The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1959

August 1959 011e of the 1110. t profital)l r, i11 - 1Ji1·i11g a11d P11 lig·l1tP11 i11g 111rtl10 ls of l3il)le . t11cly is to tal{c a11 e11 - • tire l)ool{ a11cl :eel~ to l111clerst,l11d: 1. The h11111a11 a11thor 2. The addre, ee 3. The ro11clitio11 .. 1111der ,rl1icl1 tl1e boo1{ ,,,a. ,,v1--itte1 4. It then1e a11cl p11rJ)O, e ""'. Tl1e ,,·a, , i11 ,,,11ic:h tl1i. then1e • i expa11decl c111d g·i, 1 e 11 fo1-.111 f 1et 11 co11Ricler raC'h of the:e poi11ts of :tu 1y i11 t11r1 a .. · ,ve clelve i11to tl1e ri ~hes of I J)eter. TIIE Ill 1\11-\ .i\ lTTTIOR Of cour. e. ,,,e r ecog11ize that tl1e l\ utl1or of all ~'1 ript111·e i. tl1 IIoly .. •pirit of God, that all ~ ~ riJJtt11·e i.- ( tod-b1·ea t l1e 1. I1ut God ha. cl10.· e11 i11 Ili s 111ar, 1 elou · grace to U e poo1~ ,, 1 eak helple' h11ma11 l)eing · a· the cha1111e]. tl1rough '"hirh tl1e 111e ·:ag· of the lT oly ;'pirit n1ig·ht l)e co11v ye l. So holy mr11 of locl spal{e as tl1c>y ,ver mO'\'ed by the Holy Gho t. J>eter V\'a. · . ·uch a 1nan- in1J)etuoll" ,veal{ c·o,,·ardl)r f ea rf1).1, va ·illati11g. l111- pPtuot1:ly, he r bulred the lJ01 .. d. ,,r Pal{ly an cl eo,varcl 1,... hr clc11iecl .. .. the r.Jord a111011g:t Ili · e11emie~·. .r'rarfully l1e dott l)te l the l;ord a . 11e lool{ed 11pon tl1e ,va ter: abo11t t1i111. \ .,, ac·illati11g }1r for.-ool< the I 1<)rfl '. ' ''<)r l{ a11 cl ,,Te1 t bacl< to Hebrew Christian Society (An Independent Baptist Mission) 2524 Euclid IIeights Boulevard CLEVELAND 6, omo OUR AIM To lead Jewish people to Christ 1"o Pstablish Jewish believers in the faith To resist anti-Semitism To stimulate missionary interest in the Jewish harvest field To equip Christian friends with the means of reaching their Jewish neighbors FREE for distribution among vow Jewish friends-Ha-O'r (The Light ) - Write for Details REV. ALAN C. METCAI3 Dir ct.or REV . HOWARD A . KRAMER Founder THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST - ------~~--~~~- Page Nineteer1 IN FIRST PETER f i:hi 11g. Ha1a 11 l t>:i l't'cl to l1a , ,e 11 i111 tl1at }1 p 111ig·l1t . ift J1i111 as ,vl1cat, bt1t the l J01~c1 ~J e.· tt8 11ra.)'rcl fc)r }1ir11 . rrl1e li,at llCl' c1]\\' clys }1~ars a11cl a11. ,;ver..· tl1 e l)ra·.ve r s of Ir is • 011. l s t1 t it \\'011clcrft1 l il1at \VP ha,,r c11 <111-J)o,,,erful ~.,.avior ,vl1 0 is eve11 110\V pra)ri11g 8111 i11tereecli11g· for t1s ? ( II 11. 7 :2;,) ~\11 tl tl1e F'atl1e1· al ,,,ay," 1 Pel I'S and flllS\VP1'8 tl1 p J rayer. of IIis No11. J)etrr ,va. ,, 1 0al{ a11tl J1rl11l es.·, l)11t H,1t<t11 ec)11lcl 11ot o, ,e1-.y)o,ve1· l1i111, l)ecia11se ~J :tt8 pr aye cl f 01-- hi 111. ( 1 }1 ri . t ia 11 f ric 11 cl, clo ~,011 feel ,,Tr,t1< a11 cl h lpl es.' i11 the <' l11tel1eH of ~ ata 11 ? 1,al<r (·011r – age. Tl1e l JOl'd ,J r. 11 . iR evP11 novv at t l1r right }1a11cl of t}1r F ,ttl1er 1nal{i11 g i11terce. "io11 for yo11. (} r eate1· i.- Il e that i. i11 vo11 tl1a11 ., h e tl1at i. 111 tl1 e ,vorlcl . Your vi 1 - tor,, i8 . 