The Ohio Independent Baptist, September 1959

I ]1p l•'trst lln1)tis1 { lttll' t ' ll ()t' l\ l.,1·i .1 l l ,ls a \ t'l',\" , ' :l]):tlll' l'ltll {l l lll' , ,, s1Hl \ t 1( tllt' 1 1,t,)I' ~( I'. l :l \ 1 1, : \ 1 \ ( '. \\ l l <l i s l' :tllt tl ~l i11i~- tl' l' ( 1 \ , ,111, a11,l ~l11sit•. r1 ltl' · , l 1: t I t f t l 1 :1 t t i 1 l l, , , t, t 1 l t l , , 'e 111 t l· ,ill f r all 111, t1111 P . Hl' t'<}rcl – i 11u 1 ) t 11(' l"l'l)())' ' ' • r .1t·t i,·it ll' ' lll tl l t' 1~} l ~ .. \ lll\\t,ll l{t'l)tll't. Hllt l \ \ . l l l l 1 J 1 i t \\. t' l' l' l \ ( t I l) 1' H l \ H l~- li\"f• '\ l'\ltll l 1 tlllllllittf'C ltt'Htlt'll 1)) .. \ rtl111r \\" l), l"l' n11tl l1i" 111c111, • • llt' ll t.'l' ' ·111p ,a111' 1, tr11e 111 tl1e Jll\1 , i1. (lt?l)Hl't lllt'llt , .\11 111~ t itlll 1 e ()ltlll l)l' tnl,l'll ,,1111 l1i~ 11111ltiple– ,·l1< ii' })J'()~l'illll it it \\ ('\'(' llt)t ~() ,,· , 11 or g a 11 i z P (1. \\ ... (' t t' ll t l 1 e "'to 1· ~ • ' ,.L)l' tl1c 11 lp c111d i11~1)iratio11 it 1111~11 g·i, t' t)tl1c r el11l r el1e~ - l>11t ,,· i t l 1 t l 11 "' , ,· ,11• 11 i 11u : l) t) 11 • t ex p e l' t , · ( lll' ()11 ~ fl1 ll ti111c ,,·orl{r r. tl1 • 1)<1,tor. to t•arr~· 011 ,l si111ilar pr - ~ rn 111. t' , . e11 if 11 e 11 a~ a ca})abl e a 11 t l ,,· i 11 i 11 g , , ifr . It <. l o e. 1·e q 11 i r .... c1 f11ll ti111) ,1 . si~t,111t . 11eh a. t l1e 1·.,ir,t ( l111 r 11 <)1 F-'1, ·ria l1a. . • Tl1e1· i~ a 1~ri111a1·,· B.'I .l i-. 1111- • clr.1· t l1e 1 ,1cle1· · l1ip of Dor ot 1 ~· J a)", ,,·l1t1 }1a t,,·o ,1 ·i ,ta11t. . ~ 11 c1,·er – age of 3()_;33 bO}"~ a11 l o i1·l n 1eet , '1111(la~· e,·e11i11g ,,· hile tl1eir par- 11 t" a11cl olde1· brotl1 l' a11c1 i t e1\ l1a ,·e their o,\ ·11 . er,·ice:. Tl1e,T .. e11jo~- . i11gi11g of ·1101·l1:e: l ea1·11 Bible ,·e1-. es. a11ll l1a ,·e Bible a11cl ~11i ~io11a1·~.. 1es, 011 ·. .._ pecial l)l' O– u-1·ar11. fo1· thei1· 111othe1-.· a11cl eo11 - • te. t keep llp the int er e t. Th e J t111 i or B.T . l.... i.· le l b, .. .. (; ail 111 i t h a11 cl 1 1-- t, ,to h e 1 p e 1• ". The,- l1a,·e }1acl a. 111a11·v· a: -13 • • 11re ·e11t. ~Ii. · '- 1nit l1 :a~.. , · l11" 111eeti11g. 111t1. t l1a,·e ,·a1·ietv to .. keep tl1eir a tte11tion. llI' pla11 i 11ot tl1at ,,Te 11t 1·tain them. lJ11t tl1at eac·l1 .Jt1uio1~ take. l)art i11 011e ,,·a1 .. or a11otl1er :· .. Tl1e I11te1--r11ecliate B.T.1-. i: lec1 l),.. )fr. a11l ::\11 ... . D,1,·icl 8111itl1. .. T }1 e ~.. a,· e r age ] 5 i 11 at t e 11 cl a 11 C' e a11cl ha,·e a ,·a1·iecl p1·og1·a111 of cle– bate . B1l)lP t11clie . a11cl 11lent)" of 11111: ic. ._ 0111 e ti111e . t 11 e,.. ta lre • c o111 plet e · l1,1rg e a11cl tl1 e 1 r,1 c1 er: , it i11 t }1 ba c l{g rc>t111cl. Jark Pa,·11 i tl1e leade1· c1 f tl1e • Hi£rl1 ~tl1or>l B.T.t-. a11cl ... \rth111" D,·k e i l1i · a "i ta11 t. Tl1e at- • te11cla11 ·e i:· 3() to 4<J. Tl1e,· l1a ,·e • lli c·t1 io11, a11 cl clebatf c,11 l1 c l1 t o1)i ·: ,1 clati11g-. e11te1·tni11111e11t . ·.. a11 cl la:t fall Pa t <)l' Rev·11l1011t ~ ga,~e a "erie"' 011 ··Tl1e ;l1ri tia11 H l,111e:· Tl1 )r take pa1't iii tl1e lJi-,,·eekl~· pra~·e1 11 1 eti11{f at the ( 111 J,;J ,·1·in ) \l( ' \ . H lltl <>l'tc'II "<> <lll • <>l1li1l~~ ;tlltl ~lt<)l' t tri1ls . 