The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1959
\II' l )J/ '1111 ~ l·: \\ '11·:~'l \. - 1\l 1· 1, . 1~, l1nrll' " 11 . ~lllll'– ~t <lll . ( l~t;t1tl er,·a11 l"11bl1sl1i11~ l () JllJ>H11.\'·. l,rn11cl l{n]liti ~. ~li e l1. ~· v~ ) · 1 ...... 11 t \ 1 \ l ' ( I l l () \ I t "' t ( l I l t l i 11 g l) ( l l) 1\. l) ) 1 tl1t\ l'1i11<·t' lf l)rent·l1cr. 11 ~c>,, ' rt' "t\i1l1t11t 11il)ll\ l'l1c.1r,1elt'r~. It i ... :1 ll, t)l, t)f l!l 1t1t "" '1gc~ f i11ccl ,, itl1 Ql'l',lt tr1ltl1, tl1c1t ,,·ill ~ti1· tl1 lit\H rt . (i<l(t'" l<)\<."l. 111e1·e~· ,111<.l Q r n • t'' n 11 l "i 11 • ~ 1 r l l l) 11 cl t 11 r cl 1• e ' l'~\. \? Hl l(l 111 t }1 ') li, ~s Or n1e11. r, \ e1·~· "01·111011 i... 1)0,,· e1·f tll a 11cl 1 l)< )rtr<1~·etl 111 n11 ,ll)J)eali11g ma11- 11t")r. It i~ ec1~i1,~ 1· cltl a11tl 110 • l1c1rcl t 11 1111tler~1ooll bt1t i. of t 1· 111e11d(1 11. clept 11. E, er)" li11e J) 11 t"l t1·ate~ 111 ltl. THF"' 4\ ' 'I~ ()l~ THI 1: .r\..Pl .. 1 Tf-1l~~ ~i . B, ... \ lexa11 ler )[ e l,11·e11. D.D.. • l ~itt. I). ( Zo11(le1·,·a11 I)11l)li hing· , .. }1·a11tl RaJ)i 1 . . :\Ii ·h. . 2.50 ) 'l l1i. i~ a Rib le ('la. ex1)0. itio11 ( f tl1 e , ·a1·i<)ll~"' ~·1tbjeet. i11 tl1e bool{~ of ...\ tt... b)· 011e of tl1e g·r"eat Bible t earl1e , -. of all ti111e. It i filletl ,,·itl1 g·1·rc11 . llbjert: a11c1 1·i ·h i11 111ateri<1] a~ a eo1n111e11tar,.. .. 011 tl1 e11ti1·e bool<. It \\·ill l)e a crreat l1e1p to the preacl1er·. ~ 1111- cla,.. ·ehool t eael1er a11 l Biblr .. ~ t11lle11t in l1i. or her ol)tai11i11g a bette1· 1111cle1·. ta11di11g· of tl1i im– portant book. R ...... iI~ TT~~ OF THE EDITOR ( 011 ti1111e 1 fron1 page 1 ) par·sonage. Pa t<)l' lair Thomp- on ha. hi :l a g-oo<.l mi11i. tr~,. ther·e the la t tl1ree cl11c1 onr-l1alf ~"ea1·. . and thP~ ... are p1'a3-r i11g od ,,..ill ·e11cl tl1en1 ome 011e e 1 e like J1im. \\·ho lo,·e. eo1111t1--,.. fo ll{: a11 l • b elie, -e i11 the ,,· orth,,·hile11e of a rl1ra1 111 i11i tr1 1 • The membe1~- .. hip i 0 111~" 30. l)llt tl1e)· bclie,,.e ju tithing a11cl in mi . io11. anc1 l1ol c1 t o the f1111clame11tal p:o pel. The~· al" o ha,·e a fine g'l'Ollp of ~·01111g people, ,,~ ho 11 a ,·e 01·ga11- izecl a ~l1ncla~r e,·e11i11g F ello\v- hip a11cl are 011t to clo tl1i11g .. ,, ... e ha,. n1e11tio11ecl l)efor e Ol11· fee li11g· a bo11 t tl1e 1 eecl of e,·an– o·elizi11g tl1 e 1,u1·a 1 <'<) 1n111l111 i tie. of l1io. ... Ia~"l)e it i jl1. t l>ec-a11 e the eclit or gre,\· llp c,11 a far111 C>llt i 11 D a l{c ,ta. ,\·lie. r e a ,rillag of l .00() JJeo t) le ,,·a c· a] lecl a <'it>. . l\ia)~be Olll .. ex1Je1·ie11c·e a~ ,1 111i . - ...ionary i11 tl1 e hill r,f W P~t , ... ir- l{E IJ~W J ~ 11 i I J Ii~ J I •\ i\ . ~ I•; 1{ ~ 1 \ 1 > l J l J ~ ' r()~I~. r~, ~\. \ ,111 l)e\tl'~Ptl. • ( 7.itlll(l '1'\ Hll ]l tll>li~l1i110· 1 0. ( :rn 11<1 I H t>icl"i, i\ l i<· 11. *2 ~() ) 'l l1i ~ l>tlOl i. ,1 <lil'i i<>11,tr, 1 <)l' • l~il>lr 111<11111e1·s }111cl t\1Rtom.. I t, 1s H l><>olc of ()bjr~et ., l c111 11 r., Oe– ('\ll1c-1tio11s, c11 l tlsto111. n1e11- t 1011 cd i11 t l1 l1ibJe. 'I'l1e1·e i ~ a ,·,11·ie1)" of . 