The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1958

THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST March 1958 ~~~~~--~~~~- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ,,· ifP :lllti 1\lt:' Hlltl ()lll' 1111'<'' lit1l l' ~it 1, ~((,}()(lil' .. \ 1111 \\ cl~ t't)l ll' i11 ( t•l<. l'<'l'. l)arl t'llt' .. Jn11t' t,,t> 111 ~l<l)', ,lll l J)<)l\llcl ~11<' i, ! '-.lX ' ''C't'l~~ ()]cl. l'1·a, ,1lso ftll' tilt' l) l' llll ('1·s. ,,110 • l1a,t' l1c·('11 en r1·,i11l! t)lt i11 ()11r al) - • ~<'ttce. n 11tl ft1r t ll<' 11 01·11 lll't)(>lts nR tl1e,· ' L'<'l, it) tlt) 1oc l ~ ,,·ill i11 • \l t' \.lCt). l)rn,· tl1at \\' P 111,1,· clll . ~ l,e nlll<' 1t) ~a,· ,,·it11 l)<:1111 tl1,tt. \Y<' ' Jll'L·h, l')11t <.llll' l1t)tlirs c1s li,·i11g ~cl ·1·i - fit·l' '-· l1 t1l~. H('c·r1 t,1blc 11 11tc1 Ili111 a~ t)ttr l'<'cl8t>11al>ltl ser,·iec, a11cl tl1Ht ,, t' 111c1,· 11ot l)c' eo11for111ecl to t l1is • \\ 1 0l'l tl . l>ll t l>e 1 l'clllSf Ol'llled b:y· t ]1e • re11('\Yi11g· of 011r 111i11cl to p1·0,·e ,,· J 1 ,1 t i" t 11 t p:oo(l ,111cl a e cep ta111e ,vill of (~ocl for Ollr li,Te. . ,,...e ,, ill ,,·t\ leo111t' i11c111irie t·o11l'er11i11g· a11~· 1),ll't (>i' )ll l' ,ror1,. R r 111 e111l>e1· 1<) J)1·a~ ft)r tl1r 1111~a,·ecl 111t11ti - 1l1tlr-., i11 lll :\Irxieo. ] ">( ""\. :\ II~<; I• ()}? 'f llE El)l rl'<>R 011ti1111ecl f1 ..0111 page 16 ) 11i~·l1t tl1err . ,,·itl1 ·0111 e 11i11et,T :·t11 - • (lc.)11t1.., 011 rollccl. ,,Te s1)ol{e at t11e ·11,11 cl ~er,Tier. Re,T. Do11 "\"\ ooclbJ'" l)f tl1e IIa,·c1e11 .L\.,·e11 l1e c11111"ch i: .. t 11 t' c.1 ea11. 'I'l1e,,. ,,·e re l1a,,. i11 o· 8e- • 111P. te1· rxa11 1. , :-,,o ,,·e ar·e 11ot ·11re 111e,- l1acl t l1 ir 111i11cl. 011 ,,,.l1at • ,,·e a icl too 11111t1 ; lJ11 t ,,- e1 j 03~ecl it a11,-,,·c1,.... ._ . T11e~cla ,- a11 l ,,.,. rcl11esclav \re . ._ "'}JOl(e at t l1e t: l1a1>el -e1·,·i ·e. · of t li e (\\ 1 (' lli11g a11cl 111or11i11g ,·c}100] c>f tl1e Bapti.·t > 1 e111i11a1"1'" of tl1e 13il1le. c>f ,,·11iel1 R , ,. 1)011~1 l Do11~– la. i~ cl r a11. T t ,ra.· a th1· ill to ,11eal, to o,·er :2<)0 eolo1·ecl ,~t11c1e11t · at 11i!.!l1t, a11(1 al1011t 7,5 the 11ext 111or11i11g. "\"\re al:o li.