The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1958

Mt T,~vt~~~1t~y~~--~~~~~~~~- TiiE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST:.____________ May 1958 I·~ , :ltlg liP,ll l'c11)t1,t \l 1"~i()ll". lll t }1p llll)l'lllll!!,' "t"~"illll: <llll1 :\) l', }~l'llt'"t 7iitlll llt' l'llltlll, \\.ll l'l"l'l' 111 ,JH – (1:lll llll(lt'l' 11nJlt1,t .\li<l :\li"'~io11s, i11 t l1t' nftPrt\()l)ll. ' I lie l1c)ttlt' 1)1'()- • • jPtit fc)r 111i",it)llcll') g·1,·111g· \YH~ 1,~ i111<' ' T \lt'lllt)rinl l ' l1,ll)t'' l . • "\ I J 1, l ' l) I J t Ti\ [ 1 ~ l . ~ l 1 l l l Tl~ l I I F.J ~ .J 1t,t a , t 11 i " 111,lg'H/.llll' Vl) llll"'s 1 <> l1a11tl. itll 111(' l~A\ 1~13 1 l111rel1r~ ,,111 l)e \{'l'). l111s)· HS ]t ()~t~ ()f thP _\ 11111,al "t)11fp1·e11ee c)f thP {:c)11 ral .. \"~c)eic1tio11 - ,111<l \YP l tO J) <.' all tl1e 1)a"tor~ ,111tl 111,111)· la)·111 r11 ,111 l la.'·– \YLl lllt'Il ,Yi 11 l1t' t l1er e f r o111 a 11 011r l)l1io elllll'l'll(':-; ! Pra.'.. for 1·e,Ti,ral l) lt' "'si11g·.-. ,1t ( "o ll1111l)11s, :\f,1)· 1:... -1 ) ! ' 1"' r~,, ~ 1 ...\,...Exl ,. F"' B ...\ 1) 1 1 ~ 'I . T )LEI l 'I'l1e ~,. ortl1 I3et l1r 1 • \ :soeia tio1 111et at Le,,·i." :\ ,·e11 l1e ::.\Ia1·e 11 7 tl1 a 11tl l1 e,11·d t,,~o i11. l)i1·i11g 1ue." ·ag·e. £1·0111 Rr,·. ... ... il e Fi. h er of DaJ·to11 . I 11 t lie a£ter110011 l1e . pol<e 011 · · ,,~11at .Jf al~e.. a Li,,e 1 h111--ch, a11tl i11 t l1e e,·e11i11g· 011 · Tl1P Restecl 0111. ,, Re,,. . :\Iel,.. i11 , .\"el·h ,,·as elerte l 1110 le1·ato1\ Re,· . RalJ)l1 T. 1 Tor el– l1111d, ,·i tP 111odera tor. Re,·. :\Iart i11 Ilo1111e. a. e ·1·etar)· , a11d Re,". Ke11 - 11 et 11 II Oll, er a: Youth D i1·e ·to1·. :\'t RTIIFJ EIJl) BAI->TI ~i 'I .\ IJle. ·e 1 .:\Ii.·sio11ar,,. 1 011fere11e • ,,·a'I e11jo~·ecl i11 .L\.111·il. ,,·ith 11. ,·. \ " e r11011 ,,... el)er :11eal<i11g· of hi. ,,·01·k: i 11 the D o111 iuic- a11 Re l l1l>lic: a11cl b1·i11gi11g a 111e.-.·ag·c i11 .'011g· 1) 1·. J . Ir,·i11g· Ree. e e11larg·i110· ou1· , ri. i o11 of the neec1 a11 l prog·r e.'.· of l10111e 111i · ·i o11 wo1·lt Re, ·. a11 tl :\Ir ·. Jo ·e :\Ia11doriao l)ri11gi11g :pe– tial 111l1 -- ic· a11cl t e lli11g· of their 11a– ti,·e 1)11ili1)pi11e , a11c1 Re,·. Ilo,,ra1· 1 I l oil11e . ta1·tli11g· ll: ,,·itl1 t l1e da11- g·p1·~ of 1 01111111111i.1111 a11d :\I 011 a111- 111Ptla 11i~111 i11 ""-\ f1·ita. }"'JI ,' T B~\})TJ ~' rf. B( \\TL}X j l}REEX l 1 ix \,ere lJaI)tizecl 011 Ea. ·tr1· ~ 1 1l11- cla ,... a11cl t,,·o tan1P £01·,,,,a1·d. I 11 • the e,·e11i11g fo11r 111ore ,,Te1·e l)ap- tizecl a11cl t l1e1~e ,rer e £0111· clccliea– tion . Thi." een1. to 1Je lil{P tl1e l1eg·i1111i11g"\ <>f r e,·i,·al a11cl a . ·ea] 11 J)011 the 111i11 i . tr~.. of RP,T. ,,T 111. ( 1 • l\1e I(ee,Te1· . II EBR )~ ...... \~S<)( 1 I ...