11re ! • How 1narv 1011. t 11 e g·raee of r<>cl a111 the operatio1. of IT i. Ilol)' .._ 1 p i1'i t ! l 111 petuou: I> ete1· })ecar11e sul)111 issive to l1i: l ;o1·d. \\r eaJ{ ancl 1 0,,,ardly, h e }) .) ·a1r1e bolcl a11<l <'Ot trag·eo11H. .B ear fu l, lie l)e ·am full of fc1ith. \ Ta jllati11g· lie 11 - ea1ne :teadfa:t to }1j s cleat l1 . Tl1e ·e a r e 11ot finely-\\ 1 0,,e11 thcorie~· or £a11rif11l i111agi11atio11s. 'I'l1e. ar faets \\ 7 11iel1 l1a,,r <l<'t11all,.. bero1ue • 01)erative i11 cl 1if e a11cl 111a)T l1er<)r11e op ratj,,e i11 0111· Jive. as ,,Te tal{C' (}od at his \\ orc1. ( 1 l11~i , tia11 f r·ie11cl, tr11 t 1 ocl tl1at tl1e I1orcl tJ e ... lt i J)ra) 7 j 11g· for ) T{)\1. '1,r11st (lc)c1 il1at thr l~"a t l1Pr ta11 c111 <.l ,,,ill cll1R\\ 7 er t l1e l)ra.yrr of I I is No11. 'r r11s t ( :<>cl that th pov, 1 cr c)f Ilis i11cl\\'e]lit1g· Ilol)" ~ pi1·it 111ay be sl10,Y11 l'<>rtl1 thro11g·l1 yo11r life! ~ o \\' yo11 ,1 re ,1sl{i11g. '\\Tha 1 hPari11g· c.1oes tl1is cll,ll'H.C'ter ~t t1 c1,, o f I> et r r l 1,l,•P o 11 t l1e l rt tr r hp J 1 i ~ \\"l'itte11 ? ' fJcltc~r \\ 7 (l , hctll 8i11cl,r 111c)1-.e i11 1etail t J1e c·o1111i-.;cl J) rt<1.r ~~rive.· tl10. e ,,,110 are .· 11f frri11g prr– se(· 11tio11 for tl1e 8fll<e of t}1e I)c>rcl el t'SU8. I [ i. · lctte1· ]1a s l1rr11 tl8ec1 or (-} o 1 r, 1 C?r si11r <? for 11 e,11'1)' t,,,o 111ou.·a11d yea rs a. a :011rer <>f <'<)11rag·e stre11gt J1 a11cl . teaclf a. t- 11ess to tho118a11 l. cJf ( 1 l1l'i .·tia11. s11fferi11g 1111cler .·i1nilar te ·ti11g. \'\T ral<, eo,,T,1 rtll)", vaeillati11g f)Clter t1srcl of <1od a .· a .·011ree c) f co111·– a.g·c a1 cl . tracl fa . t11e~R? "\"'\TJ1 o eoul cl ha,,e l)el ievecl it ? ..c-\re , .. 011 the .. l{iJ1cl of ( 1 hri. tia11 J>eter ,~r1a. ? I1et 1111r1 :ho,,, yo11 110,,.. to l)e<:0111e tl1 lti11cl of c~1 ri. tia11 J>ete1~ became ! l )o yo11 f ectr tll<lt .)"C) lll' lif, ec111 I) a r 110 1·e111c1 r lt a 111 r f l'lli t for tl1 r I1c)1·cl J es11 ·, l>ecat1sc yot1 l)O::e tl1 sa111e ,rr,1l<11c\. e. J)cte1' pos. e 'etl ? ()l>srr,·e tl1e re111,1rltabl .) l1lr ... ·i11g ,,·J1i 1 h ({ocl 111acl e of J>etr r. 'I r11st <: ocl. 1\.c ·ept tl1e c:l1allr11gr. 13 - µ:i 11 totlay to b e lie\Tc ({ocl ctucl l10- <·<)111e a ('11a1111 )1 thro11g·l1 \\ l1icil1 1 hr I lc>I).. R1)irit 111,1.'· l)(1l11· ottt lli~ l>le. ·si11g· . B ol lc)\\T lts 11Pxt i11 011r Rtl1cl,· ()t' • tl1r c1cltlrP. se<1s <1f tl1is r P111c:1rlzal ll 1 t' t t t 1 r, a11c 1 l Pt t 1 R e11 j c>).. a feast i 11 (} c>c1 ., \\r orcl tog·eth 1·. INCREASE YOUR SUNDAY SCHOOL ATTENDA CE THE SUNDAY SCHOOL TRAFFIC LIGHT BOARD WHAT ONE PASTOR SAYS ' 'In only 4 weeks ot1r St1r1day Scl1ool Attendance has i11creased f ron1 167 to 241 ... The new St111clav School Traf- .. fie Ligl1t l)onrd v. l)ttrcl1ased hos prove11 to be a rec1l blcss1r1g to ot1r Sundav Scl1ool . 11 Pastor, Jc,ckso11 . l\,I1cl11gan • Prov n n1 tl1od of l1t11lcl1r1g la1ge, ff 1c1e11 t St1nclav Scl1ools. e Us cl 111 O\•et 28 cie110111i11atiot1S 11c1tio11w 1<l • SiLe 31 ' ' x 47'' \\ 1tl1 I~asel i11- clt1clc<l. • Bas (l 011 81x-Poi11 t l~t~cor(l S)'S– t 111 . A PJ)l'OVC(l ll\ N s. ' .i\ . E ·011om1c,llly pri •::l<l at 011}~, $42.50 Rtl1l\\ <l\ E.x1Jr ~.s~ ])aid Write fot (les<·ri11ti,,c.· lite,·ntt1a·c )' . Ht, ., ... ) ill\11 fac.•( lt t •i tlg ( ' Olll l)illl)' l lns li11g~ 1\li cl,igu11