The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1959

l· 1 I •) 1 t 1, t l 1(' ( 1 :l 1 t \ I\ } 1' t l l l \ l 11 irt, " •t·,) 1, l .. \ 1111 tln I 1\ I cet i 11g· • ( r 1 l (' ) I l i ( \ ' '() t. i a t i () 11 () r 1 ~ e !! l l - }n r 1 ~ a I > , l l l 1\ 1 r e 11 t' ~ . ' l' 11 <' 11 c' ,, llllflll' ()I tilt' l' lf' ' '('tl {( c)})l' 1; cl }) t is 1 I 1\ l 1' r ] 1 i 11 ~ l) l' 11 \ !.!' r i (' 1 (l 1--. 11 \ p l)1 a (. t) () r l) l l' (\ t i l l u. . ,. J l l " t t l ) " <' (\ t l 1 i " r 1', t 111 i 1 () r ( 1 !.! r () ,, 111 !.!' (' 1111 r e 1 , t)llltl l)l' :lll llltllll.'Plll('llt f't) l• t'\ ,\r.,· t·l1t11·t·l1 to l) e r t\})l'P"<\11trcl . \\. (' Hl'f' l'\.})\'l"lllll'llfitl!! \\ltll cl t,,<) a11tl ,l l1c1lt' dc-1,· c·<) 11 t'<' r e11er • c1 11 t l ,, <) 11,1r r 11 c),, , , t~ e ,111 !.?. et t' , · l' 1•, t 11 111 o c ·r C> , , cl P cl i 11 : l> l t t t 11 e . ~ \"t\r, ,l1c)rt11r,~ of it :-l1<)11lcl r 11 - • c ()lll',l!.!'l' nll t<) tr,~ 1<) ,1c1, 1<> tl1r • • ,·rr,· 1,1, t b'11<'llic·ti<)11. '\\T r ea11't • 1111 l l l \ r, t ,111 l l 1 < >, , a 11 , · o 11 e ,, l 1 o l 1 a s • t~t,tt~ll of t}1p 1>}ps~l l li!_~ {)f SllC' }l itlll<)\,·,]1i1) c·(> ll l tl ~ta)· cl\\ ' H~" fo r ,111, tllitl!.?. le," tl1a11 . i<'l\11e~:--. C) l' • tll\atl1. 1.,11 0--. e ,,,.110 eare little i'o1· , 11t· l1 111ee t i11g~. (l r c1o 11ot e,·e11 1Jl)t l1rr t<) r ,lcJ t l1e a . oeiatio11al 111ng,1 zi11e 11111~t j11st br tl1c1t \\"cl)'" l) \ 1 Hll~t' 1 }1(>,. l1c1,·r 11r,,. r tcl:t cl • t l 1 e \\. ( 1 () t 11 {' {) r b l' (l t l 11· e]) ] 11 ee t - i110· to~eth p1· i11 1111it,... To tl1e111 ,,·e • ,,.()lllcl gi,·e a ~J)eeia] i11,·it ,1t io11 a11cl ~a)·. ··( "0 111e tl1011 ,\·ith 11~, a11 l ,,·e ,,·ill cl<) tl1ee irood.' ' I f 11 o t l 1 i 11 u e 1. e e,1 11 1 r o, ·r t 1 1 e ,·,1l11e or belo11t.ti1 1u· to a f11ll,.. ' . , · c>lt111t,11·,· cl". O<'i,1tic)11 <)f i11cle- • 11e11cle11t 1~aJ)tist el111 rt'l1 es , a l 1 IRf1 \\... () l ~ I..J n . ~ T () t t }1 at t 11 e .._ i p p11 (' pr l'l111rt l1. aeti,·e a. it l1c1 . bee11 i11 t l 1 e I I e b 1· < > 11 ,111 < l . t ,1 t e a : "o c• i a t i o 11 ~ . 11eeclecl 11l'l1 I roof: bt1t tl1e r e– ,11011:--.e fro111 i. ter el111rc-l1e .