The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1958

..... l 111,l"l \\ll· () l ' l •: 111 1 ~ \\. l IJI J 'l) \l l J .. \l ~ .. \I'\ l ' l1ri t111 l" 't t1l1..' <)t'l :\ a, 1- iatl : :111111t;11 tl1:1t 111('11 <ll't' tr) 111g· 1"l •p lel r:til\ ( , 1111 ..... t ·..... ll1rtl1 l <1 ,. l)tlt • "' l~· tl1e la ..... t. i11 SJl<1111 ..... l1. ~<l )" "<l \ \ ~ , c• c, 11 l < l ,, 1 "11 t 11 c 11 i 11 I·~ 11 g l i" l 1 , , l' l1~1ll I '(•tl111e l)r t)tl'~t;.111t 1..'1tt)11gl1 tel t' ll ,llll!'l) l'llr t1..\r111111c)lt)g·,, c111cl e,1ll e<l it 'I ltl' '\ (11 i,·it,. • Str1, 111~· nl)t)llt ,,·<)rtl" i ..... t)f litt Ir J) r 1.., f i t . 11 o,, l\, 1..' r. n 111.. l ,, l"' e H 11 r e j <.) i e c t}l<lt tllt 1 4\ tl \·l'tlt ~ l)cl '-0 11 t..l()(>S lll<ll\) it cl littll' ecl"irr t<.l t<1ll'" ,1lJol1t tl1 r ~ a,·it)llr ,,·l1t1 ('c1 111 e 0 11 ce cl ll <.l ,,·l1c> i:,... eo111i11g· ,1Q.·ni11. ~Io l e1·11i ..... 111 l1as 11ot ' , -...... t eo11 ,·i11ee(l ,·rr,· 111,111 , .. of t 1 e . . ' l'()llllllOll 1 PL) l)l L") tl1c1t ~J 0Sll~ i. 11ot t ]1 p ,·irg·i11 l)or11 .~011 of (1<.lcl. Tl1r ,· ~ ' 111ct)· 11<.1t <1 · ·c1)t l1i111 a · t l1t1i1· 11e1·- -... c)11,ll • 1 ,1,·io111· ,1111 l orcl . 1 1 l1e, · 111c1,,.. .. .. 11ot .. Pt') tl1 i11et>11 i .. te11e,· of 111a11v~ .. . of 011r \ ~l1lr-ticl e t1·c1clitio11.. Tl1e,· .. 111,1,· grie,·e 11. ,,Tit l1 t l1 0ir ext r a,·a- . ~ gc1117a. ,111d i 11 t e111 pera11re, lJ tl t t li e~· clo prof e. to 1 e 1 ie,·e tl1a t .J e. ll,· 11 ri~ t t·a 111e £1·0111 l1rc1,,.e11 to ea rt11 to . n,·e tl1e lo t. \\""r a1·e ,,·1·i ti11g tl1is edit01·ial l., e– ea t1. e ,,·e 111et ,,·itl1 a11 exc·eptio11 to– cla)· i11 t l1 e l)erso11 of a ~J e,,·i ·h ale.· - 111a11. '\\he11 ,,·e t1·ied t o ,,·it11e.: to l1i111, lie :aicl: ' W e .J e,\. c1011 t l1e– lir,.. e tl1e :\ f e . ial1 l1a: co111e ,,,.et. 111 faet. 1)e1--. 011ally. I lon t lJelie,·e tl1at a pe1· ·011al ~Ie.-. ial1 ,,·ill e, ·er <·0111r . · · ,, ....e r eu1i11clecl 11 i111 t l1at t }1e ' lcl Te:ta111e11t al,,·aJ'" . l)enlt: of the .\ffl. ~ial1 i111)e1-.011a l ter111:, a11c.l tl1,tt ,1 ·corcli11g to ( ie11e ·i. · -10 :10 l1e roll, t l1c1 ,·e c·o111P l,ef or e t }1 e tr·il1e of ..J l1tlal1 lo. t it~ la. ·t , ·e. tige <)f 1·t1le; fJ lit it ,,·a1.., t1.·ele.