·t e11 ecl to }>re"ic1e11t ,,T alter Ba11l< ~ teach l' l111r(: 11 l1i.. --tor~,. a11 (1 ,, 7 er e ble. :·eel. (+oc1 ha. g·i,·e11 thi~ · rolor ecl l)1 .. othe1 .. a gift of teachi11~ tl1at . hot1lcl co11- ,-i 11te tl1e . t1·ong·e. ·t , eg·1·eg·atio11i.1t t l1a t I I e i. 110 1·e:1)ect or of pe1· 011 · i11 cli. tril)t1ti11~ ta le11t.. "\\T ecl 11 e cl a~- c1fte1~noo11 ,,, had a g·c>ocl ,,.i it ,,·itl1 J>a ·to1· ,J 01111 BaljtO of 'ecla1 .. Ilill Bapti t 1 ht1r ·h a11cl a,,. t11e plant a11cl gr ol111cl . . \\ ,,~i 11 ,,e hacl ti1ne to t ell abo11t it. l~e,·. Earl Leil)~... t l1e 111i11i te1 .. of ec111cation. took 11: out to Hi o·h– la11c1 I!eig·J1t , .·on1e t e11 mile. ea.·t, ,,-l1c.l ~·e .the}· are J)la1111i11g to 01)e11 a 1111. . 1011 ~ 1 l111c1aJ'" . c·hool. I f 1nor e e;l1t1rc;l1e ,,·ot1lcl cl o t l1at. ' '"e co11lcl ltee1) up ,,ith tl1e ( 1 011 ·e1·vati, 1 e --====================================== llnJ>tist ~. ,rll<) ,ll'<' se11cli11g a b,1r– l'H ~t' ()f lit Pra1 .111·p ()lit l() 111Pi1· vlltll'l'll<'~ t el stH l'{ -!() ll f' ,\' l'llll1'<•}1es i11 ·,)l. ,\Tr (lottl>t ,,,l1et]1er t l1 r)" ,vill s11teC't'(l i11 sta rti11g 111or tl1a11 l1c1lf tl1 ,1t 111c111,.. . l>11t 0ve11 that • ,,·c>11lcl 1)<1 so1110thi11g·. "\\Thc1t <llJOltt 11 . (T Rl~cr: ! ( 1 c.111 't ,,·r g·1·al) 111) s<)t11r 1 11ort1111itiPs too ? ,, ... r d11 r scl<l)T11ig·l1 t J>a.·tor F..1 r11est ,\rl1it1l(' \" ool, 111 (\ to 111 .· (']1111·e]1 i11 • l1altelc1 11cl, j11st 011tsiclc> of E11elicl, fo1· JJ1.. a),.e1· 111eet i11g·. 1 he).. 11ee l ol11· J)1·a~~ r .·. .for a 11e,,,. f1·ee,,·a~· ,,·il1 co111e 1·ight tl11·ot1gh tl1eir proper·t:r·, a11 l the3.. ,,.. ill ha, 1 e to 1110, re . \ T e1·,.. lil{el,.. a lle\V buil 1- • • i11~: . ite ,vill ro. t a.: n111 h a, the~,. ~ret £01· t 11e o1c1 proper .. t~· a11d a. a .~111a]l ell11r ·h, it ,,ill 11ot be ea. :}'" to l)11ild. } el)1·11ar:y.. :...11d ,ve had a ble... ·eel ._ cla).. at E111111a11 t1e 1 Bapti. t of To- leclo. Tha111{. to t11e har :l ,vorl{ of .\ . .,. t 1 a.·tor I(e11 A11clr11 · tl1e ,,,.01·l{ i.· . tj 11 goi11g we 11 afte1.. I ix 111011th.· ,,itl1011t a pa.·tor. Tl1e).. ha cl 4 4 i11 i 1 1111cla ,?" . c hoo1 co1111 t- • i11g· the ~ 4 Brothe1· "\\rill ia111 ~ elf l1acl at the ea~t Toleclo <·hapel. F el)I'Uary t11 ,,re jo111·11e~· e 1 to El,r1·ia a11 l tool{ i11 tl1e 111011tl1l,– y ;11th Rall3,. of the II e1)1·011 .t\..'