The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1958

I ,:l 1 ' ' t> 'fill~ () l TIO INDEPENJ)ENT BAPTIS1_, June 1958 ~~~~~~~~~~-------------~~~ - - ------------------------------------~ )t{l)t\.\ rit)~ ~'l'II,11 .\ 1)1,()111, l\J l ) 11 l) a~· t' 11 ,, i 1 l l) t \ l' <) t 111 < l t I 1 e ,t<·titlll tal,t"\11 l))" tl1t\ l;rn •t\ l~cl l)1i:-,t ( '11t1rt·11 t)f l 1l\tlH r,·i llP to g·t)\'C'l'll tl1t\ir })1',ll·til·e t)ll t)r<l,1i11i11~ lll PJl t<> t lie 111i11i, tr,·. \\"'t' <'tlll ,,·rll 1111- • tlt\l'"tclll(l \Y}1,· t]1i, <'lllll'<'}l :}1011lcl • fL\t\1 tl1t\ 11t't\cl t)f ~11el1 r11l es. .·i11eP 111ct11)· tt)l l t"\g'l) l)o:·s t11at <l8J)i l' r to t11r• 111i11i~tr)· ,,·ill joi11 it a11tl l1011e t () o·et t)l'tla i llt>(l l)rf ore th r ,T lea , TP ~ . ~l' lt<)t)l. \ ... Pt it i.. a 1~<1a l l)I' O bl e111 i11 c1ll t)f 011r r l111rrl1 r~. £01· t 1e~T t)itl1t"\ r l1a,·e 111c111l)c1·s ,,·]10 ,,·i~~J1 to lle orc1,1i11t"\(l fro111 t i111e to tin1e Ol" tl1e)· arr a ·l~ecl to sc:)11cl 111e:. e11~re1·: t tl "it 0 11 orcli11atio11 eot1i1eil. . E\"r1· . i11 ·) 01~cli11,1tio11 l1as lJeeo111e a · · 011 ·e i11 a life-t i111e · a11 1 · cle- 11t)111i11atio11-,,·ic1c ' · thi11g·, it l1a. l)ee11 a l1 <')a cla c- 11 r-a11 1 al \\'cl Y". · ,rill • br. "\\""11~.. Ba J)ti:t~ c·o11 ti1111e it ,,· l1e11 tl1r,.. ac1 111ittecll1T ca11 fi 11 l JlO . ~ Seri11tt11·e for it. i: cl lll}T· te1"j,. t 11at 0111,- tl1c I1or cl C'a11 :ol,Te. "\"\re }1a, 1 c • lt)11g· fc_) lt tl1at a 11a,.·to1· :l1011ld l)e ~et cl icle 1))'" t lie ] R)Ti11f2: o 11 of l1a11 t1s eatl1 ti111e l1e l>eg·i11.· a pa:torate; a11cl that , ,,·hile this ... hol1ld 11 ot prr– el11de a11 exa111i11atio11 1),.. cl C'01111eil • of ~i. te1· ellllrC'he... . it .·}1 011l cl l>e 111ore l' lea1·l ,r a11c.l fl1ll1T t l1e a etio 11 ~ . of tl1e loc-al C'l1l11· ·]1 t11a11 it is. ()f eo1t1--~e. ,,e al,ra~ ... · .·a}r t hat tl1c , ·ote of t l1e <:Ol111cil i.· C) t1I,- ac.l- • , ..i. or~·, a11cl that t he ·h111· c: l1 rH 11 p;o ah eacl a11 l orcl ai11 r , "<:111 jf tl1e t<)1111eil acl,·i:e.· aga i11.·t it: l)11t thr trl1tl1 i that a ma11 .·o Ol'(lai 11C'c.l ,,-011lcl lo. e 1·ather tha11 g·ai11 r e('()g- 11itio11 b~- it. ..l\ et11al lJ.. t 11 e op – J)C> ~ite J)1·ol)le111 i. tl1e r eal 0110 : 1t1() ·t ('f)l111e il.