-- '). Ilr clicl 1 ot \Ya11t to l)c ro11,~iueecl. "\\"'"e rejoiee tl1,tt tl1i" 111a11 i · , ·e1·~· 11111c·l1 of a11 exte11tio11 . l)tlt ,,·c Lric,·r o,·er the f,1 il11re of 1110.1t (:r11tile..., to . 0 li,re cl to COl l \ 1 i11ce l1i111. Dor" l1e ee a111011g· J)1·ofes. i11g· (... hri~tia111.., 11111c·l1 of the e 11tl1l1:ias 111 a11cl jo~· tl1at ,,·ol1lcl J)ro,·e t11,1t tl10)· r P,111,· l Pli e,"e tl1at ({o<l c·a1ne to • c\a rt l1 111 tl1r l)Pr~o11 of .J e ·11s ('h1~i:t? ')11],· tho"P that 111akc.1 tl1e F i1·. t • ~ \ (l,· e11 t the 1·e111i11cle1· <>f t]1e , 1 ec·o11cl a1cl j cJ~·f1111~· loolc for Ili R et11r11. ,lo k: PeJ tl1 J g]o,,· of tl1Pir faitl1 11p- 011 t l1ei1· f a<·P . \\. P ( 1 l1ri ..... tia11 '> 11 ie<l to re111 1n 1 >e1· that ,·vp a1·e li,·i11g· l)Pt,,·re11 t,,·o alorit- ..... - thr o·lor,· <>f 1 l1ri t · ~ . }irt}1 a11cl tl e O'J·ratr1· o·lt)r,- of Iii l'"'l r .. rettll'Jl. rr11e fir',t i, lil{e a 1'e- c;edi11g "'ta1·. 11<),,. 1 !J~ ~ ~-par a,,·a~·. h tl t t i 11 tra i 1 i 11g g l < > r .,· 1 i 1, e a · o 111 et. \\t c>11<lerf111 a, it 111a,· l JP. that o·lor,· • b ' Till~ 1110 INDE I~Nl ENT BAPT1S1' ,,,11 t'n(l<' tttl l l'~~ \\l' ll l<> l, le) tltl' (1 ..... c·,·11c ln11t ~l <l l'11i11 g 1' t,1r thc1t 1~ !'-.llllll l'() l lli11g , ,it}1 ll <'H li11 g i11 hts \\ ittp:" ! l {('fOl'l' cl l l<>l ll l' I' 1 hl'i~t lllcl '°', t ltH{ " Jl lt'll<l{)l' lllcl~· l ) lll'~l ll }){) ll \\S . 'rl t<' ()l cl ' l'<'stH1lll1111 }Jl'<lllli ~ecl i11 lllH 'l \ <l ii'fc'l'<' ll1 ,,·,1,·s ,. l l P ,,·ill • • l < 111 <' .. , l 11 1 lit' ~ ('\\' 'l'Pstcllll<'llt 0111' },;o r cl ~cl , ·s, ·' I ,,· ill e(>lllP.'' \\Tl' • l <'iip ,·p th,11 Jll' <.>111ist' i8 el s st1 1·e c1 11cl lit<'1·,1] H~ tl1r ol11r r . , \ r l1e 11 l8Hi,1l1 g,1,·r tl1P l)l' (>111i... , • ]~ l1olcl cl , , ir– ~l' i 11 s l 1 a 11 eo 11 e <> i,· P , cl 11 d I l e cl r cl : <> 11 , clll (l ~11,111 tHll l1is 11,'11110 I111111a11 - lle 1, ' ,,. f i11c.l 110 cl j f fi 1 111 ty i11 be– l ie,· i11 fr t l1,1t 1 0 111ea11t tl1 e Lo1· l .Jr ' ll8, ,,·11 0 ,ra · i11c1e 1 · (loc.1 ,,·ith 11 ·. ·' 'l,11er e i : 110 other ,,·a,T to ac- • eo1111t fo r l1is rocl -lik:0110ss. "\"\Tl1e11 .J er f 111ial1 8,l i 1 · ' I ,,Till 1--ai ·e 1111to I)a,.. icl a rigl1teol1.. ' 131·a11clJ . . . ,l 11cl thi: i. l1i.