The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1958

l "1\ 1· l;1, l j ) \ \ • ~ 11 11 ) 1) ca \ 1 l ~ ( l )ll t 111ll )(1 ) a11:1 . \\.. p ltl) l' , lt, 11:1, t f1tllt r 111 - f 1·111:1 t i( 11 111 ti11l t' f clr cJ tlr .. J:11\ll:ll'\ • i sst t P. lllt l li< l \\ Hl l t t (l \\'t~ll 1 ~l't>l ll 0 1' \ "ir~.. :i1 11 1·1el1 lli ,,111g 111 111, 11\' \\ fit l(l ( f s t' l ' \ ie '. l'nstt I' (1() l'll\)ll l),)lltlt'f l'e}){)l't, cl : ttt' lt t la11t•t' :\11,l <l Q.'l'Htl11nl !l' l' ) \\' {)1 i11 !!l'HPC 1 • lf ,, fPt'l, tllHt till' 1 itl l l' is ll l'.ll' \\' llt'll t llt' g·rt)\l}) \\ 111 b t' l'Ptlti,· to ()l'g'cllli ZL'. \\ lt1(·l1 i.... g()Otl • ll f' \\, lll ( l C' Ptl . l'a,t,)r ltf't rg·t' 1) (,il),t)ll l10lcl 1· )_ , ·i\'·(11 111,\ \ti11g·~ for )li,~ll)11,1r,· \\T111. • l)clttt r,t)ll. ,,·11 111 tl1e (:l111rel1 .... 11 1) - 11< 1·t , ,lt ~ lc>11111 . l\. tl11t11e l(~·. ll cl 1·e– Jll)rt, ,t ,,·011clcrf11l ,,·et")l,. ,·i~it i11g: tl1,' l)et11)lt"\ 111) tl1) 111l>1111tai11 l1ollo,Y", tall~i11g- <lt tl1r Il io·l1 ,:'el1o()l. ,·i iti11g· ,111 011t-, t,1tio11 S 1111<.la,· ~t·l1ool \Yl1err • - 0 11t of 0111e :3t) ·l1iltlrc11 l1eld 111 tl~eir 11a11cl.... to a ·rc1)t tl1e Sa,·iol11·. ~ t111 l, ,,.()re , a ,·eel at t l1e 111 ,1 i11 ·l1 t1r · 11 cl t Slen1 l) al. o. Tl1i. ,,·a.· <l 1~ ~al ta"te of 110111 111i . io11c11·,· • ,,-01·1~. JI I'"· ~eorg:e )l)"e1·. 1·e1)01·t f 01· 11 r l1a1·cl ,,-orl~i11!! ]111 l)a11cl tl1at tl1 s 1111 la,· e11ool atte11cla11c-e i • 110,,· a,·era!!·i11g· o,·e1· 1Ol). l)asto1 .. .:\I~-e1· a11cl tl1e 111e11 a1·e st 1·ai11i11g· e, ·er,· 11e1·,·e to fi11i. 1 t l1e t l1111 .. (' l1 • l)11il 1 i11Q.' . o t lie,- c a11 o·et i11to it • lJ,. tl1e fir .... t of tl1e ,·ea1·. . ' BIBI"E :\II . 1 ~I( . ~ B ... ~PTI T, Za11e" ,-il 1 e ·t. 21'1t l)asto1· Lle,,·ell,,·11 • Tl101111) .... 011 a11cl tl1 taff of the t1ail~· 1·aclio J)rogra111 011 WII..JE c>f 'a111l)ri lge ·elel)1·atecl their , e,·e11tl1 a11ui,·er "ar,· of 1)1 .. oaclca. t- • i11g. Tl1 :) e,·e11i110- l)PQ.a11 ,vith a ba11r1l1et. ~f 1· . Tl101111). 011 ,,·a. c- l1air1na11 of tl1 l{itcl1en a11cl clin– i11!!' 1·00111 e1·,·i ·e. Pa:·to1· Tl1om1)- JU : e1·,·e<l a"' 111a ter of ce1 .. e111011ie. . Tl1 e J)rog-ra111 111a11ag-e1.. a11cl ·11 ief e1 f!i11t1Pr ,f t l1P ...,tatio11 ,,·ere a1110110· ....... l""' t 11e g-1111 t" l)l' P~P11 t )f a11,. te ti- • 111c)11 i ..., ,,-e1·e o i,·e11 011 tl1e l1le" i11g. 1·e ·ei,·t'll f1·0111 tl1e Lifr a11cl Lio·l1t ~ J)1·og-1·a1n . :'\ f 1·,. Da11a K11i ·el,.. o·a ,·e • t"' a cl1il 11 .. P.11·"' Bil)le ;-tor,· llch :l • l. e o-i,· 'l J 11 tl1e ... a tl11·cla, ... 