· cl c) 11ot clarr to , To te c1gai11. t 01·cli11atic)11 for f ar c)f of– fe11cli11~: tl1r e l1t1rc·l1 . a 11 l . <> th<-'\'" lJetc>111e 1·11l)l>er .. ta111p. . · "\\... r a r r 11ot fooli:1 e110110·}1 to . ~ tl1111 k that ,,·e ta11 eha11 ge tl1e l~a J)- ti t t11~to111 <lf orclai11i11g: 111e11 fo1· a life ti111 e . ci11cl . o ,,·0 r <1 j oic: e t l1at 011P <>f Ollr c· l1l11·el1 e:,., 11a. eo111e <)11t i11 fa,·or of au in1pro,·e111r11t <)f t l10 c·1i~ton1. "\\Te a1·p ~rlacl tl1at tl1r,· 1111ite a r etog:11itio11 of t l1e ~<),:– c~reig·11t~· of tl1e 1oeal t l1 11 rel1 ,,·itl1 a <: all for a . e11. e of 1·e. I >011. ·i l)il it,· i11 ll . i11fr that . o,·e1·eiir11t~... ~11r~– l)·. if a c·l1111·c-}1 ,,·a11t.· tc> orclai11 cl 111a11. ,,·11ate,·e1· a eo1111eil 111a,T f-ia,T . ... ' , 1t ,l1011lcl l)e ,·er~· <:al'ef11 l i11 it~ <>,,· 11 PX a 111 i11a tio11 of t 11 e t a11cliclc1 t P l)ll– f 01·e tl1e}· e, ..e1· rall a <·ol111 c·i1. ~I<,~t ~" C) l I1l g· l l l P Il ( 1 () 11 CJ 1 a!'-> J < 1] J < • g· j J·} ' s fatl1 er for l1i. c·o11. e11t tt11til · tl1e,· • HI'<\ ~t tl' l' thP) 11,1,·p il1e rigl1t p;irl c111c l 1lt,lt thP i! irl ,,·ill elc> J)C if tl1 c fatl1c'l' s,1,·s 11<>. \ \ ,, 1, · 811011l cl • • t11111·el1c\~ l)r l t\ '.' t'ctr r fl1l i11 J1r<)- Jlt). i11g· clll ()l'{lt ll clt i() ll ? r1 1 hat tl1 C' ) '" s l1clt1lcl J1c>lll cl 1 1·P,.. io11s e1xc1111i11a– tio11 p:c>Ps , , ·itl1 c)11t ~c1~·i11g·. '1'11at it i~ ,,~i:e to ,vait to :rt a elate f 01-– or cli11atio11 1111til after th<1 col111ci l ]1as 111rt i: al1110.· t l111i\'"e1-.. a l] ·yr • ag·1·c'r ] . 'l l1e1· 111a)· lJ exce1)tioJ1 al c·c1ses ,,·he11 it 11111:t l1e clo11e the :a111<1 clc1 ,~ b11 t i11 tl1a t ea. e t.1 e • 1·ec1:011 : l1011 l cl 1)e g·i,,.e1 i11 t h e C'all , o tl1c1t tl1 r si.· t EI' th11 l'e11e.· ca11 c1er i l e ,,Tl1ether to ~·e11cl me: ·r 11g·e1-. · 1 E l) ... .\R I I I I"' I1 'I'< > I~}] I IO ~ ~ 1., 1 111TRc 1 11 i x C 1 TC)f3ER 1, l1P a111111al 111 < 1 Pt i11g· of tl1r ..\ ~.·o<'iatio11 ,,Tjll be l1elcl i11 t11e ( 1 ccl a1· llill 1 a1 tist 1 11111~ ·l1, 12601 fecl c1 1· Roacl , 1 l0, ·ela11 cl , ()C't. J :1-] (j. \\r c clJ)prr<·icttr t l1e1 i11, ritc1tio11 olrrclCl)r cl l)J )l'O,·rcl })~T" the 1 0l llltil of rr ]l , a11cl a11tiC'iJ)ate that Jt1orP 1JPOJ)lP ,ri]J ,,·a11t tc> <·0111<1 tl1a11 < 1 ,·rr l)rf C)l'P. t J1a t t 1 <))' 111 ip:11 t r< 1 c> tl1is ,,·011clP r f1 1l ch ltrc·l1 J)l,l11t ,,·l1it l1 i~ () llc> of tl1<J lJest i11 011r .