· ,l l] o,·e1· tl1e :tate "l1011lcl cle1no11strate 10 ot l1 er · tl1at a ·o<·i,1t io11al fe l– l () ,, "11 i 1) i" 111o re t 1 a 1 1 cl 11a 1ne. J>a t<>r ...\ 1an1 fcl l t ~a,T tl1at l' lose .. t<> • ·2.000 l1a . eo111r i11 gift· f1·or11 ,1,te1· ·l1111·c·l1e . i11el11cli11g a fe,v tl1at a1·e ,,·]1011~" i11c1e1)e11cle11t . llov\l <lit1 it all C<> 111e abot1t? "\\Tel l. a })a,t,>1· i11 t11e H el)1·011 ..1:\ ssoeiatio11 ,e11t lette1· cl bc)11 t tl1e fi1~e to all ,>, {>11r l'l111rC'l1r" . tl1e (>113 tolcl tl1e ,t r~-. ,111cl '><> clic1 tl1 e BcllJti. t I ~1111 ti11. Ir it 11a<1 11ot bee11 fo r tl1at J)11blic1t~·. it i"'> clc>tLl)tf11] ,,·l1etl1er ,·e1·>· 11111c·J1 ,,·oLtl cl l1a,·e • ·()111 P 111. X c) t () 11 l ~ · i a 11 a o c i a 1 i o11 cl 111e,111 .~ <)f 11111t11al l1P1J1 i11 ti111e.· of 11 Pel. l)11t a 111e,111 of i111..i1)ir,1tic)11 . .\ s,1111JJlt· <>fit c·a11 J)e f()ll11cl i11 tl1e l· all Har , r"t ~1111,l,1,· • ·(·ltclc>l • < 11r,·,t ,,1· ,l y·e,1r ,1u·o. 1.,11at "ti111- 11latecl . o 11111cl1 f ri e11cll ~v· c· o111p ti– tic>i1 tl1,1t <>111 ,ti·c~ \\ 011< ler i11 0· ,v J1\· ("" . *Illli' 111 t f)l•l~J•.,Nl)ENT 31\ JST Ml~ ctll<ll lier l'< >tllt'~l ha~ 11c>t l>C'<'ll Jll n 1111t '< l l'c1 r tlt1"' ln ll . \\·<,11 . it 1,11' t 1t)<l 1,tt<' t<> gc> (<> ~1>ri11gl'iPlcl r1 t l ( l 111 n 1\ c n t 11 < > t i < > 11 t I 1 ct t ,, <' ~ I l c> 11 - ~ () 1' cl ~ l ) l' i l l g· ( 1 () 111 (' ~ t . ~ () 1' 1-1 I 1() l t I( l \\(' c>\t' rl clc)lt the i,1~J)ir,1ti<>11 th ,t1 !!<>C'S {)111 1C) 111()81 C)!' ()111' tlllll'<' ll PH ' <'' <'r., 111 c> 11t l1 tl1r<>t1g·J1 <> 1tr I•'r ll o,,r_ ~11i1> l) nµ:<'s i11 t he () II ~ . .Jl c1:'{br ,,·p ~11 c>11lc l 0111)· ,,·c) rl" 0 11t c>I' 111tre 1 <),· f < > 1· • l 1 r is 1, 1111 t r,· E11 I a 11 l r evc)g·11ize<l tl1 ,1t J)POJ)lr g·i,· a11(l ,,·c>1·l, l) tt rr \\· l1e 11 111(>,. ,11· r .· tin1- • lt lat c>cl b,· t llP ll P\\ ' 8 Of \\' }la t C> t}1r r8 • HOW TO FIND BJ_JESSED HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH 'l"c>ll clo11't 11 c.1 to . ta,, • l1c>111e fr o111 ol11· • ..