,r btll v\.;) '811110i ul)jc_) 1 t to tl1e elf ·011trol f 1· t,,, or thr c lay: a 111011th t1,at ·i 11 cr l1 ,1s lerr1011 ·t1·at )cl i · all tl1at i 11CtP88al'y. J\..11)" l 'Cl )llf<l l )l (' l ) }1:'{– :ic:ia11 ea11 tcarl1 a 111,111 i111cl ,,Tif p 110,,, to cletl~ r111i 11P ,,,J1e11 eo11rt1J)tic) 11 ,,·ill 1,tl{e J)l,l<' \ c111cl ,,,11 11 it ,vill 1101; c111 cl t}1 k l' l\81 is ,l s i1111)l 111,lt – t l~ l' of ~p}f-( '()Jltl'l>l. J~\' f'll tll ' })Ol) P 11 ,t. · g i,·c>11 l11 s ,l f>J) l' O\ 'H l of tl1i~ l l l e t l 1() ( l () r l) i l' t h-(. () 11 t r () 1, r O l' i 1 i . l )HS<.'( l llJ)(J l l al)Ht it l(' ll(' (l clll(l ll <> l lll) – ( 11 H ))t'l'\l\1'81<)1\ <>f llcltlll'l' . l1 l S l}C)1 J),ll'PlltS Of Jc1 1·g·p fcllllllit'"' tllclf cl l' P g·\til1) (>f llll <'() llfl'l> ll Ptl Sl 1 '. , l >l li l 'cl { }l C' l' t }l()St' \\ }1 0 l' t'f ll"',l' 1 ll l' 1 Pl-, J)C) ll S i} >i }iti PS <)J' J' 1 Hl'it1 g · ,l fHtllil)r. l) <' l'S<>llall, \V(• l)"l L('\{' tl1nt ('(>ll - • t r a < • P J > 1 i \ 1 l' :s c I < , 1 1 < > t CJ 11 J) y c> 1 l' 11 t l , • f }l H)t l g'H t PS l)J' ~ ill l<> <>lll' \ (l\ltlg' ]><\() J>lt •, 1Jt t1 }>l'i11g· t> l l Jl t' l'\ Ol lS lll'SS ( ( ' () 11 t i l l l l l' ( l () l l }) il g l' 1() ) Page Three -- THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Published Monthly by THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES Publication Office 118 E . Oak St., Butler, Ind. Editor RALPH T. NORDLUND 586 Maple Street Fostoria, Ohio Circulation Manager MRS. JOHN KAUTZ 4519 Wellington Ave. Parma 34, Ohio Subscription Rate: ' P er single copy ........ .. .... $ .15 P er year ......... . ....... ... .$1.50 Advertising Rate: Per column inch . . ...... .... $ 1.50 P er half page ................ $21.00 Per full page ................ $40.00 Entered as second class matter at the P ost Office at Butler, Indiana under the Act of March 3, 1879. P ostmaster: Please send form 3547 to The Ohio Independe11t Baptist 1519 Wellington Ave. , Parma 29, Ohio: COUNCIL AND OFFICERS Ohio Association Of Regular Baptist Churches hairman Rev . Earl V. Willetts 250 West Street Berea, Ohio ec1·etar REV. GEORGE O'KEEFE 3420 Henninger Road Cleveland 9, Ohio Trca w ·er REV.ROBERTJ. REYNHOUT 276 Washi11gto11 Av nu Elyria, 01110 Mi io11ar,· .. REV . C LAWSON 26 So. Sa11dt1sky t Colu111bus, 01110 letubers REV J OI IN G B ;.\l \ l) REV EORl~E R L,IBS() REV R KENNF..."fll S1\'1EI"'SER DR . HOWARI) l; -Y()UNG REV . }l_.\I.J-' DAU'l'ffiT"' REV. ~"'RED llUS EY RE . l "'~~ GREEN\VO D