The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1958

1 ~g 'I \\'l l1\ \ TIIE 01110 INDEPENDENT BAPTIST February 1958 l'REET MEETINGS IN THE WINTER AT WESTERN l1r1,t 1a11 ~l'l, ive nvt 1, it il'"' t)l,l.' :311 itll})l)t ta11t l)Hl't i11 t l1e l'l l lll'clt i(lll a I 1) rt)~ r a 111 () f \ \ ~ 11 I~. l , ~ \ 11 ~ t t 1- l \111, <ll'l' l't'llllll't'll tt l'll!.!Hg'l' i11 -.. 11el1 ,lt·t1, 1t1t'" n11tl t<.) re11c)rt t)ll tl1t)111 PHvl1 \\1..'t'l". 'lllt' ,,catl1 t' r i11 lilt 1 <1> . \ l't..'H lllHl,t'" it })O~~il)lr f()l' <' J)l'll clll' ,trl'Pt lllfll'flllU, -... , 1<) l)t' ]1p}(l tlll'<)ll~ll<)llt 111<) -... t (lf t l ll' , ('ll<)O} ,·pa1·, • <llltl tl1e 1ffi ·ials llf 110,11·1), · J{i C'11- • 111tl11ti l1t1,·e lle(>11 1110:t l'()-O])Cr,:1t i,·r i11 i", 11i11g 1,(lr111it, fl)l' tl1c l1~r of ,1 ,trnt r~ie lcl l 1 Htil)11 ,111 tl for t l1r 11sr of ,111111lif~· i11p: et111i11111r 11t . .L\ 11 Plrl'– tric: oroc111 ,,·l1ic·l1 ,,·,1~ tl1e uift of a t"" • '/,/, 11·ay1,·c1rcl Il c(1rt l):· ~ al lie Lre I~llll: Zo11cter,·a11 I> l1l)li. hi110· ll t111"' e. r1· ,1 11cl R ,11 icl. , ~[iel1i~a11: 217 })cl~e : . :... .. -o: elotl1. Tl1i · fil'tio11al to1·~· p1·e. e11t. <1 cri1·l i11 earl,· ( l11·i.·tia11 ti111e · ,,·1 0 ~ . i'-. to1·11 bet,,·ceu t,,~o lo,·e ·. 011e for l1er l'l1ildl1oocl frie11 l, a11 I: rael ite, a11 l 011e fo1-- a Ro111a11 :ol cli e1·. Iler l r<: i"-io11 to fo llo,,· ( 1 l11·i. t ·01110/ ,1f– tcr a lo11u tr11ug·l e ,,l1itl1 J 1·0,· i l e. a11 e, ·e11 tf 111 11 a 1·ra ti ,·e . IJ rJ ,; h· 1 Jc .lJ o > l r l t lz c l "'c1 ll c .z/ l) > · 'o 1· - 11Plil1"i l )eR11i:el1er: i o11 cl e1·, .. a11; :21.- l)a<>·e-.,: . ·2.,30. ,-f }1 i 110\·e} re la tr. t11 e ex l)PJ'i e11 t· P c>f cl )"Ol111g· 111a11. al 11h erte 1 011, ,,· 110. e b1·ot her goe.~ to ,,~cl l' i11 11i8 1Iace a11cl r t1t r 11s 111ai111ecl for lift-\ 1.Jclter. RalJ)l1 fi11cl. · tl1at hi l)rotl1 er l1a..., falle11 i11 lo,·e ,,·itl1 l1i:, Ral11l1 ,,. f ia11c·ee. Tl1 e c leC'i.· io11 t bat R al 1111 t<>111 r " to i') tl1 tj r e ·11lt of , .. iC'torio11: 1 l1ri,tic111 li,·i11g-. •' n l cr. l l ( J ; r, , 1 t l))· I l 1 S" 11 i. , ~ 1 ,11)J) : ?.; o11- cler,·a11: 2c. 1 })a~r. · . ·:3.()0 : <·lot 11 . Tl1e fir~ t 1)1·ize i11 .%011cler ,· c-111 's a11ul1al fietio11 l'011te~t ,,·,1. a,,·c1rcl0cl to thi. ,,·ork. It i ·' tl1e ·to1·,.. of • 011e 111a11' C'Oll1·a~ro11., fight ag·ai11. t tl1e po,Yer of e,Ti1 i11 a ·1·i111e-ricl – cl e11 cit~" 1·1111 11}· a 1Jo,,·e1·-111a cl !2:a11 f?.' leacle1·. :: Dr 1·rJfio11(1l JJ1·ou rc111z. j'o1· Jli u 1),.. • I.Je "'lie J>arrott: J;o11 l e1·,Ta11: 95 })aue : . ·1.:-0; 11,tp .)1·. Eig·l1tee11 111eclitatio11 l)a eel 011 thP . ·p1·111011 011 the l\fotL11t for111 tl1 r l)a i £01· tl1i ,,·01·1{. ...