111or11i11 O' • 0 lJr og1·a111. a11cl Pal1lc1 anc1 Do1111a R11t ker , , ,11 cr. Li fe a11cl JJjD"}1t j..., a 1:- 111i1111te Jail~- J)1·og,1·a111 of 13 ilJle t eacl1i11g. I ,,-a'"' fi1'. t a fi,· cla~- p1 .. oo·ra1;1. l u t a11 experi1ne1 t ,rith a ~ ·atl11·- WHICH WAY DO YOU LIKE IT! l 1<1st l ll<l lltl1 \\l' ll'l'l c111( (h 11 .... 11 n 1 n 11111 ta 1 "'1 n 1 i" t 1 <·, t l r <' 1) <> rt <ll' tl1t' ('ht 1rl' lt P" n11<l l,trg·' I>T g·a , ·r 1 l 1 e cl l' <l' l l l l l (' 111 " '\ l 1\ i t 1 l l i o· l 1 t 1)(\ - • b !.! l) () ( l t() (. () 11 111111 (' 111 [l t 11 (' '\' }) l> fi v~·, lJllt ])l'Ollli'>ill g' 111,1t if <1ll()t1gl1 tll't11n 11 cl ,ra "' 111c1c1e t o ltH\'t' t l1 r 111 . \\' l'l \\'()lll( l 1)111 t}l('111 l1nl'l~ <111c)111e1· , r ar . ' ~o l',11· <)111,~ 1,,·o cl'l:oeiat(lcl • (•l11Lr<:l1P" l1a,·r l)PP11 ]1ra rcl fro111 l)11t ,,·c' rx11ret c111cl ,,·a11t 111a113-T 111orc rr,1 rt io11s. '1 1 l1 r :\ I icl,·i(',,· I1c111t ist "h11rcl1 sa),,.S, ,, ,,.,. ,,·('r e . o , . r)" cli a1)11oi11tecl ,v11e11 tl1e X o,·. i.,. 11e e a111 e a 11cl ,,.. e f ot1nd ·y·oll 11acl 0111itt('cl tl1e eh11rch • . tc1ti~tit: ! . . . "\\T (' 1·ep o1·tecl 23 111( 1 111l)e1' , :,,o ,ve c,111 • peak a 0 11(' of t11 e t)1nalle. t · l1 l11· he . \ r rt ,,..r ,, ..ere p1·ol1d of Ol11-- 1·ec- 01·cl a 11t1 l1a , ·e l101)e. of g·r--eatl~T ·l1a11g·i11g· it lJ~" 11ext ~v·ea1·. l'J l1:t beta11. e a cl1l11·ch i . 1nall cloe. 11ot i11dieate tl1at t l1e p eople a1"e a ha111 eel of tl1 eir 1·e ·01~ 1. • ... . £01· c:0111 pari11g ,vit h 011 e a11otl1e1~. ,,·11,T l1a,te co11te. t • a111011g· tl1e l1 t11·c11e. ? Tl1at i. ·e1·tc1i11 l)'" co1111)a1·i11g. It ·t i1-. 111) e11 tl1l1. ·ia 111 anc1 mal<e all 11101·e co11seio11. of the j ob they l1a,Te to cl o. . . . "'\Ve are 011p ·l1l11 .. e11 tl1at 1'ec111e. t tl1at JTOll , till l)ri11t tl1e i11cli,Ticll1al ·11rt1--ch :ta ti:tic-. tl1i. , real' . ._ Tl1at i. "ell 1 .. ea. 011ecl, i 11 t it ? Yet P,l. to1· .J. Til e Fi. h er· of tl1e E111111a 11 l1e 1 Ba JJti. t hl11 .. ch of Da,... to11 tl1i11lc. othe1·,vi. e. He • . a3":, · 1 011g1·atl1latio11. 11pon t h e ha11 clli11g of tati. tiC' . in the IB tl1i. ,·ea1... I a111 i11 ,,,. l1 ol e h ea1·t- .. ec.l ag:reen1e11 t ,,·it 11 J"Oll in ~--ot11" cleci. i o11 to l o thi . If t l1e ame J)olie~ ... i ])111 ... l1ecl 11ext :}·ear we ,,·ill .·en 1 i11 011r 1·e1)ort . "\\Te h,1,·e 11otl1i11g to be a. ha1ned of. 1)11 t I lo l)elie,,.e it i not a l1eal t h~· . ·i tl1a tion to ·ompare 0111· elv·e. ,,·i t l1 ot11·. ·el,,.e. . n a eOlll)l of oc:ea. io11. ,, ... e l)a1)tizec1 111ore people tha11 a11y~ othe1 .. el111r th i11 t l1e RB. The 1{110,vl– cclg·e of t l1i . ,,.. a 11ot 11ece ·a1"'ilJ 1 goocl £01· eithe1" m3T elf or m} 1 people\ a11 l will 11ot be 1mtil ,,·e ar·e co111 pletel~\'.. Ba11ctif ied– a 11cl tl1e11 \\'"e ,vill be clone with 1·epo1·t. f ore, ' ' Tl1P. eclitor wa11t to be com– l)lrtel),,. 