The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1958
... \ \\ )l<>IP .,· l':ll' hd, ] )d '"l'l l l"clJl it l - l,. l> , ' lt' t' t ltt' rr 111 r t ll'l h \ l l ll l l cl l • • \ l t 1 l 1 1 l l l ~ H t ) , \ 1 in \\ l 1, t l t h t' t It l t t l) 1' ,,, , ·aJ1t'ti t<\ tt1l,l' tl \ t'l' n .Jtl l> tlt n t I 1. 11 . 1, l· i11 lt , ha<l t·«1rrt t' tl l ) t 1 • f< r tl\.t'r a tf ll:tl l t' l' llf ~• <'t ' tlt 11 r., I 11 111 a t , 1,) rt , · t, c1 r ,, ,, l 1 n, t, , l) t ) 1" t, 11 i11 (i(, t·l1111·<· l1,, , n1 1,l 111i,,i (>t1,. 111<1" t <) f tht' l ll lll lllll' ct,,<H· i.t tit>ll. ( ) l' t ] 1 l 11}, 11 l t!' t l f l' <1 111 i 1 l g 1 l l . 'l' \\ <> • l I' ~ t 11,) -.. , t·l 111r<·ht' ' ,, t' l' (' ,, t' ll· <)tll t' <l i11t<l t lie a ,,t,<·in t l<ltl cti ( ' 1,,, ·pl ,ttl<l. ,111tl ,,.t• l l<'H l' t l i11tlir< 1 t•tl, t l1at ,111t >tl1t' l' • ]1~1 -... tl<'ll<' "-ll <ll lt l \ \ ill l >l' l ' l >llSl(l ( 1 l'l)tl ,lt t 11,' ll t' ,t lllt'<' t i 11~' <>f <)llt' <... 1 0 L111 - " <·il. <) tltt 1 l' vl111rt·l1 f• , ,,.<' j\}l'l ]1a,·p l' <) 111 t' i 11 r <) c-l ,, · a r 111 <' r <• <) <) 1) er at i o 11 ,,·it ]1 t l1t1 ,1,,clt· iat i <>11. a11cl tl1P r<) l1cl"i l Pt' l l cll l ill<'l' tl <}, (' 1)1 , t1l )"('l'i}1tiC)ll~ ltl t l1t\ 111,1~r,1z i11 <) . li ti"ii(l(•s t l1o~P ... , i , 1 t t c > l' l 1 t 1 r (· 11 t'"". , \" l \ l 1\1, • <1 l 1 , l < l <) l) - 11Ll rt 1111it., t<) "]) l) ct1~ ,lt tll (\ (,.l e, ·p– la11cl I1aJ )ti,t I il1l c\ [11,tit11te. 1}1e l cl J)ti~t ~ l) lll il l clr)· C)f t}1p lii})] P. Hllt1 Ht ( · )tl,tr,·ill l.) ( '(>llegr . ,111tl 1·e– t·<'l1 tl,· l1 eltl H tll1' <1P (l ,1 ,· liil1le t ·Oll - • • ft) l'P ll l'(l i11 l) l lP <>f <>111' l'lllll'<'ll e ~ . ~ <> . l1e,itl t-1" tli tl }) t1l >lic·<1 ti c)11 c>f t l1 e 111ag·,1zi11P . t l1t"\ Ptlitor 11a1..., :,J) c>lt l' ll 1() l1 t i111e, ,111cl tr,1,· p }} P(l <>,·Pr 1(1. – ()()() 111il e -.... lf<, ,Y 11111 l·l1 1 ,1~ l ><1 t1 11 <t<·t' t>11t11li~l1r cl i11 t l1i, 111i11i,t1·,· c>11l,· tl1 e I~<)T' c1 ca11 • • t el l. l 11t \Y e ,,· i"l1 tc) tl1,111l~ tl1e ( 'Ollllc il C>f rf t~ ll f<)l' t]1i11}~i11g: it i, ,,.<> rtl1,,·I1i lc.1 P11011 o·l1 t o 1·,1i:..;p the r, ,,11,11,,· t c) , ·12.3 cl 111c>11tl1 a11 tl tl1e t,11· • 111i 1Pat!' P t l) " c· e11t.- a 111ilP. Ija st , ·ear ,,·p t11r11ecl . ·1 2 () i11tc) tl1 P • • t r t?cl" t1r, frc >111 (>ll r . J)<:lal( i110· ,>11 - • l""' ~1:,1g·t1111t-1 11t,. " <> ,,·e J1cli(1 r,1tr <) \\' ll "cl la r>· cl ll (l <) f f i tP PXJ) Pll . P , l P,1,· i11g· Ll 11 l .'