· 11 a111e ,,. l1e1·e l}\'" h e .. . l1all 110 c,1llecl T lIE I10RI ) 0 l 1 R RIC+HTE l R TE ~- ' ,,·e ha,ve 110 10111 t t l1c1t t l1i: ,, ... a . lite1--allv f11l- .. f illecl i11 t11e L o1--d J e tls 1 hri.· t . GR.€-€Tln [I e \\Ta ' 0 f th e 110 l1 'e Of Da , ri l ac– (' Q l' (l i11g to t he f le. · 11, a11d l)or11 i11 13et 11lehe111; a11 l , .. et l1e ,,,,a.· :o · i11- • les a11c1 1·ighteo11: that l1 e 111l1:t be tl1e }_,;o rd. ..\11 lie n eecl · to cl o to ful– fil thi: 1 1 rophe j).. i11 ,J er e111ial1 _;3 : 3. (1 . i: to co111e ag·ai11 a11cl talre 11is ~cept1·e a11cl 1·eio·n ! ~ot 0111,.. cloe. tl1e l c1 Te:t a111e11t .. ~a,- t l1a t the :\J e. 1. iah .·l1a 11 ·om <> f. tl1r :Peel of Da , ,ic1 a11d yet l~e I 111111a11t1el a111 the Lo1· c1 011r Rig·hteo11.·11e... ·, a Ligl1t to tl1e ({ e11- tile: c1 11 l +od 's sH l,'"atio11 to t l)e e11c1: c)f th e ecl1·th bt1t it l1:11allJT c·o11- 11cic· t" ctll t l1e. e 11·on1i;e · ,,·itl1 tl1e g lcJ r iPs of tl1e I{ i11gclo111 a11cl tl1e 1· ecl P11111tio11 of I 81·ael . 11]~r i11 I >sa 1111. · :2:2 cl11c1 6~), a11cl i11 Isa iah ,>:~. cl c) ,,·e :ee 111111 a. t11e r ej ectecl c1 11t l e 1·11<: i fi cl 011r. T,,·o or thr·ee c)t l1P r isolatecl ,·er ·e: i11 I aiah a11cl %Pc: ]1,11·ia 11 111a, .. cll.10 :tre. .1 hi. u£- .. f eri11g·.1 , bl1t tl1P g1·eat 1)1111{ of lf e: - ~iH 11 il' J)rophe ')'". tr . . e · hi · gloriol1 rri g·11. .t\. t ih1·i:t111a. ti111 c ,, 1 love to < 111 <>tr> I ~ a i a l 1 0 :G . l) 11 t ,, 1 e for g· et tc) r e,lcl tl1P se, ·e11 t l1, Of the i1 - i 11 t r PH~r c>f l1is g·o,Tr1·11111en t a11d J)Pa<·P there : hall l}e 110 e11 c1 11po11 tl1c 1 tl1rc>11e of Da,.. ic1. a11cl l111011 l1i · l(i11gclo111 to or cle1· it a11cl to e ·- D<'c mb ,r 1958 tnl> l1 ~l1 i1 ,,ith j11clg· n 1P 111 <111cl \\i1h j, 1s1ic•(' l' r <> lll l1 e1 1, c·<> l' <> r1 Ii P\ P tl f'c>r ('\V I' . 1 ' ' l' lt <' ~<'<'<> tl(l 1\ cl,·<1 ut 111a,· ,,·p)J l>P ' ()1 11' t ht•lll<' H1 1 hi~ ( 1 l1rist111H:--i 1 i111 P. 11 <' <'H ll lP <> tl <'P n11cl l1 P \\ ill c·<>lllP c1g·,1i 11- 111c1.,r l )ll \ 'P l '~~ S()() ll . ff \ \ ' ()l'lcl t·c, 11cl iti c> 11s ,ll'P ,111,· i11 (1i c·a1 ic>tl , it • 111,1,· lJP , ·p r,~ s<><) ll i11<lP<><l. \\Tp bP- • 1 liP\'( t}1p }lO])P <>f t}1p ~P<'011Cl ( 1 0 lll- i11 g· ,,·ill cl(> 1i101--p tl1a 11 clll} 1 tl1i11fr PlsP tc) <Jltitl<r11 0111· J) <1<> 1Jle 1<) rr- 11p,,·rcl cl r , ·c> tio11 a11cl i11s1)i1·0 thr111 ,,· itl1 <:011tagio1ls jc>>"· . \ s fc>r 1 l11·i .