The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1958

TI-IE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST H._g, 1\vo ~~~~~~--~ 'l l l li: ~ l l 1~: l 1 I 11~l ) I) l J li.i.\ I, 'l' l 11 111, llltl ,lue l 1 t'tt'r 11c1tl l0c1r11ecl ltl 11,1, l\ tl1 (~ 111i11<l {)r tl1c l1oocl ~llt' l)h L' l'tl ,, 11<) g·,1, t' l1is lifl' fo r tl1e ,l1t'Pl) ~ t) lt)ll~l'L'r <.lid 11 ,ro11cler ,, lltlt \\<.)lllcl l1clJ)l >C11 to l1i111 or ,J ol111. l)tl t ,, 11t' t lie r t li e r lcl01·s i11 tl1 e el111re l1 t'~ ,, pr .1 tl1e rigl1t l~i11 l of ,11~1)1~r<.ls . · · 1~ t?ecl tl1e florl~ of ~o(l ,,Tl1i cl1 i-... cllllt)11g· ) · 011 t n l~i 11g t lie o,·c1·– s ig· l1 t tl1 r 1·r of, 11ot 11.\· t:011 t1·ai11t, l)llt ,,·illi11p:l)· : 11ot fo r filth}" ll1L·rc) . bt1t of a 1·eadJ·· 1ui11cl: • • ... T eitl1er as bei11g lo1·c1 · of l1ocl ' , l1eritag'e, lJt1t bei11g e11- ~a11111l e._ to tl1e floel( . · ·1\..11cl ,Y11p11 tl1 e 1 l1ief .,_ h ep- l1ercl . hall cll)l)eaI\ )' :hall 1·e– t ei,·e a ero,r11 of 0·101~,· tl1at fa l- b .. etl1 11ot a,Ya,·.' ._ .L\ : ,,-e lool~ l)ael~ o,Te1· Olll' o,,r11 111i11i tr,· ''T ca1111ot fe el a 11,r 1·e- ._ ' ._ g·r et o, ·e1· ti111e ,\·11 e11 ,,Te ,,·e1·e too t e11cler or c:011. ide1·ate i11 OlLI' pa. - toral I ader· ~}1i 1> · l)tlt ,re ca11 1· e - 111e111l1e1· t i111e: "'-l1 e11 \re . ho11l l l1a,·e J)1·a3·e l 11101·e a11cl l)U h e d le. ... . ,,Te1)t 11101·e a11cl '"·hip1J ecl le , lo- 11a tecl 111ore a11c1 de1na11cle 1 le. . "\"\Te clo 11ot 111ea11 to take lJa ·k 011e ,, 7 01· 1 ,re . aicl la t 111011th i11 clefen e of tl1e I a t o1-.· for· ,,-e 1{110,"· t l1ey l o . 0111eti111 e. C'rac: l{ 111) f ro111 o,-e1·,vor l< a11cl 1111tle1" a1)1)reciation. \\re l1ope Ol11· la,. 1·eacler: ,,Till 1·ea 1 ot1r ed- itorial i11 tll e .:\I,11·ch i . '."llc o,·er· ag·ai11 : 1)11 t ,,·e al. ·o l1ope t l1a t ot11· 111i11i. t eria l l)r et hre11 ,,·ill 1·ea l l1i.· 011e t,,·ice or t l1riee. Do " ·e 111iui t er: ha\'"e t l1e . h e1)– her cl ' · hea1·t to"·a1· 1 ot1r p eo11le ? It 111a,· lJe tl1at tl1 e,· . hol1lll b ._ ., 11101·t1 t l1a11 ·l1eep- tba t the)T : l1ot1lcl lJe . olcliel': a11d tal{e tJ1e he,\Ti11 011t ' tl1at ,,~e caJ)tai11.· gi,·e the 111: bl1t E ze l{iel :3-! a11cl ~Toh11 10 a1·e i11 Olll" IJilJle '. a11cl ,,,.e 011g'ht ofte11 to r ead them. ...\ ft er all tl1e title ··pa. to1· ' 111ea11 , · . 11 e1)l1e1·d. ' "\"\re l)a ·t o1-.. 111a~"" expeet too 111t1 h of Olll' J)eOJ)le i11 BilJle a11cl cht1rcl1 - ,,·or lr 1<110\'r leclge. :\Io ·t . l1ee1 a1·e cl11ll l ea1·11e1·. . a11cl 11eec1 to l)e ta1lght tl1e i111ple t t1·11tl1. of theolog·y a11c1 11101·a 1 o, ,.e1· a11 cl o,"e1·. The :)r o1111g lain lJ a1·e t oo pla}""ful to co11cen– t1·ate. a11<l t l1e olcl er l1 eep are too lJll. ~· t o l'ead 111t1ch 01-- at lea. t thi11k the, ... a 1·e. ()the1-- , 1nay 1·eacl , lJt1t tl1e~~ ha,·e 11e, Te1' lJee11 to e111- i11a1'J'" 0 1· Bible . ·c 11001 a11cl lea1·11ecl h o,, to a11al5rze tl1 e Bible 0 1· hO\\"' to 111a t er a e1·,,. ice ma11 t1al. Tl1e:y~ 1·eacl a chapter hl1t ca1111ot t e 11 fiv"e 11ti11111es lc1t cr ,,·I1,1t tl1 r3r 1·ea(l. ~0111e11 i111L\ · 11asto1· · ex1Jeet too 11111t· l1 of tl1 eir 1 eo1)le fi11a11eiall)·, Pit l1t' l' 101· t l1eir ov,.. 