· c1 11 < > t 1 t . · .1 .) t l <) f t r ,1,· e 1 r x 11 P 11 s P t,> l l t? l1(> r11e ly,· tl1e :ll..i .'C>c·i ,1tio11. • ,\~l1t·tl1Pl' ,,.t .. <·c111 cl<> cl"\ ,,·p}} i11 t l1c.. f11t11rL' ,,·it l1 ,t rc1i. e. ,,·p clo 11 <>t kll(J\\ '. 'f ]1,1t ,,·i}} <1PJ)PllC1 l lJ) C) ll 11,J,,· b 11,.'· tl1e e l111rl'l1e~ k ee1 11:, a 11 c l 1 < >, Y 1 i I > P l' ,1 l t l 1 c> , • <l l' P i 11 > ff P 1•- • i11Q , ,·l1e11 \ YP c·o111 <:>. "\\Tei <lo ,111- 11 r~<· ia tP l i l)Pr ,11 i t ) ·, l)tl t ,,·e ,,·,111 t tl1e 111a llP, t <·1111rc·l1 to fpp} t l1,1t l1e,· v,1 11 i11,·itc.. t1 1e eclit<>r ,,· l1t1tl1e1· • tl1 ,. <·a11 affc,r c1 t<J oi,·r (111, · tJ1i110· . r . r, <, r 11 <J t . <) 11 r I > (> 1 i <• ~ • i '-) t <> t cl l{ P t l 1 t1 fi r, t i11,·i t ,1ti<>11 tl1at <·<J lllP"i i11. P \ 'P11 if cl l,tr ~·p r <·l111 r <·l1 ,l1<>tll ll 1,tter , l l~ fc,r tl P "a111p <lat). "\\""(, tl1,111l~ r (J(1 tl1,1t t l1j..., j c) l) llcl~ l JP t·,) 111P 111<)1'" tJ1,111 a l1alf t i111 c., 111i1Ji ..... tr,· lJ,. tl1i, ti 1t1P. Il rJllr" :tt'P • • tali1·11 Pa ·l1 ,,·r·1·l{ i11 f · <J l' rP ] )<J 11<l e 11 <•l) ,,· jtl1 f·l111r, ·l p , ,l11,l 1>a...,tc1 rs . I-'c,1 g (. 1-... + ,l l) l' f~ (. <i 11, f }'() l 11 t }1 .. (• 11 ( l ~ 0 f til l' stcll· 11,l\'.1 l ,r•(;()lll e 1·011t i11(• , l'(>l111ti11g tilt ' tin1c ~1><' t1t i11 trcl\ <'1 Hlltl Jll"l'H l' hi11 g , \\(' H\ 1 1·c1g·<' 1~ 1<> 17 < l c1 , , n 111 < > 11 t l 1• , , l 1 i I <' t I 1 <, , , < > r 1, • • • • l l lg· l l l cl l l '°" ll l < l 111 I I l" :2 () t < > :.! :... < 1 H \ ~ • \ \. p Ii l) l) ( 'I ( \ 11 {) l l ~ · l 1 j l l \ i t <l t i() 11 ~ \ \ i 11 l'l)llll' 111 f't>l' l~il>lt 1 l'<>llf'P l' ('llt'<'S Hll(l l' l 1 \·i,nl,. :--i t > it \\i]l l> PC'( l lll l ' :.\ f'ltll t llll<' 1llilll'i{ 1'\. ,. \ 11 \'l Ji i11n· lt'~S ('clll - , • r, ll< >t ~clt i"r.' cl ltc>cl -c·,1llt'(l l)l'l'cll'l1<1l' . Jt ,,c>ttl(l ,1lsc) ltPlJ) <)llt 111 a )-r,11· ,rl1t 1 11 .Jlr~. :\'c>rcll1111<l i"' 11ot it>,tel1 - i ) l µ: . ( ) l l 1' l l l 1( 1 (' l's t cl l l ( 1 i 11 g· \ \' it l 1 t} l p ( 1 < > 1111 < • i l i s t l 1,l t a 11 N 1111 cl c1 , • <> f f ( l l' - • i11g·. cll'P 1(> lJe '-)C'11t i11 tc> tl1P ...\ ~- , <)<·i,ttic>11, l>11t tl1,1t ,,·pe lt 11ig·l1t <>E- ) II ..: .JI t) 1~ 1 ...\ I .1 J 3..\ 1 > 'I' IS 'l ~ l "F _r, }~ R ~ I)( 1 :-,, <)et. (j t 11 cl f 1·e,1l( ,,·i11c1 r·to1·111 ~t r11c·l< tl1r 11r,,· l)l1ilcli11g· of the )l r 111ori,1l 13a1)ti:t l 1 h111·el1 j11.. t cl~ tl1<1.,. ,,·t·1~p i11 tl1P 1)1~oee.. of ere<'tj11fr tl1 e raft er . . F ort1111 - atel,· tl1c> stc)r111 :tr11 ·l< at the . . 