\111111c1l 1\Iee t - i11 g· fc) r fea r )' C> 11 ec111't fi11cl tl1e l1ost e l1t1rc· l1, fc> r it:. ea ) 7 • I t i~ ~it,:a t ecl jt1st a l> ot1t 011 bloc1{ ea:t of Tl ig·l1,,·a>r 6 j11 th e 1 ortl1 part of t}1e r it)r. J 11 t lcepp l oc)lci11g· fcJ1~ a st1·eet ~ ig·n t l1at sa )·s . l{ e 11s i11µ:t o11 J>la ·e. To , it is11'i X c>1·tl1 or Ho11tl1 l\ c 1 11 si11g·tc>11 11 a r 1>)'" tl1at 1·t111 t() tl1e ,,·e.· t. rr11is i.· l~e11 :i11g·t o11 1 1 lr1c·e tl1at r 1:.11: 0111, .. to the • east. So \\' ]1 11 ~To11 .-e tl1at :ig;11 ~"Oll jtL' t c·a11 't t11r1l th ,,· r o 11g· \ \' a'\' . for t l1rre is 0 11ly c>11e \\r<1,,. . ._ . t o t t 1 r 11• I~,.. t h e ,,· ,1 ,r . t he • • c: l111rcl1 \\"' ill l1a ,,e a s i g:11 tl1 r e, t oe>, to ]1elp yo11. a1·e lc)ing·. ~\ 11)~ IJa .·tor , ·.,,· 11 0 ,va11t l1i: })eo1)l e to cl o 11 0111 ' "i.· itati c>11, l1ol cl 1·e,,i,·al c:a 111J)a ig·11 : , clo some– t l1i11g fc>1· the y<)t111cr p opl e, 01· e 11 l a 1·g · e t 1 e c 11 t 1 rel 1 1 > l ,111 t . , ,· o11l d cl o \\' el] t<) gt all 11is fa111i li eL to . t1b 'C'ribe to t l1e a:. oe iati o11al 111;-1g·azi11e. The11, cl.' t l1ey 1·eac1 \V 11<1 t c)ther a1· cl oi11g·, t l1e)T ,,·ill ag·r ee ,,·it 11 hi111 get Ollt of old r11t. . a11 l atte111pt n p,\· tl1j11g· f o1~ ( : ocl. I-Tl R IT , rr ~\ TI TT . ~ ,1111e e lit 1·jal , b t11 a 11e,v ap- 1 l itatio11 . \\T]1a t ,,Te 11a,re a ]1·eacl~,. ~,1ic1 c1ho11t tl1e , ·a lt1e.· of a11 a~- ~<)t ia tio11 a11 cl t 1 e i 11 . pi1·a tion <) f r eacli11g· ,,·l1at c>the1·s ctrr ,loi11g·, 1 1, t 1111· ,111 > T l) 1· i 11 !! . 11 1 ) 111 <' < 1 t l es 1 i <> 11 S<'J) l •rnl J ' t' 1!l!l MU(ll ,,·hc' t hc 1 r \V <' s }1 c>t tl cl r<' S lt tll <' <>r 1'<>1·- 0,·pr c1 1·c> 1) t 11<1 J>r i11ti11g <>I' th<' ~tct1is1it· s C)tl l' c· l1 t1 1· c· J1 rs SP tl cl i11 . ,,r ,r l1c'1 l lP I' \VP ~llc>11lcl ()Ill)" J) 1·i111 H Sl llllltlH)'\ HS \\' P, cli cl la s t , .{' HJ' \ • t • l> c1 11 <> t It H8 I> r r 11 i 11 < • I t 1 c l e cl i 11 1 J I P lc 1 tt rr <>l t1· <· le rl< l1,1s jttst se1 11t <>tt1 \\ 1 it l1 tl1r s t,1ti Hti c·al l, 1a 11l<s~ ,1 11cl 0,1r l1 c- ]111rel1 s l1c>11J cl \' <>te for <>1· ,1g·a in: t a.· it fee ls l{_)cl of' thr I-I cJ ly ' Hpirit. Ij 1 it 11ot J> • aicl that \\"C <'fll'<' : o l i t t 1 t I 1 at \,Ve < 1 o 1 1 o t e ,, r 11 , · < > t e . 