The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1959

8 '] \\ 1t ' 'lll )l 1' .. \~'l' <)I\ .\ l) 11 1~ Ill It< II l '<) 11 t i 1 t 11 (' t l fr< 111 I> n, l' 1'" ) gra1)l1. it is )ltl' <)f thl' t,,o g'l'E' ' lt l\st l:lll!.!l)l's i11 l1ris1 i:111 \\'l rl~. \ lit ill' Ill< 1' ]1ill , f 1 lll)ll!!llt ll'"" 111 - , 'l'i l()ll •:tll SC> l ,1-...11.,· fl<' "l'lZl'(l llJlOll l .,· <: ,· il -ttlillt ll'll tll l -...l'l'\ t'l'~ cl ll (l l1PP(llllP a 111( llllt;ltll )\ 1 P l' 11i~l1t. l'l1r " ,)r 1 a t i c 11 , > r I ,, 1l 11 1 t 1 I i 11, <) t l 1) • \t~l' l) tl1)rsrlf lllll'l"••. sll( ) l)'\ cl I) 1) 1 i, 'f I t Cl c 1 a i 1, !.!'()Cl Cl i 111 t" 1111 ( 11 (' 1 t·cllt(l11<·t ,1, ,,·c, tl a~ te1,11,1c1ti< 11 tc) ,?r r t a t, ()f ~i1,. .... \ 11 1lller 111i11- ' t r ,,·a 1• 11 el I 11 1-... , <) 1111 t?.' L\ r l l 1• (\ t l 1 r l' 11 • • · l' t.: , 1 al'l'fltl ,1l1c1\1t ltl\ i11g· 1111 tl1c1t ,,, 'et litt 1 t r.11 ,·ea1· olcl girl: i f ._ '-' , ~( 11 ,lrt < 11 tl1(1t fiL'l,1 for fi , ~p • , . :1r-.... ,lit ·11 110 1<)11!.!er bP n te11- ~·1.:n1 t)lll . . , ·· ~\ l) tc1i11 fr()lll all ,111 - ilri1rn11(·c )f e,·il. · "ll () tllt:1 l1e n ri~itl 1·11le for ,· 1·,· 111i11i~t \1•. Tl1eI'e • ,,·ill ,1 1,,·,1,·, l)e tl1r t1c,11.. ~i... tt') r ,,·110 Jo, (' -... to ·11<)ld the pa tor 's }1a11d ll 11g·(\r tl1a11 11 rer:--i. ,ll'~'"· a11tl t l1r ,,.-l':\Ct , -ot111Q.' tl1i110· ,,·l1c)"C ,·n11it,· .. "' ?'""', • i" 11a11111e 1·ecl 11~· ,l littlr extr,1 at- t e11tio11. Tf tl1e f ir ·t . tep. 0 11 tl1r cla11g·e1·011.... 1·0,1cl of o,,.er- < f,1111ili,1rit,· ,11·e 11e,·eT' tnl~r 11. the 1 it clt 111~ e11cl ,,·ill 11 e,·er e11g11lf t l1 e t1·cr,·e1r 1·. Tl1i i. 11ot mea11t t o i111111~· tl1at tl1t') 11a. tor . 11011l cl 1 ot l1P f ri e11cll~.. a11tl frr e witl1 l1i peo– J) 1 e. l111t tl1at fri 11cl li11e:. a11cl f1·ee– clo111 ._, J1c)11lcl e,·er 1)e l~rpt 011 the 11 ir:11 11l,111e of i111 pa1·tial pc1 tor,11 r e lat io11 ~11i 11. Tl1e pa ·to1" l1a. a11 J~, ,.....\ x TE I j I ~ TI RE ~i P(,. TSTB TI -1 IT1T to,,·c1r 1 l1i . cl1111· ·11. ·\"\.... l1cther ,,·e li]~c it or 11ot. tl1e J),1 tor i lool~r<l 11po11 a~ tl1 e pro- f\')""io11c1l ' Oll}-,,·i1111e1~,' of t }1 (•l1t11· ·11. If lie c1<)r. 11 ' t ,,·orl~ at it f e,,. ot 11 er i11 t l1e. <·011g1~egatio11 ,,·ill. l'at1l' tr ti111011,· tc> tl1r c, lcler: ' C>f tJ1e r:1)}l P~ia11 e}111r ·h . llOll1Cl i 11 . 