\ eeo11111a11~-– i11g: Pac·l1 111 clitatio11 are l1g·gr tio11~ fo1' app1·01)1·iate 11111. ic· . T 71 i. · i. · Ille De, .lJ lJ~'" ~ eil Zo11cler,-a 11 : 140 l)agP: : ·lot1,. l1t1,1,\· : . ·2 . .30 : , T11i ,·ol ti 111e C'011 tai11~ :2:5 cl e, ·o- tio11al l10111ilir f>l1 , ..a1·ifJtt "l>Pl'ial <la,,.~ of tl1e ,-ear 11el1 a~ :\Iotl1Pr ·. • • revc 11t ~<)11it>r 1 lH~:,.,, is a lsc> \'P l'\ • ll" <}ftll f<) l' ,11l'}1 (l<'C'clSiOll !', .....\ 1'<'- l'P11t lllP{,ti11g fC'H1Lll'(> 1 tll(' 11sr () f cl ('11,111\ clr1 ist ,,· l1o~l' J)1' Csc>11tatio11 ,,·ith "])Pl'ial li g·l1ti11g ffeC'ts at - 1rHc·tr'cl , l lc1rge a11clie11e r . )t l 1 t, r ( • I 1 r i st i cl 11 S Pr,• i C' r cl < • t i \Tit i e ~ i 11 < • l t 1 < 1 r ~ t l 1 C' t e a <• 11 i 11 p: o f l ,. 1111 c 1 a ~,. 8<·11<)01 <' l,l~. e~, J r ec1e l1i11g a.. ig·11 - 111e11t . . l~ rlea. eel Ti111e C,las.-es :\Ii.·– sio11 ~Iert i11g·.1 c111 l I3ible 1 ll1b ,,·orl,. 'I',,.. o of the o·ir·ls 1·e1)orted .1ixtee11 t l1il < l1·e11 l1et,,·eeu t 11 P ag e.1 of : ix c111 cl t,,·e J,·e l1a ,~i 11g 1·pcei ,Trc1 ( '}1 ri:t i11 tl1c J~il1l r 1 l11b ,,·l1itl1 tl1e, ,. l1 a, ·r • BOOK REVIEWS Re,riew. BJ~ • Rr~ \ "' li '.\.RTI-1 Ij ):\IEW ! 1 lzr11·c All .z; JJ/er1.·c111t ,. 1 fo ,zc.· 1~" .E11g·ci11ia J>1·i ce: Zo11 l e1·,,.a11; :3 .i 11ag·e.-; . ·:3.()(); cloth. 'l"l1P arit l1or l1a: JJ1·ese11te l 1 1· a cl,til,,. cle,,. tio11al bool< ,,·l1iC'l1 i: • l)a. r l l t })011 the ,·a1~io11s 111a r g·i 11al 11t>te. of l1e1· I~il1le. The tl1 011gl1t .– a 1·r 11ot 11 p}111lo118l)y alJ,· trcl<:t, b t1t ra t J1 e1· ,ll' r r l l,Ta11t to t l1e c]ail,,. lif<:1 ._ <>f tl1e ( ' l1ri:tic111 . I . ·,· r I c I , /1' c .lJ I u I) r r; 1;I I cc .lJ b)- "\\Ti 11 i a 111 II11l]: io11cle1·,.. a11 · 10-! l)a~e~: · ·1.. >(J · }) cl l)P1~. Tl1is lJoOl{l et l) l' e– ~r 11 t · t l1e a11tl101· ,., ,·ie,\''.' of l : 1~ar l i11 })1·01Jll <-'<')- ,111cl t l1P 1·elatio11 f 1 r P.-r11 t cla)... hapJ 1 i11g· · to the f11l- Hebrew Christian Society (An Independent Baptist Mission) 2524 Euclid Heights Boulevard CLEVELAND 6, omo OUR A11v1 To lead Jewish people to Christ To establish Jewish believers in the faith To resist anti-Semitism To stimulate missionary interest in the Jewish harvest field To equip Christiw friends with the means of reaching their Jewish neighbors · FREE for distribution among yow Jewish fri ends-Ha-O'r (The Light) - Write for Details REV. ALAN C . METCALF Director REV. HOWARD A. KRAMER Founder t' 0 J1 < I t l C' t Pl 1 ~ j 11 tr () < · 1 C) J) P l' 1 1. rl 1 hP cl llllll cl] )J i."."iOllcll'\. ( 1 C)Jlf P l'– C1 ll (' fl i.