The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1958
IO ),1r le :11· f ·l lt> ,,·-111 , , 11llt' l ' . fn it l1 - f ,1l ll l l'" ()\l:ll ,\ :lll( l " l' 1' \ · ;1 11t ()[' t ll t' l "l) r ll • t t 1 , J.~ C' , •. ~ I r . l 1 l H r '1 1 t •(' ... \ • PJ l 111111 p ttt. 11:," !.!<> t l<' I I )tt tl' 1 t l 1,l, \ \ lt]l tlll\ l Jl)l'( l ltt' \ {) \ ' Pll c\lltl "'l'1'\ l1 ll f l>l , ,, l<,111.r ll l' ltatl l )l\(l \l tn l,t' ll ill tt1 )11, l)tl, 1 ,lt l~l'l cl , () 1tl)Hll i?,' l li – ( ' l1uri. t~'rt 1 11t· l1 l·~, , 11n t c)ri ,1l . \ l' ri va . :lllll 1lctt l l l l' (' l l Ht l\ t, l'l l 1 t) l' l'1lll'll lt f' l'l' ,lt llllel' f <) l' trl' ,l tt l l l'1l1 . ll t' l lll t' l't'tl 1 ()l't() l ' ." l l t) ,1)it,,l 011 ;. (' l>– t l 111 l l pr ~' l r tl \ 111 t l 1111 < l(' r,,· c 11 t P x- lt' ll , 1\ t' "- ll l'~' l" l'~· l) l l () l' f l)bt' l' ~llll. • lllltl,1 , lll l) l'l l l]lg' , l ) t· t t) l )(l l' 1~)t11. • tll P J,t' l' t.l l'c.lll t' tl 111111 ll () lll l'. l 'l it r t:" 1 11l'P .J c111111ett e ,,·a, bor11 ·> ' , t'H l'" ,l ~ l) ,l t I> <) r t ~111 t>11tl1, ( l1io. Il e 111c1rriell 1~: ~tl1t\ r ... \ . ~n11111clso11. ,l 111 l111l1e r <)f t l1r ~, , L' lli:11 l~a})ti,· t l ,lllll' ·11 11<) \\ l1 etl1el I ,l})tist. i11 1~) ~-l- .\ f t t.l l' 13 ilJ1e ~el1oc) l tr<1 i11i11g' t l1e , · "'t 11Lliet1 i11 ~~11g·la11cl .·l11c1 }~r,;11t:e fo r t ,,·() ~·L 1 ,1r. l1efor e . ail– i11u, i 11 19:27, £01· tl1c ir f ir.· t t e1·111 tlf 111 i~~io11c:1r~· ."er,·iee at Fo1~t _\rl' l1,1111b c111lt , .B 1 .E ....\ . )1 r . . J e l11111ette ,,·c:1 ." tl1e fir. t 111i - ~i<) llcl r,~ , e11t to ... .\f1·ic·a l1y ot11· <·<)11gr~g·a tio11 t 11 e 11 l<:110 " ·11 ,1. etlar ... \ , ·e1111e l~a1)ti "t 1 l1111·cl1 a11cl lo– l'atec1 at F.1 a, t ' 9tl1 a11tl 'eclar _\ , ·r1111e. I Ii. 111 i ·:io1 a1·).. .·e1·,Tice l1a. l)ee11 0 11 e, ·e1·al )Ii 1-:\f i~· ion ~t a tio11~ i11 f .F.1 ....\ ., 1110. t of it in t lie ,,·or l'- of tl1e ) I 01~a t1 l)as a1cl 111·ia tc:1 tio11 lot ,1 t rcl i11 tl1e ee11t1·al J) a1·t of F . F.1. \ . aJ)l)r oxi111atel)" 1~00 111 il t.l" f 1· (>111 t l1 e ,,·est t oa:t of 1\. £1--1 ·a. {... i 11g t l1 r FrP11c·l1 c111cl 11ati,Te • 1 a 11u·c) lc1 11g11age~. l1i~ \\.. 01·1{ l1a.: l)ee11 l) r i111ct ri l )· t l1a t <>f 0 \ .. a 11g·e li. ·1n c111 cl l~ill]e t Pct l' l1i11µ:. ,,·itl1 11111c l1 of t l1P 111i11i" t r \·- of tl1e lc1.·t .~c, .. eral ,·ra 1·" cl r,·c>t ~<1 t o 011 t -. ta tio11 ·\"ror l{. • \\'r l1ilr <>11 ft1 1·lc>11p:l1 i11 194-G. ::\ I1·. .J e 11 1111 ett P , , .. ,1 . or cl a i11ecl t o t lie I~a t)ti~t 111 i11i: tr~,. at II011gl1 _,_\ ve- 1111P l~clJ)t i~t ' l1111·cl1, ,111 cl follo\vi11g 11 i , <> r tli11atio1 a ~. i: t ecl 0111· tl1e11 J)a~t<>l'. IJ1·. \\Tillia 111 N. Ro:. · i11 ,·i ..._ j ta t i <>11 a11cl <>th <:>1· p l1a:r.