The Ohio Independent Baptist, June 1958

June 1958 0111e of their ·olleg . ,ind se1ni- 11arie " tl1e.. are , ra11g li,· ti · a11cl l1a, 1 e a 11a . io11 for sot1ls thc1 t })t1ts u .. R g·11la1· · to ha1n ' . 01· , a11 ,, e l1arbe th 111 ,vitl1 l\lo l 1·11i.·1n l1e 1'e f 01· th ir 11 111 111 i . \ ·io11a ri • ar old-fa l1io11 d a11d ell' h 1· t o do ,,,11at th y l) lieve tl1e l~aJ)tist · of th 11ortl1 l1c1., , b 11 too 111ocl – e1·11i ti to do. W ar 11ot ·011- lo11i110' t11 ir 011v 11tio11 ov rlord– l1i1 01· thei1· la le of 011c r11 abot1t ,,,01·lclli11 .·~ . '\Ve ar 011lv • ayi11g· tl1at ,,·h 11 it 01n .· t ho111 111i io11 ,vorlr ,,, ot10'ht to talc a ot1t of their boolc. If that i th way t l1 y do it by g·etti110' thei1' lo ·al h111· ·11 to b1·a11 · l1 out ' the11 th 1-- i 110 r a 011 ,vhy ,v ·a1111ot be b11 y i11 th am ,vay. A f ew of 011r chllr ·h . a1·e om have moth 1· d v 1·al n vV ·l1u1· h – e i11 t1bu1-- b 01.. "\' illag arou11d tl1em; but mo t of ot11· htlr h n eve1 .. drean1 of u 11 a tl1ino·. They occt1py th ir co1 ..11 r for a e11tury a11d 11ev r thi11k of r a chi11g out to 11eigl1bo1 .. i110· 01nml1niti . They give thot1 a11d a y ear-- i11 mon y to vangelize the h athen bt1t n ever thi11l{ of u i11<Y tl1eir· lip. a11d ha11d and f e t and ar to g·o out a11d g t a go p el t e timony tarted i11 the 11eighbori11g town. '\Vhy i it 1 ome have aid that our pa to1· are afraid of lo i11g member by tartino~ ne,v church e . That i hard for u to believe. if a church " 1arm and 25% g'o and start a n ew chur h 11earer wher e they live the mother church may uffer for a f ew month or y ear · but in the long run it will work the other way. It will give the church a oul-win11i11g .. vi ion and tho e that r emain will ,vork their own immediate 11eighborhood more and oon r eplace all they lo t. More than that, p ople won in the n ew ·h11rch will move to the city and join the old church. Our r eal problem i that we lo e o ma11y p eople to the Bapti t cau e be– cau e they move out wher e th r·e is no Bapti t hu1--ch and join a11- other d enomination. l\1or of ot11' failt11 ..e omc from a la le of v i. io11. W e ea1111ot . tr1at Am ri ·an tow11. a11d villag are ju. t as m11eh in 11eed of n1i. - sio11a1'y work a: v illage. i11 Af1·iea a11tl J~razil , a11d far 11101· e 1-- spo11 - siv . Tl1 gla1nor <Jf f or ig·11 1ni1·– sio11 s is la1·g l}' a ll11ilt lll) thi11 g·. Th 1-- <1alit y <)f 1 }11""i s tia11 ,,,01·k is l1ard c)v rywher e a11] <lisaJ)poi11t– i11 g ! fy h a1·t is sti 1·1.. <l a I <lriv tl1ro11g l1 l1t111tlreds of vil– lag s a11d to\\ 1 11s of 100 t o 2,000, TllE OHlO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS'r____________ Page Three ctll l VC'll 1.}1r t1g }1 titic)S Of 5,()00 ,vith<>11t a J{,t J tiHt eht1re11 . 'PhPrP arr l\1rtho list a11 cl lJttt'1 r r,t11 i:t11 cl 1 cttl1olie c 1 l1t1rel1 rs i11 al1J1<>HL ,111 o f' tl1 C' 111 a11 cl Eva11 g·< 1 ]je,1l l 11i1 e<l l~re tl1r 11 c1.11cl 1>rc 1 sby t ri,111 <111 cl 1 011g·r g·atio11al · lJttt 1110 1 .. e o ft P 11 t ha11 11ot 110 l ~,t J)ti: t of ,t11 y l< i 11cl. \Vl1y l1av ,,,e lJ r 11 so 11 rg· l pc·1 l't1l i11 ol1r O\Vll l10111e l a11 cl 1 l\1 o 1 1·11 - i .