110011 11ol1r ,·o tl1at 110 111011 ,,·err l111rt. Xot 0111,.. ,,·ere the 1·aft- • r rs t<>1·11 clc),,·11. l>Llt tl10 ~icl ,,·,1lls c)f blc>tlt c111c1 l)ritl( ,·011- :tr11<·tio11 cll~c> c·c)lla J), c 1. 'fl1e lc)s!-i ,,·,1. esti111atetl at . '11.()00, 1)11 t ,,. as c·o,·ere1c.l b,.. i11s t1ra11ee. • '111 e <·<>11g1· pg·a t io11 l1ac1 hopecl to l) e i11 tl1 r 11r,,· l>11ilcli11g 1>3· Tl1cl11 l<.. g·i,·i11g·. l111t ,,·ill 110,,· J1a,· e tc> ,,·ait at l ea .. t ,111othe1· 111011tl1. \\ r cxtr11cl 011r s.\~1111>atl1)? to J>a. tor ( 1 la,,·.-011 a11 1 l1is to11g·re– µ:c1ti<>11 a11cl l1<>J)P tl1 r cl,1111age ,,·ill l)l'O\' P less extP11 ·i,· tl1,111 fir:t tl1011g·l1t. f e ri11g: ,1 re to g·o to tl1e ecli to1·. 'l,l1is first , ·e,1r ,,Tr 11,1,Tr 11c1t cf\"ailecl • ()lll'sel,·e.. of t}1,:1t 1~ig·ht l)l1t }1a, 1 e s r 11t a11 i11: bl1t i11 tl1e f11t11re ,,·r ,,·ill clc.> so. "\\Tp lJ(-'lie,· r frc111lt11 es: is t11t1 l> (_-)st J)olie ..\~ a11cl t 11 ,tt i · ,, .. 11)T ,,,.e cl l'(.l • cl)"l 11g· t }1PSP t 11 i l1g'.' i !l th f,1111il, .. ti1· C' le. • , ,~ r clo 11ot Px11 e t ·t l,11~g·e ,,·eel{ 11ig·l1t <Jfferi11µ:s , if . 11cl1 r11ceti11g 111,1 teri a lize. ""\\T P lJ\-' li r , ·r tl1e pa. - t<>1~ 011g·l1t ,1l,\·,1,.. to t,11<e tl1e of- • f e ri 11g: 1111 a 11 tl t lie :1) ea l~e1· l{ eep . t il 1 ,t 1)<>1l t t 11 r111 : a11cl "\l'e f ec 1 m 11c h b <-> tt r r ,,·l1r11 t lie l)a:tor <loP., 11ot 111c1kr ,1 l1ig·h 1)1·e. .. 111·e aJ)I)Pal. "\\.,. e (li ·]il{e ft11111,.. storie. l)efore a11 • <>fferi11g· a11cl ,1l>o111i11ate :ol) . iorie. . < }cJ(l '. J) C:'OJJl llo11 't 11eec1 :t1cl1 thi11g\, lJ11t j11.-t a11 0111)01~t1t11it~.. to clo ,,·11at (1oc1 ,,~a11ts tl1P111 to clo. , 1 0 ctgai11. tl1e ·111,1lle. t e1111rch ea11 i 11 , ·ite l 1 a 11 c 1 , r r , \' i 11 to n1e f 1· N 0\1 ·rn l, "r 1 B!i8 f It I'<'(' (lt1,\•s ()I' l'i\ 7 l' ()J" r1i g li( ())' f'if– t (, p 11 • " ~ t 1i (' r J, >, • < t 11 1" , , i, " t 1 : 111, 1 • f}i(' cllllC>llll( <>f' tfl<' <>f'l'Pri11 g· \\'jJj 11 c > t I> P c1 <• c > 11 s ic IP 1•H 1 i c > 11• < 1 <J cl 11 a s 1ctl\<'t t <' ell'' (>f' thi s J)l' P ct <•lt l 'I' 1111t,, ~.r r <, ., 11 a i l's <> 1 • 1111 t,, \, 1 11 at \ , c, 1, I, l '-)h()\\ ll)) ,t'i 'ill<'ll if' i1 }1 ;. ,1,1 't ~ti - \' H·' ." 11 (. (. 11 t I 1 cl t (.() I() l' . 