The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1959
IR l I \1rtt l"ll ~=~~~~~==--------T_l...;,l .... ]~"' <J lllO lNl RPENO}i~N1" 13 I TIST -------------O~rlo11 ·1· 1nr 1 n Fl Rs ~ \} tf lS r·. ~all i}-)Olis Tl, \ 0\111 }}t; lllt' ol ~"'ir"t Ba})tist l'ld1,11it1l! l,i .. 1l1in.l.!, lot tl1is fall ll 4 (ll t't' till' ~l' l\101 \ O\ttl1 \\ 111 ll .. l\ , ·1 \ k l t · l'• ogr:1111. ,, 1tl1 l{ , D,,lt• , 11,1,1·1 l)t 1,ia ..,s tlll' Sl)L',1kcr Tl1 "tl T(''' 1!'1t11 tl, tl1 , ·~· 1 11(i tl1t' Yol111g Pco- 1 }l, \\ tll s}ll)l\~01 i l \\ C k Of l' VHl'l.– g 1"::-t H .. ~ S(' l\\<.'lS ,vitl1 Re,· Kc1rl 1111th f '\',111 c11, as tl1 ,,·a11gt.,l1st. c.. .\l \ n ~\R\. Br\PTI T, :\l .. 11111111gtOl'\, \\ \T Cl Tl, Cl, lsca tock,,·t'll n1ect111gs .:·\ t1g 9-2~~ pro,· ' d a real succ s , with f i, t' co11 ,·('1-... 1011 a11d on restora lion. Cl1urcl1e.. \\'i ... l11ng to have this gifted "" ' a11g 11 t can reach him by writing to h 1 n1 at Br adl ',', Vv'" . Va. GR.'\.CE BAPTIST. Sunburv ~ ttg. 26th this ne\\ 1 ly organized church ,,oted to seek fellowship in l)oth the Ohio and General Regular Bapti t A sociations. Pastor George Zinn teaches mu ic at Cedarville Col– lege and often goes out as song leader 1n re,,i\•als. and so is a very busy man He reports that the church meets in the Sunbury High School and has an attendance of 50 to 55. May th e Lord richly bless them as they come into our fellowship at Springfield and especiall:y as they continue to strive for souls in and around Sunbury. FUNDAMENTAL BAPTIST, Tallmadge Evangelist D. E. Luttrell of Braden– ton. Fla ., is in the midst of meetings "\\·ith Pastor B. F. Cate and his mem– bers. September is a poor month for evangelism. but we are sure this hard ,vorking team will bring r esults. FIRST BAPTIST 1 Bowling Green A Class for Retarded Children h as been organized, with Mrs. Clarence Townsend as the teacher . Since so f e\\· churches have sur.h a class this may be the me::3ns of reaching new families-especially parents who have had to stay home and care for that most beloved of all their childr en. This way they can bring the child and themselves enjoy a parents class. BETHEL BAPTIST, Erie, P a. The late Vacation Bible School, Aug. 10- 21, proved a real success, with a total enrollment of 499, average at– tendance of 317, and with over 2.000 Bible verses memorized. Besides this their_mission church, G::irden Height~ Baptist Church, where Eric Larson is uastor. held their DVS at the same tjme and had a high of 103 in attend– ance. WHEELERSBURG MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH The church has had a wonderful year financially under the leadership of P astor Martin Holmes. A total of S16,706 was given in ten monhts but the analysis is more interesting. ' The missionary giving was 16r/r of the whole. much higher than in the past oa~to:'s salary took nearly 19rt, , th~ hu1ld1ng fund received a little over 30r,. and local expenses and Sunday school took 35 r i . BIBLE BAPTIST, Bedford Sept. 5th. at the Youth Time Hour Pastor Edw. Morrell spoke on "A Young Man with Conviction" in a Stu- L IP dc11t 's 1 4 ar \\•ell Scrv1c: '. 1"<.""11 of th vot111g p 01)1 <ll'<' ~oi11g away to scl1001 - fot1r o f tl1c111 to C clarv1ll Coll .,g . J> TOR MEl.1VI EL H LE VE FI DL 1\ I' t 1· ,1 I' cl lth I'l l 1 }) cl s t C> l' H 1 C <> f' 11Pc11·l)" tr11 . ' Cclrs at t l1e Ji,i rst ] a }) t i 8 t 1 l l l l r (' l 1 () r 1 1 ill ( l l cl)' ' I \".... \l rl,· i11 "\\relt l1 }1a s 1·e– .· ig·11 ecl to c1c·c· 1 pt t11 l)t1lpit of t l 1 ~ H \r cl 1l l1 a l 1 ( 1 h cl 1 ( 1 l l ~ a }) ti.' t ( l1l1rc 1 11ea r shl a11cl . 'I 1 i.· , ril1,1g· (')1lll'C'11 wa .· or g·a11ir,ecl xe,~ ral )"0a1-. · ag·c> b)" R ,,. ,J 0 1111 J a:-;011 , \"vh o r .' ig·11e l la .. ' t ;·pri11g: t c) b '<)111e a11 e,·a11g· li.' t fo r tl1e I apti.· t (1e11cral 1 011f 1· 11 ce. \\re 1111 l 1~sta11 l tl1 c:h11rcl1 fe l– ]0\\1:hip .· wit l1 t hi.· ·011fere11ce ,,r}1iel1 i : ({llite .· tro11g·l:r" fl111cla - 111e11tal bt1t tl1i.· loe: 11ot mea11 tl1at \\ 1 e ea1111c)t to11ti111te t l1a , 1 goo l per.·011al Iello\.\r l1ip ,,Tit 11 Pa.-to1· a11 l i\lr.· . "\\T l ·h. 