11bjert · treatecl 11po11 c111tl it i. a \\"ealtl1 01· i11fo1·matio11 1101 ll>'llallv ,,.. ritte11 abol1t. The • 1·cade1· ,·rill fincl n1a11Jr 11e,,r thi11g. o 11 ,, T 11 i eh to 1n edi tat e. Each it e 1n i. a 1. o r 1 a1·l~.. pi tl11·ecl to illu. - tr,lte the poi11t l1ei11g· ct1. eel. . Bv • ~()l 11 WIN I ERl\I ) }. . Tick. ( Zonde1·,ra11 P11b- li. hi11g o. Gra11d Rap i c1 1iclJ. . ·2. 00 ) >-- Olll vvi1111i11 o- 011 a Cl"iptt11·al ba is i e111a1'g·ed 11pon b}r the a l1 t11c>1.. of t l1i. bool{. There are eip:l1t e1·mon. trt1e to the crip– tl1re.- 011 tl1e nee l, the metl10 l anc1 t l1e n1 a1111e1" of c1oi11g t l1e Lord' ,,·c,1,k i11 the Lo1 .. d . ,,,av. Both " • 0111 ,,rinni11g: and r e, 1 i,,.al are (•] arl\'" , tatecl b} 1 011e who ha. • • l) e11 ltcc rfl1 l in a major way j11 l)racticing ,vhat he preacl1e. . Tl1i book will be a timul11 to e,..e1,v hri tian. ll ftinia deepe11ed the 11ati, 1 e con– \"iction that count1--3r people and .:mall to,vn folk. are worth a ·,t- j11g. We 0110-ht to thi1 lt l e a bo11t doing· great thino· in great citie a11cl thi11k mor·e a boll t 0111 , – ,vhere,Ter they are fot1nd. We co11lc1 a ld to it by telli11 o' of 0111~ ... ,,i it on our ,va,... l1ome ,vith Pa - .. tor a11d Ir . avid himp at the I l I·~ l1IJ l ~ :\'.<) .J<>I, 1•;. J~ ,· J·~,·r111 - • g· I is 1 r () 1) ('rt 1 J. • i \ l 11 l1 l(' 1'. ( /j() I1 - ()(lt'\ 1 ;.111 1>11hlishi11g· c•,). c:ra11,l J{c1J)i<ls, ~l ic·J1. $2.()() ) ll Pl'<' is H l )c>c>I{ c·c,11 1ai1 1i 110 si.x ~ lllP'i8Hg'P~ ('()ll t 1'H~1 in()' 11 e;.i \· P11 H 11(1 Ifell. Prc>of' h:-1s bcc11 gi, c> 11 1 hat }101] H11Cl it . tor111r.11i~ Hl'P H 1rr- 1·1blP r ea li1J". I t i. a g·1·eat ,,·arn– i11g to men of' tl1e cl a11g·rt that <! 011- J'ro11t. il1r111 \\rl1c> 11eg]cc1 t11e \\ <>r<l c>r t l1r TJc>1·d a1 cl tl1r sa l,cltif>11 h ha1· pro, 1 iclE>cl to . a, r them f1·01n . l1el1 horr or. j11 tlie Ete1·- 11 it)" of t l1e f11t11re. I t sho11ld l)r reac1 \.vith gr eat i11tere.'t b) 1 bot11 •. ai11t a11c1 . in11er. It . war11ing. a1•e \TeI'\T t imel1r a11cl e, sentiallv • ll • 11eecl -f11l . l ID T ] ~ FOR ~E" T HRI. - TI TS. B~l'" neorge vveeti11g-. (Zo11cl er,Ta11 Pl1bli. hi11 0' o.. (1 ra11d Rapid. :.\f ic h. I{ere i a little paper bot1ncl bo e: 1< to l1elp gt1icle yot111g- Cl11·i. - ti a 11. i11 their 11e, 1 ;r life. It treat. 011 the place of the Bible The Hol~,. pi1·it P1·a~rer. -rod'. G1·ace c:111 l cl111rcl1 1·elatio11. hip a11d a. - .·11rance . I t v,·i11 be a g·1 .. ea t he1 J) j11 t l1e e tab1i. 11i11g· a11d . t1·e11gtl1- e11i11 o· the 11e,\T bo1 .. 11 Olll in thing , ·ital . \~illaae l1lll"Ch at Th111'. ton a11d of ot11" top to . ee tl1e 11e,v pa1'- 011age at Re3rnol l b11rg - a t1b111 .. ba11 co1111nl1nit)T. Tl1e poi11t i t11at fa1·mer 11ee l l1ri:t. , ril- lag·e people 11eec1 hin1, a11 l \ o do peopl e i11 the la1 .. ge ci ty . llbl1rb -)"e. a11d rig·l1 t clovvn i11 t lie . l11n1 too. 11 a1·e Jo. t \vithol1t J e ll hri t. Your INVESTMENTS - of SELF, PRAYER & FINANCES In HOlv.lE MISSIONS WILL PAY ETERNAL DIVIDENDS ' 'Reach America to Reach the W 01·ld', lllAWATHA LAND INDEPENDENT BAPTIST MISSIONS 1109 Ludington St. E canaba Mich. - I ·~---------------------------~---------------------------1 •
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