The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1958

1· 11,"' ~ 1) .. \ J ' l' 1~ 'I . l ~\ ) \\ ' l i11!.! < ~ rt'f'11 l) rt)t. 1i r,1 't' l 11 r11llttll l, f t'tlnr- , illt' \. (llP!! tl ~l<ltl lti,,l'tl ti l t' ( 1 Hlll – ] 1ll ~ l l1ris t in11 1 1 t' l lt ) \\ ,J11l) ;\ t J;( ~ l ., 1l 1 \. t: 1 " \ •• l ~ l l l i 1, l l l t' "- "- 11 I l!' 1 J 1(' • ,,·,,1 , , l llll' P ]llll'{·l 1. \\' ttl1 ~l\. l't '- l'llJ1i 1,\ l l:l}ltiZt' tl . l·~l l,"' r l~ \ 1)·r1~·r. 1\lt' l)()llclltl ' l'1lt' i\l t' 11 ·~ l·'t,11()\\,ltill l't't·e11tl., "l't ll l l l' P ll ,l t·li11i(' tlll ' '}•:\ Hllt?.Pli i- 1) , 1 1· .. 1) l J 11 l! \ t l 11 l H 11 ( cl t l t l I t'" \ l\ \ . < l 11 l Jlrs . (,11,· Jlt·l ,1i11. \t'1<.'1'clll 111i,- • , 1tl11nrit'"- i11 l~ra zil. t't)lt<l11ett 1 <l 111(' l~t' J>l't\"f' 11t~1ti,·e of tl1"' }1n, l)t'Cll lJlt,, i11 {)}1it). • T 1\ R.1~ 1 ]·Tr }1elcl cl \\ t\ c? l, ( )r lll(':\ti11g·", \Yitl1 I)cl , to1· ... <~tlO l'!l<.~ 1). Zi1111 ,1t tl1 e ~t111l>11I·)· J'n1lti,t 1 l111r t·l1 a11<l tl1 c 11 ,,·r11t t<.) "l)l>c1l~ ,lt til t' O.\l\J{( 1 111eeti11g. ,lt l'lt' \ ' t')lclll<l . l)r'l' . 7-14 l1e \\·ill 'J) tl 11tl <l ,,·e()l~ ,,·itl1 tlie l·-,i1.. ~1 13a1)– t1,t l'l1l1r t·l1 <) t' ~tr,·1{t'l r \Y]1ere1 • ,J<1l111 l~t)Cll j~ l),l,tl>l'. 1 1 , 11~ ~ T R ..\PT I ~ T. ~ .. i 1 es Tl1r el1l11·l'l1 l1a:--. <ll)})l'o,·ecl tl1e 1)re li111 i11,1r)· J) la11~ l)l' ese11tPcl l)~~ t l i t) l)11ilcl i11u: ·0111n1ittee ft)r a 11ew ~ 1111<.la ,. " t 11 ool l) l1iltli11g·. • T.r:Jl I)IJE B~~PTTST. Erie I"),1-..,t<)l' Rob e1·t l .1. (.;.ill>e1·t \\·a. t,1l~ P11 tu tl1e l1 0~11it,1l ~e1)t. 23rcl, b11t \\·a" ,llJl P tt> <:<)111 e l1on1e b,· • t 11 e :2 ""t 11. H L) , \ • ,t ...; a 1)I t> t o b e l ) a < • 1{ 111 l1i, })lllJ)it h)· ()<·t. :itl1. 'I'l1r 'ollette Fo1"l1111 i~ t,1ki11g· cl )l oc) <1~· 1 <)rre-..,11011cle11<'e t'Olll'. c i11 ·· ·\\'.. ,1rl tl 1 ri,r ..., a11c1 Tl1e I)ro1)]1etic· ~vri1>t t1re, ." E,· a11t! e ]i. tir ~·e1.. ,·_ ic-t)" are pl a1111 rcl ft)J' <)<·t. 26-...... o,-. 2 \,·i tl1 Re),- ;11"'taf. <>11 <)f l 1 loric1a ' J~IB I.. I 1 : B~\PTI. 1 T. I~edford rl'l1e )J r,11 t}1l,· l\Ii,-..i o11,lr,- (;l ea11- . ' i11u, c)f tl i, c·l1111·el1 ,lre al,\·a,... ~ • i11l l r,i g-ooc1 tl1i11u'-I . Tl1i~ 111011tl1 II el t"11 ~1 11 itl1.... \R"\\... 1~ 111i~ io11ar,· ' i11 Brazi l. ex1)l <l i11"' \\·}1!- . }1e 11eecl ./ 70 ,t 1 11 ,,11tl1 111<> l' e "- l lJ)})f1rt t,) g·f> l)o 1 ·l{. ~l.e lc>"it tl1i -.., ~llI)I)o1·t \\· l1 e 11 ,,.