\ TI()~ sPRI~(; ·<> ... TFERE~( 1 F..1 The , 1 J)l~i11g C 1 01 1fp1·e11ee of 1}1p I Iel>1·011 ....\ .·ociatio11 ,,·a }1elcl i11 tl1e ( ·,1I,·a1·) I1apti. t 1 h111·(·}1 of ~\ h– l,t11 cl. ,,·J1 e r e it ea111e a . a ·l<>~P t<> a ,,·pek r,f l'P\"i , ... a1 er,.. i c·e. . l{p,·. <: e <J 1•o· e 'CJ ~ b,· 1 1 < l i 11 t }1 r · c J 112. ~e l', - e • '. it·P c111<l a lst> g·ct, t' H ~H<·rc'cl. olc>. 1 11, e ll l() l'll i11g 'l)l\H]\Pl' \\'cl~ 1\C'\' , ~IH, 'l lll'l\( 1 1', 11()\\ J>H'ltC>l' t1f t}1e 1~ ()~ {C) l'l cl l!nJ)t i~t ( 1 l111rl' l1 II P s11ol,0 <)11 · · l )l t, a "i 11 g I I i 111 . ' ' I 11 t ] 1r cl ft 1 · 11 oo 11 l) <' , ·. l)o11alcl l~ Pip:l1tc)l le<l i11 a ])<llle l tlisc·11~:-,, ic>11 011 tl1 r 1 l1111·el1 \ '"i~ itati<)11 J>rog·r,1111, c111cl I e, ·. l(011- 11pt h .. T< 1 lso11 s11ol<L 1 0 11 l{ rtl1i11l\i11g· tl1t 1 :\li11istr,·. jl1sHio11ar)'" ·\\ralt r r ~J)ic)tl1 t t)<)l{. t}1 e 111i~-. ·io11ctr)r ho,1r . rrll t' r ,·r11 i11 o· ser,·i ·c ,,.. <l. ' 0,"a 112.·r- ~ f li8ti · i11 li11 r ,,.. itJ1 tl1r tl1 r 111e o tl1<1 ,,·eel{ i11 tl1l 1 eJ1111·cl1. Tl1e . er- 1110 11 \\' HS g·i,.. r 11 })~'" Re,·. rj~: 1111 Rog·- ROAMINGS OF THE EDITOR Tl1e AJ)l'il i. ·11r hacl 24 l)age: a11cl , .. et half of 011r '· Roan1i11 g-. · ' \'\"e 1· P c· 11 t o11 t for 1 a e lr of 1· o o 111. a. ,, 1 e1·e a fe,,· 11 e,,·.· it r111. fo1"' 0111· fello,,., l1i1) page. "\\Tell, ,,·e a1· e gla 1 11e,,·.· i.· c·on1i11g· i11 .·o alJ1111da11tl)T, for that is of 11101·e i11tere."t tl1a11 tl1e 1·a111l)li11 g. of ' ' ~re rclito1· . ] 1·0111 110,,· 011 ''"'e 111a , .. l1a' '"e to 111al(e • tl1e111 ,~e I')" l)rief. To tateh 111) a })it, ,,~P fillecl tl1 0 p11l1)it i11 l:4"' o:toria :\lal'th l(i tlJ. si11et.) the)" ,\·er r tl1ro11~:}1 ,,·itl1 ca11- li cla tr: a11cl hacl 11 ot .\·et g·otte11 t 11 (li1· r>a. to1· ....\ h o11:e frtll ,,Ta. · tl1er e i11 thr 111or11i11g·, a ll l1a1JI)~· the ea11- li(lati11g· Yra . o,·pr a11cl a11xio11.· £01" I.>aHtOl' ~lcl X rr lJ (•], 1 1' t o (11·1·i,re. \\Tr a1·e , ..e1·~~ ha1)J)}'" to tJ1i11l{ tl1at t}1i.· l3,11)tist J 1·ec1the1· l1a: a 1)a. to1· too, :0111 r tl1i11g· tl1at 11rrc1eh r 1·: cl o11 't 11. ·11a]l,;r ha,,e . • Jla1"'c· l1 17tl1 '") \YPl'<' i11 \· it ecl tc> SJ)Pa]~ <ll thP } P tllclll)r ... \ ... 0 ·iatiOLl at it.- 111 reti11g· i11 tl1e 13rc>,,·11 ~t. I3a1)tist 1 l1t1r<:l1 of "'\ 1<r<)Il. \\.,..c> ,,·c1·<1 a.- glacl to :r<_) tl1i.· tl11·i,·i11g· el1l11·<·l1 ,,·I1e11--e < iocl h,1.· lJ]p. ·:e l 1 ,l,"t<)l' Dea11 I Ie11 r,· for :o 111a 11,~J~ea1·: a. £01" tl1 . ~ . J)ro:11ec·t of fello,,--sl1i1)1 i11g· ,, 1 itl1 the r)a:to1·: of tl1e 1101·th0ast0r11 J)a1·t of 0111' :tate. rI'1·11}\? ,,·r ha cl a l)}C, '. ·e 1 • ti111r tl1(.l l' P. l f all se,.. e11te 11 of 111<' c· l1t1rc·l1 c'~ i11 thi~ a~s<>c·jatic> 11 ,,.