·ta te. "\\TJI'\r X ()'l' J>J; .. \ ~ ;-.:()\\T T<) .1\.. 'l 1 'l'E~D ? c) r 11ot. 'I 11 <1 J,1st J)<>i 11 t i11 t l1P ~11p:– p;<1stio11~ of tl1e ( 1 PllHl'\rillc\ l' ll llt'('}l ~110111(1 a l,,·ctJTs l)P 1·p111e111bt 1 rc) cl. ~ot <J tll)· s l1c)1 tl tl tl1c.\ <·l lll l' t· l1 c111cl <'clll(ljcla te 1· '.' l) .) c·t 1110 ( ' )11·istia11 t•o11,·ieti<>11s of so111 c ,,·l1 cJ 111,1,· ,·otr • • ,1~cl111st 01· li11atio11 l >llt it (Jl l<>"l1t n to l>c' 11 11cl e1·stoocl t l1at tJ1e lc)cal 0 1· .·ta t <1 ,ls 'Ol'iatio11 11,1· 11 0 l)l<l111r 111 tl1 e 111attel' ,,·l1,1tsor, Te r. 'I'l1t\ ,1~– . O<' iat io11 a: st1C' l1 i~ 11ot tl1e r e ct11cl J1a: ~ctic.1 11<>tl1i11~r. 1 1 l1 r cot111C'il is l!l,t (le ll J) of. i,·icl t1al 111 e8:e11g·e1·s frt>111 tl1e1 111,,1t<1(l C' }1111·e l1r:: b11t tl1c\,. a l'e 11 ev·t.1 r J1f e,Tioti:l\" i11 - str t1et rcl a~ to 110,,· t J1 e)· . J1ali , ·ot r. Tl1 r)· ,1rp ~ iJllJ)l).. t 11 08r11 els 111e11 of g"<)otl j11clg·111E 11t ,,Tl1 0 a1·e rx J) ett)cl t<) a et o 11 t l10i r o,r 11 t 0 11,· i e tio 11 8. "\\Tp ec>111 111e11cl t l1 r ( 1 pcl c1r,· ill e < • J l ll l 'C. J I f' < > l' 11 :-, IJ <1 l J) fl I } s l I g·g· < i, 1 j C > 11 'i clll<l lt<>l)P the,.,,. ,rill l>c 1 foll cJ \\'P( l. ( 1 I I l T J) ( 1 11 -{ 1 Ex, 1, 1~~ I I .. ~ I) 1 I ().\ I 1~~ :.\ I I ~ 1 8 f () T~f 111 t ]1r ~l et)" i~.· tt P cJ£ Tl o111P :\I i:--;– ~i<)11 8 a i i<>11t l1e1·11 l~a11ti:t 111ag:a– zi 11 c, tl1rrp i.· a11 a1~tic·] e 011 • rl 1 h r ~:riP ... \ H:ot iatio11. It t ell. ]10,, 1 t 11 i. a::oC'ia tio11 i11 11ortl1ea:te1·11 () 11 io )101·t 11 \\"e. t r 1·11 p (> 1111.'"\" 1,ra11ia I., a11c1 tl1 e ext1· e111e e11cl of ,,,e. ter11 ):e,, 1 Y 0 1·]{ has l1ee11 cli,ricl d i11to t,,,.o a.,.·o ·iatio11: :o t hat a b tter ho111e 111i:: io11 ,,,.01·k 111i,ght l)e ·ar- 1·ie 1 011. • 011ther11 Bapti, t .· be– lie, re i11 ha,'" i11g· a1·ea 111i.·. ·io11a1"ie. ' i11 eacl1 loccll a. :0C!iatio1 a11cl the,.. ,,Torl{ at tl1e j ol1. 7 et tl1e3T clo it l)~· .·t i111l1lat i11g the local c l1l1r be: t o clo it. ~ 1 ta1·ti11g ,,itl1 011e ~ 1 011th- 1~11 Dapti. t cl1l11·th i11 t he a1~ea te11 3ao-ea1·: a<Yo, t h e~- hacl 2(J el1111·c.