0111c 111e,1. t11·e l)P t l1,1t of e, pa. - tc11·. · ·1"" e 1(110,,·. f1·<)111 tl1 (:l fir. t cla,· • t l1,1t I ea111e I l{elJl l)ael{ 11otl1i11g tl1at ,,-c1, J)rofitalllf 1 for ~·<Jll . llt1t l1a,·e l1e,v cl , .. ot1. ,111cl l1c1,·e tc111g·l1t ~ )·011 })lll)li ·l~l~·. a11cl fro111 11011. e to 110ll",P. tP.... tif~·i11g· . .. 1' l)Cllt<lll CC to,, ar,1 < ;o<l . clllL1 faitl1 t<)\\ ar(l 0111· L.1 c> r cl .Jr u (Jl11~i t ... I ll ,t"\" ,}1e,,·ccl >·ot1 all tl1i11g". he>,,· tl1,1t 'i<J la l)Olll'i11g ~·p Ol 1g·}1t . . . . ( .L\ tt '> ~ ( l : 1 . ~ 0. :..1. ;3 .) ) . Tl 1 e 1) a ', t or ,,·110 c·,111 "a~... ··I 11,1,·e tc1t1ght )""Oll 11~.. ex,t111plP. · · <·a 11 ri~·}1tl>· l'X })e ·t ] •~ J) eo11le t<) la l)Ol' a" t11e1~· o,1g·I1t. ~ c,111e J)cl"tor". t<>O. ha,·e l) e 11 al)le tc> fi11ll <'<)111fort f1·0111 the . ot11. tl1e)· J1(·1'~< 11,111~· 1P 1 tc> ( '11ri"t i11 11 ,111rs. \ · l1e11 ·011cliti o11 -., i11 t}1e ·11111· ·}1 J)rc,,·c11tecl tl1 · I Iol:r· · ·11irit £1~0111 ,,.. 01·L~i11g· tl1ere. It i~ J)r~<·i c> 11~ i r n 1) i1 s I() 1' h cl~ t Ii l \ ~ i rt () r cl 11 l' , , H 11 - g<' I i~I :l Ill { P:111 S()lllt'I i lll<'S ('() 11( ( tt<· t l,i~ <l\\ 11 ~<'rit'~ ell' l ll<'t't i 11 gs. l >11t \\ l1t •t li er t 11 is i~ t 11<' t•nst' (1 1' 11 c>t, l1c 1 vn11 lentl i11 111c ...,,11 11 ,, 111 11i1 1~ J) J'<J– ur:t111 <ll' tilt' <"lttt r <·h. ;i tl <l '-i11<>1t l<l clc> :-;(). J 11 l'<)1l<'lll"i<lll t1 l ll;l\ l l<' 8H ic l • tl1nt t<J<> <>f1t• 11 rl 1>c1"'1c> r fpp ]" li1 t lr l)l' Jl<l l'l'~ l)l)ll~tl>i }if > f <> Jl)<' HSP ]1is })(\<> t)lP t>r t<1 p: i,~r l1i111~c,l f' 1o <1 11 )· !.!l'l'clt (lt'g'J'((l 1<> t l1ci ,, orlc or t l1r 111 i1 1i"tl') '". 'I here a r e, l)Crll ,lJ)s. fp,,· ])l'<)fp~"i (>l l~ 111 , , ·l 1i ·11 cl 1,l /,.\" ]1 l }' – ~()11 (',l ll g·et 1>~" as , ,rp}] a. i11 t l1 0 J),t:·"tor ntP: l111t , <)11 t l1r c>t l1r1· l1c1 11cl . tl1tlrp is 11011c i 11 ,,·l1iel1 1~rc1l ·011. r– c·rcltPtl ct11cl eo11ti1111011 "' lal101· j , :o 1·i • 11 l ,r 1'<1"\\"a r l ecl . • .tilt E 1ro [ T [ ,.\ T T IIE ]? . 1 ( 1 E ? ( 1 on t inl1fd from page 4) T)ec1r rr,1cler. ,,·011lcl , ,. o t1 lil{e ~ tl1i. 1>1·ize, thi. l)eacr ,,·it l1 -:r ocl ? rr l1e11 a<·rept .J r. ll.' 1 h1·ist a: )'"Ollr S a ,~iot11~, a11 c1 c lai 111 hi. p romi. e of olcl, a11d J" ... rt a pro111i. e that i. 0,.. e1' 11e\,T: · ::\Iy p eare I lea,.. e ~Tot1, 1ny peace I give 11nt o 3 · o 11 • ( • Jo111 1-1: :27 ) . I f th i 1 e ) "Ol l r experie1 rr. t l1e11 >"011 can t 1~11tl1£11l l,.... a-·v· tl1at J' Or- . .. 