·– . o · i at i o11 t 11 er e. T 11 . pit e of th r : to1·111 cl l)o11t __ ()0 ,,,e r·e Ollt to l1ea j· the g·i1·1 . trio fro111 1 eclar,·ill e a11 l tJ1e 111e.. ·a~:e of J>rof. c·1e, ~01a11cl :\Jc l)o11a l 1. ,,Tc ,,·er e tl1er c-> a .· tl1r g11e. t8 of tl1 I-I 11 l{i I ls, a11c1 tl1 e 11 xt n101·11i11g· ,,,r 111i11i.·t er ecl at the> Tri11it)r Ba pt i. ·t iJ1111·('11 of Lo1·a i11 . T,vo bo~r, · n1a (le a co11fe.. io11 of f cl ith a11c1 <l 111a1·1·ie(l \\ 1 0111a11 c.- a1110 f or,,·a1· c1. \ 11 t hrer ,y·er e 1·ea1 ..e(l a: 1 atholie:. Lo1·ai11 i8 r"tro110·1,· ~ . C • at11 o l i e 1) t1 t it i ,· g: oocl to ser that .·0111e arr l)ei11g· 1·eaehe 1 \,,itl1 the Hi1111)le (}o.'p 1. That 11ip:l1 ,,.l J)1·ea('hrc] i11 t11e F~a. ·t ~ ~i l e cl1111·el1 ' '"here (i ocl i : co11ti1111i11g to 111 :: the la bo1·: of 1~c1sto1" l)1111l1a1n. Th e, ,. l1a cl 46..J. i11 N1111clay .. ·hool i11 . pit.e of the lJitte1· eo]cl rl 11 a ~00 011 t t O t 11 e e, 1 e11i11 g· se1·, 1 iee. F ebrt1arJ'" 16th ,,·a. a 1)11:,r cla,.. . J 11 the 1no1·11i11g· ,ve fill e 1 'i11 f ~1-– I a. to1· I{a1·l Hn1it}1 at t l1e J ethe 1 Bapti~ i l1111· c-h of \\T a1·1·e11, £01· }1 e ,,ra 111 a 1·evival i11 l e,v 01'1{ ~ tatc. '\\ bile l)ltilcli11g· a 11e,,· chllI' ·h they ,, 1 e1-- e me ting· i11 a •ehool 11011. . rrhe1:~ a1·e ·011 icl e1·- . \; 111g: affiliatio11 ,,,ith 0111· a . oria- tio11 c:1 11 cl of co111·..e ·\ve ,,~ 11lcl l) r ,?er}y haJ)J)j 7 fo1· tl1 em to e11te1· i11to it. • I11 t11c afte1·110011 R ,r. \\ m. I 1·- ,,.,111 c·a1ne a11cl tool{ 11. to Tl1il - £01·cl r..Jalce SOl1tl1 of Rc1l 111 ,, 1 he1· llr i: pa.·to1·ing a g·1 .. ol1p 'that i.· 1·eacl~,. to 01·g·a11ize a. a Bapti t (' llltl'c·}1 . \\rr ~})('llt CJ,'P l' l\\' () J1<)lt1' :,., i 11 P x 1)1 <-1 i 11 i 11g· \ r 11 c1 t H 1{ rl I t is t c-1llll'C'~l .' '' HS Hll(l 110,,· 1<) g·o cll>Oltt org·a111z111g· 011r. St111clcl)F 11 ig·l1t ' '' P l)rea 'he(l clt tl1e " 1 t r11 thers l~ cll)tist rl ab0r11aele. Tl1r ,, 1 Pa tl1 er· ,,·as l)cl l~ l>t1t ' '"<> J1c1(l , :- t}1p1·e, a11<l a g·oocl, ,,..ar111 8J1irit. Re,'. R. \\t. l lo,,·r]l j ,· 11c),,- J)astc1r P lll ritllS l)llt "\ 1 f' r_\ ' lllll(•h i11 thr ,,·or]c He) far as }1i.1 l1Palth <tllo,,... . ,,.. hilr l31·otl1 er 11 clr(),r .:\ f <1r.-t ellrr is 110,,T t lle f11l l ti 111 1>a.