The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1959
• October 19_59___________ THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST ~~~~~~-~~~~~-- Page 'fl1 ree l j ( ) \ . e l '>? () r 1l 1 ( l i rr p r .) 11 l' e l l l cl ( 1 (l }1i111 i1 1t o <1 111 i.·:--;ic>11,1 1·)". \ 11cl t l1a 1s ,,,1 at i t ta lee. 1 o 111c1 l{ ,1 ol1l– ,,·i1111er t()(la ) 1 - tl1c cli._ ('0\'() 1':\r or t l1e 1 iff e1· e11e l>e t \vce11 1· l i~;i o11 a11c.1 4'J eHtl," '1l11·i:t clS li,ri 11g· I1o r 1. .... \ .· c1 J ,,·, .. \ 11 l r ,, .. x1 e 1 te 1 tl1at tl1 :\I s~"i(1 l1 \V t1l l 1 0 111 f 1· 111 t l1e 11011. e of Da,.. i 1, 1· - . tabli -- 1 tl1 l{i11g· 10 111 a11d xte11cl l1is .. ,~ra,,r fro111 Zi 11 1111til it C'o,rer 1 t l{ ec1rt l1; a11c1 yet l1e ~ras eo11,ri1 ·el b>" a v\ 1 a 11 1 1· i11g· Rab bi w 110 i 11- ,·i t e 1 ]1 i 111 to J> 11 1 t 11 e,.. 1 i11g· i11 a l1t11111)1 eotta~:e, r 1)e r]1ap~, i11 a11 e1111)t}" loclg·e 11ea1· t h fJ 01·cl a11 ,,·l1e1· ell · tt1 1lJ 1· })i ·l{el\ ' c·a111pecl i1 t l1e pi ·1{1 .·ea 011 ! "\"\.,.11~ .. ? J3ecal1. lie Ha ,v :0111 t l1i11g· ~o l{i11~:l ~.. i11 J e.:·l1s t11c1t lie clicl 1101 11eecl t h e . etti11p: of a 1Ja l ac 01· the 11·ap1)i11g\' of 1·obe a 11 l c1·0,,.. 11. H e l1a l a v\' a}T of . a i11 g· •• '0111 a11d . ee, , t l1at 111,1c1 11- rl1·e,,.. ro111e a11 l . . . . ! "\"'\Tl1et l1er A11(l r e,, 1 vva. calm 011c>l1gl1 to tl1i11k f all t l1 c oth e1· req11ir e1ne11t. i.· lo11bt1ul; but ]1e lz11ew . o ,ve11 tl1a t t l1e l\I e . iah 11ll1.-·t l)e a I 1·opl1et lil<e l111to :i\1o that l1e , ,·ol1l cl 11a,Tr t l1ol1gl1t of that req11iren1e11t jf 11 l1a l 1 ot f 01111 l it. I f h hacl 1 ot hea1·cl the p1·01)l1 ti i 11ote i11 what ,J . ll, ~aicl t l1at 11ig·l1t l1e ,vo11l l }1a, 1 e 111i .'. ec1 it, jl1. t a, a :ft111cla111e1 tal - 1st ,,~ol111 111i••• t he 111 •• ag·e of hlooc1 i11 a . er111011 e,.. 11 if he l1a l 11cJt t l1ot1gl1t of it ,,,h 11 }1e e11t 1·e 1 t l1e cht11·c11. IIe1·e \\ras 011e , , 1 ith a11t}101·i t,"', e,,.e11 a. J\1 os . l1acl ' at1t}101·itJ'"· He1·e ,,Ta. a f_Jcl\\ 1 g·i, 1 r ,,,}1c) wa 11t111ciati11g t 1·l1tl1.· .-o far abo,,.e the I o. a iC' 1 0 i that l1is ]1eart tol cl b j111 t l1 r111-. e of l)Putero1 on1y 1 :19 ,,To11 l cl be 011 J1i111 if 11:) li 1 11ot obey'". • It <:ertai11l}' i: lot1btfl1l wl1et l1 1· .1\11cl1·ew t11oug·ht of t l1 e precl i ·tion i11 Zeel1aria l1 (j :1:3 tl1at tl1e 1 . - sia11 ,,·c) ttlcl lJe a J)rirst 111)011 11 i.· 1 l1i-c,11 - a l{i11g·-I>riest · l)11t 011r tl1i11g i~ c·r1·tc1i11, ,t11c1 tl1c1t js tl1c1t i1 ,v,1s tl1e (•QlTIJJcl."Si()ll C)f ,} f8ll8 Jc)r tlt<J~P tl1at a1·e <>tl1 of tl1P ,,·a)' tl1at ,\c)11 ]1i:-; l1ear1 . \\Tc) <'<111 1111- <l<1rsta11(l 11<)\.