The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1959

October 1959 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Page N1netee11 . ~~~~~~~~~~~~ MI~ IONARY AND SCHOOL BRIEF "\\Tr~~rr 1~: J~X 11 ~ \ l)rl' l ~'l' 1~ l l{ l;}~ ( 1 () l Jl1l 1 ~ xi~~ re1 <)1'18 itH l,11· g·c.\st stt1- lc>11t 1> cl)·, ,,.. itl1 111 11 1)1·ecl o111i11at– i11g i11 tl1e g·1·otll). I~'ot1r ~<·l1olar– ~l1iJ), l1a,·e l)rr11 g ·1·c111t e 1, 1,,.. o fc)l' l' (l t l11'11 i 11 g: ~ t 11 1 e 11 t . cl 11 ( 1 t '\TO f Ol' llP\\' ~tt1cle11t . . rr l lC)~ \\'11} l> r re– \\' cll'Clecl 011 a l>,1si . of 8el1ol,l1\ l1i11 ,111 ( 1 11 eecl . Tl1r µ:r ,1t 11eecl 110,,· ix 111at e11011g·l1 ,"t1l>. e1·i1)tio11R ,,.. il l eo111e 111 fc)l' lebt 1·rti1·e111e11t :c) tl1at tl1 e J{ible ollpg· ..1.\ re1·ecliti11g· >\ ,. o– riatio11 \\·ill be co11,.. i11eecl tl1c1t t l1e st 11 oo I 1 a 8 t 11 e b a e 1 < i 11 µ: o r t l 1 e (} ... RI1 c-01 . i it11e11c~r. THl 1 : 1IR'l'ONS ;:\ J{l~J l N , r1~XEZlTl~T-1 r\ art e1· · 1) 11 cli11 g· a , .. ea1~ i11 la11gl1,1ge . t11d)'" i11 Co t ,1 Ric·a. Tl1e, .. ,,·ill b r. a ., c>cic1tec1 ,, 1 itl1 Bob Ro lg·e1\ , a ,, t 01·,111 n1 is. 1011- ar,T c1t Sa11 Felix E.:t,:1ao Boli,rar, 'T e1;ezt1el a, .. 1 • \ . Tl1 i1· . trct"\ t acl– rlre. s ,,·ill be all r ~~ . pe1'a 11za 101. ,,.,.11at a beat1tif11l :-.;t1·ert c1clcl1'e.:, si 11ee F.Js11 e1·,111 Z<l n1 ea 11 s TI ope. ' ,\ .· all mi .. io11aries tl1e. r clcl>r·, : 11<?'\ 1 a . l{ 11. llOt to SC11(1 })ell'(' }, , si11~e c1t1t>r i/ too l1igl1 , btl{ the) 7 ,,~0111c1 ap1)re ·ia tc let1er . . D o11 tl1c111l<. (}ocl fo1' t]1e la11g·11age stt1cl,· , tl1at l1a. e11al,lecl l1i111 c1l- 1·e,1 ]~,T to ,y·itne. . a 11 l to t Cc1 C'll ~ t111 la,T • 11001; a11(l l)>T t]1i, ti1ne \\'e . llppo. e li e h,1. J)reac·l1ecl l1is Ji 1·st , eJ·111011 i 11 ~ • 1)c111 i.