The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1958

UT ' l"l lt' t 1~l1ter11t 11 ·llill)t "l' t1f F ir~t I'\ ~' , et , 1 efl)l'L) lls i11 cl J)})li ·,1- tit 11 tl1t\ l't)a l to 1•(\, ·i,·c1 l. 111 tl1 , ·t 11ttt'11tl1 ·l1a1)tL'r. .b:lij,1111 tl1c1t , t)litc11·~·. 1·11g:gctl 1)1·01)l1et of ~o l, llrt)l~t.\ ~11dLlt."'11l~· ll{-)011 tl1 s c 11e to clllllOll llCC })nf l' J-i110· 1\l1ab a tl1rt"\1.._,·"\,1r dro11gl1t. Tl1e11 lie hid • l1i111"t If at Totl '" ·0111111a11d lJ,T th ~ l)I'l)t)1~ l 1 l1t.\1•i tl1. I 11 the i O"h t ee11th t·l1,11 ter lit"' "'}10 ,,· ~ l1i111 elf at (1o l l"Ol11111a11cl l)efo1·e .L l1alJ ao·ai11. It ,vo11ld l)e ,,·e 11 if e,·er~- p1·ea her-- 11 itl fi1· "' t at ("l1Prith l)efo1·e a1)pea1·– i11g- at "c11·111el . The11 ther e ,,·ould be f e,,·e1· fail t11·c a11d 1no1·e fi1·e falli11g- fire fr 111 abo,,,e. ' r:lijal1·:-; . eo11d appea1--ance l)e- f re ... \ l1al1 f i11cl '"' fa111i11e i11 ~ amaria. \\"e a re li,·i11 o· i11 a .._ pi1·itt1al f ami11e 110,,-acla,.. • a11d tl1e1"e i. 11eed of a ._ J)1·01)l1et f1·0111 }od · hidi11g place. Tl1e1·e 'clll l1e 'llCh a 1na11 in an,r " G'!!e if l1e ,,·ill pa~ the price. Eli- jal1 ,,·a, 110 t1pe1·1na11 he ,ra llb– jeet to like pa ·ion 11 ,,e are, b11t 11 J)1'a}..ed ea1·ne. tlJ~ a11d i11 that he Ollt trip u . H e C:Olllcl pr·a)r 1ow11 l1oth fi1"e a11d ,,a r and " Te 11eecl l)oth toda:'-'". fi1·e of powe1, a11d ~110,,·pr of ble. ing. P1·ay for R cvi i·al Elijah e11counter ed fir ·t of all l)a(liah. the go, ..ernor" of hab' 11011 e. X o,,.. lJadiah ,,a. a aood 111a11 ancl fearecl ({od, lJut like many a11othe1· l1 wa · ,, .. orking ,,ith tl1e ,,-ro11 o- c1·0,,-d. II e " -a -~ li11ed llp ,,~itl1 .L halJ ,,-he11 he hot1lcl ba,,.e take11 l1i tancl ,vith Elijah the '-PJJaratetl 111a11 of :1-oc1. ... 11d he i a J)erfect t~v·pe of thou and of l11·i,tia11 toclav"' who fear~ '1od at h ar L11t are t1·,-in0' to lJetter ·011- . - (litio11. i11 leag-11e ,vith tl1e 1)0,,-e1--. tl1at b . i11 tPafl of pra)..i11~ for r e– ,Ti,·al. badiah ,,·a. out at .... l1ah ': ·0111111a11cl looki110' £01· a1'a:. ,,-hen l1 e "l.011lcl ha,· been p1·a~y·ing for· 1·ai11 a11 1 ·alling- n1e11 to r epent a11cl retl11·11 to Jod.._·i11 ,,~a· the trot1l)le t11e11 a it i toda,,.. a11d whe11 .. . 111e 11 tllI'11ed trJ -}od the hower. f 11. TIIF., 1Nt1l4~E~T>EN1, llAPTJST _ "\\.,l1at a ,,·a._ .. t e of ti111 tl1en to l )P ot1t 1·11 1111i11<Y a1·01111cl " 'tith thi t°' • littl 1 l11b ancl tl1at little ca1111Ja1g11 boo "' ti11 O' thi p1·oj e t a11d backing tl1i.-- pr;g·ran1 t1·~Ti11g· to find a little O'f a . ,,· l1e11 the 1"eal t1·ol1ble i po- t" lite1,.. ig11orecl ! 01.. that r·eason 011r .. . oul loatl1e the badial1 poli– C')" i11 Ollr Ch lll' • }1e tr3ring· \Yi th J)a1·tie.. ba11c111et . 1 agea11t p ep 111ee ti11g-. , a11 I erf01·ma11ce bor– ro,,.. d f1,01n the ,,,.or·ld to tir up fire that 11111 t fall f1·om abo,.,e. There i 110 1no1~e t1·agic ight tl1a11 a11 l)adiah i11 tl1 pulpit or 011t e11ta11gled ,vith tl1e affair of tl1i .. ,,yorl 1 a11d i11fe 1 t ed ,,;rith it f11tile uth11 ·ia m. ,,. he11 h e ought to l)e l)t1r l e11ecl £01· the in of the J)eoplr. 111 hi daJT purgeo11, ·r3-ing 011t agai11 t 1nini t er who a tte11dec1 the theat1·e aid The fa ·t i tl1at n1au,,.. ,,Tot1lcl like to .. 