'fl1 , ,. are b love 1 i11 01t1· "ta t • a 11 1 \i\' e l1op t l1 .v will oft n att 11<.l < l11· cli ., t1·i ·t 1· tate 111eeti11 g·.·. EMMANUEL BAPTIST, Xenia Aug. 23rd proved to be an unusual and blessed day. At the evening service Pastor F. Da le Cadman had the joy of baptizing his own daughter Carol, as well as other s who have r e – cently found the Lord. Before the baptism, however , he noticed two adults and three young people who had come all the way from the Gal– }j polis church to hear him preach and invite him to come to speak to a Youth Service in Gallipolis. The young people had so enjoyed his work as Sports Director at Camp Patmos that 1 hey figured h e must be a good preacher also! After the service there was a fel– lowship hour and refreshments in honor of one of the families of Em– manuel who was moving away. So Aug. 23rd will long be remembered as a full day. TRINITY BAPTIST, Lorain Trinity boasts of having the largest number of young people at camp for one single week. July 27-Aug. 1, they had 18 boys, 13 girls and 3 counsel– lors-a total of 34. They also had 15 Seniors Aug. 24-29, which brought the total up to 49. Whether they won in the total number we doubt, but 49 is very good for one of our medium sized churches. Evangelist Don Winter s of Coshocton held meetings Sept . 3-13. CALVARY BAPTIST, Tiffin F ive were baptized into the mem– bership by Pastor G. H . Wiseman at A E • • • th ' First Bn1Jt1s t Cl1ul'cl1 of Fincllay this Sttmmcr. A Mi ss ionary Rally was SJ)Onsorcd l)y the Maranatha Bil)l I Class Oct. 2-4, with Rev . S Brittain of Liberia. Dr . An11 Irish, Baptist M1cl – Mission i\Ssigncc lo Belgian Congo, ancl Rev . Rob rl Murr of Big Creek, Ky., as the speakers. 'fhe teacher of the Maranatha Class. J ol1n Teeters, is J ic nsed to preach c1nd speaks two nights a week at thC' Cherry St. Baptist Mission in Toledo, as well as doing considerable evan– gelistic and supply work. Oct. 18th at 2:30 the Cherry St. Mission will hold a district r al ly at the Calvary Baptist Church with Supt. J . J . Fleck in charge. CALVARY BAPTIST, Bellefonta ine The Baptist Mid-Missions Confer– €nce in August proved a wonderful success. Nearly $1,400 was taken in for missions during the two Sundays the conference was in progress. The mis– sionaries say the meals and hospitality in the homes were perfect, and the a ttendance and interest good. Associate pastor and Mrs. James Benefiel have been blessed with the b irth of a son- Aug. 26th. GRACE BAPTIST, Troy The fall meeting of the Women 's Missionary Fellowship of the South Bethel Association met Sept. 15th for morning and afternoon sessions. REGULAR BAPTIST BIBLE INSTITUTE The fall semester of the Regular Baptist Bible Institute began at the North Royalton Baptist Church Sept. 22nd and will end Jan. 26th. P astor K enneth Nelson will teach Q.T. Law an d History, Rev. Vernon Billington of Rocky River will t each New Testa– ment. Rev . Frank Odor of Grafton h~s P eda{togy, Rev . Denzily Osborn of Bap– ti st Mid-Missions has Baptist Polity, Rev. Paul Schenck of Twinsburg h as Bible Doctrine. Rev. Elliott Horton of P arma has Q.T . Poetr y and Proph– ecy, Mr . James Tozier h as Child Study. Miss Jovce Funk h as Sunday School Work, Mrs. J an e Acker h as Music. an d Rev. K enn Smelser of Medina has P er sonal Evangelism. The school meet s each Tuesday evening from 7:30 to 9:30. NORTHFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH Pastor Lynn Roger s soent the Labor Day week-end ministering to a group of young people at Chester , Penna.; ::lnd while he was gone, Rev . Bruce Turnbull, who is on leave of ab– sence from Cedarville College to finish l1is work on his doctor's degree at Western Reserve. preached on the sub– i ect, "Why Don't Scientists Believe?" It made a tremendous imnr ession. P astor Roger s reoorts that the final results of Vacation Bible School showed an all time record in attend– ance and 30 professions of faith. CALVARY BAPTIST, Massillon Cone:ratulations a r e in order to Rev. and Mrs. Louie Di Placido upon the birth of a son Sept. 6th. Now sister will h ave a brother to play with ::l nd father mav hope for some one to fol– low in his footsteps, so all are very happy.
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