· 11 . Tl1 r)· arc <)ltt 1111cl e1-- RaJ)tiRt l\ Iicl-) I is- • f-.lOTI • . B .L\ 1 I, 'I'<) ~I I~Xl ( ~o l~ .. \ ( 1 ,. \ I{R )'"' .r\ T )1 J i · tl1e than]{ giving 11ote of 1l1e ~ia111 I lor11brc><Jl< f,1 111 - ilv. Hr sa ,... , ' 11 is :-.;11111)1.,· ,,,011- cl~rf111 1 l1 e · v\ ' cl\r t11e Ijc)l'(l l1c1s Sll}) – J J I i c 1 cl 111 1· t 1 ; • c > 11 c lecl l' f o11( t o CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION Inc. Our 55th Year A sta ff of twelve cleclicated work– ers Our ministry to the thousands of J ws in Cleveland, Youngstown, a~d other cities in Northeast e rn 01110; Chai leston, W. Va .; ar1d Sao Paulo, Bi azi l . A Radio ministry over s tations ir1 Ohio and P e1 nsylvania. A tract ministry reaching many citi s in U.S A , Bral'il, Britain a11d I~rael. Sencl for sampl s. . . Staff men1l) 1 s are }1aJJ J))r to v1s1t cl1u.-cl1 s, co11f r 11c s ar1cl Billl class s Y.'itl1 111s1)iratio11al a1ld 111 fol'1nati\') J) r ~se11 tatio11 of work.. Writ for i11for1nati v 111agaz111 , 'Tl1 T1·u111J) t r for Isra 1." REV. GERALD V . SMELSEI'l, S upt . P . 0 . l~ox ~1556 lt \•t li 11cl 18, Ol1io ~rct tl1 <'Hr 1·., 1 Hll 1) c:li(l l'c> r . \\rp 11n\·e reeci\rcl 11e,11·l.,.. $1, ()(), lca, – i 11 µ: <1 1 > H l n11 (· e o [' $ G3(). I > I ea ~ e l > 1• < 1~,. \Vitll ll8 111,lt tl1i. lllig·)1t ~0() 11 ]Jp [)cl icl al~<) .., rl'lll\11 1}1C)" cllso t]1a11]<: (1()(1 tl1c11 c1 g:oc>c1 c~11J'i~tin11 al~o g·n,·e 111~111 c1 27-l'o<)t 11 011. r trnil Pr . l t 1100clecl Ro111 1·01>,tir, bl1t it ,,·ill S(\l'\' C cl, H tr11c·lc clO\Vll }lllCl HS H l1 c> 111 l'oi- ,t . 1t1clc11t i11 Bibl<1 .· (·11001 ,11'tcr tl10.v g:c> t bac·h::. ' l' l1c1t is tl1t 1 11 t") x t 111· <) j c' e 1 111 <' l { 11 i eel e .\' s a 11 ( 1 I l or11brool,s ,,·ill t111clrrtalze - n .·e 11 oo 1 I'<) r t 1 e 1 r Hi 11 i 11 g o I' 11 a 1 i \· r ,vc>rl,0r~. (:i·f' t . <'tlll be ~e11t 1<> 111 e l ~ i bl e ~ f i 88 i o 11, ;) :3G lVf ox c111 c1 l a .. \ ,·P., ~a11 es,·ille. THRILLING NEWS COMING 'l' c><) l,tte fo1 · e111 "', cte . f(,r ()c · t <) b r r 1 > 11 i i 11 N o,· r 111 be r , , • 0 'J 1 1 11 cll>o11t g·r e<1 t Victorie j11 l\Ii11fo1·cl ,111cl l\ficl-\·ic 1 ,,·, ,l goocl H e l)l'Oll "\\T()llle11 \., l\ [i ., io11ar.