1~,() l 'g· i \ 1 (. l l s j(' \\(I Itel\' (' Scli<l (<><> ll)lt<·l1: \VP j11~1 ,r,t111 1<> µ:i,<' thi~ fi11c1l t ,· ·ti111<>ll,\' - f}l,lt i{ ·~ g 'l'Pclt 1<> ~Pl'\P t)lC' lJ()l'(l ! () :'\ J~ I I l TX I){,{ ~JI) ~ J\ r I~~ ( 1 I I l T 1~ ( t I I Fj ~ J 1 ,<)ll1' 11e,,· C'l1t1rc·l1<' 1..i , , P l' P \\·Pl – c·o111 r cl i11to <>llr cl8soeic1ti<>11 at ,1111· ,111111t,1l 111 e <1ti11g·. ,,.. hiel1 111<1c111s rl1at \Yitl1 011 goi11g 011t of exister1e ~. ,,..e l1c1,·r 110,,· 1():5 <'l1l1rtl1e. i11 0 1tr ()hio f Pllo,,.. sl1iJ), 1·c111g·i11g i11 111e111 - l e1~8l1i1) f1'0111 l c·1. ~ tl1a11 2~ to 11e,1r- 1,.. 1,0() (). II 0,,,.p , ·r1-. tl1i.: , .. ar ,,,. r • • are iroi11ir tcJ :trr!'>s tl1c> 11t1111l>p1~ of <)llr c-h11rc-h r s as ~o, ,. rreig·11 i11cle- 11e11cle11t 1111its c111cl ll(>t ,1~ to rize <> r f i 11 a 11 c · i a1 a hil i t , ·. \\Te a r e 011 l, ~ ' . 111tl>li:l1i11g thr t otal 111e111l>r rsl1i1) c111cl o·i,·i110· tr,·i110· 011t tl1 e ·,,... t e111 t"' t"' • • t"' • tJ1at tl1<1 (: f 11eral \.s~o('iatio11 of Rpg·11lar I~a11ti. t C 1 l111re l1e~ }1as fol– l c>,Y r cl i11 it~ , ...Par 1)<101~ fo1· 111a11,.. .. '- , ·ea 1·~. \\Tt) l1a,·e 110 tlo11bt 111c111,· • • of tl1e ])astc)J'. · ,,·ill 111i~~ tl1) 111e111- l,rrsl1i1) a11 cl fi11a11tial . tati ·tie. . \\ 7 r clo so lo,.. c to c·o1111)are ol11·– se l,·e: s ,,·itl1 ()lll'. el,·es ! \, e lil{e t o : re if 011r t·l1111·eh l1as clo11e lJettr1· tl1a11 l)rotl1Pr ~o-a11c1-So,. c·1111reh. ... \ 11cl t 110~ '.l ,,·11<) H re :ePl<i11g· for :1 J)a. ·tc)ra t e l il~e to ha,·e . ·0111 iclea c)f tl1r :ize a11cl ~tre11gtl1 of ,-1 c·l111rel1 l)efo1·e tl1r~? a. l{ for a11 011 - ])01·t1111it)... tc) t,111clitlate . ,~Te ha,~c-> 110 cl o11l)t t l1at t l1e :tati.·tie: arr ,·al11al)le. a11(1 011r : ec·ret<1 r,... ,,·ill 111al{e t l1 e 111 a , ... aila blr .. tc) clll\'" 011 e ,,·110 ,,·rit e. fo1· faet . '- c11 011t ,1 ('}11tr(·l1 <)l' is ,,·illi11g to trcr\·el to ( 1 le,·pla11cl to lool< tl1e111 all o,·Pr. Tl1c 0111!.. tlc1Ilg'Pl' i11 tl1i8 111etJ1oc1 i: tl1,1t c·h11rcl1e · 111c1,· 11ot .. l e :ti11111lc1tecl l),\... tl1c gi,·i11g· . 1· sc>11l ,,,.i1111i11g of 11eig·l1bori11g c·l111rc·l1rs c111c.l ~o 111a,.. settle clo,,·11 • i11to tc>11te11tecl a11011,-111it\~. Y et it . .. l1a: 11<>t ,,·orl(PC1 tl1at ,,·c1,.. i11 t l1e .. (}p11eral ~ : . c)ciatio11. b11t 1·atl1er it l1as e11c·o11rag·ecl all ch111~el1es t c) . r 11 c.l i11 tl1ei1· 1·e1)01·ts; a11cl eae]1 , ·e,1r tl1e,.. 11a,·e l)ce11 l)etter· t l1a11 • • t 11 e ~,.ear 1)efore. Fro111 taki11g· 11ri(le i11 their 0,,,.11 i11tli,·icl11al <'hl1r ·11 1· !)Orts, the)... l1a,?e tal~e11 J>ricle i11 t11 e total 1·r1101·t of c1ll ( Contin11ed on next paO'e )
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