(l l eft 11C'r l1 0 111e <·l111r<·l1 \\· l1itl1 :" st ill i 11 t]1e ccJ 11,·e11tir,11, :t11cl t111it (1 ,,·i tl1 t l1e ()t"e g c) l1aJ)ti"it l ,l1ur el1 i11 <>tlr ,1~ oc.: iati r,11 . "\\"""p ie l ot1 r l1io e l1 t11·t l1e~ ,vill 1·i"ir to 111eet l1e1· 11ee(l if tl1 , , l111cl e r - .. ~ta11cl t l :~ fac t. PAGE . • • • • WIIAT OUR c ( ; l I 1 J 1, <) I{ I ) I j ~ \ I, f•; 1,a,t<)l' \\'111 . Ii. 11·,\111 l't'i><>rt~ H Jti~·lt Ht f('lt<ltlll('P ()f (>.J. \\ lll('}l is n l'{'<'<>l'<l l't)l' 1ha1 ~tri<·fl, 1·ttr,1l • ('<>1111111111it>. ' l'li e grt>111> is 11c>t ., t't <)l'!!'H111r.<'<l n~ n l ~c11>ti~t <'l1,11·<· l1 I) l l t i ~ 111 () ' i l l Q' i 11 1 l 1H t ( l i l ' p (. t i() 11 . t" .. \ I ) \ ..\ 1~). 1~ .\ J)rl' T > 'I', } ~ l' 11 t) I'() 11 t < l 1 11 (' ....\ Nttll<la,· ~<·l1c)c>1 l>r c>111<)t ic>11 • l) i1111pr ,,·a~ ht>l<l ()et. 29t11. ,,·it l1 ~lel'l<' IZ . II l1l l. Pc1itor of tl1 e I3clp- 1 is t l~ l l 11 rt i 11 a 11 t 1 o I' t l 1 c ( L ..-\ RB( ~ ~1111<1H)'" sel1001 111<1t("lr1al, ,1s SJ)ef1k– e1~. ~ 'lrJ1 .__ 1 ( '1 l{ll)'l'l()~ I·IO <)R~· To 1 11 <). to1·ic1 Bapti. t niax T11eker l)a~ to1·, fo1, .·e11diug· i11 K ll b~<·ri 1)tio11. tl1a t b1~i11g their tot ell t<> 70 in a 111e111be1-- ·hiIJ 01 30(). To F'i1" ·t Da1)ti t of (}alio11 tl1c1t jl1 t ~ e11t i11 26 . 11b. crip– ti 011 ' . To Bible Bapti:t of Bedfo1 .. c1 tl1c1t l1a~ jl1st ,·otecl to gi,,.e t1b– ., ·1·il)tio11. to eae11 el1l1rch fam– j I J,.. J)<1sto1" 1101"1' '"'11 sa}"-- ·· 1 t js fl1ll <)f extelle11t 1naterial · ti111e– l),. ec1i to1·ial . Bible 1ne.· · age , 11c,,, · (>l ol11· ·l1t11·the , a g·ooc1 l)age £01' ,,~0111e11 a11cl 1·ept1tal)le l"e,·ie\\r.' 01 g·ooc1 bool{; etc." 1."'11a11k ,·otl l11·otl1er ! v.r ... e t1·,· ~ L io li,,.e 11p to that . ~l}~:\I RI1\.L BA\ PTI~ T, 1 (>1lllllbll.' (: o cl l1a ~ J1ee11 ble. 8i11 g· tl1 e v\' orl{ i11 s1)ite of cliffiC'lllties a11cl te:t– i11g·. . ~ \ fte1· . e lli11g tl1 ei 1· lJl1ilcl– i 11g· to tl1c ]1ig·h\,'8)' lepart1ne11t. tl1 ~ g·1·acle sthool the).. · e<;lll"Cll \\' }1ilP l1t1ilcli11g· .'0(>11 }11'0\recl t<)O ~111,lll a11<l tl1e,· 11,1cl to 1110,·e tc) .. Jl1llto11ic1 Jr. Hig11. Tlictt ,vas kl l>lc., ~i11g·, for it bro11ght them ,,~itl1- i11 cl l)lc,el{ <>f tl1eir 11e\\' eh111·c:l1. Tl1e11 t11e ,,·i11cl ... to1"m c·c1111e a11cl ,vl1,1t ~!'Ot>cl t]1 1·e to11lcl lJr i11 tl1at i~ l1c1 rel t<) see ~ 1) ll t the,... a1·e 11 ot L ftl1it1i11~r. l)11t ,,.. orl{i11g· that 111l1c:l1 harcle1'. I1clC'1{ <>f a cl1111'c ]1 'Olll– l)ellecl tl1e111 t<> l1olcl an 011t-c1001" ba1)ti~111 ~e11t. 7t11. bt1t, of <·ot11· ·e. t }1 c-l t \ va~ a l > 1 e:: i 11 g a 11 cl cl t e. ti- 111 (J 11 \·. • T.r~)IPT.1E B.i\ PTI. ;T Po1"t 111ol1tl1 rr11e boarc1 0 f c1eaco11.. f e 1 t co11- ~ trai11ecl aft e1, p1'aye1 .. to call l1pon CHES ARE DOING f h<' <·l1ttr<·II tc> C'll!!'Hg<1 j11 <I \\' >], < > f' <, <l 11 c · P t 1 t ra 1 cc 1 , 1 ~ i t H 1 i c > 11 1· ;i 1 h 1• t 11 a 11 Ii cl \ . (' it r a 11 I' e \ . j \ TH I. ] 1 \ \ T cl s '-I<• ~ l t <• <• ess I' 111 t l 1 t1 t , 111 <' .x I r n , v <'Pl< \\ cl'-; ltPf<l. I ..