The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1959
E J4 I) \ 1\ l ll L,l.., 1 \ l 'l'l 'I\ h.-, (•latlll 1\ \ ... ,t1tl1 , sµ 1 rtl nd ' ,, d " l1 l<t ,,itl1 11 ' l1 l les, i11,!~ .Jt111t' 21-2G. ,,ith I{e v. Ri l1a1·d \\ . c. ,':ll ( 11t·l, l11clt) d " ,·a11~ :.'\ lis t . 1\111., i..Ulg ol j '.\('t 1 ' S~OllS . ii l ni11ti11gs. 111oti<.11, '"' l ictt1r ' S, cl1il– d l'Pl\ •.... l ll( l"\ls ~. ~~1,ci St•] i1)t ll l'l' llll'll\01 \ ,,. )' "· k l t tl1it1gs 111t1, 111g. I{ .. ,.. R1cl1artl ,, . 't,,11 :. l1ns 1, ~td lllc)ll\~ ._ \tel, llll' 't– i11g, ,-ill {)\T(.'t ' tl1, llS.\ anli 1 c,1 ·l,ecl t I ot1 .;;a t1liS to 1 C 111 1~ t. 1'11c~e 111 "<.'t i11gs t1..,t)k tl1 i)l,,cl of \',1c,lt1011 Bibl e Scltol1l tl1is \ t: ,11. \l1,,1011a1 \. ,,-111 111111\0 a11d fan1il~ 1 a 1r1,td 11(..11110 1ccc11tl, fro111 Fre11cl1 • Eq \t,1toria 1 At 1·ica ,,n :l ,, ere g1 ,·en a ~Ind ,, t' lcl1111~ E\\"l.l G \\l' .. i\LTERS RETURNS TO PAuTOR1\TE R t:- , E,,1ng \\ 1 alters. ,,110 11as been Fields D11 ector for th2 Fello,,,ship of B<:1pt1~ ts io1 Ho111e l\Iissions for o,·er fottr ,·ears. l1as resigned to accept a call to tl1e v\"hite Lake Baptist Cl1urch of 1\Io11tague. l\Iicl1igan. Ohio Baptists \Vl 11 1cn1e111ber him also as tl1e IJredeces– ""or of Pastor Adam Galt at Spencer. He left Spencer to sp~nd some ten ~· ear in ,·er)• successful _t)astoral v. 1 ork in Flint. l\Iich. We ,vil1 miss l1im here i11 Ohio. but "''e ,,·ish him rich bless– i11gs as l1e goes back to Michigan. GRAHA:!.\I ROAD BAPTIST, Ct1,·ahoga Falls Pastor and lvlrs. S. E. Collison \:verc in,·ol,·ed in a c;:.- : accident j"L1st a week or so lJefore they had hoped to attend tl1e GARBC meetings in Minnesota. A car dro,·e through a red light and hit them on Mrs. Collison's side, and she ,vas cut several places and frac– tured a rib. 0, 1 er $1100 damage was done to their car. Fortunately their t,,·o boy-s ,vere r.ot ,vith them. We ~re !!lad to report that Mrs. Collison is ot1t of tl1e hospital and making good progress \.,.acation Bible Scl1ool a\•eragecl 206 ·n attenclance and 27 confessed faith in Cl1rist. FIRST BAPTIST. T,:vinsburg Pastor Paul Schenck reports six l)aptized in June. and one joining by letter. bringing the membership of t l1is ne\\· churcl1 to 22. Eight more l1a ,·e indicated an interest in men1ber– , l1ip and tv.·o cl1ildren were recently sa,,ed. FIRST BAPTIST. Gallipolis "'\Ve ha,,e a perpetual church mem– bership class each Sunday evening, and so far new candidates have pre– sented themselves each month. July 19th several were baptized and others came by letter from sister churches and \\'ere v:elcomed Aug. 2nd. Each montl1 \\'e also ha, 1 e a missionary from an appro,,ed agency and this is ienc1- ing to enlarge our missionary vision. Tl1is year \.\·e ha,,.e taken on $900 ad– ditional support in addition to our regular missionarv budget of $11,240. Our Vacation Bible School enrolled 235 bo)TS and girls, and the average of children and ,vorkers Vv·as 195. Ele,·en Juniors confessed Christ as Sa,·iour.' BIBLE l\1:ISSION BAPTIST! Zunes, ille ·'Rev anc 1 l\1rs . Neil Wilson. Bap tis t l\1id-M1ss1on ,,·orkers in Assam, a r e home on furlough. He is a member at Zanes, ,ille, and she <Bonnie Olds) be- .I J O JJ JI le 11gs f <> l3Pc1J('(o\Vtl, ''1 1 l1P\ also l1c_1,rc u s111·1ll :;011, l)n,,icl. {)ttt BilJl , 1Vlis- i<)ll ,, 01·1~ "'1' i11 l\:Icx1co, s~,1n Ilorn– l)rool... ,,111 eo11tin\t~ in <le1Jt1latio11 ,,·orl< t l, 1·ot1gl1 t l1c st• n1111 "1' <111cl J101Jes lo rf'tt1111 to fi ·lcl i11 the fall. Rocl– tll'\ l(111ccl~. tl1" ~c11ior ,vo1 ker do,~n t}1c1 C, \\ ,lS Stld<lPlll\ callccl }101ne ]Jy tl10 deatl1 of a11 inv"1licl l)roll1er, l)ut i1111110ctic1tcly retttr11ed to the fielcl. \Vl1ile Pastor Tl1on11)son continues to 111111ister t111til tl1c c11d of tl1e year, the cl1urcl1 1s looking f orwarcl to the coming of tl1c Yeagcrs to take tlp the vvork in Zanes, 1 ille." BI~E ED HOPE BIBLE CO FERENCE 7 J).~f., ... \ 11g·. 17, througl1 ...\ 11 g·. 2C). 1 n :5 ~) ,l t I~ible :\I is~io11 l1aJ)ti t ( 1 l1 l11--ch ~a11e. ,Tille 'J'l1P spcalcrr.· at tl1i. old– £ ctsh io11ec1 n i l>le <·011£ere11c e ,,·i 11 l,c ... r 01~111a11 1-Ioag a11c1 Geo1·ge :\I 1111clell, lJotl1 ,,·e 11-1< 110,"n co11- f t.~re11~c ~pral{er . ::\Ieal: ,rill l>r ~pr,·ecl a11cl c.lo1--111i to1·~T pace 11rc),·ic1r<.1 for tho. e ,,·110 ,,·i h to ~tc1,·. ~Io1·e i11fo1·1n,1tio11 ca11 l1e '- µ: o t tc11 11)T \Yl'iti11g to Llr,ve]l3r11 'l'l1c)11111. 