·111 Ill 11 ·l1 cc.l tl1 1 0111 111i ·sio11 ,try fir i 11 th e ' o 11 v c 11 t i o 11 • 11 l l r r h l\ s ; b11t ,,rl1at is 1< J)i110· it fro111 lJr itl O' r e- l{i11cll l i11 ot1r1'? V ~r y f w of ~ tl1c pa.·to1-- i11 t l1e t h r cl0- 110 111i11 i1t io11s J) l' a ·h a .·ot1l -sav i11g J Osp e l . rJ'}1 a11lc (JO J a f l \ V Of th0111 clo . W r11t1st 11ot l,tl >e l t l1e111 all a .· l\ l ocl e r11i.·t: . Y et ,vhetl1 1· tl1 ey be Motl r11i. t s or Rituc1 li.'tH 1110:t f th 111 11 g l ,t t h sin1pl 111e. ·.'ag of . ·alvati o11 0 1· t11 y p r – ,1r1't it ~,i tl1 ov 1·-err1otio11,1li. in. llt111dr (l . of tow11s i11 ( hio are lit 1·ally sta1·ved fo1· t l1e o. p 1 of ra a11d th y vvill 11 ot b feel l111l · · ,,, go i11 a11d clo it! IJ t 's tlp a11cl at. it br· thr 11 a11 l u · ou1· ·011 e 'rat 1 laym n t o g·o ou t a11d "ta rt u11day . ,)1001 arid Bi- hl ·la a11 l pr a ·hi11g : tatio11. j11 th t o,v11 .. and . t1b111·b t hat t1r– I"Ot111 cl u · . I t ,vill 11ot 011ly 1-- a h th lo t. and mult iply Bapti. t ·h t1rch e b11t it ,vill r evitalize our h ri t ian xp 1--ie11 e. When oh w ]1en an I breal( th rule And 1 0 lo11g·er go to 11nday chool ? That i the qti e tio11 I a ked one day, nd my t each er' an wer ed the funnie t way : Whe11 the water i gone from the ea , When goo eberrie grow on ap- ple tree '\Vhen ho1-- e i11g a11d do11key dance, And pig ,vear hat and coa t a11d pant Whe11 pu y -cat g1·ow 011 the pumpl<in vine, And t hree time even a1· t,ve11- t y-11in , Whe11 bla l{ i · whit an cl 1, d is g; r ee11 A11d cl1il ]r 11 ' · fa c a 1· al,,,a,,' ._ 1 a11 Wh 11 bo} 1 a11d g irl ~ 110 lo11gcr at ( 1 ool{i a11cl ealc s a11c.l R11 l i ·,veet : 1 h 11 , 011 tl1e11 ) "Olt ea11 l11'P,1lc t he 1·ul r 1\11 cl 110 lo11g· r g·o to R1i11clay I> c-11001. - 1~1111 ti 11 , 1~, i1· ·t l~aJ)tist 1 l1 t1 r 11 ·El 1·ia ' ~ THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Published Monthly by THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES Publication Office 118 E. Oak St., Butler, Ind. Editor RALPH T. NORDLUND 586 Maple Street Fos toria, Ohio Circulation Manager MRS. JOHN KAUTZ, 4519 Wellington Ave . Parma 34, Ohio Subscription Rate: Per single copy .. .. . ..... . .. . $ .15 Per year .. ...... . ....... . ... . $1.50 Advertising Rate: Per column inch . .. ... . .... . $ 1.50 Per half page .... ....... . . .. . $21.00 Per full page .. ... . ... . ... . .. $40.00 Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at Butler, Indiana under the Act of March 3, 1879. COUNCIL AND OFFICERS Ohio Association Of Regular Baptist Churches Chairman Rev. Earl V. Willetts 250 West Street Berea, Ohio Secretary REV. GEORGE O'KEEF'E 3420 Henninger Road Cleveland 9, Ohio Treasurer REV.ROBERTJ. REYNHOUT 276 Washington Avenue Elyria , Ohio Mi ionary REV. C. C. CLAWSON 26 So. Sandusky St. Columbus, Ohio Members REV. JOHN G. BALYO REV. GEORGE R GIBSON REV. R. KENNETH SMELSER DR. HOWARD G. YOUNG REV. HALL DAUTEL REV. FRED HUSSEY REV. GLENN GREENWOOD