4.RE . " I\" TlIE Il A C'E. ' 'r] 1(.'~P (} 1i 11g'S <10J l l l l1H ll ( ( Hild t <'H<· l1. J J<' t 11c) 111 11 11 , IPSJ>i ~(' f h.v ·' ()t tf l1: l>t tt 1>1' t h<,t l , 11 1 ('X Hll l J>IP qf- t liP J,,, l i<'\T('l'S, i11 \V() l'CI. i 11 ('{) l) \ ' l'l'SH t i<> tl , i 11 <·l1Hr it .\ 1 • i 11 s 1>i 1· it . j 11 f nilh, j 11 ]) \11' j f ) ' • ' f' j 11 I (' l > l l 1 ( ' , ~.!,' j \ 7 (' H 1- 1P11c l c-1 11 <'P 1<> 1·pc1 cl i1 1µ:. fc, c·x lic> r ta t i<> ll, l e> clc>c·t r i11P. ~Pµ;lP<·t 11 ,, t t h g·ift fJ 1a1 i. i 11 f}lPP, \Vh i<•) ) '\ 7 ,l ,' g·i,,e11 t 11<'<' 11.\· J) l' <) J>l1 cc·.\", ,v i1 Ii tl1c }a., · i1 1~ () Jl <>f 1}}P h , lll ( IS C)f' 1 )1~ l >l' P, - ll ) ' f (' l ' .\·. :\ l rc li1Ht P llJ)() l l t '1P~P t l1i 11g·~; g l \ '{' t }1yr1..,p]f ,y h c> }l _\ f(J f h P Jll: t }1af t l 1.\ T l) )' 0 r 11111 µ: 11 l }l ~. H ] ) ]) (' ( l l' t () a 11. rI,,11,P l1eec l ll l l1<) t ll \ \ 0l f. cll1C I l ll l to • t 1 <" < 1 o <' 1 r i 11P ; < • o11 t i 11 t 1 r. i 11 t I 1 e 111 : fo1' i11 l oi11g t h i\ t ho11 : halt l,ot 11 ·a,·c-> th, 1 • r lf . a11cl t J1em tl1,1t hear .. thee.' '- I T i111ot l1,.. 4: 11 -1(1 • t TR F ELLOW~ 1 IIIP PAGE ( 011ti11urcl f r o111 page 11 ) Joyce Funk, daughter of Ralph Funk, cha irman of the trustees, h as been called to b e Director of Religious Educa tion. She gr adua ted with honors from the Moody Bible Institute in June and immediat ely came home to begin h er work. HUNTSBURG BAPTIST The Huntsburg Baptist Church was r eceived into the fellowship of the GARBC at Rochest er , Minn. Last year it was r eceived into our own associa– tion. SSIONS with your PRAYERS, GIFTS, INFLUENCE Help the FELLOWSIDP OF BAPTISTS FOR -., HOME MISSIONS ~ Rechnrch America with Sound Baptist Churches P .O. Box 455 MAKE THE MOST • OF COLLEGE YEARS AT Gain a Christ-Centered e ducation with degree in ARTS*, SCIENCE**, MUSIC *o ffering maj o rs in Bible, Music, His tory and the So cia l Sciences, English, and Physical Educatio n. **offering mo jors in Phys ica I Sciences, Bio– log ical Science,, Christian Educat ion, and Business Administrat ion. Als o available, Psychology and Ed uca tion courses. Elyria, Ohio W R I TE FOR CATALOG TODAY CEOAP.Vl l l f, OHIO JAM ES T JEREM IAH, President •