The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1959

D 1 8 s) ll( t lllll cl~() ' ' l\ 11:t,l " \\ ()ll– (l('J'l ltl <lJ)l)\ll'lllllit~ 1l '\ 7 lflll'~S 10 c>t1r faitl1 i11 t11t\ l·~<)"t<ll' ii t I i l)rnr.,·. \\"]ll'I\ ~l ll :l t f t'lltlH 11 f '-\} l()\\ l'll ll ~ t 11 Pi l' 1 a t l' , t H t' < f l l t, it i (1 11- ' }' l 1 l 11 - l t:' 1' l' l' t' 1 t.' r · l)tlll t\, \\Te 1<l ltl 111111 tl1,lt ''t' etl11 ltl t\C)t <lllll1·0,e of tl ('( lllllll'llla1·, tl1nt r( llllll rn11lt \\ itl1 • p,·r·r, elt<l lll ' 1' 111 tl1 l~ibl e. ( lt l 1 t) 11 ltl l)\' · a 11 (l < l '1l 1 t 1 l 11 I' 1 cl e 1. B l~tl)lt' . ) 'l~ltt'tt ,,l\ t<lltl a-.; l)riefl~ :t , ' ''l' t•tllll<l ,,· lt<lt l, t'i?.'lll,1r I clll– tt " t " lleli( 1 \t' <lbt)llt tl1t 1 l) ible ,111c1 ,le~tl~ l1ri t. }l t ] 1" t l' 11 1 < l C cl r e fl l 11 Y' c1 l 1 Cl e O 11- • 1·e,~t'tl. ·· .. \ s cl l~11 tl1 1·,111. l 111t1.· t . r1~· t l1clt I ag·r ee ,, it 11 ) ·011. I o ) ·tltl clt' Ct' pt tl1P .J. Ti ii11e a11cl ..\tl1,l1l,l '.'-.in11 JI' ed ~·· "\\" e ex1) l,1i11 )<l tl1at ,,·e d e.) 11ot lil\ct~ tl1 1·,1t l1er ( 1 ,1tl101it la11g11age 11~etl i1t t}l <). e e1·eecl ... , bt1t tl1at \\·e llo l1olcl to tl1e 01·tl1oclox ,·ie,,· of l l1ri t a11cl th e BilJl e. Tl1e11 I ,:li11tl1 cl it fo1' l1i111 b~· ~a)'"i11g tl1a t ,,. ,,.. e1· t1·eed,1l 11a1)ti. t . ,1 .._· t),· pr ,1g·,1i 11"· t tl1 ...\ 1neriran Bap– ti .~t 011 ,· e11 t io11 aro111), ,v 11 i <· 1 1·e– t t 1~e to aclo1)t a er eel. l )e1·l1a1). it ,,·011lc1 l1c1,·e l>ee11 l) et te1· if I hatl aill tl1at ,,·e are l <>11fe~. io11al Bapti. t:. l'c) r tl1e ,,·orc1 ·1·eed : til 1 ea rri es ·omet hi11ir t)f tl1e ·tio·111a f p er ec11tio11. Ba1)– ti t . ha,·e 11ffe1'e 1 n111cl1 i11 tl1ei1· Ol)})O itiou to ma11-1nacle cr eec1. . I Io,,·e, e1·. ,,·l1at tl1e,.. 1·e,111,T ob- • • j e L't eel to ,,·a 1111io11 of c 11111'r11 a11c.l . tate a11cl tl1e atte1npt of g·o,·e1·11- 111t-111t t o ro111p 1 J) 01 l e to l)eli e,Te the 1)1'e,·aili11g cr eed. Tl1e)· l1ad ·1·eed al o b11 t the\'" cal lecl tl1e111 .. eo11fe-. i<ln. · of fait l1, <) tl1at 110 011e \\'Ot1lcl tl1i11lr t l1at tl1e,~ ,,·a11t ecl • t o ·o 111 J) e 1 o t 11 e 1• l) eo l) 1 e t o be 1 i e,·e t hen1. • "or clid the, · ,,·a11t to bi11 c1 '" the ft1t11re. Tl1 e>'" im1)l>'" · 0 11- fe ~-...ecl ,,·l1at ,,·a · ('()1111110111,.. be- • li e,-ecl an1ong them. Tl1e ...