The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1958

l,l l~l 1 ~ }/()1{ .\ ~l~('1l 1 l ..:~~ l .. ' t · 11 \T 1~: ,_ \ 1~ ,,~11,11 ' ' 111 ~illt\t l'(\ ll 11 tt lllll'{)(l Hllll }~~itt~ l•:i~llt 11(> lil,l' ! ,.\ ) .l'Hl' t)f frt1~t rat itlll t)l' ,l ) ·t"\cll' ()f cll'<'t>111- })li .... l1111(.lt1t ! ,.\ :·Pell' t>f l)cl<'},'-llitl– i 11g· ()}' n ~-(' cl l' (.) r Q,'l'(),rt 11 ill s1 i r i1- 11 n l i 1,~.) • \\Tl1,1t 111ajo1· ,,·o rlcl e,·e11ts ,,·ill tal'-t"' l l,ll'(') 11<) 011e l'-110,Y~. a11 1 ,,·(: ·a11 to111111it :--.l1t l1 t111P~tio11s to tl1e l"'or(l. "'\\""l1etl1(~r a11 t111ea~)· a11cl l10. - tile l'<> -cxistt')11 }r ,,·ill C'o11ti1111e or 111is"ile ,,·,lrf,1re breal" 011t, le1 e11d · L) 11l~· 11a 1·tl)· 11 ' '" l1a t ot11· 11a tio11c:1l le,1cle1·~ do, ,111tl ca1·rel)"' at all 111)- 011 ,,·l1at , ,·e 01·cli11a1·,.. C l11·i tia11. clo, t111le'-. it l)e 011 ot11·· faitl1f 11l11e._. i1 • belie,·i11Q p1·a~,. 1·. 111· 111a111 c·o11- t·er11 111t1 .. t be ,,i th tl1 r 1,i11 1 c>f ( 1 l11·i tia11 li,·e. ,,. pr1· 01 all:v· li,·e. a11tl ,,·it 11 the ea1·11e. ·t11e.-. · of 011 r labo1·. Lo11g· clgo (4 d g·a, ·e 1·11le. of :ll · – ee<-- tl1c1t ha,·e ne,·e1~ bee1 . llper– eeclecl. 111 ~Jo hl1a . cl1a1Jter 011e, ,,. l l1a,·e a11 exl101 .. tatio11 to llr · · ~tro112. a11cl of a i!.OO<.l ('ot1ra~:r · · r e1> eat ell tl1ree ti111e.·. 'I' l1at c·a11 l)r l'allrcl 11t1111l) t=> r 0 11e. ~11t·c·e~. ft1l 111e1J al,,·a,· .· J1ct,·c H • cla 11 of clari11g: i1 t l1ei1· 111al<Pll]). 111 p ,· 111a, ,. 11) ,1. c: a 11 tiotl8 as \\ ...Hs11- • • i11g·to11 ,,·a.· ,,·l1e11 h ,,.. a: t·a]lrtl '. rl'l1e },ox, ~ b11t \ \ '}1e11 t }1e ]lOll l' of op1>o rtu11it).. t0111 ~. the~r C'l'O,\' tl1eir Dela,,a1·e.-- ,,·ith tl1e al1a11 lc)11 of 111e11 ,,.. ho are . 11re tl1 e,.. l1a,·r • o·t1e.. eel 1·if{l1 t. ::\I ore ~ oocl 111 }11 fail fro111 ti111idi t\'" tl1a11 f ro111 rec: l\lr.. ·- .. 11e . Tl1e, .. are af1·,ticl to , ail ,,·itl1 • Hl1cl 0 11 Tas·1or t111e.. a st1·011g 111 i"" io11 l)oa 1·cl i · 1Je 11 i11 l tl1 111. 1 ]1e, · • 11 e it ate t o e 11 t er <= o 11 e g e wit 11 o 11 J.'• P11ot10'}1 fo1· the fi1·. ·t ·e111e.. t er , tt1- i ti 0 11. e,·e 11 tl1ot1gl1 it 111a,... 