111 tl1at c·aHe tl1 r clito1· ,vot1lcl 11ot 1>la111e tl1e C 1 01l11 ·il £ 'l 1 e11 i f tl1e y , ,oted to cli .· 1 <)11ti11t1e t l1e s tati~– tic:al table. ,,. J1 a\'f.l ·arri ecl for 11ea1·ly thi1·tv year. i11 the T O\' em- .. . . b r i. tl of tl1 e 113. V\rh:V" Rpe11cl 111011ey fo r p1--i11ti11g· tl1r1n if pa .·– to1-.· ancl ·ht11·c_·]1(l: c1o 11o t c·ar(>~ Hov. 1 ,,er WOlll l it be w1--ong if 111e eclitor 11rg·e. a ·011.1icl e1~atio11 of the , ·al 1e of the e . tati t ic: b e fo r e 1"0ll vote a. a ch11rch ? \\Te .. l1r1,Te had a ),.ear to thi11k i t o, 1 er ancl hea1· the tom111e11t of . ome ,)f th e pa. to1-. , · a1 d it i ." Ollr 0,,,11 p er· 011al opi11ion that ll h . tati. - ti c. , of membe1--s ,,,.011 01· lo. t of hapti 1118 of mo11 e~: g·i,· 11 101"' 1 o ·al a11 1 111 i: ·io11a ry vvor l{. are 11ot a11 orca:io11 of e11~{, ,. at all b11t • (~1·e in. pi1"'a tio11 al . Tb e~r are n o cli ffe1·ent i11 pri11 ·iple f1--om t l1e .· 11cli11g· i11 of ch11rc 1 11ew ; a11d ,v hat \Ve 11lcl be t 11 e g·oocl of ha, 1 i11g· a 111ag·azi11r or e,·e1 a11 a..·o ·iatio11, j f it ,,.. er e to l)e co11 iclerecl a ' i11 to . ha1· e ,,.. i t l1 011 r b1--eth1~e1 ,v l1a t c: oa ha helped ll. t o a compli h ? If Ollr fl11 dame11 tal mo,· n1 e11t ha: ha<l any ,,·ea lr11e. : . it ha l 1 ee11 a t en cl e11~)r t o be 11e~:ati, 1 e :111d ti e it. el f 11p in k11ot t111til it 1. afraicl t<> cl o a 11~'"tl1i11 g· fo 1~ fe a1-– C)f off e11c1i11g· t l1 e . ·1~t1ple. of . on1e good brot 11 e1· OI' • i. te1--. 0111 e el111r ·11 ·011 titl1tio11. a1~ like t l1at - tl1e,· t1·,r to l)i11d th c ll lll' (•}1 t o • • a . et pa tter11 of org·a11izatio11 a11cl pra ti e f 01-- all time to co1ne and to r fg l1latr ea ·h n1i11t1te of a - t i,·itv 11ntil the1·e i.· 11 0 1·00111 fo r .. t lie H oly pirit to leac1 i11to more l)rofitable . er,rire. Jll. t b all. e th o]cl Bapti. t a .·~ o ·iatio11.. t1 eel t(> r al lo11g· cht1r ·11 l etter a11cl hoa: t of c1ll t l1e go l c1011 a11cl t·o,· r o,.. e1· all t l1 ba c.1, a11cl e11cl lll) b)"' ·a)'"i11g, Br tl1ren, p1~a)T. :fo r 11:,' ' \,\rp )1 a,·r .lll lll})e(l to t ]1e c·c>11c·l tl:io11 tl1at <l ll r e1)01·ti11 g is . 111 l' .tl clll Cl 111\l~t ll t> t l )P <l< >ll t) .