1111it ·hurch a11d tage, ca1·d and prayer. da11ci110- and a ·1·ament . If -n· e are 1)o~·e1--l . to te1n thi to1're11 t, \'{e c a11 at lea. t ,,.. a1"11 n1e11 of it. exi te11ce a111 e11t1"'eat them t o keep 011t of it. "\Vhe.n the olLl faith i, gone, a11 l e11tl1u ia m £01-- the O'O p el i exti11ct it i no ,,~011der tl1a t people eek omething el. e i11 the Wa}r of cl lig·ht. Lacl{i11g b1 .. eacl tl1 y feed 011 a b ~ 1·eject– i11cr the ,, 1 a)r of the Lord they l"UD greeclil)'" in the patl1 of f oll}r. Do11btle · Obacliah ho1101·ed Eli– jah a11cl r e pect ecl hi po,ve1· '\'{ith iOcl, b11 t 011e . ll pe ·t that he fe 1 t it a lJette1~ poliCJ" for him ·elf to b di1)lo1natic and ta11d in ,vith tl1 g'O\"e1·11n1e11t. Toclay no g·rot1p of 111e11 i per:ec11 ec1 1no1·e than the f e,,,. 1)ropl1et. ,, ..ho in i t on 1·epenta11te ancl ·011fe ion of i11 a11d the old-ti1ne fire £1--om abo, ...e. A 11<1 it i. tragic t hat 111uch of their pe1·:rct1tio11 come £1 ba– diah. , ,,ho cleem them alarmi t a11cl .·e11. ·atiouali t a11d ,,..ho p1--ef er· a g·1·a. :-l1t111tino· expeditio11 unde1-– ....\ ha l) to a ( • ar111el ex1 erie11c ,vith Elij ah. October 1958 I( p i > 1 g >-- 1 i le , 1 t i, l }J L • i l T i ni · Tl1e11 Elijal1 111et "'\ha lJ ,vho a.·l{ecl, ' ..£\r tl1011 he tl1at 1 roubleth I ·1--a 1 ? Tl1i · . te1·11 old n1a11 of od ""a not the fir t nor la t of that ·u · ·e.. io11 of trollble-maker. who through the age have kept 11atio11 off the ro k and od people f1·om . l11mberi11g their time a wa3... v\..,. e are not peaking her e of that pe tiferou mo quito ort of l)t1lpitee1" ,,~ho li,Te to fight while they fig·ht to live. But we do mean that 11ol)le line of prophet and prt=>acl1e1· ,vl10 ha, 1 e arol1 ed anc– t11a1~}... lumbe1·er and given wicked 1'11le1· i11 01nnia b)T c1·3ring aloud a11 l . pc11·i11g 11ot in teacl of keeping :ile11 in a11 e,Til time. f thi OI"t ,,~a. • a1n11e 1 wl10 made the elde1"' t1·e111bl at l1i 1 omi11<Y ~ J er emiah th tin1icl . ot1l \'1~ horn od made a c1efe11 ed ·it)- an i1--on pillar· and a l)raz n ,, 1 all · Ezekiel ,,ith hi fore– l1ead har l 1· tha11 adama11t again t a . i11fl1l 11atio11: :\Iicah who wailed a. the clrago11 , and mot11'ned a tl1e o,,Tl ,vhi ·11 m11 t l1a,.. e been a ,,f11llv di.·tt11·bi110' to the pea e ; 1uo. .. the ·ot111t1'}" p1--ea h er who horrified t l1 elite a11d offe11ded clig11ified · n1aziah, the court {)1·eacher · !'J oh11 t l1e Bapti t who toocl b:;r a 1·iver ide and made it L111ro111fortalJle i11 the ki110· pala e: l)at1l ,vl10 ex eedingl:r,. troubled l hilippi a11cl ·1·eated no mall ti1"' i11 Epl1e. ll a11d wo11 tl1e title of a ''T 01--l<l llp tte1•, A11cl ,vhat . l1all we y of a,.. on– a 1·ola J oh11 r nox l\Iartin Luther J 0 1111 "\\Te ·l :l Teo1·ge Whitefield, ~ l1a1·le '1 . Fi1111e3r Dwight L. :\Ioo lJ", ancl Billy u11day who g·a,re 110 c111a1-.te1' to atan aint, 01· i1111e1· 11ntil me11 a embled at a1·mel a11d od an -n'te1·ed by fiI·e. For· the e f ollo,v in the tep of .1\11othe1-. "\\~o wa ac 11 ed of p er– , ·e1·ti11g the 11ation in Hi da~5' that Di,,.i11e Di turbe1· "\\Tho make u r e. tl 1111til "-Te 1· t i11 Hi1n. Elija11 an ·,,.,e1·ed .... hab ta11nti11g <lllP. ·tio11 with a te1·11 p1'011ou11ce– ( Continited on page 8) "