·to1·. \VP sta3..ecl o,Tp1· .:\ l o11cla),. to e11jo-'.. the 13 tl1el ...\.8:ociatio11 ,, 1 hieh ,,,,a.. to n1eet tl1 r e at •t1·l1the1..,·, auc1 ,,"0 licl e11jo3 1 the f ellow hip of the b1·a,..e f e,, ,,~ho la1·ed to co111e i11 the . en1i-l)lizzar 1 tl1at 1"agecl. ...-.\ ~ ,,-e \\T1·ite t 11 i. , ·\,e a1·e j11. ·t l1a c- 1~ f 1·0111 o l 11111bt1: ,, 1 l1e1·e ,,·e ·p e11t tl1e la. t ~ 1111 la,.. of the n1011th ,,ith the 1 ent1--al Bap.ti . t 1 h111·ch . It c·a11 l)e ·allecl a 111otl1e1· of t h111·che: . for Te11tl1 A ,·e1111e Bapti.·t (, till i11 tl1e ·011,..e11tio11 ) ca111e Ol1t £1 .. 0111 it : '"ear.- a~: , 1 li11 to11,,. il1e c an1e 011 t r1 l1 llt . ·p, .. e11 ) 1 ea1·., ag·o . a11d 110,,· 1,< aitl1 l~a I)tist l1a.· l)ee11 £01·111 cl. Pa. to1· F 1·a11l~ ( 1 ole111a11, afte1· ix ).. ar.· of , ·er~- f1·11it£11l ,,01·1~ 1·e– : ig11etl i11 fJ a11 l1a1·,"' a11cl hc1 110,,· bee11 eallecl ,,·ith Srar,,.i11 ( ila1 .. l~ ro l1eco111e 011e of tl1e JJa. to1-. · of tl1 e ll ,,.. chttrth. ( 1 e11t1·al i.· a c.lo, ,·11 t 0,,.. 11 t l1111·e 11 ,,·it 11 a , .. e1·v· liffic11l t fie lcl, a11cl tl1 i.· ha: 1 a~o·e1,.. l)ee11 t°" ~ tl10 r ea:011 ,,,.11.''" g1·ot1J)s l1a,·e felt it ,,·01111 l1c b0tt P1~ to g·o 011t i11to g·oocl r e.- icle11tial a1·ea'>: l)t1t tl1e Htra11g·r tl1i11g· is tl1at so111el10,,.. tl1e 1101· 1 bl es.·r.· l"oth tl10..e that go ' c1 11 cl t 110.·e t l1at 1· e 111a i11, . o t l1a t iP11t1·al ec11·1·ie. 011 a ..tro11 0· 111i11- ~ ist r)r of p,·ct 11g·e l l.'111 a11 1 t J1 e )1 r,,. cl1l1l'c·J1r.· f lc>111 ·i. ·l1 tc><>. ( t11· 1>1·a).. e1· ,,rill l1r that tl1 i ' px11e1·ie11c·0 ,,·ill 1·01) at it:plf t l1i .· ti111e. . ~--================================ CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION, In,. Our Fif ty -Four th Yeru.· A staff of twelve dedicated workers. Our ministry to the thou– sands of Jews in Cleveland, Youngs– town and other cities in Northeast– ern Ohio ; Charleston W. Va.; and Sao Pau·o Brazil. Our Radio ministry over stations in Cleveland Toledo Youngstown and Cambridge, Ohio; Apollo and Altoona, Pa.; and Viques, Puerto Rico touching countless numbers of our Lord's kinsmen. Write for informative magazine. "The Trumpeter for Israel .'' REV. GERALD V. SMELSER Supt. P. 0. Box 3556 Cleveland 18, Ohio