\' , ,, }1,tt ~\ 11clr<1\V c·(>lllcl 11<>1 <ttti('k]~, g·1·a~1) , tl1(1t 111e1 IJ<>rcl , Jc~~tls •11ri~t 111t1~1 ·fir~t l>e1 tl1e :-:a(·.. ific·ial l 1,1111lJ llf><>ll tl,e ,l ltar <>f t l1P c·r<>ss, of'fe11·Pcl 111> }J.\ ]1is 0\\' 11 J)P<>J>lP , lJPf<)l'P }1<1 c·c>ttlcl l>e1 cl l)J'iPs t aft cl)' 1 hP <>1'<1Pr <>I' ~J e} – < • l I i i:'"' < l P I< <l s 1 J IP r i st l 11• e1 \ ' .. l '-1 i ,· i 11 g ( )11 (l ; l) l l t l 1 c~ (. (J \ 1 l cl l 1) } ( 1 (' l 'S l H 1 l ( l f l1a1 t ltPI'(.. \\' US S <)))ll'1 l1i11g J)l'i is1 l) ,tl><>llt 1}1t .. <'<>lil})clSSil>llH1P , J C"'SllS 111a1 111,tclc.1 it <1Hs\ 1 f'<> t' hi111 to ·c,11 - • ..'Pss Iii si 11 s a11<l se<·tt i·c.a f<> rgi, 1 <1 - 11("'S~ fJ J. \ ' Pl',\ 7 )<),\r,1)1.\r ,lllCI l't> l'\' <>1' i 11 <-· 11 .. · t cla ,, ,ts. tlJ'P:s 11 .· t l1a }1 P • WE'RE NOT LONE Bp Ralph T . Nordlund Thank God , we need not live alone Upo,n a11: earth of sand and ~· one: Th~r~ s fr iendly grass and smiling flowers, Inv1t1ng nooks, and leafy bowers· Ther e're birds that sing, and butte'rflies, And beasts that serve with trustful eyes· But best of all are frie11d ly neighbors ' Hel ping in our joys and labors· , F ather s strong and gentle mothers Sist ers tru e, and faithful brothers! ' Thank God, this world is not a stone– We do not need to live alone. Thank God, this world that spins in space Is not forgotten in its place: Its Mak er yields its pat l1 celestial And cares for all its needs terrestrial· ' No SParrow falls w ithout permission No child is spurned in its petition· ' The lines of fellowship with heave 1 n May hampered be, but are not riven· In spi te of sin, the lines of prayer ' Through Christ are open, if we care! Thank God, this world that spins in space Is not forgotten in its place. cli l lll()l' P t l1a11 cli8Cl1H.' ))1'01)11 PC' )" V\r j t}1 the rrrache r ()t Tazarctl1. l t \Vcl8 thro11f]; l1 l1i111 t l1a1 l1e c·a111e j11to a r eal c1ssl1ra11ee of . al,·c1tic>11 a11cl of 8i11 . fo1'g·i,r 11 ! 1111,e,,r l1a 1 lllclll)" tl1i11g-.· tc> lear11 after )118 fi1\ ·t e11eo1111ter ,,·it 11 J es11. t 11 e ( 1 l11"i. t · 1)11 t }1 e li. <'O\' e1·ec1 ,' ltt l 1 ,1 111reti11µ; <>f 1r11tl1 a11cl 111 re,, i11 fJ es11s <)f • ~ aza1·eth .·11cl1 I ro1 l1etie a11tl1or- it3r ,111c1 . 11e l1 l<i11gli 1 es., tl1at li e fo1111c1 all tl1c1t ]1i: 11 al't 11ee,lecl j111111e liatel:)' to lc11(>\\'. Tl1 e rest .._ l)]o. so111ec1 1·ecJ t l11·ee years lclt r .._ c~t 1 ,1],,. a.1·) '" ,111cl ca111e i11tl> g·olcl 11 Jr t1it at Pe11t e .-t; b11t ,·e11 \\ritl1- ot1t t ]1at, ]1e b ea111e a 111 is8 iOilcll'.