\1 :v1.\ ~l T J 1 : 1J 11 .1\ J>' l' IR'P, 1\ r<'alllllll I>ct ~t<>t' l),tlc I•,i"Jip1·'s 1<>1fp1· <ls H ( 1 a1111> I>a1111c>s ('<>1111scllc)l' <·,1111c t<>() lntP lc>1· t l1e ( ><·1. is . 11<1. lJtlt l1c lil{r<l it ,1s all clicl, 1>111 }1c1~ }l ll( )"\' CI Sllog·r~ti<>ll fc>r i111J)1'()\' i11g· tl1e SJ)iritt1a l r.1111)l1a~is, ,111cl 111a1 is to 11,1,.. P altrr·11ate \\·ec-11{:,., j'or 1I1e gir1 . :-111<1 l)C>)·~. JTr ,1lso 1·e1)01·ts c:111 cxc·ellc11t J), .,J~~ \\' ith <lll cl\"Prc1ge {)[ <>\"er 1()(). I• 1 il111st1·i1)s \\·e1"e 11')rc1 to tPae]1 tl1e e11tj1·e Rc·l1ool . l~ l c•LJI)-~ OTTIXf :I·I1\ iVI B.c\ P'l'18T. ( 1 le, 1 e la11cl Tl1e C 1 l1a 1le11ger, a11 l l-1)ag·e 111011tl1l~.. n1i111eoecl l)ape1· g·i,"e.· 111i. ·.·io11 ell')" 11e,\· · })Oe111s, .·1)i1·it– l1cll 111e . ag·e: a11(l 11e\, !-'I alJol1t el1l11· t·h cltti\·ities. Tl1 e ec1ito1· i. · EI a j 11 e ). i 11 cl cl ir , ~ ec 1 ·et c:11"} 7 }~ 1 ,l in IIl1l .· n1,111. :\Ia11,1g:i11g· eclito1· Ba1'– bara :.\lo1·sr, sef'1·eta1·)... J)orot h}"' l1e,\·i. a11cl T)·l)ist Doroth)'" Gra- 11,1111. J\.111011g· otl1er tl1i11g·~, it 1·e– po1·t: t11at ~~11elicl-... ..-otti11gl1c1111 l1a: a ~ 1 1111cl,l,,. s<'ll(>ol e11rol111 11t of • 10 p11pil. ' ,,ith a11 a,rerage at- t e11cla11c-e of ( 0%. Tl1i · i. far abo,·e tl1e a,·e1'c1g·e faithf11l11es: i11 111ost f,,111aller tl1t11·cl1e:, 11ot to n1e11tic)11 t]10. c a . la1·o·e a thi . ,,·11e1·e c1tte11clc111ce is 11s11all)r poor- 01· . It tal{e. 111ore tl1a11 entl1l1 i– as111 to 111ake s11el1 ~1 1·eco1·cl- it t a1< cs , \' o 1' k . ~ 1 'I Rl...'I'H l~R~ 1 D.L\ PTI~ 1 T 'I' 4\ I1ER1'...\ ( 1 I ;}~ 'I'l1e A-\..111e1·iea11 'iot111ril of ('111r·i.._– tia11 ( 1 l1t1rel1es l1Plc1 a 1110 t ll ·– c·e. sf11l ()}1io c·o11fere11ee at ot1r <' l1 t11·<'h. Pa. to1· Rov la1' k of • 1 le,·el,111c1 irc1,·{, lls ,111 e~,. e-\\'it11e: cl<:C'<)tl11t c)f tl1e I11te1~11atio11al 011- g:res: i11 B1·,1zil. ~111cl Re,T. {e1·alcl S111elser p;a,re tl1e el1alle11ge of l ~r,tzil cl: a 111issio11 fie1c1. I~a. tc>1· ..Joe I~o,,·e1·~ of 'I'<>lec1o ble. . eel Olll' l1eart.- \vitl1 a 111e. sag·e fron1 the Book: of ..Job. .1\ 11otl1e1~ hi{)'l1light \V<l.' Re,~. l)o11g:la: ~· · t1"eat111 11t of 4 ·rrl1e 1 t)ti,1l i ·s11e c>f I11t e~:ratio11 , ..-s. ~eg·reg·a tio11." ...:-\ 11to11io < 1~111eo of tl1e J=>}1jlippi11es al ·o pol{e. ( Continued on next page)