111 a11 • ,,·eal tl1 later 011. Tl1 e,· a1·e f ear f 11 l • of I)leclgi11g· . ·1,000 to bt1ilcl ,1 ·l1111·cl1. ,,The11 the Lorcl ·01111 ea.·– il.'· l1el11 t l1 r 111 ea r11 t,,·ier tl1at 111l1el1 . I .1 il(e the te11 u11 belie, ·i11~: . 'l)ie.·. tl1e~· 11ea l< throt1g·h life lool<i11g· for· gia11t a11cl f eeli11g lil<c g·1·a...-– l1opper , ,,,l1e11 the~.. to11l l 111a reJ1 ,,·it11 ·01 c111er o1... Tl1e Pc-011cl 1·t1le of t1c·c· e. ·. is 111eclitatio11 llI)<)ll tl1e \ \T 01· l . · · T l1i" IJool~ of tl1 la,,· l1all 11ot cle11ari 011t of tl1,· 111ot1tb: l1t1t tl1011 ~J1al t • 111eclitc:1tr therei11 <la,· a11cl 11i!.!ht. ' • rr11e ••cl ()(.l}'\• lllcl~T (•ra 11 hi ,,·a>• to atI1Jt.)t1c· 01· fi11a11('i,tl ~11 ec·P"'~. bt1t SJ)irit11ctl '-ll ( ' t'l 1 "~ cl(->pPl)<l llJ)OJ) clPP J) ~t11c1}~ a11cl tl1ot1g·l1t. ,J o~e1>l1 '"" lll'O b<"'l'~ Sll<'lPl'Cd '\\'}1 "' 11 tlll.,~· '"aic.l, THE OI-lIO INDEPENDENT BAPTI T . ' l ~P}lt> l t l . t }1 i~ ( ll' Pcl 111P l' ('C)l l lC'1 ll : , , 1)111 il1eir ~11PP j) l1P1' lli 11g· <l ll ( l p,·i l tlPt'( l" H l'P fo r ~,r(>ttl") ll . Hll(l .J ()Sf> J) ll i~ 1·t1111c'1 l1l1(.1r rcl H~ t l1P r ra l ·~cl<>t>r·· , , 11 () scl , ·e< l 111i 1l i o 11s. ,,~ t 1 Ccl 1111 ()t r i~P '1 i () 11 p 1' t l 1 cl 11 () l l l' l 1 i g· 11 st t 1 () l lg l 1 t s : Ht~l thPr is 11 ot l1i11p: t l1at , ,·il l .· ti111- 11latr 11oblc t l1i11l<:i11g: lil<P 13iblf . t 11 cl,.. • ,.r l1e t 11 ir cl l'll le of ' l l tl·e:.' i obP 1 lPl ll'(-l. • • rl "' }1at t}1011 llla)"C, ·t ob– 'Pl' \'P to clo aeto1·cli11g: to ctll t llclt i. , ,·ritte11 tl1erei11: fo r t J1e11 tl1011 ·l1,l l t 111,1ke t l1~- ,,"a)T J)l'<>s 1)e1·c>ll ,-, a111 tl1e11 tl1ol1 . l1a lt l1a,·e !!ooc.1 . ll<; ·es.·. ·· 111,.. a: ,,·e obe, ,. t l1r • • TJ01~c1 a11 l ol1e,.. ··all t l1at i. ,,·1·it- ... te11, ' ea 11 ,,"e expel't ( 4o 1 to bl e'-i., tt. . · .L\ 11 t l1at i.· ,,·1·itte11· ' ,,"ill 111al<e f 01· a ,,·e ll -1·ot111 cl eel l if r of 11101~alit,... l1arcl ,,·ork. 1·es1)ett f or • • othe1\· . 1·e,·ere11t·e . a11 l fait l1. ~ l"'(' 1 1 13il)le-bala11tecl 1 eo11le <:,t 1111ot l1rlJ) bt1 t 11 c·('e 1 cl if the,· ha \"e a 11 , · . e11 ·e • • - - - --- 01' .