\r io otl1e1·s. [ t ,v,18 tl1 tl1rill c>f cli :-;– c·o,·e1·,,. tl1c1t e11able 1 11ir11 to ,,.. i11 ]1i: b~·otl1Pl'. ~'1t1 r e}\r \\·it}1 tlll' f111] • . tor \" c>f t ]1 ro. s c111c1 1·es111·rec - • tio11 to t 11, a11cl ,vitl1 t 11<' J)c ,,·er of t l 1 e l T <> 1)' 811 i l' it to <l i cl 11s, , \ ( 1 c, 11g · l 1 t i o ,,v i 11 c > 11 r 1o, ·r cl < > 11 es , 11 1 cl f ric11cl s. I,1,' l)c ,,·c ,,·c>11lcl, if ,rl" J1cltl tl1c p11tl111sic1stl1 1<> sl1ot1t i1 Ol l t , \\ \ T ( 1 J} (\ \' l' f() l l 11 ( l 111 (' ( i ] ) }' i ~ 1•" J )() '}'" () { 1,N()\\T '1' 11 .. \ 'l' ... 'J' 11 < 1 >() s 1 <) rr i < • p 11 <>\,· < • 11 c1 1• g ( H ... llS fi\ ' P <·('tl1S f<> l' PHt•h <·h ,11tg<' <>l" cl(lc]l'P~~ \Vltic•}l jf l'l 1 J) C> l'1 S l>ct<•k 1 <> 11'i ' l'liP c·,>~1 <> r I\P(· 1 >111 g· 1 ht' Jlcl Ill PS ,lllll acltll'P"tSP~ (' () 1°1 '('('1 ('(l i s c• < > 11 i-... i c l (' r c1 l > 1 <' . \ . < > t 1 <• ct 11 11 l' I1 > }>,\' S<' lt<li11 g· ll ~ tht 1 t•h,111g·t· ~ ()f H<lcl1·e~.. as S()()II HS ·' ()\I l \ lll>\\ \ () l 1 \ \ i 11 l) (l l l l () \ 11 lg· 111 :..; t (' H( l () I' illah.i 11 g· 1}lc' t> c>~i (>l'l'i,· t' g,•t 1 }1 <• Jlt f'< >J' LIS cti ri\ l' <'l'llf~ t'ac·h. ])} PHSP ltPIJl ll~ at thi . J>t >i 111. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS'f Published Monthly by THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES Publication Office 118 E. Oak St., Butler , Ind. Editor RALPH T. NORDLUND 586 Maple Street Fostoria, Ohio Circulation Man ager MRS. JOHN KAUTZ, 4519 Wellington Ave. Parma 34. Ohio ub cription Ra te: P er single copy ... . ........... $ .15 Per year .. ..... . .... .......... $2.00 Adverti ing Ra te: Per column inch ............. $ 1.50 Per half page . . ............. $21.00 P er full page .. . ............. $40.00 Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at Butler, Indiana under the Act of March 3 , 1879. Postmaster: Please sen d form 3547 to The Ohio Independent Baptist, 4519 Wellington Ave., P arma 29, Ohio. COUNCIL AND OFFICERS Ohio Associa tio11 0 f Regular Baptist Churches h airman REV. T. FRED HUSSEY 26 E . Churcl1 St. Niles, Ohio ecr tar)' REV. GEORGE O'KEEFE 3420 Henninger R onel Clevelnnrl 9, 01110 T l'ca~ttrcr REV. GLENN GREEN\.VOOD 315 So. Ke11s111gto11 Rel ., Springfi c le{, 011 io REV. H LL DAUTFI, G,1 ll1,1 aricl \i\' nl lP1 S t~. 1 1 01 ts111ot1tl1, ()l1to ALL1\N E. Ll.1"' \VIS C~l!~OI)(i}i: l{ l~ll3 '()N I~. l'i.L~~NN r'1' ll Sl\ lb' l,Sr:I{ 110\\' ~\l{D ; \ l)U C~ I~ 13li"'H'r J l{~~y Nll( U'r E,\IlL \ ' \/v Il"'LJ.i:'1'1'S
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