The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1958

\ Ill ,_ O\lr \~f J\ T c.}<.11111>1>, l . 1 t l,:t~ l>t't'tt ,1~t'tl , t•r., 111,1<. 1 11 11 )\\ <lt1rit1!.?. 1l1c J':ti11., ~t·a– :--<ltt ·'" \\t' 11t'('ll t<) !.!l'l'il~l' 1l1c rarr~ nl1 ,·,,r~· t)ftl'lt. l't'l)l<t(·t' l)enr- i l l !!~, :t l l t l 11 l :t l l \ l) t l 1(' l' t } 1 I l l !,! " l l t' l' l l - • l'll 1tl 1,t.'l'Jl tt ll\ t(l}) "llHJlt.' tllll' - i110 1 llt'"-t.' \ t.'l \ l>Hll l'tlHtl t•<.)lltli - -.. . ti<)tl, l 11 t tlr la,t ll't t t'l' ,, l' tllt'lt1 ic)ttt'<.l lt,l\ llll! :lllllll"'t t'l\t)ll~ll t•l'tllt'llt ll tlt l"" 111atle t'()J' <l lll>tl~l'. \\~ t' ll(l\\ }t,l \ <' l llt' lltlll"l' l'l'Hll \ " l'<ll' l lll' • \\' ittllt.l \ S. ~,ll\l llH~ lJt'l'll l,l\~i11g • tltt?,(' lll<.lvl'"" els tlt<.~ )l exil'illl lll<l - "l)ll \\ l'' llcl<.l l1t'lJllllg' 11, i~ ~ ·tli11g to t Ill' ' ~ tnft'" tel ,, tlrl, fell' tl1rl''P r11<.ltttl1 , . ()11r <.ltlll'l' b11ilcli11g. ,ire <. 111i1<.l.l of ,tllt>l)e. ~l) tl1is ,,·as tl1e 11eell 101· )l ex.ieclll lcll>t>r. l)r. J>alll ,J,1l'l(so11. 1>re~icle11t ,>f I~a1)t1. t 1 il>lP Sl)111i11,tr:·, ,Joh11so11 l 1 it)·, ~- \ - .. a11cl t,,·o of tl1e l)l'<>– t'esst11·s elf ( 1 l1f1"'tia11 }:cl11eatic>11 l't)Il<ltll't<.)tl H ,·er,· s11t ·~·essf11l :3-<1<1,· • • ~1111<lcl\. sclltl<>l <·011,·e11t1<)ll i11 tl1e • l~c->tl1el ljapti~t l 1 l111rel1 . · \\",trrr11. <)ll ()et. :1, -1-. ~- ()110 111111<lrec.l <)tl<' 1)e<ll)1r 1·egiste1·t'<l f<>l' tl1e , e~~il)lls \\·l1iel1 beg,111 011 },ricla)· 11ig-}1t cllltl t'C)lltillllP(l t}ll'()llg·}1 ~llll– tla:· 11ig· l1 t. ··TI1e D,·11a111irs of tl1r T r,t(·l1er ,. .. , ·. c1~ tl1e title <lf tl1e lte,· 11t>te ~1<1- • tlre..._, tleli,·erecl lJ," l)r. ,Tct<·l(s,) 11 • ,,t tl1e t>l)e11i11g s es ·ic>tl at he,·011 o 'l'lc,tk c111\ ·. T\\.<> \\·01·1\- • "ll<)J) : fc>llo,\·ecl at eigl1t o'el<)vl\. l)r. R11tl1 Ha,Tc·(>e1z lPcl i11 cl cli.-- • e11:"'io11 c)f •• .... \11 l11trµ:r,ttetl l>rc>- gr,1111 C)f l 1l1 ristia11 1~cl l1t at io11... ~fiss (+le11~· · \ 'rer111il)Tc1 . J) <) l<e <>11 .. 1~ I' e ~ e 11 t i 11 g Sa 1,· a ti o 11 t <> ( 1 11 i l- (l re 11." Re , .. f<,re c.l H 11s.- e ~·, } ,i 1·s t l3a 11 - t i~ t l 1 l111rc·l1 . :\:i 1 Ps. le<.l tl1<1 <> 1)e11- i11!r tle,·oti<>llcll ~e~:io11 c> 11 S,1 t 11r– tl cl:· . T,\. o , ·: C) r l< 1.., l 1 <> J) }) e r i <) < 1 s i' < > l- 1 o,,- P (1. Tl1e tc)1>ies \\·rre: ··De- 1Jart111e11tal ~\~se i11 l>lit1~. ·· ' ' Ile>\\. t<> ~t11cl~· tl1e I1ibl e 111 ,111(1 <>t1t <)t. •1 a . ~ . ·· .. '\... i s i t a t i c, 11 ." .. l ~ 11 i 1 < l i 11 °· t- a 11 cl Hol (li11g· ..