The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1958

Page Three May 1958 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ I~il)l e-b li \ r~ ri,; t l1c1L cll' P 11ot. i 11 0111' cl ,,. oeiati 11 · it iH 1·t1 t l1c1i '"' e . ho11l l 11ot b e 111e .· (.{ I li '1 11 - .~eio11s tl1a t ' ' ' E 'a111lot •'\0 a11. rt l1i11g Pl.·e ; l1,1t it i. el l. o t 1·t1 t l1,1t llr I)a... to1-. .. ,111<1 e l111re h r ,vo11 l < 1 l1a v , ,er y 1 it t 1 c f ell ,v: hi 1 i l' it , 'i1 r 11ot f or ot1r ct~· 'O liat i 11al 1r1eet i11 g·H. .4\ Bai ti:t As:o ·i,1tio11 }1a · g· r at , ·al1, e a· a 111i. I io1 ary a11 l ccl11 ·a– tio11al ag 11 cy. \ Ve ;a11 do t og·rth r ,,1 hat ,v ·011 l cl 11ot clo a l 1 . 1 a111 1) J>at1110 ,,,01111 I ot exi. t to lay if it ,,?e 1~c 11ot fo1· the R 1 • '10- la1·,1il 1 e 1 o 11e g·e ¥ 1 0 t1ld 1 ,1. v ,1 h a1·c1- r ~ t r11o·o·le t11a11 it l1 a. if it w r e ~ 110 fO l" t .h plll)li ·ity ,v giv it. "\"\ e 111aJr ha,,e pa1'at 1n i~ .,io11 ,1,r or g·a1 iza tio11 o ,v , il 1 11ot br- 'Oln lil{e t h i11teg1·a te l 011 v 1 t io11 , ) 7 t e1n V{ left· b11t CV 1 t hey r e– ceive gr eat h lp f1' 0111 th a. o i– at io11al f avor· they c11joy . ot 01 ly o bu t ar-- t l1 ey 11ot a ext1·a-Bib– li al a 0111· a o ·iatio1 ~ 1 I . t h r·e a1 y 1no1·e ·1·ipt1t1· fo1· 13a1) i t l\Iid- Ii io1 tb a11 t her i. f 01· t h e :r RB ? I f v, 1 e 1111 t 11ot 01·ga1 iz a113rthi11g tl1at i. 1 ot n1 1 tio11 l i11 t l1 r e,v T . ta1n 1 t "'' '"rill h av to di b a11d 011r u11day ·l1ools, cl o e ot1r college fo1· a1<e Olll' 1ni - . ion ari a11d ·lo ot1r ~111nmer camp - yi ld t he who1 f i 11 to th Hard h ell ! 11r a o iat io11 al. o give a p o,,,_ erful wit 1 e. to t h t1 .. u t h a it i in ,hri t. 111 t hi day of t h li1)– eral E t11n 11i ·al 1\Iovem 11t \V a11- 11ot dra,,r ,, 1 i t hi11 Olll\ 1v . Ol'" m11t– ter feeble prote t that 1011e ,vill hear .. b eyo11d ot1r hur·cl1 wall . A in t he day of 13e11j an1i11 Fra1tl<– lin a11d the Re, 1 olution w can ay t hat l111ited " ,e t and divided ,,~e fall. W believe t hat our 01·ga11iza– t 101 . ar e Bibli al if t h ey er ve BilJl1cal e11d I' 0011ize Bibli al pri11cipl ·, a1 c1 . k to 1--ve ot11· sover eig11 lo ·al eh111· ·h . 11ot don1- i1 a te th en1. Vv e l1a v und ay sel1ool,· b cat1.·e t l1 e,v T . tamen t co1111na1d. · 11: to t a ·h the t ruth ~ \\1 P have 1n issio11 ag 11 ·ies l) ·au : ottr l .JOl"Cl told ti .· to eva1 gelize all 1 atio1 : · a 11 cl ,ve hav0 a.1. o ·iatio1 .' l)r ·all Hc> ,v a r e ta11gl1t to fe llo,v. h i1) \\ 1 i t h o tl r l)1'et}1 r en . ~ I C) R11.; I I <) ~ I R() I j I 1 ( 1 I l ( T I{( 1 r l l~8 :\ I r s. #J 0111 l{a t1t% r eJ)<>l'18 H 11 t i 11 - <· rcla~ l <Jf 2(1 sl1l >se l'iJ)ti <> ll H f <) 1' l\ 1 cl r < • 1 , 1 > l' i 11 g· i 11 g t h P t <) t ,1 l t <) 1, 2 71. \\'P 11,1, 1 < 1 l>P ~11 tolcl t l1c:tt 11,c>Hi 11 1<lg'– azi 11P}) cil'P Sll ffP l' i 11 g lt>:·iH(lS t l1C1S(' r P– ('(l~~ io11 cl a.}'S a 11cl H<J \\' P t·,111 t rjoieP i.J 1 s111a ll gai11~ ! 