The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1958

THE OHIO Volume XXX FEBRUARY 1958 Num ber 4 .. . ·~ I I ' • FACULTY AND STUDENTS AT BAPTIST BIBLE SEMINARY WORK TOGETHER Back row : Rev. Charles P . Benedict, Ass't to the Pre.side11t; Beulah Barnard, Liter– ary Editor of the Seminarion; Rev. Robert Wallace, Chairman of the Eng·lish Department; Miss Carolyn King·, Co-Editor (standing); Dr. Paul R . J ackson, President of Baptist Bible Seminary. Front row: David Titus, Editor of the Seminarion Year Book ; Friedie Loesche1·, Bus– iness Manag·er. ' 'Rooted and built up in hi1n, and st ablished in the faith , as ye have been t augl1t, abounding· therein with thanksg·iving·. ,, Col. 2 :7