·t1·e11o·t}1 to 0 '() ,,·it}1 t}1 i1· S})i1·- r t-- i t11al ec11111)111r11 t. rl ])(:l })l'a<·tical (fllP:--itio 11 i. }10,,· \\· p t· cl 11 Ii,· e o L 1 t t 1 r I~ i l 1 l t r 11 les i 11 or - cl i 11 a 1·,• l i fr . T 1 P 1· t1 l c., o f c• <) l l r ,l ~ <:> ~ 111,l~" 11ot tc1],p 11111t'l1 ti111r, 1,ttt t l1e othe11·H lo. I l o,,T ea11 ,,·p fi 11cl t i111e for t}1e111? rr}1e a ll ,' \ \"P l' is tl1at ti 111r t,lk:r11 i11 ,·1) ir it 11c1 l IJl' l ,11·,1tio11 ,,~i] l sH \ Te t i11 r. (} 11er a l ~ I 0 11 t g·o111er,· • fot111cl ti111e i11 t l1e 111icl.·t f t 11e ,,·c11· to .'t li 1, · l1i: l iblC1. 1Ic 8t or Oll l' • 1)e~t J) l' (l.~i l r 11tl..i ]1a,rr f<>llll(l ti111:} fo r it. ,,.,. e c.lo 11ot ,,,a.-te t i111p r ea l – i11g· ({ocl ,s "'\\T 01·cl, 1 ro,,.iclrc1 ,,·e 111al(e jt a11 i11 .. 1 i r atio11 to r isP lt J) a 11 cl g:o 10 ,,·01· k: ! I ~ Ii {~~T J),L\ .J JE:\'1'.4'\LJ}) }\ j Hrl' IJ-' JJ ~E}~DEI) ? ~i11cr Xeo- r t l1oclox~· 11,1.· t c1t1g:l1t .·c·r 1)til'a 1 111i11 i . ·te r : to 11. ·e 111orr re lig io11. la 11g·11ag·e, 111a11) · l1a, ,. r be– g t111 to t h i11l( t hat ~l ocler11is111 i : ,t <leclcl i.. 11e. a11cl t l1at ,,·e tct11 cl rop ot11· 1>r<>tr:t.· . ~ot 011,· ct r e so- • ('cl llP(l }~\'clllp.'Pl i<:a ]: Scl }ri l lU.' .·o. bll t tl1r. <)1·cli11a r ,· 111e111llr1·s i 11 111· Re~- • 11 l,1r l~a J)ti.· t tl1l11 .. el1r.· oftP11 fpr l that '''() l)l'Cal' l1c·1·~ f ig l1t too u1t1<:l1 J anuar y 195~ cl ll< l cll' P t()() ~1 1· i<·1 i11 ()111' SP J)cll' – H11 () 11. ( ; l 'PHt p\·a11 g·e1 ]i~t i<· ll l<'P t i11 11.:--. SP() ll l t<) t}1Plll t <> l)l' CJ \'(> t l lcl t ,YP (·a11 clll <l ~h<>11l cl ,,·<>1 ·k: ,,· itl1 <) thPr c·h 11 rt·l1Ps. 'l l lP \ ' for ~·e t t l1at <4ocl lJlrs.·e.· hi~ • \\ <> r <l . l)11t tl1at t l1i. clop,· 11 ot J) r o, ·ci t l1at hP aJ)})ro,·e · of cl c·o11g·lo111 1· – at io11 of belie, ·er : a11cl t111lJrliP, ·er 011 t l1e .·1 011.~o rj 11g ·0111111ittPe. T l1PJ. al. ·o fai l to c·o11.. i c:e1· ho,,, 11111 • h 111or e 1a.. t i11g 1·e:11lt · 111igl1t ha ,,e l)eP11 c>btc1i11ecl if t l1e e,·a11g·eli~t hacl 11ot ' 0111.'~ 1 reae l1ecl the ,,-a.'· of . al,·at io11 fait l1ft1lI,~, l)11t ha 1 c.le ·lar ecl t l1P .. ,~;· l1ol e <·ot111.·el of Crocl . \\Te 1·ejoiee t l1a t the olcl t i111e n1e.