11el1tral o all will feel f1·ee to ,,Trite ,,~I1at t}1ey hone. t ly a11d l) ra } 1 e1 .. ft1ll}r tl1i11l<. c I" ·' <• l 1 i I< I r <' 11 •• ]J 1' ( > g· 1• a 111 1111 c I I t• 111" clil'('( 1 I i<> tl ()r ){ ())lllte \\ il SC> ll ( 11,),\T ~I r s. 1(11 i<·PI,) ) ,, ns . <> s t1,·c· rss l'ttl t ll <1 t i f I <' < I t c, H S 11 11 c I n ·'' 1 ) 1• <> g 1•r1111 a~ \Vt 1 l l . 'J11ii" 1s l >P i11g· cli1·pc f ,,1 ll.)r J>H.... IC>I' 1\ P )lll e ilt 1~ 11Jl c1· or (llP SHlf fi'c,rl( l{ a1)t is1 1 l111rc·l1 . .. \1101 11 Pr i I I ( P l' l' l--i t j 11 g f P,l l l l l' f' j S 1 It c:l 1 t } 1P l\ l <)Jl(lH,\· 111c>r11i 11 g 1 rog:ra111s Ht'<' 111i~sio11 , l1'.\r, ,,·it}1 l)c)t}1 lt<)Jll f\ r111c1 fc>l'Pig· 11 fic}tls ])l' '. Cll1 Cf{ b)r J>a~tor rl l 1<J lll{)C.,(.) l]. (l~('(' J)t ()Jl the fir. t ~I o11cl,1,r of r ael1 111<)11 t l1. ,,·l1 e 11 t11e • ,,·c>rl~ c>f tl1e le, ·cln11<l Il rlJ1 ..e,v l\ l i. 'lio11 j .· 11 r ese11 tecl l>~,. J{p,·. (~ er – c1 l cl '\"". H111e1 ·er . 'l'E:\I I:>LE B .L\l">TJ ~ 1 T \ J~rie The a111111al Tl1a11]{. g·i,Ti11g e1·v- i ·e ,,-a. h elcl tl1i. ,Tea1· 011 \"'\T ecl11e - • cla~T. It ,,'"a . pa tter·11ccl afte1· a11 ol l-£<1:hio11ecl fan1i ly Tha11l{. o·iy·ing gatheri11g: in the pa1·lo1... .i-\n of– fe1.. i11g· wa. take11 fo1· the Ilarve t ' II0111e offe1 .. i11g £01.. tl1e re11eral Fl1nd. FTR·~T B .L\PTI ~T El1r1 .. ia The peake1.. at the monthly 1 7 ot1tl1 Rall}" of tl1e IIebron n i11 .... T o,Ten1be1· ,va E,Ta11g·eli t RoJ– Tll. taf. on. ,,-ho "Ta hol ling evan– ge li.-tic 111eet i11g at the church . Oct . :-- ,,a a l1igl1 1)oi11t i11 l111clay ·11 001 atte11cla11ee, ' '{ith 710 pre - 11t. 1 ED R IIILL B ... PTI~ T. ile, 1 e l ancl Re,T. Pa11l cl1e11rk ha& bee11 calle l to beco1ne mi.. ion pa tor of the 11e,v ,,·01 .. l{ that i l)eing sta1"tecl at Twin burg·. Pa. to1· )fax Tll il<e1 .. h el cl a five la,... Bil)le 011fe1'e11ce at \\""ind 01 .. ' I1oc l<. , 01 n., fo1' l1i f1·ie11d Re,r. Ralph Ke1n111e1·e1... Ile r epo1 .. t a l)le... ec1 ti111e tl1e1·e. 1.Tp on hi r e– tl11--11 l1e l)ega11 p1 ..eachi11g· th1 .. ol1g·l1 Re,.. e la tion ~--.t111cla~T 11ig·ht. and at– te11 la11ce ancl i11tere t i ,"eTJT good. FIR~ T B .i:\PTI~ iT i\icDonald Tl1e Betl1anJT Bapti t Yol1th Fel– lo" ·· hip n1et at the :\IcD011ald ·h111· ·11 ... T o,T. I . t ,, .. ith Rev. K en- 11eth 111el e1.. of :\Ieclina a. tl1e . peal{e1·. The e11la1 .. g·eme11t of the cht11 " ·ill be 1 .. eacl3r fo1-- declication De– cembe1 .. 14th. Tl1e e1,,rice will be at 3 P.:\f., ,, .. ith the a1--ea pa tor i11,Titec1 in to l1a, 1 e pa1--t i11 the 1Jro– g1·a111. The l edica io11 me ag'e ,,"Yill l)e b1 .. ol1ght b},.. Edito1· Ralph T. ... .,. ordl11nd. (Continued on page 16)