1 l l1t\ ( ttl llt'O(\ l l,l) l'\1111 ('it l'l'i<'~ (> II c1 <, (} 11 t \ g P - l t \ \' l' I <) I' 1 1 1 l) l <' s l , 1 < 1., . n 11 < l (lf°tl'll tnl,t'"' ~l <l(l(l,r 1,, ~tit11l e ('())'- • l'l' '-,l)()lltlt'llt"l' ('(ll ll '~('S. ' l'llP lll – "t r t t<·1 <l1·, l1n, P l>l'P11 1>}1"'t <l l' l~l'\ ,, _ • lt()ttt, ,Jnel, l.,a, 11<', I n, l{nrtl1c>l<>- • • 111P,, . n 11(1 I• r<' <l 1 ~ l'tt 11Pr . )•: 11cltlg}1 !'()l' llll<' 111,ll\ (<> Slll)l'l'– \ is(' J \~r~. l>11t tl1err is nlso ,l 1) i <) 11 t' e r ( ; i r 1 s t> r g cl 11 i za ti<> 11 , , vi 1 11 (1() ~.r irl~ i11 tl11·l' e t?,l'Olll)~ , sc,· 1· c1 l of ,,· 11(>111 lt,l\'e bee 11 brot1gl1t to ( il1rist . J i rs . ~J,1111 rs Je,,·e ll is tl1e ge11<'\r}tl c:l1air111c111 c111tl sl1e }1a: ~·e ,·(' 11 ,1. s ist,111ts tl1at t,11<:<' ear of t lie 111re r g·rc)11p. . 'l 1 l1 11 tt1 )r e i. cl Jt111ior :\l i1111t e ni e11 g:rolll) ,,·i 1 :3 3--1-0 bO)\-' a tt 11cl i11~:. ,J ac lr I a3~11c 1R (1 irect<)l' a11 l th 1·e a1--e eigl1 t l1<'lper.:. 'fl1e ,vo1~l< i ·e11t 1·e l i11 1 l11·istia11 li,ri11g, thou~:}1 it e111- J) lo~"· 111a11~.. of the 111etl1od · of .. rot1ti11p:. r1 HF_J ~Il~ISTRY F 11 .. I 1 ' all k110\\r ,\ .. ho l1a, ...e a ttenc1ed 0111· a::ociatio11al 1n eti110· . J a ·k })ay 11e is pre-en1i11i 11 tl3r a 1n ll– . icia11. H e ha. clo11 mt1 11 t o 111alre tl1 111 l1, ic of Fir t Bapti t tl1 lJe. t i11 the c:ity. H e ay 110,,r_ e,,.e1· ··r a111 of tl1e 1nind that ot11· labo1-- i11 1nl1:ic i jt1. t o·etti110· ll11de1· \\"ay. (}ocl ha. 111a11Jr hi11g ' i11 • tor· fo1· ot1r rl1t11·cl1 f1·om 110,v 011 tl11·011g}1 t l1e 111i11i:t1·y of the c hoi1·. ." \\Titl1 tl1e h elp of a11 acti,·e ::\ f l1. ie ( (<> n1111ittee , l\Ir. Pay11 ca1·- 1·ie 0 11 a n1t1ltipl -cl1oir prog1"an1. Th e C 1 ha11ce I 1 11 oir i. 111acl e 11p of 3:3 aclt1lt ·l1111·e h n1 en1lJe1·: . Tl1e ( 1 }1ap l 1 l1oir eo11si.· i . of ;3 Hig·l1 ~ • ·hool )... ot111g l)eople. 'rhe).. l1a,~e their 1·el1ea1··al >-.- t111clay afte1"- 110011:. ,,·ith 11111 ·h . er,·ecl by thei1· 111otl1 e1·... .. o tl1 e} .. can ·tav 1--io·ht on fo1· tl1 e T1 .. ai11i11g l 11io11 a11 l the e,re11i11g el1t1:r c l1 e1·,ri ·e. Tl1 a1--ol (hoi1· i ... 111a 1 11p of 45 J 1111io1· . Tl1e}" took a \ 'ery acti,·e pa1 .. t i11 tl1e 1·e,·i,,.a l a11cl Ea. t e1· e 1 .. ,·ice. . Tl1e hori. t er hoir i made llP of 14 I11ter111e liate girl· ancl tl1 }"' al.