011. 5;3(-; )foxal1ala ..t\.-~/e., Z,111 e~ ,·i] le. Ol1io. BETHEL BAPTIST, Erie Through FBHM the churcl1 is help– ing Rev. and Mrs. Lester Wells to start a new church at Titusville, Penna. While the Meadsville church is the real sponsor in this project, the Erie church is helping and vitally interested because the Wells' are members of Bethel Baptist. GRACE BAPTIST, Troy Pastor E. J. Virgint reports they l1ad a wonderful Vacation Bible School \\.1 ith an average attendance of 98, and ,vith 13 conversions. Recently two fol – lo\ved the L ord in baptism. Another occasion of joy is the installation of a new Wurlitzer organ. CENTRAL BAPTIST, Columbus Two weeks of Vacation Bible School were crowned with a program and demonstration for 1 he parents and friends J une 12th. Pastor William C. McKeever was the leader in the school, which had an average attend– ance of 60 children. Pastor 1\1:cKeever has also been asked to be an instructor at the Bethany Baptist Camp at Chautauqua Lake, N. Y.. July 20-25. This camp serves the Bethany Fellowship of Independent Baptist Churches in western New York and Pennsylvania, including our as– sociated church, Bethel Baptist, at Erie. FIRST BAPTIST, Niles. Over 40 boys and girls made pro– fession of faith in the two weeks of Vacation Bible School held in June. CALVARY BAPTIST. Bellefontaine Rev. and Mrs. James Benefiel, ac– cepted candidates under Baptist Mid- GE • • • Mis~io11s, l1r1,, ~ 1nov ·c.1 i11t(> t11, cl1t1rc]1 aJ)arl111,111 a11cl Mr. 13cncfic1 ,vill scrv~ as assistH11t J)a. tor t<J l~cv. J~1mes E. J~os11c1· Ltnlil Novi' 111IJer, wl1Pn tl1ey ~lOJJC lo go to I 1 'ortclcz~, Bra/1 l. The R011cficls clicl sPr,,e a sl1ort t11ne in B 1 nzi} u11cler an un, lcnom inc1 tiona I 1Joarcl a11cl l1avc ~lso lJeen in pastoral work in I11diar1a over four years. They still 11Ped some support nncl are free to go on dcptttat1on work any time so1nc cht1rch desires to }1ave them come. Pastor ancl Mrs. Rosner recently built a home of their own a few miles northwest of town, and so the church was able to sell their parsonage and apply the money to their church mortgage and cut 1t 1n half. BIBLE BAPTIST July 11th an all day Sunday school picnic was held at Fell Lake. There was swimming in the morning for those that wished to come early, each bringing his own lunch. In the after– noon there was a ball game, and other games too. After a picnic supper, the day closed with Evening Vespers. FOSTORIA BAPTIST The work on the new church build– ing has already begun by the Charles Steward Construction Company of Oberlin, Ohio. The total cost of the building (first unit) will be $70,000. The old building was sold to the Pil– grim Holiness conference for $10,000, and the church now worships in a nearby school, but still uses the old church on Wednesday nights. Two young ladies of the congrega– tion are employed for the summer on the staff of the Highland Lake Bible Conference, Highland Lake, N. Y. They are Edna Shrider and Norma Bertram, who are not only consecrated to Chris– tian service, but gifted in music as \\ 1 ell. WHEELERSBURG MISSIONARY BAPTIST Follovving a successn1l Vacation Bi– ble School, with 25 decisions for the Lord, Pastor and Mrs. Holmes and son left for vacation in Florida and adjoining states. Rev. Fred Chase filled the pulpit in the pastor's ab– sence. During July 13 -18, Pastor and Mrs. Holmes served as Senior counsellors at Camp Patmos. Eleven seniors at – tended. The juniors attended July 26-Au~. 1, while Pastor Hol1nes was director of the camp. FIRST BAPTIST, Spencer The church has voted to rebuild after the fire, on a new lot, where they will have more room. Not only are the members rising to t11e occasion in sacrificial giving, but sister churches ha,,e sent in over $1,000, which is greatly appreciated. KAMP KIDRON CONFERENCE The Cleveland Hebrew Mission is holdin~ their annual Bible conference for both Jews and Gentiles at Camp Kidron, Aug. 7- 14. The speakers will be Dr. Ralph Stoll of Altoona, P a. Dr. Moses Kitlin, who has just come to the Mission after rich years of . service in Poland, Argentina, Canada and the U.S.A., and Rev. Llewellyn Thompson of Dresden. Ohio. The song leader will be Rev. Vaughn Sprunger of Portsmouth.
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