\ m 1·ica11 B,1pti. t 011,-e11- tio11 ha. u eel tl1at 11i toric· ~ta11cl t c1 Ol)P<> "e t l1e aclo1)tio11 of cl 11)" c·ree 1 tl1a t n1iµ:l1t i11 clll>T :e11. e c-011t1·0J tl1e a . ociatefl ·l1l11·cJ1e . Tl1e~· · 011 \. e11ie11 t l>" for get that \\·hi1e ea rl>- Dc1})ti t" ,,·ere clgc1i11~t u-o,·er111ue11t e11forcec1 ·1·eecl. , tl1e,... • ,,- re 11ot auai11 t ll i11g t11ei1· 0\\"11 eo11±'e, io11 of fa itl1 a~ te. t of fell<>\,. l1iJ). Tl1e P artic,t11ar Bap– ti. t wo11ld not fe11o,,- hiJ) ,,·itl1 tl1,,~e tl1at l) elie,·ec1 i11 a g:e11e1~a1 <1tC>I1l)111e11t: c111cl tl1e <: r.11e 1· c1 l T~ a})– ti. ts ,,·itl1clre,,· 1l1ei1~ ha11d of fel– l ,,·sl1i11 fl'<l1ll tl1P J>ar1 i<·t1l,11·~ 1 11 RE WE? <)llt' ()\\11 <'<l1111tr\ ,,·l, ,11:--ic) rP111e111 - • l)t:l r ll(l\\ tJ1') I>ri111iti,e llclJ)ti;·t . ,, it l1tlrt' \\ l'r<)lll t]1p i\ l issic)11ar)p l)a tlt ists, H11cl l1c>,,. l>c)t h ,\·it l1clrr,v 1' l' C) 111 t h fl ( ._. H11l 1 b 11 it e . "\~"l1c:1tP,·t'1· tl1P (;iberc1l:-; 111a,, sav • • \\' e cll'C ll<l1 a }1aillC'Cl f }1,1,ring· a l "4 o11 f e ~ i on o f F ,1 it 11 ,1 11 l t r. i 11 g' t <) li,·e 111) to it. 111e I~ibl e electrl)r t ac]1e ll to }1a,re ll<> fel]O\\\ '}lip ,,·itl1 t111b e ]i \ ' (ll'.. ' , ,,·J1etl1rr tl1e1r l> C' l'o1111cl i11 ·l1111·rhes 01" 111 cle- 1' ()111 i 11a t io11 a 1 of fi ·e. · 01· Jll"Oj ec:t:. "\\Te ca1111ot 11pport a11 R 111eatio11 '1 ()1\l I~~ '1') ~I Rl .l <11! l~~Ll) . It i 11 't to late to el1a11µ; )~o t1r 111i11cl a11cl g·o t(> 011r . 211d 1\.1111l1c1l ::\[ eetino· at th Bl . ed H pe Ba pti. t h11r h ~ pri11g·- fie l l ! Ble.· cl at Ble \ecl II01)e ' Oll 11 11e,rer 1·eg1~et it. \ - 011 1l 1a3T l1a,re to tay at a l 1 o t e1 or mot e 1 i f ,, o ll h a,, 11 t • \'"et , ent i11 VOllr re. e1·, 1 atio11 . '" f c>r l1o~· pitalitJ.. i11 a l1ri tian l1on1 e, b11t con1e a11ywa~T ! }"> e111 e111 be1~ it beg·i11. 7 ::30 P.)[ ., < ct. 12 a11 cl e11cl.· cl bo11 t 0 P.::\I ., ) ·t. 14. S ociety that ail · bc>tl1 <>1·t l1 oclox • a11cl mocl 1--11i t ie el1ool """i th t l1re -fo111·t 11.· of tl1e1n . t1·011gl}.. 1110 ler11i ·ti· a a 1natter of fact. "\\Te ca1111ot ,,.. 01--1~ \,·i tl1 a Fo1'eig·n i\Iis. io11 "'(ocietv tl1at i11 i t . 011 ._ :e11cli11g ot1t n1en who deny the , ·i1--o· i11 birtl1 of ("1]11·i: t if the\" c-11· r . otl1er\vi e ,,·ell q11ali£ied. "\'\ 7 hetl1e1· 111,111,,. 111i .. io11a1~ie. l1a,- bee11 . e11t • 011 t 11nder that r11le 01· 11ot i. 11ot tl1 c })Oi11t : ,·re object to the 1--11le. T o 11 there a1· e a loze11 c111c1lific:,1- t io11: ,1 11 ,,·1·ap1)ed llp i11 011e poi11t. Tc> cle11~· t lie , ri1·gi11 l)i1·tl1 i.. to cl e11.\·· tl1e et e1·11al on hip of J e.. 11. hri t i 1o ha,,.e a 11at111·alistie 111e · ao·e. i to ·011fe either to jg·1101"a11ce 01· t o a11 l111ro11,,.e1' ted 11 eel rt ! "\\Te l o 11 ot co11 le11111 a 11 111 e11 i11 i 1 e me1 .. ica 11 Ba pti t 011,.. entio11, Jo i· 111c111,· of tl1e1n ,1re . till f11n l a- • 111 e11tal i11 clo ·tri11e. e,·a11p:e]i tit i11 })ractice, a11d co11 er1·atec1 i11 Ii fe ; b11t ,,·e clo co11dem11 that t111ic)11 of fa itl1 a11c11111faitl1 tl1c1t ,,·i 11 111 c1 u, 1r 1 l 1 em 1 t 11 ti l t h e ) '" < l <) 111c1 l{ c c.l c> ·t1·i11e a t .. t of J'ello,,,_ "i l 1 i I) . \ \ ~ (' cl I. p ( l () 11 I' p SS i () 11 " I I ; iJ I)- 1 i~ts, hc>lcli11 g f <> t li<1 c·,·1clP11t t r11th x <>I' tl1 ' p\V '!' 