\ 1 l T11 io11, I>as ( (> l' 'r eel cll'Y clt \ Tell) "\\-re t'l't, c1 11 t>1· 1i11at 1011, etc. ~ 1 () I~I~J SLTR I 1~ '['() 1~1~{\Ii~\\,,. ) T ) l T J:> l TB 8 c RI I) 'I' 1() ~ 01' .._ 1 I~~ l ) I~ \ ?OlTR 1 11 ,c\ N<:~~ 01~ Dl)R I 1~~ 8, . o ) TO ll \Vill µ:e t 111i~ 11P,Y8 ... \ ~D TII l'J r 'r1-:r1·~ l~ J~J>() J rl' () 1 1' '1'}J l 1~ ~ \ .. T~lTAi j nl I~liJTl G. ( i I I l Tl{ ( 1 I I I~ ..L \. I·'£\ I{ I 1~~ I~~' ~1 ... \1) I\ J~J1' 111,1~~ ~c)t111cl ~t rn11 g·r, bt1t C) lll' l10111e 111issio11c.1ri eR 1111 lcr J~' I~T f~I oftc.\ 11 fi11cl it cliffie11lt tc) f i11cl ,l 111Pc't1110· })l,1ee. lJPS \\"'L 1 1ls. 1~1~Il l\l lllis~i O~ lcll\V' i11 rl'it 11s,·il lc I) r 1111 cl . • i 11 L' <) <.)})Pr c1 t i o 11 \, i 1 h i h <' I~ e t l 1 e l 1 ~ , 1 I 1 t is 1 l 1 11 t 1 r (' l 1 o I' 1 ~: l' i t' •. r r l) <) r 1 ~ t l 1 a 1 t 11 e o I) e 11 i 11 g· 1 l J) < > 1, cl 111 r t> 1 i 11 g· l > l 't < , <' H t t l 1 r I 1' n r 111 <\ r ~ ~fnrl\t't ,,·,i~ n rrnl \ieto1·). 11P f c > r <' 1 J 1 e g r o t t 1 > 11 cl c I n 1P 1 cl l) < >, P ,1 st () I' C \ ,·} 1PI'C Ill cl 11) < > 1 < l P l' l >Pl) l)] (\ ('( >ltl<l 11<>1 H11()11<1. '}'lip l lP\\ }<)<'H - i ic>11 J'-; c>11 t'1P g· rc>llll<l 1<'\ el n11<l I"' ~ I l> \ (i (i l • t i 11 "j I('. ~ () \ \ 1l l (',\ ,, ill J,c: ,tl>l e 1<> }1n, P l'P\ l\ nl 111 <'t'l– i 11 ~~. Hll<l t •ll 1'1 \\'t,fZt\l. tilt' II., itig· C'\ cltlg<•list. \\ 1IJ ll<\ t}1Pl'<' \(l\ "l!) l) t'<'. t:J . J>l'H) t)1,1t 111,111.\ . sc>ttl~ 11110 Iii l>, :-;n' <'<l cl t1cl " rt•,1 l 1,111,lc1 - 111<·~1t,t l 1Ps1i1n,>11,\ inn., lit' t'stn1J– li ~l1t ,,l i11 ' l'il ,,~, ille. l •'()l , l{ 'l 1~: 1: \ \\ 14: 1~~ 1\-l) \ 'T 111 1;1 , 14~ <'t i; \ H~ l4~~ ' ' ill l> l' '.thl' ,wlJ,•d11J1 ['01· I,\ l1111d Hild . l,l1 l': 1IJ' l>c •1 It \1 11lllltls<111 i11 1ltc' '1111 ~ ': 11,,1·f l1l11·11 \\ <·~l \ ' i1·gi11in . I t i s 1l1ei1· ~()tl1 vral' i11 1l1is l<ill cl <>t' • 111iss io11Hl' V \V orl< a111011g sc· l1 oc> l • c · 11 i 1 cl re 11 . I 1 1 t 11 P • t 11 l t 111 r 1 · t 11 < \\' l 1 <) 1 cl \ r a c n ti o 11 I i b I e >- ; e 11 c > o l s ( o 11 e ,v i t 11 1() ;~ 0 11 r < > 11 e l l ) a 1 1 cl B i l) 1 c ( 1 c11111) f'or tJ1os) tha l lr,11·11 til e 1·rc1tti r rcl 11t1111ber of' \ "Pl', c. . Tl1r~,. c·c>11ti1111e t<) 111i11istr r at 111r J;o,v- 111 c111 a11cl I-'i1tl P ( 1 r rr l< c·ht1rel1r !