The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1957

VQlum XXX THE OHIO DECEMBER 1957 God's Be t In Everything The PROPHET ilf oses p1·01nised, Tlie TAR 1vl1ich B,1l<iani s<1.w, Tlie PRINCE of the Li11,e of D,,v id The PRIEST without <t flatv 011ce c<1me to be 011,1· AVIOlfR Ou,· TEACHER, LIGHT and KIN(; · And that is why we wish you, God' s best in eve,·ythi,ig ! The CHILD bo,·n zinto Mc,,·y The SON f,·om Glo1·y give11 l"ft!IMANUEL, God-with-us , Enth1·oned, <1do1·ed i,i he<1ve11, Once came i,i condescension To be the SON OF MAN, To bea1· ou,· co1idemnatio11 In God' s 1·e<lemJJtio1i-pl<111.. ThP l-1ILY OF THE 1 1 ALLEY Anfd Sh,c11·on' s lovely RO E, The FAIREST OF TEN THOl lSAND Th<tt <tn,y mo,·tal knows , ()n,~e c<1me with innp1· be<i1,ity G,,,1' .'i flow' ,. of g1·ace to b1·i11 ° ; And tlutt is wh)' we u ish, yo11. Go<I' best in ev erytl1,i11g ! Numb<.~1 · 2 (