8(H 111C'lll . '\\rp HI'< ' J) I'<> l { ( l < > I' t h H 1 < 1 j S 1 j I1(' 1 i <> 11 . DREW ..\ 11 cl r c \.,V i.. t l 1 r i l'.. t ( l i 8 (' i 1} I () r ~J . u · me11ii<>11 ll J>.,· 11ct111r, th<>ttgh \\'(> f' rl S\lJ'C1 t}lclt }1i s ('()lllJ)cllliC)II \,·as ,Jol111. 13ot11 <>1' tl1ese ) '" 01111g l'i rshrr111r11 1n<1clc tl1e san1e blrssPcl cliRec,,·er,~ tl1at .J estt. of raza1·eth ._ ,,·a. tl1e lo11g· 1>ro1ni. ed l\le.\ iah ; l)llt , illC 1\ nclre\V \roi 'e 1 the jo)r or it j11 . re l{ing to ,vi11 l1is l>rotl1er, , ,·c 1 \l\' jl] c·}1Jl tl1e li. eo,·er}· ]1 i . ' 11e of tl1 e l \\' O ,,·J1ic h l1e,1rc1 f J () 1111 s p e cl k' a 11c1 r{) 11 0\,\' d 11 i 1n' ,,..a 11 lre,v imo11 T)eter's b1·otl1e1·. 1 Je fi1\ · t Ji11cletl1 l1i. o,,·11 brothe1-- i111011 a11d aith 1111to hin1 ,,; e l1a,·e fo1111d tl1e } f es: ia . , ,,·hic·h i l)ei110' in– terp1·et l, t11c 1 h1·i. t. .(\ 11cl l1e l>ro11gl1t 11im to J e. 11 . ' r111e 111a11 ,,Tho ean kee1) , till a 1 C) llt a11 eartl1-. l1alci11g· cli. o,rery l1a: 11ot n1a le it. H e n1a, 7 ha,,e • fot111cl oil, bt1t ha 11ot realized it ,·alt1e . He 111ay l1a,·e fot111c1 a 11e,,· 1·eligio11, bt1t 11ot it tra11 fo1'n1i11g pO\\' e1·. I f r\ 1'cl1imede O'Ot o ex– ci tec1 o,re1· l1i di co,rery of the la,v of pecific o·ra,,it3T that h 1·a11 i11 to the . treet 11aked ancl ._] hOlltecl , l l1a,·e fol111cl, I l1a,-e f ot111cl ., ,,e 1nl1 t 11ot l)e urpri ed t l1at ndre,v l1u1--1--iecl out to fi11d l1is b1·otl1 r ,111d Rl1011t · \\,..e l1a, 1 e f ol111d the ::\ [e . iah .' nd yet llch f er,·or i o . a1--ce that tl1e A11- ~·li ·a11 .· ·all l1im the pat1'011 aint of mi io11 . I . 11 't that a com- 111e 11 ta1--v on the lclne of tl1 e ~ 111c) cle1·11 ·l1111~c11 ? The earlv l1ri - ' tai11 ne,rer thOllO'ht of aintino· . .1.l.ll 1re\\r for tr·vino· to "\Vill hi • l)I'otl1er- t l1e3r all dic1 it ooing· ·e,·e1·~T,, 1 l1e1·e, p 1 .. ea chi 11 o· tl1e v,·01·d. ' ' ,vhat lid .1-\ ndre,"' find \vl1 e11 ]1 f ot111cl the i\Ie ial1 l ~ l1 that cll1>'" ,, 1 ell-ta11ftht J ew \VOllCl find- cl :\Ia11 ,,rl10 a11 ,,·erecl to all tl1e })recli tion of the ld Te. ta111ent. ~ \ 11. bt1t m11cl1 1no1~ , for he fo1111d tl1 c)se 1)1·0111i "e made att1·a ti, 1 el~.. H li , ·e i11 the mo t 1'ro11derfl1l P e1 ..- ~() ll l1e l1a 1 e,·e1· 111et. . a di. - ('ll)le of Jol111 t11f Bapti t, l1e hacl · lea1·11ed tl1at the 1ne ~ ia11ic 1)1·0111- i""es \,·ere . 0011 t o be ft1lfille(l ~ b11t 11c>,,. lie . a,,. t11em pe1\ 011ifi<.) 1 i11 ,J e. 11. of ... razc11·etl1 a11cl 111e (li~- •