'a'et ,vr sh c>11 lcl a11cl '1I I I{ 1~~ E M < >'l' I I 1~" f{H By RALPH T . NORDLUND Thr e mother s claim a v ital part In all I have and hold; Mor pr ecious to my gr at eful heart Are they than lands or gold . One risked her life to give me mine, And labored th rough the year s To make my youth and manhood fine– ! honor he r through t ears. Another mother ed long and well A ma iden mean t for me; If sh e h ad fa iled , oh, who can t ell Wha t my lone life might be? Tha t ma iden n ow is mor e than w ife, More than my own pure pear 1; She's mot her now, and light and life To my own boy and gir l! Three mothers claim a tr u e man 's h eart Above the cla ims of gold ; Each one h as earned her own fair part His gr atitude to hold. eol1l l cl ot1l1l r Olll' li:t i f v l' ) ' el1t1rcl1 i11 t l1r c18,' 0C!1<1t io11 \\ 1 011 11 ap– poi11t a11 aetive s1tl ).·c r i1)tio11 age111 <t11d p11t 11 a 1 a111paig11. 80011 11e,v· :t)' ] e11 ,re lope · , ,,il 1 be ll8ecl i11 g ivi110· ex1 i r atio1 1 0- t ice. . o a eheclr 01· n1011ey 01·c1 r • ·a1 b p t1t i11 t l1 e111 a1 l 111ai]c 1 1·ig· l1t ba ·1<. Tl1er e ,vil] a1:o 1) r oo111 fo1" t l1e 1 a111e of t h ~h11reh . o \Ve ,,,ill lc110,,, 110,v rr1a11y lll ) ·e ri] - t i 011. eac 11 t; }1 l11· • 1 l1as. ~Irf . Kal1tz w1·ite ' t l1at ,, 1 l1ile ~·h cloes 11ot. l1ctve exact fjgt11· , a:-; yet '"Te ca11 p11t t h e follo,;vi11g· 011 ot1r 1101101· r oll as ha,ri11g 10% or 11101·e of th 1nemlJ r .·h ip ·t1l).' ·1·il)i11g: Fir. t Bapti t of i\ l e li11a E111n1a11- 11el Bapti:t of r ole l o, E a ·t: id , '\'\re t ·i 1 Tr·i1 ity a11d l:> 11fi 11 ~I 1111 ,t io1 of Lor·ai11 P e1 11 .1\ ve11t1 Ba1)ti ,t of iha1·011 P e1111a. a11 l tl1 11 Fir . t 13ap ti -- t o-f 1 t r o11g ville a a11 ver y -fa1n i1y ·ht1r 1 h. I..iet ll' )1ear £1--0111 oth l 'H al1· acl:) 1 c1t1ali fy111g a 11 l TIIE Ql J.r\ LT– F Y ! P a~, to1·: . l1ol1ld be a1 xiot1~ to l1a:, 1 then1 all . l1bsc1-- i.biug: fo1· t l1at is lilre h a, 1 i11g· a11 a. si ·ta11t 111al<i11g t,:vel, r ·all . cl yea1· i11 eael1 ho111e ! {0 1) II LJ)S Yl) l R 11 \ ND ( lo l t111 l ))'Hlcl ll(l s t l1e ,va \ 1 'r l l teller, • • ]le l t 11<)\\ rs tl1r t ri als of Pel ·11 cl ,l)", 1\11<l s3 1 1ll}),l tl1izi1 1g-, l r 11cls clll rc11· To l1 ecl r , ro t1 ' \11 l)r Et)1'e ) ' t)tl • • l1l '<l,Y. If (' ,, 1 all{S ,v itl 1 t l1os ,,,11() t r t tst Ii i~ 1 () \' (:) II \ l1olcl s t l1t• n1 lr,· t l1r 11,l ll< l tt> • g ,1icl \; \\T}1,tt 11P{ cl ic) f'e,11· <) l' l>P cli s111n) r tl , \ \T i t } 1 1)1 S < l P cl l' ] > l' CS l' t l < • P l >\ • \ () l 11' • • sicl P ! THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Published Monthly by THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES P ublication Office 118 E . Oak St., Butler , Ind . Editor RALPH T . NORDLUND 586 Maple St reet F ostoria, Ohio ircula tion Manager MRS. JOHN KAUTZ, 4519 Wellington Ave. P arma 34, Ohio ub cription Ra te: P er single copy .. .... ...... .. $ .15 P er year ..................... $1.50 Advertising Ra te: P er column inch . .... ....... $ 1.50 P er h alf page .... . ...... .. . . . $21.00 P er full page ................ $40.00 Entered as second class matter at the Post Off ice at Butler , Indiana under the Act of March 3, 1879. COUNCIL AND OFFICERS Ohio Association Of Regular Baptist Churches Ch air man Rev. Earl V . Willetts 250 West Street Ber ea, Ohio Secretary REV. GEORGE O'KEEFE 3420 Henninger Road Cleveland 9, Ohio Trea u r er REV. ROBERT J.REYNHOUT 276 Wash ington Avenue Elyria, Ohio Mi iona r y REV. C. C. CLAWSON 26 So. Sandusky St. Columbus, Ohio Member REV. JOHN G. BALYO REV. GEORGE R GIBSON REV. R . KENNETH SMELSER DR. HOWARD G YOUNG REV IIALL DAUTEI.J REV. FRED HUSSEY REV. GLENN GREJi~N uOD