·– tia 1) li,·i11g· v,·c cll'P Hll t'e t}1c>sr ,,rho a1· r lc>c)l{i11g· for the:> risr11, t' ig11i11g· I{i11 g· of rig·l1t ro11. ·11e. . ,,.. ill 1Je 11101·e c·a1·ef11l 110,,· t l1e,· a<·t tl1a11 tl10:e • tl1clt se1 ti111e11tall)'" ,,..or . l1iJ) ( ·h1·i.1t as a I3al ' e i11 a 111a11gr1·. ~II 1 II 1 Ct Jc\ N ( 1 I I { R 1 I IE~ i I IELP EA 1 ll < TIIER Tl1e Fl111 cla1ue11ta l .B-,e llo""'- l1iJ) tell~ of 1 0 c: l1111--el1e: i11 )Iichiga11 that hel1)ecl a siste1· thl11· ·11 '\"ith a ro11t1·il)l1tio11 of $1211 to l1elp it l)l1ilcl . The cl111rch i.· fo11r yea1\· ol cl a11cl l1a. ha cl a :t1·l1ggl e to rai ·e *17 5()0 for n 111eeti110· place. W e cl o 11ot ]{110,,· ,,~I1a t a.. 1. oeiatio11 the e I ... a1)ti t el1l11·ehe: a1·e i11 l)llt ,,re eon g·rat11la t e tl1e111 011 thPir ho111e llli . i Ollc:ll"~" , l)i1·it. 0111· o,,·11 c l1 t11· ·he: l1a, ,.e r e- spo11c1ecl i11 a i111ilar ,,·a}'" \'vhe11 a si8te1-- eh l11·cl1 l1ad a fir e a11d ,,·e ar·e ..·111·e 1na11,· otl1e1· cl eeds of ki11d11e .._ l1a,·e bee 11 clo11e tl1at l1ave 11e, 1 e1-- l1ee11 {)llblishecl. .1\. fe ,,· of ot11-– c h lll'C l1e8 a1·e 111otl1eri11g· 11 e,,,. ·on– g1--eg·a t io11: a11cl h el1)i11g eitl1er 011 tl1e p cl, t o1· '.. salar3r 01· 011 b11ilcli110· co ·t .,. \\Te oul~,. r epo1·t ' '" l1a t is 1)e– i11g· do11e in ~Ii ·}1ig·a11 to e11rot11--aO'e ot1r r h l11·ches to cl o 11101·e alo11g· that line. T,,,,e11tJ ... -eight of ot11· ch111--ehe · l1a,·e le~: tha11 1()0 111e111l)e1·s a11cl i11 :21 of then1 ,,·e k110,"V t lie l)a ,tor is h a, ri11g a 1·eal . t1·t1o·g·le. ~on1e ,,·orlt -!() }10lll", a ,,·e k a11d l1a, 1 e a ft1ll loc1d of c:11111-- ~11 ,,,. 01·1< 011 top. Tl1e~ .. 111asr 11ot l1a,"e a n1all) 1 call to 111alte as pasto1'. of la1·ge1· chl11·ch– e.1 f1111 er al .~ or ,,.. ed li11g·: 0 1· l)oar·cl 111eeti11g: ~ bl1t they 1 ave 110 :e ,1·e– ta1·,.. 01-- a. ·:i.~ ta11 t, a11 l ·0111etin1e : .._ 110 Bible tea • l1er 110 cl ep e11dalJle t1·11:tee to ha1--g of b11ild– i11g· 01· 1·e1)ai1~i11g, a11cl ~·0111et i111 e ha, ·e to clo tl1ei1· 0,, 1 11 ja11ito1~ ,,,.01·](. Ot11e1 .. · ,,·i:l1 tl1 3" Ol1lcl ~:et a job l)11t ha,re to st1~l1gg·le 011 ,,·ith a pit– ta11<:e. "\"'\The11 the,~ hea 1~ 111 e 11 i11 thP .. (Continued on next page )