<Jtllcl g·<'t l 111s.\· c111cl at1P11cl, tl1i~ l' <1 l H ti,.<'1\ r 11 r \r ct~.' <J l' j cl 1 j <> l l l' C) l l} < l l' l- • , ·c1l thP I I rl1rc>11 ,(\ ssc)c·iati<>11 or cl1 l P<t ,· t g·i,·p it goocl <'C)lll {JPti1io11. :\larC' l1 2~)-:31 ,,·r 11a\·p ,1lrrac1,~ • <lC't·o1111te1cl for i11 ()111· :tor,.. of the • ,,·orl{ of Re, ' . T1J 0,,·r11.,,11 Tl101111) - .·<)11, ~o ,, 1 e 1·rf e1 1~ , .. 011 to t 11 at a rtiC' I e • if \ .Oll \\rOll tlr1· ,,·J1 r thrr ,,·r hclCl ctllJ.. - • • thi11g~ to clo. \'\Tr 111aclr 11p for 0111· 1·e:t ,,·r l1ac1 the ~ 1 v· lJt>fOl"(l, ,,.. l1e11 ,,,.e fait11f11ll),. att011clec1 se1·,,._ icP. i11 ot11· ho111 r t·h111·c·l1 the ,,·a,... • 111lJ)itlr.,. 1 1·ea ·he1-.· 011ght to clo. Ea. te1" ~ 1 tt11c.l,1,.. f ol111cl ll, ,,ith tl1e • ~:oocl J)eo1 le of ~ 01·th:i l e I3apti.. t i11 Li111a. Th <:1, ~ '"'·e re al:o -n.·aiti11g· . ' fo1· tl1ei1· 1 a:tor , R e,.. . Ri ·ha1· 1 :\ l t- I11tosh, a11 l 011 to11lcl fef 1 tl1e a11- titipatio11. , , 0111111 't it l)e wo11- clerfl1l if ea ·h 81111cla}'" J) 01)le ,,"011lcl <:on1e ,,ith a: 111l1ch a11ti ·ipatio11 of ,,·}1at the Lor l i. alJle to c1o a. the~~ ha,·e fo1"' a 11e,,· pa tor? AJ)1·il 13th ,,·ill 11e, T<:11· lJe fo1·o·ot– t e11 i11 tl1e Xorcll1111cl l1ol1,·el1ol l, 11ot l)P('<lt1.·e the hea 1 of the fa111il,· • oc·r11piec1 the F o. ·tor"'ia 1 t1lpit fo1"' tl1e last N1111 cl a ,... lJefo1·e Pa ·tor Tl1cke1· • tool{ o,,.e1· lJllt lJeeal1.-e tl1at afte1·- 110011 h e g·a,·e hi.· 011e a11c1 0111}· cla11g·ht01· a,,·a)" a11 l :he i. 110,,· ~Irs. Ra,T 13111·1{ . Re, ,. . )Jax Tl1tl(e1· • 1·ea l a 1110.-t l)eal1tif11l aJ1cl ... '1c.:1"'i1)- tllI'rl 1 te1·en1011,... a11 cl of cot11--. e, all ~ agreecl tl1at tl1e l 1·i le ,,·a.· 1 ea11ti- f11l. Tl1e lJ ."t of it ,,-a: tl1at ,,-e 01113· lo:t 0111· dal1g·hte1· fi,·e l)loc]{ a ,,·a,,. a11 1 o·ai11etl a ('111 ristia11 :on. • E,·e11 . ·o, ,,·r Hhecl a fe,,· t ea1· , a all J)a1·P11t · clo. 1~J)1·il 2()th fc>1111cl 11: fel lo,y·:l1ip– J)i11g ,,·itl1 t11 Ro~re1·s l11·otl1e1·,-..:·-- ,,~itl1 I 011 i11 tJ1 ,,.,.e. t:it1e <:l111rt11 c > f I.1 o r cl i 11 . cl 11 1 ,,· i t l 1 T 1~ " 1111 i 11 th e ....<>rtl1fiPlcl tl111rtl1 011 tl1 e ra.·t e11·11 <)t1t: l~irts of 1 Jp,·pla11c.l. "\\T frlt tl1< 1 H11irit of { ~c>cl i11 l)ot]1 ser,Ti<:e8, l)11t 111arl{(:c ll,,. ~o at ... To1·tl1fiel cl. ~ 'l l1erc is a el11t1·el1 ,,·he1·e tl10 ,pi1·it of J)l'a)"e r a11 1 lo,,.e fo r "h1·i:t t:c111 Jite1·all,.. l)e felt. ;\O ,v·o11cle1· • HC) 11l .· cll'P l1ri11g· .. a,·rcl a11cl tl1r ,,·01·1{ ... . g· r o ,,·111g·. Your INVESTMENTS of SELF PRAYER & FINANCES In HOME MISSIONS WILL PAY • ETERNAL DIVIDENDS Reach America to Reach the World" HIAWATHA LAND INDEPENDEN'I BAPTIST MlSSIONS 1109 Ludington St. E canaba. Mich. •