-he: a11cl 27 111i.1. io11: la ·t fall ' a 11 1 11 ope t<J .. t a1·t 111i::io11: i11 11 () c·o 1n 111t111iti<1.· cll11·i11g 1~),5 a11 l - 9. Tl1e, .. 1na, .. :ta 1·t 0111,.. l1alf of tl1 e111 ~ ' ~ . 1-' ll t e,·e11 . o the)" ,,.. ill l1a , Te a: 111a11,.. .. . cl111 r che: i11 tl1e a1·ea a: , ,·e l1a,·e a f t e1· t 1 i1·t,T , -ea1'. . '- . I To,,· clo tl1e)- 111a11a~:e to clo it~ I t i: 11ot lJ).. : 11e11cl i11g· , ra. ·t . ·11111.· c)f 111011e, .. . a.· ,,Tc ofte11 :a ,T. The, .. cl o 1)lc111._ to :pP11 l . ·20(),._()0() tl1i: ) '"Pet r i11 r l111rel1 b11ilcli11g. i11 }1io, l)ltt tl1at i.· a ,·p1·,· :-;111all s11111 ,,·itl1 .. ,'() 111 cl11~ .. el1111·c·J1e.· a11 1 the 0 1·o·a11- izPcl a11cl :11c:c·e:.·ft1l c.: l1111~r l1e, get tl1at 111 011 cl~ ... c-1 11cl 11()t tl1<1i1~ 111i.-_·io11. . 1 ;Pt :\ I. "\\T. l~Plr ,y· PX l)l , ti11 110,,· tl1e,.. clo it. .. ' ' 1 )" c·11l1rc·l1-t·e11t r r Pt1 111is~io11 ·. , r <> 111 c1 11 of co lll'. ·r a t~'"l le of 111 i.·– ~ 1 c>11 1)rog 1~,1111 ,,·11iel1 i: te11t c1'ed i11 a ]<)e cl l <: l1111·t 11 . 'I 11 i : . . . 111a 1\e: it J)Ossibl c> £01· 111i:sio11: t o l>t.l t 1 Xt (>1 1 l rcl lr,T tl1 e 11.·p of 1a,·111 11 i11 • • tl1e1 c: l111rtl1. l-'a1·g·e ,1111ol111ts f 111<) 11 P)~ f t> r t 11<1 J) 111·<' h ,1.:e of lots 01· tl1P l111ilcli11g· of tllclJ)cil~ a1~e 11ot 1·e1cj ll i r eel, i11a: 111 t1 c· 11 a.·· t l1e 111i:sio11 \\rill l)C' lllE1P ti11g: i11 a 1·e11tec1 bltilc.1- j 11 g· or J) e 1• 11 a 11. i 11 t 11 e 11 o111e of ' () 111 (' i11t c1·pstecl ,ri(ll1al. . . . ~0111rti111r. a c l1111~t}1 cle:i1·e~· to ,rait 1111til it l1a: 111rt a ll o.f it o,,·11 111clteri,11 11 ec 1 llefo1·e it \\·ill be1g:i11 tl1e < 1 8tal)li:J1111 r 11t of a 111is– s io11. ...\ 11 tl1e 111ate1·ial 11 t1ec1.· . l1 c>,,.. e'"·er. are 11 e, .. r r 111et . . o a <.' 1111 r <' h 111c1 , . J 11 t off f r o111 , ·ea.1· t o ' . . )TPc11· tl1e r ., ta))] i : l1111 e11t of 111is:,io11~, a 11 < l l o.-·t })POJ)le a r e 11ot tl c1i111cc.l £01· t l1e lti11~rclo111. · ' \ \Tllcltr,rr r ,,·r 111a,· .'cl\" al)l)llt t]1 p • • ,vc>1·lc ll i11t•ss <)f ~ 1 (lll t l1t11·11 l ~,11)1 i st ...;, c-l t1 cl tl1t• i11r(>,1 tls of }lolll 1 1'11i ·111 i11