11 e11ricl1111 11t or to lllcll<e cl 11a111e for t l1 e1n ·el,r .· a ' r ,li,"Cl' · of bl1 lg t . ~ e\' Cl' ha,re peo– {)l b ee11 11101·e te1111Jtecl to 1,ate ea ·11 ot l1c 1· lJ~' t l1e ig11. of 1 1ate1·ial ,rea 1 t }1 t l1 a11 toa ajT a11 1 111i11i tel" ,lr l1 l1111a11 e11011gh to f el a ·hamecl f li,,.i11g in a11 olcl 1)a1· 011ag·e of p1·eac l1i11g in a11 oll chl1rcl1 a ll (l of (ll"i,ri11~: a11 old ·a1-,. \\ e are far f 1·0 1n t1rg·i11g ,111 t11e breth - 1·e11 to l1e co11te11t ,vit h ll h thi11g · fo r t he1,e are lin1i t of 1--e pe ·ta– lJili t~.. . l) t1t ,,Te a1· ayi11g· that 0111e– ti111<:\' it i ,,,.ot111 l ecl p1·icle that 111alce. 11~ ·1·acl{ up a11d 1 ot t he J)0tt~.. p e1· ·ec11t io11. of Oll l" p eOJ)le. ..(\.11 of 11. , 1Jeo1)le a1 d })a:tor alike are ·o 1111li]{e the 1 e ,,;r]10 ]1ad 110 \,·here to la :y·· IIi. bead. ... ~ o \ro11cler ,,,. ]1a,,.e t1--ot1ble i11 ottr )J111rcl1e: ,vl1e11 l)ot l1 pa. t o1· a11 l people a1·e f1·ec111e11 tlJ ... 1111 h1·i. tlil{e ! \\Te 11eecl to li. ·t e11 to the fi1-.. ·t pa. - to1~ of t he .J e1·l1. alen1 r h111·eh: • }-i r o111 ,,,hr11ee ·on1e ,ra1-. ancl fig·l1ti11p:. a 111011g ~"Ot1 ? ('Orne tl1 rJT 11ot J1e11ee e,Te11 of ) 7 0t11· lt1. t. t1 at ,,·a1-- i 1 , ...0111· 1ne111lJe1-. ? '- ) ' e l1t:t, a11 l l1 a,~e 11ot: 3~e l{ill , a11cl cle>:ire to l1a,·e, a11cl ea1111ot obt,1j11: } .. e fig·l1t a11c1 ,,·,l l\ , ·et :\Te ha,re 11ot l)eca11:e • • \ r C cl.' l{ 11 0 t. • '· Y a. le aL1cl r ee i,·e 11ot lJe– l'at1.·e 3Te a:lc a111i.·~. t l1at }'" e 111,t)" eo11stt111 e it 111)011 ) TOllr lt1. t ~. l t 111a)'" l~e th<1 t i 11 hi., cla) 7 of cle– g1·ce.·, ,re 1 a:tor.· ex1Jec:t too n111cl1 (lef r r e11 ce f 1·0 111 0111· I eopl . I f ,, 1 ]la, ,.e a lloct 01•a t ]10,ve, rer I •er.111--e ] \\rp l 0\ 7 (> t o llCcll" 0111' l)eo1 le ll . e tl1e titlr; a11 l if ,, 1 e lo 1 ot l1ave t l1at , ,,·e ,, 1 illi11g·ly a ·ceJ)t t l1e ( 1 a tholi · 1·0,·er e11(l. '\Ve expect ot11· l)eo– J)le to ,j t111111 ,v l1e1 ,,Te 1·a le the ,,·11 i 1) a 11 cl f eel t l1a t Olll' cligni t 3r i. l1111·t \'V}1 11 tl1e}" a ·t lilce Ba p t i t a11c1 lll0\ 1 e t ]1at Olll' p1·opo. itio11 be table l ! \\T a)r tlli l{l}Q\\ 1 i11g• ftlll ,vell t l1a t ~·0111e Ba1)ti. t , clo 11ot 1·e:1)ect thei1· pa:tor 11ot1g·h a11 l treat 11111 a.- t l1 ei1-- e1·1·a11d lJo,.... v\r e '- 1 a -.r e 01i1-- 0,,,.11 })a. t i11 mi11c1, 1-.atl1 1-- t l1,t11 ot1r bi-rtl1reJ1 a11d 1·e1nembe1· ,,·i tl1 t ea1· ]10" 1 \\re 1·e. i o'n ed 0118 t"> C'ht1reh becal1 e the t1·t1 tee li 1 all tl1e ,,,01·1{ a11cl ,,,01,1·yi11g a11cl ,, 1 a11tec1 t11 eir 3 .. 