\ tte11cla11c· ." F ollc>,vi11g tl1e <>1)e11i11g (le,·o– tio11al J)eri ocl <>l tl1e 3ftp1·11c)<>11 ] , 1 cl l>}. I>a~t<)r (:eralcl l\Iitel1Pll c1f rl1e I11clepe11clr11t Ba11ti~t ( 1 l111rc:l1, ..... . ~ T c1 (• k"' <) 11. a r> ,111 e I <) f 11 i 11 e r • c> 11cl11 < • t - eel a ··brai11 tor111i11g ~e"' · ic111 ·· ·>11 t 11 e !! e 11er ,1 l t < > J) i ,·. ' ' ::\ I a k i 11 g t 11 e ~I<J" C>i T·,irst J1111)rP"'"'i<>11~." ( ),· ..._,r eigl1t~· '-)ll!.!!!e""ti<>11" \\ Pre 111,tclP i11 ra1)i<l-fire C>rcler i11 lP'-,1.., t}1a11 te11 • 11111111te" . ··T}1e J>UJ)i1 a11cl IIi" ~ePcl"' .. \\. !-l~ tl1e title <>f tl1P <·1c,'-)i 11g· \\"C>l'k~l1c)lJ • .. \ \tU,' ll~t I ~tit. ~Hlll Hltll 1i;tlPll \\t'ttt 1<> l,1 f >ns<l l<>r all<>lt1 cl \\PPh. t f) !.!' t' t t 11 t \ i r I le r 111 i t " r <, 11 <, , , (, < l , 111 < l t<l <l<) H lit t l<' s1n1l' ~t<ll' slt<llJfli11g. \\~lt<.'tl t lt<'\ ret ltt'll('<l t l1e I, 111<'<'- . , It'\"' \\ ('ll l t () 1 llt' ~t Ht('"' lJtl t \\ Pll l t <>It t <> ~t·cl1 t "'clH le' ..\ riZ<lllH, l"c> t' ,t l- 1111>~1 t ll 1'{1(' \\ (\t'l("'. rrlt('l"(' t ll l'\' • "'H\\ li<)tlllil'·~ sistt'l' l'<>l' tilt' :1'i 1·"t ti111c> ~i11c 1 P tltP ,teviclt>11t itl ~lar<·l1 . 1I <),, l 1 a l) l')• t l 1 c '_\ a r <, t 11 a t s 11 P l 1 ,1"' cl ~t>t111cl 111i11<l ag,1i11. l~et,lllsP <Jf 1l1e l>r,1i11 i11jt1r)· sl1e is . till l111 - ubll' tc> 11"'<' 11 )r 1·igl1t sitle . O]J<-111 l1e1· p~·e. lt~e lier 11,111<1, etc·., bttt ~}1p cl<><!~ 11sr· ,lll <>f lier left 8i(le. ~l1r c·c>11ti1111,1ll'\· li8te11s to tl1e " l 1l1ri~t ic111 r,1cl10 ~t,1tio11 c111J likes J'c)r c>tl1rrs to l'('Htl tl1e "\\.. ortl t(> Nov"1nb,r 1958 hr·. Site' is t111al>ll 1 1<> 111<>\<' h<'I' ltt c1l ti}1 llllt<•lt HtJ<( ltHS JlO \ ' Cli<•C'. I) l' H.\' ' ,\ (':,.,. 1h H t h I 1 p 'v j 11 l) (> (. () 11 - 1 <ll'lllP l 1 <> } ) J'i j lll clg . ) ) C>llllc:l ~llP ltct:,., ~P\'<'11 tPPf }1 ll llCl J1c1"' tctl(<'ll H l'<'\V st J>S :-;c>IC). ~1,\(>li<111. H re,tl 1Jc,.\·, 11,ts ,t llP\V \\()l'(l .. \Pll gH" ( t'() lll P· ll ll'P ) . \\T,. t Jt 1 11 ]( It l \ \ 1 cl J 1 t ~ 1 < > ill \ ' j t <1 \' 0 l l 0 l () .. 1 > P <> 11 It H 11 < 1 \\' l 1 t' 11 l 1 is 11 P \\' 1) l' f> 1} 1 <> l' '? ~i~tPl' ~ 'C>Jl)P:,., ill J) p • llll)Cl'. ( i ( )( ) I) .( \ I ) 'T I ( 1 1~: [jo 11ot ~t1lJstit11tt:> tl1 l'ctcli<> or :-, <> 111 e ~ i 111 i la r s e 1·, . i <• e f o1 · t 11 P r o· 11- t"') lcll' ·l11tre}1 :er, 1 iee. I )o 11ot li\·e to IJlea:e otl1er JJeo– J)lP or tl1e 111i11i ·tr1·. l111t :tri,·r to J1lPcl~P (i:O(l. S. CONVENTION BIG SUCCESS ~ essi<>11. T 11 rr t> :,,eetio11. clral t ,, itl1 tl1e tl11·ee tliffere11t ag·e le,·el . <)f J)l111ils tl1at ,,·e v\'<ll'l{ \\·itl1 i11 tl1e ecl11eatio11al 111 1 ogra111 of ·tltP t ll l l l'(· 11. Tl1e1 ]1ethc111,· ,·c)l1tl1 ·tellcl\rsl1i~) .. . - \\·,1s tl1e s1)eeial g·t1est of tl1e tc>11- ,·e11tic)11 <111 Sat11rclc1~· 11ig:l1t. \ <·c1r' ,l (· it>· (·t·c>,,~c1 <)f :-3():2 11aelc cl t11r <~1 1<litc)ri11111 a11cl o,·er f lt),,· 1 <>c i111. I)<l:-:tc)l' ~ or111a11 Hoag· of t}1e 'I l'<>). J >cl})ti .' t ( 1 lllll'r}1 ]Pel tl1e 111eeti11µ·. Tl1 E l l lt11tsh111·gi. .. Jl,1ptist l'l1111·el1 <:l1<>ir <lll<l tl1e <:ir·ls' ~ex– tette irc)111 "\\Ta1· re11 t<.>11t1·il)11tr<l s <. 1 , . er ,11 i 11s1)iri11 g· 11 l 1111 be r~. 1) r . ~Tc1 c·l(s<>11 c·l1a ll e1tf?:P<l tl1e c111clie11c:e ,,·itl1 l1i:-, 111ess(lf?.', "I a111 tl1 ,\· })r r,·a 11t . . ' ()11 S1111cla,· tl1e c·<>ll\' Plll ic)11 tP,1111 • cll>se1·,·ecl tl1e I~ etl1el ecl11t·cltic)11,11 1)1·c>g rc1111 . .L\ t tl1reP I>.) l . ,1 cli11ic· ,-, ,1~ l1elcl l'(>l' the I~ e111c.·l . tafl'. 'I'l1 p I il'.-t J)el'i<><l l'<J11~icle1·c>cl i lie ~rP 11- P r cl 1 a < l 111 i 11 is t rat i <) 11 . I 11 t l 1 e sec- <> 11<1 s1)etit'ic· ~11gµ:r"tio11s ,vere 111,1<le tc) tl1e ,Tari<>tls ,lr1)ctl't111t111t.– ,l11<l te,1c·l1e1·~. l)r. . J ,1<·l(~c}11 '~ 111ess,1µ:(, ··Life·~ c:1·ecltrst }let i,·c1tic)11, .. lJr<>l1g·l1t tl1e •ISRAELIS AWAKE! ·-- • ISRAEL IS WORKING! eo11,·e11ti<.>11 tel a ~ 1>le11cli 1 climax at tl1e ~ 'llllcla}· e,re11i11g ~·er, 1 ice . ,,...orkers fr·on1 Tl1irtee11 cht1rch– <1 . ,,·er·e 1·eg·i ·te1·ecl. It ,va sig·- 11 ifica11t that fo1·t,l of tl1e 101 • re gi:t e1·ecl \i\' er·e 111 11. rr e11 pa:- t c1 l'. , t,,.. e11 t)· - t,,. o g ·e11 era l a11cl cl e– J),l rt111e 11 ta 1 offic:e1~s, fift}T - six tea 0 her: a11 l a ... i. ta11t . , fo11r pi– cllliHtS a11cl sixtee11 people \\'itl1 no <)fficial 1·elatio11. l1ip 111a le 11p the g ·1·0111). Re,·. Xc)r111ct11 H c)ag·, a .· ... i.. tecl b,, ::.\Irs. l-l<>ag· at tl1e I)ia110, 1 (l tl1 111l1~it fo1· t l1e ~c>11,·e11tio11 . 1 11 ac1c1itio11 tu the 110. t ·ht11· ·h g: r <)ll l1~ of ,,·01·l{er: f1·0111 tl1e fol– lo,\·j11µ: t l1l11·el1es ,,·ere pre ·e11t: I11 lr1>e11tle11t Ba1)ti. t .... T. Jat'k~· o11; I~ aitl1 I1aptist. \. (>1111g·:to\\·11; ({1·a ·c I~.· J)tist, \ . <)1111µ:.. to,\·11 ; 1 1 irst Bap– ti . t, ) l e· I)o11alLl ; }.J,·a 118,·ille Bap– ti:t, Xiles; I~ir~t Ba1)ti.· t . .1.T ile · ; 1'r<>~· Baptist. ( :ar1·ett. ,·ille; Bap– tist Ta ber11 ac 1 e. N t1·tt t 11 ers ; I)e1111. ~\ ,·e. l3c111ti ·t, ~111a1·011. It i: tl1e pla11 of the Bethel Bap– tist ( 1 l1l1re l1 to 111al{e tl1is c111 a11- 1111al e\'P11t. l )la11. c:11·e al1·eacl,· .. t111tler ,,·a,.. for 11cxt ,·ear. • • (Eph . 5:1 4 } • ISRAEL IS LISTENING! Coulson Shepherd, Director Send for your free copy of MESSAGE TO ISRAEL. lk) MESSAGE TO ISRAEL, INC. (FOUNDED 1937) Box 682 General P.O., N. Y. 1, N. Y. •