--, ,111<1 rPJ)o rt H r ea] re,·i\·al ,lt tl1c ]c1 tt cr c·l111rel1 1111cl r tl1r pl'cael1 - 111g· c)f' l 1 J,,. 1 h,11'l es T~. Bore 11 ol' "\\Ti 11011,1 J1;;1 l{r, J 11c1. 11'\ T l~r\ .. 't.,. T I 1~~ ..\, J•; l •11 fl 1l)RE~ I~ET-II Tl , b11t as 0111· lracl 111i.. io11a1·,T artiele thi. mo11tl1 • ) 'l) ' Tr a 1 p ( l , 111 <l 1 is '\T }1 t-1 t ~ [ r • • l t cl l\ l . fJ ftC'Ob. 01 \\rill l1a, 1 e 1o clo Jc>\". ()111, \Vll 11 : l1 r . ,1il. fc> r } ra11(· r '"1 11cl t l1c11 fli R to Ba11g·a .. 011 (-.e11 - t 1' ( 1 l ..\ r l ' i (' H11 Rr }) l lb l i j ( r() 1' 111 er l),. J;'1·c11t•l1 J~q11atoria1 ~\ f1li 1 a ) . 1""et ~l1P l1a : tJ1c eomfort of l<110,,·i11g· i 11 e)· ,vill l)e i 11 goo cl . c l1ools. .\ rtl1t11· l1ns 1· tt1 r 11cc1 1<> c· t1 llegc, cl ll l 1~:rie a 11(l l\111riel <1re at Tl o1tg·l1to11 \ e~1clerl1y. Sl1e . a.'"8 111c1t lilce t l1e little r l oe1c i11 the f c1 l) l e , .· h e ca 11 a 1, v a ~ T. • 1 a 11 c 1 i t 0110 1ie]c at a time . Tl1e bi g· PI'a)rer 11eecl 110,,· i: 111'"1t li er Hclili11g· dat e ,,,. ill 11ot l)r clel,1 \"rel b tat1. e e 11<lt1g:l1 11111) <.) rt 11as '11c) t cio111e i11 for lier ('l1ilclre11 i ll 8 (' }10 0] , f O l' . 0 ll1 e ID C) l' (l l R , t i] ] 11 rPclecl . ]~ \ r,. \ ~Tr, I 1~ T JI ( l • \ I J rr J • .J ~ \ ( t 111·~ l{ J> IJ.. \ (i l 1 : 11I~)JT 1\ (1FJ~ 1~ 11,1~ l) e 11 t) 1·g a11i zrcl, ,\·itl1 its ()f fic·e Ht 1'4 01·t \\... n\·11 e, I11 cl.. Box 2;)1:.. . It ,vill • tli<l ( '1 111·is1 i}111 it'H<·l1p1·s t o l'i11< l l)lH<'P8 c11' st1 r,·ie r i11 ( --. l1risti,111 eol– ] pg·r . . sr111i11c1rirs ,l tl(l l~il)l < 1 [ 11 - s t it lli Ps. Jl-IILDRE ' GO PE HOUR 'I' \ T ,t 11 cl I,1 .. \ l) I 8 r P 11 n11 cl f 1 t \ a r < l i 11 l l 1 i o \\T~J>n ' I' \ T, ('"111. 1;), rl'ol t'(l ll, l) 9 ·00 .\ . f . ,111cla., "\\ "\\ 1 8'J'-J 1 'if , \\" t)()St('l', ) 7 :4~) l, .~ 1 8,ttt1rc.ltt) \ \ " ) 11 I) , I~'t)St oria . ~ t fl 1) .1\1 ~ntt1rcl,t)' WATCH LISTEN PRAY ( 1 }1illll't'llS ll)~ ()t'l }} llltr. [tll . ~l(l 12 J•'tl , 1 )r. { 1 }1,1tt,llll)<lgll , ' l'Pllll. ll f' llt' \ ( 1 • (~, ig•f' t' , l> il'tl"l ll)l' •