· . tl1rcl11 lc>cl for )lc~rth l f) -14 c111cl ,,·i}] l) r (·011 l11C't c> 1 1>). l~ r,·. Dr 11- z Pl I 1. () . • I> 111· 11 <) f :\ l i c 1-.JI i: · i o 1 s. "~ea1 ·- b) T ( i ~ \ RI) 1 1 l l l'(' I 1 . ' \ , · 1 i (' l 1 ' '. i 11 l )(' ('00 l)Pl'<lti11g i11 the ( '() 11f P l' P l1('C', l l l– •}1LClP 'I ri11it~.. l aJ)tist, El ( 1 e1·ritc>. < :ra<· e li c111ti. t, RiPl1111011c1 c111cl }.., ir. t ,1pti.1t of I i11 01e. .c\l l .·er,l'i ·~ ,,ill l)e l1elcl i11 t l1e ·ol leo·e G,·"111- • • 11 a . Il1111. B:r· tl1 e 111ic1c11e of ~J a11l1ar~.. , te11 appliC'atio11.· l1a 1 bee11 app1·0,,.ecl for a 1111 i . .-i 11 to t he S 1 1·i11g ~en1e.-trr . f ill111e11 t of tl1 e :a111e. The p o. ·itio11 e.-p o11. rel 1--a tl1e1· cl efi11 i tel,.. li11l(.– E ze1, ie 1·. 1)1·01 l1eeie.- to tl1e ·to11 te111- J)ora1·~.. . itl1atio11. 1 ·0 J1 1e (Jolcl c,1 Da_y brec,h· 1) ). L ee Rol)– er . 011 : .%011c1er,.. a11 ; 11 · J)age. : . ·2.0(): c: loth. 1 011tai11e l i11 t l1i: l~ook arE :e,·– P11tee11 . e 1·111011: 011 t he ~e ·01 <.l 1 0111- i11g: of 1 l11·i. t. The p1·e-t1·ibl1la tio11 , ·ie,,· i. acl,.. a11eecl a11cl tl1e p1·i111al e1111) 11 cl."i. t h1~011g·l1011 t is l r , ·otio11al 1·a th Pr t 11,t 11 ex ro·et i(' al. l~"<let . ..:-\l1011t I. rael ......... . ( 'o , i t i 1 z , < ecl fro , > z JJ a y c 17 ) J1a,·r J'Pt11r11 Pcl j11 tl1~ir 111a.·sp.-. Tl1e, · • 1·0(· lai111ecl tl1e ,,yi]cler11 e.-: , r e, ·i,·e 1 tl1 ei1~ la11 ·211ag:e. b11ilt <'itie.- a11 l ,Til– l,1g·r.- . a 11 cl e~tc1 l)li. l1clcl a ,·ig·orol1. a 11 1 e, .. e1· -o· r o ,,. i 110 t 01111111111i t , . " "it 11 b -- ' ' it . o,v11 P<:<>11c>1 1il' a11cl t·11lt111~a1 life. 'l"l1e)· so11gl1t 1>eate ,\·f t ,,,.e1·r l) l'C– J>cl1·ccl to clef e11 cl t l1e1 1:e 1,·e-;. Tl1 e>– bro11g·h t t l1e 1> l e.-. i11g-.- of J) r og;1·e.. to all i11halJita11t: of tl1r ·ol111t1·,· ' a11 l lool<rcl for,,·ar 1 tc> .·o,·rr ei~r11 i11- cle1)c11 lP11c·r. ' ' 1 1 11lf illi,1y l 'roplzcc.11 ,\... 1 cl t is clet la r eel i11 t l1e f 01·e– g·oi11 o· .-tc1te111e11t " i.· ,·e1·.'.. t1·1te. Tl1e ~J e\\' · a1·e l1atlt i11 the lan l. P1·0 ·– J)e1·it)" i · 111l1el1 i11 e,·icle11t·e tl1e1·e a11 l tl1E~.. are 11·e1 arecl to fight f 1· t 1 e1 i r i 11cl e1)e11 le11ec. 11 \,e\·e1· . t11e1· is a t 1·,lg·ecl)"'" to tl1e . ·tor3 .. - ,.iz :– TIIEY II~\ '\"'E (}( ~ TE 13 .L\. 1 1 Ix l T .L "]3EI.i1E~,. rrh r eje ·t i o 11 2()00 ) r ell'. a g<> a11c.l it.· at<:Ollll)all)' i11g· l' llr:e~ <lll(l jt1<. lg111e1 ts a1·e .,·rt tcJ be fl1lfill -1cl i11 tl1 -' ir l11111,111)~· :lx1>e1·– ie11 ·e: . (} o l i g·ett ing· 1·eaclJ.. to l eal tl1e :el'o11c1 ti111e ,,,.itl1 t l1e111. F.1\"er)·tl1i11g: t l1ctt 1 :a,,· t l1e1·e, e, · 1·~· atl1ie,,.e111e11 t 111,1nife t . ,ra.· to 111r a f 1ilfille<l .-ig11 f t 11<-> !-i00 11 r ct 11r11 <)f .Jesl1.· 1 l1ri : t a11cl tl1e .Je,Yi ·11 ~ Ta– tio11al a ·l·e11t,111 · of Il i111 a -- tl1ci1· ?\I "l , • ·i,111.