The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1958

THE OHIO Volume XXX MAY 1958 Number 7 ARCIIJ'l'ECT'S SKETCH OF FI Y MEMORIAi, C EL • j ., fir 1i '11: ~ "'7...l I ~ . } JI f I I I 1 1 • - , . I I I - - - ' - - -- --- ----- / ~ -------_/· / ' 'Both young men, and maidens; old men, and children: Let the1n praise the name of the Lord: f 01· his name alone is excellent; his g·lory is above the, earth and heaven ." Psalm 148 :12, 13 What better way to glorify God and make g·ood use of the n1eans He has g·iven llS, than to help provide a g·ood place for ·worship and instruction for your young· people at camp? The above pict111·e is a dream, but our g·ifts can make. it a reality. • l> t" t fu