·sag·e of ~al,r,1- tio1 l1a bee11 J)1·or lai111ecl to 111 il– lio11. t l1at l1a, ·e 11ot hear l it fo r a lo11g· ti111e i11 thei r· th111· ·hr.1 : l;11t ,,·e clo 11ot l·elie,~e tha t t l1i: +o ·- 1 el ,,·ill 10112, ·011ti1111e to l"' e J)rea('he cl if all ba1·.. of . ·e1)a 1·a t io11 a 1·e 1 et 10,,·1 . Tl1i.· eclitor· clo .. 11ot e11jo~~ f ig·l1t– i11~ . c111 l ofte11 ,,-i,.he. l1e co11lcl 11 t<:> a 11 cl f 01· a 11 la,. clo,,·11 hi: . '\\·01·d : ._ l . t1 t 11101·e th,111 onte, ,,hr11 l1r l1a~ tPlt tl1at ,,·cl~·. . 0111rthi11g l1a.: l1ap- 11e11ecl to aro t1 ,e t1i111 f r o1u l1i · < 1 r ea 111 •. ~ "'11 t 11 a t h i11 g· h a I)p e11 eel a sz cl i 11 at t he trie1 11ial 111eet i11g of t l1 · :;c1t io11a l 1 ot111eil of 1 h111~c:he. at ~t. I Oll i.'. Dr. Erl,,"i11 ,.r. l)ahl– l)e1· ~· , ,·a~ c> leetPcl a.· t l1e 11ext 1)r e: i– c.le11t , ,1 11cl ,,·e l1a,·e l1a I })a. t ex- 1e1·ie11t·e · ,,·it!1 l1i: .Jl ocl p1·11i.·111. .... t 011r ti111r l1t-1 ,,·a. p1·e~icl e11t of t hP ...\ 111e1·itcl11 I ar' ti:t 1 011,·e11tio11. a11cl fo1· , ·ear · l1a"' bee11 i.~110,,·11 a'11011 !.! l l1a1)ti. ·t~ a. cl l1i 1 e1·a l . I 1 1 l 1 i.· a c• t • e J) t cl 11 c P : 1) :) t 1 , I) r . f)c1hll"' e:> r g· l'alle l fo r c:l · 111,1s.· i,· 1·e– c·o11<·il icttjo1 ' · , ,·itl1 t l1e 1 1111111111i.'t~ . \\Tc· ~111)11o ·e tl1i. ,,·as l1i.· <:O t111 te r '>lt g- ... e:·t io11 t c) t l1e oft-1·e1)eatecl t l11·~at of · ' 111at-.·i,·e r etalia tio11 · · t l1c1 t 0111· t·ot111tr,· l 1a · l l ·e 1 to ,,·a1·11 ' I 11s~ic1 ct11 1 1 l1i11a. 1·. Dab lbe1·g· is a l' lP,·er J) l11·a~e-111c1ke1· cllltl ,,·ill tleteiv·e 111a 11, ·. It .'Ot111cl . so 111t1t l1 • 11101'0 ( 1 }1ric..;t-lil<P t}1a11 • '111a '·i,"e 1· e- t a l i a t j o 11. ' ' • \ 11 cl , · et i t i.: ,,· o 1-. ·0 • t l1a11 · · 1,eaeeft1l t·o-(.1xi~t 11 · . '· fo r it 11 t 11 l).. IJ1·opo · e · t l1a t ,ye_~ 1·ef1· ai11 f1·0111 ,,·a1· fa 1·e. b11 t t l1a t ' '"P n1al{ lo\·e ,,·itl1 Rt1.-.:ia. "'\\Te cl o 11ot ae– l'll ·r Dr. D a l1l l 1· 0· of lJei11g· a 1 0111- 1111111 ist , lJ11t l1e l1a.· l)elo11gecl to .·e,·– r r cl l 1 0 1111111111i:t -f r o11 t 0 1·o·a11 iza - ti 01 .· · a 11 l lie ·ee111 · t be t1tte1·l:.. l)l i11 c.l to tl1e cla11g· 1-. · of 1 0111111t111i. t i11 f i l11·atio11. 'I h e .. t'o11c1 11~ lllU l' P t h cl ll t l1i11g tl1at a1·ol1.·e(l ( t l1e .. ·1)eecl1 of l)r .