-- o took a11 acti,re par·t i11 tl1e 1·e · n t e,,.a11o·eli tic 1neetin .. Fi11all,.. , there i · a :\Ien ~ 1 hor11. . • ,,,. }1i · h . i11 o £1--om tin1e to time. ' I,h <' (I l l l' S I i ( l l l t I I P P ( I i 1 <) I• h rl ( l j 11 Ill itt<I \ VHS ht>\\' 1\t'c>( ht·r J>" \ ' llP ' Jl l H 11n gr.s 1() g·pf ('()()])Pl'H I ic)}) 11 l'{'( S- ~}l l',\ l'<>r '-it1c·l1 ;1 largp J)l'<>g ra111 . j { e H 11 "'\\' P l '"', f j I':-.. { H l> C >\ t 1 Ji i S <• It C > j I'S ,, l1il'l1 l,11{<' ttJ> 1r1c)~1 <>I' his 1i111c. 11 Scl)'~ tl1r ,·p1·., l'ac·f hr, ·a1r1) ,1~ ,l 1'1111 1i111 (li1·p<·tor <) l' 1r1tt. ic· lllH(l P tl1r c·ht11·c·}1 PXJ)P('1 ll P \\' Hl1Cl l)ig tl1i11gs, ,111cl l1r t<>Ol{ ,1cl, ct11taoe ~ of it tc) . t<lrt 1)lt1gg i11g· f<>r }1is 11111lti11le-c·l1oir icle,1 1·igl1t ,1\\'cl~"· Il e 8<>lcl it to tl1e ~111 . ir ( 1 0111mit– tc>e a11cl ,1ll,·erti~rcl it ,vrll by a11 - ~ 11 c>1 t11e e n1r11t s , 111ail, JJl1011) a11 l J)erR011al c:011taet~. That ,,ray peo– J)le wa11tecl to fret i11 011 tl1i/ 11e\\r, biµ: tl1i11g· a11cl he l1acl 110 pa1·– tie11la1" 11"obl e111 of r· e e1·t1it111e11t . T0\\ 7 that l ha,,e the111. ' he :a)"· , Ho,·v do k eep tl1em ? \\re ~t1·i,·e fol· goal. aro1111cl here. Tl1e g·1·eate. t goal i.· to b1·i11g ho11or aucl 0·101--~T t<> J e. ' ll h1"i t , for ,,·ithc>ut it \\"e ' '"Olllcl lltter1,.,. fail. ()tl1 1.. g·oal. are nece a1"'J'" ·if the i11t e1·e t of tl1e eh oi1.. i to be 111ai11tai11ecl. In orde1· to keep all tl1e c11oir. acti,,.e ancl ali,,. e J'i o·h t 111) to the la t ,,re pre ent a11 a1111t1al .· p1·i11g· n1l1 ical in Jl111e ,,·hi ch emplo)r all the choir . \\Te prepare fo1· t11i. mo11th i11 ad– , ,.a11ce a11 cl 1rol1 can . ee how their .. i 11 ter·e. t ,vo11lcl l{eep ali,.. e. In thi btl, ine ~ "\"Ol1 }1a, .. e t o o·i,re and .. take. I l1a \"e lea1·necl that people l1a,· their· o,,r11 iclea e,,.en abol1t 1111l ic. J10,,{i110· 11111t11al 1 .. e p e t, t l1e~v· acl111ire 111e for tl1e leacler hip a11 l I a lmi1·e then1 fo1· thei1~ co– ope1·a ti 011." He a,\ a11,.. 11t1111ber of choir . ... f'a11 be 11 eel i11 a cl1l1r·ch. The ('1}1a11 ·el hoir i11g mo t of tl1e 11101·11i11g· "'/Or l1ip er,,.ice . The ot he1 .. cl1 oir · ,11·e 11.. eel i11 the 1no1·11- i11~; p e1·io li ·all)'" . The e,.. ening . e1·,,. ice. a1 .. e c1i ,·ided bet,·r ee11 all t he c l1oir. . T11e l1ig'11 jl1ool cl1oi1· g·1"ot1p ~:et 111a 11~ .. 01)po1·tl1nitie to . i11g i11 otl1e1· ·l1l1r ·he a11d at 11·i tma time the,T ino· at • ba11l{. t1p t o,v11 a11cl i11 local fac- to1·ie. . He fee l. that a mt1ltiple choi1· . )'"- ten1 ha. :e,"e1--al acl,... a11tag'e . It ke ep . the cli1--e to1· i11 tol1cl1 ,,,. itl1 ma11y ag'e 0·1·ot1p. . It Jre ep · tl1e. ag·e g ·1,011p · inte1·e tel in the cl111rch. It reac he 11e \ 1 { boJ.. and @i1~1 . a11d thei1~ pa1"e11t. . It p1·0- , ·id . inge1· £01· tl1e olcle1-- choi1-. · a the yo1111g· 1· 011e a l , ,.a11ce i11 a g·e. •