01111g· pa to1· to p encl al l hi. ti111e i11 tllCl}r p1--eacl1i11g a11cl '\ri. itatiOll. \\Te t llOllg'ht t }1ey 0110'}1t to co11~ l1lt 11 0 11 t h e blt1e p1·int April 1958 f'cJr tl1e> el111rc·l1 l)t1illli11g· ! () to l1a,·0 .1 11el1 f cl itJ1ft1l tr11. ·t re. ag·,1i11 ! J {O\\T fooli .·h '''(l ,,rr 1·0. 'I lie t r t1c ~·1101)l1e1--cl cloe: 11ot J)t1t J1 i: o,,"11 ,,Te lf a r e fi1·:t, bl1t that of l1i ·h ee1). Il e 111ay :hear· tl1e : hee1) a ha. ofte11 lJeen j oki11gly :aicl ,,Tl1e11 ta1<i11g a11 offe1·i11g lJ11t lie cloe it £01· hi 1na t er, a11d 11ot fo1" l1in1. elf . I-le love. hi. heep a llC1 doe. 11ot wo1·1·,r too fill1Ch o,rer· .. the (f ll e. ·tio11 ,v hethe1~ they love him 0 1· 11ot. H e l{11ow that if he feed tl1e111 a11c1 tal<e goo l ca1,e of them t11e, r \\ 1 ill lo,re him ,,., ithOllt fail. ._ Ev'"e11 if he doe. nee l hi hire he 1·e f ll. e to become a hireli11g in .1oirit, for he look for hi fi11al r e ,,a1·cl 011 that c1av whe11 the hief .. . h eph e1·d . hall ap pea1' a11d o·i,.. e him a cr o,,·11 of 0'101--·v··. ._ E,T L1-r TI X F R F 1 RTH C+RADER~ 1 · · (}E( R i E the Di conte11ted <} IR.,_..\} FE, i offe1-.ecl 110,v a a11 i l eal l)ool{ £01· childre11 in the f 0111·tl1 g'1·a le. IIo,,~ 111anJ"" teache1· 11 a,Te 01--cl r·ecl it f 01· tl1ei1-- cla 1--oon1 lilJ1"ar .. ,ve clo 11ot lr110,v b 11t l1er e " i. the co111 pa113.. ale tall{ : · 'I l1i.· . tor·~T tell how th e gi- 1--aff clCCJl1i1·ecl it"· long 11ecl{ · for zooloo·i:t.· t1b ta11t.iate the fact that tl1e g'iraffe ,,..a 011ce a hort- 11e ·lee l a11j111al 111t1eh lil{e the okapi t l1,1 t 1·oa111 · tl1e a1·i 1 J)lai11 of f1·i– ('a. ltl1011g·l1 11at1t1·e toolc 1- n1il– l10 11 J"ecl l\ of ·y·olt1tio11 to con1plete tl1i: 11e ·l{ . t1·etcl1i11 0· eo1.,o·e ac · 0 111- t"' , Cl 1)li.1he c.l tl1e ·a1ne feat i11 ml1cl1 le ti111e b}r ll. i11 g• hi. 1110 t J)1-,o,Toeati,Te , ,i1·tl1 e ·- cle.-- i1·e a11 1 <l ete1--n1i11a ti 011. 111· 1·eacl e1· · ma,.. n1ile at th ._ !-, l1g·g-e ·tio11 tl1a t thi · i a la11~·e1.,ot1. l1ool{: l>t1t b 'lll"e ,,·itl1 it beat1- t if t1l 1 ictl11·e.· a11d e11te1·tai11i11g· BtOl')'" , it ,,,ill 1110 t effecti,·ely pla11t tl1 .·eecl. of e, 1 olt1tio11 in 111a111r ' 3,.ol111 g' 111i11 1 . "\i\ ·a1111ot forget tl1c cla, .. ,,·l1e 11 Oll l' tl1i1·d 0·1,a l e on ' Cclm e l10111e to a1111ol111ce t hat 110,, 1 lie ltll \\'' ,,Tll 1-,e ,,re l'a111e f 1--on1- fro111 the 111011ke, .. . Ile hacl 1·ead a ._ . i111ila1· l)ool< at ·11001 a11 l had a.·lcec1 hi t ac lier ,,,11etl1e1· it ,va t1·t1e a11cl ·l1e l1acl a l11· 1 hi111 that it \"\ 1 c1. . ~ ot l111til ,v·e l1c1 l read the < 11e ·i. a · ·ot111 t of c1·ea tio11 a11d 1·e- 111i11d d hi111 tl1a t hi -· 111otl1e1-- ll ed to 1Je a . ehool teac11e1' 011lcl we l'011 , ,ince l1i111 tl1at thi book a11 l hi · t ea ·l1e1-- ,,,e1·e 11ot rigl1t. Pc:11· 11t. it 111ig·l1t l) ,,,.ell £01· 3·ot1 to lool< i11to tl1 e 1·eadino· 111ate1·ial of