· of t 1111 r r 11 , , ·01~k. "' 111·,·i, · i 11 g 11 r <Ji 1 Pl' .J Plll l llPtt e cll'P }1i , \\·jfp r: t ]1e r ..c.\., clll Cl f i, .. e <·l1il(lr <111 J>l1iliJ) o f ~ ;,111 I)i eg·o, I)at1l . . J a111r"' a11<l :\ Ji1~ia111 of ile, ·e– lc111cl, a11cl :,r r". B1·ia11 1f a1·et ( :t:le,111or ) , a 1 1i\~io11cll').. i11 , ;0111,1lia, I·:c1 t ... frit·a, a11cl f<Jt1 r fr r a11cl C' l1il– c]rP11. Tl1e fa111i l~· 1·p icl e11C'e i..., :-1t l fi ,>-l l) el111cJ11t ..\ , ·p1111 1 • ( 'l e,Te l,111c1. , r,Ti(· P, f<>r J~rotl1 c.1 r .T e 11 1111Pt te ,,·c J' P }1r}l1 at ~ J> .J f. \ \ ""(-'Cl llP. c1a)r, < ><·tolJ r 2211cl. i11 <)11r tl111r ·11 at1<li– t o ri11111. ,,·itl1 I >a"t(>l' l3,11~~c> offiC'iat – i1 g ~\s~i,ti11g· i11 t l1P ::-ic-1r, ice \\ er e ) I i. ( :eor<re ~. )I il 11 r r . J>1· ) ·i(l e11t INDEl'ENDENT BAPTIST JEU E CALLED HOME cl r 1 ~ ;i J) t i "'1 .\ l i < l ~ I is~ i < > 11 ~ • t l 1 <' I > <',•. ~l r . l{ (' \ Il <ll< l l {cl ltl <'(' ll, l)cl~i<>l' (>I' ~ I r"'. • J.(, t t 1111 e t t c ~ l 1, > 111 e v l 1 t 1 re 11 , l~<' tl1Pl l~H l)1t~1 ; ~Ir. ~I . '\T Yc>~t. ~Ir. ~let11111t't1 e ·~ ~\tlltl,t~ St· l1 l><) l lc 1 H<'hPr l'l>l' 111H 11~· ) ' l'cll'S, ,111 tl J>cl~ 101' ,Jtlhll (:. ]~Hl\"0 . l~,p]}C)\Y lllPlll - • J > l ' 1• ~ i 11 l 1 is H t 111 < l ,l ) T ~ 1 <' l 1 < >() I 1 l <ls~, tl1P (lillro11s, ser,·rtl as J)alll)Pclr 1 r x. l\ ll's. E. I1. ',-t r111,111 :ct11g· lJCcllt - t i 1' 11ll,· · 130 Ht i lI :\ I } r Ho11 I ' a 11 cl • • ··I p,.. 0 11 l tl1 St111set arc·o111- 11,111i'ecl l )}'" :\ 11'.. \\Ti lli ,1111 J ol111. 0 11 ,1t tl1c 01·g,111. J 11 ._ ] ;.c\ .._ T l 1Erl,'f}JR ] R() l .A-\ ] RI 1\ U-r ceti11g ~ f ro111 131·ia i11 J e. ·t1s ~ a11 ! It i8 110,,r £0111-- 1no11th . i11 ·e 0111· lc1. t <Ye 11er a l 1 tte1·. Th e11 ,,·c ,ver e 1 o1<i~1g for,\·a1--c1 to ~liri– ,1111 '. } 011g· '\racatio11. ..1. O" ' Va •a– tio11 i o,·er a11cl t l1i.. i l1er . ·econd ,,·eelc of . ehool. 1 he i. i11 t l1P eio·htl1 0·1·ac1e a11d ,,·ill g1--a ll1ate 11:~t ·'I);i11g. IIo,,,. ,,re did e11jo} 1 l1a,Ti11g l1e1-- for three 1no11tl1s. Pra)'" e.11) ·iall JT f 01' the c hilc11~e11 at '1 1,.amp e 1 t l1at tl1 y ,,,. ill be lrept i11 l1<:>altl1 aud l ea1'11 to t1--t1 t the Lo1~d 1110 1·e as tl1ey.,. a re ·epara tecl fron1 tl1ei1~ parent . 111 ol11· Dece1111Jer l ette1· of la. t \~e,11· ,,·e a ·lred ·pecial pra}re1· £01· :\I r\ ::\I Dl l 0111~ Af1--ica 11 .L\ cl- 111i11 i ·t1·a to1' . ( To cla tr ,,·e ~ till }1a,,.e 110 ,vhite 111a11 to talce hi: J)lace. ) Il e ·a1ue to the ·l1a1)el a f e,,r ti1ne. b11t 1·e · 11tl3r ,,e ha,·e 1 ot :ee11 l1i111. Ili: ,,,, if e ha: l)ee11 , , ,. . ·icl{ a11 cl hacl to f.l:O to Ba111- l a1·i f 01· a11 op er atio11. The t l11·ee olc1e t bo:y·.1, abo11t 6, a11d 1 () , Tea1--. of age have l)Pe11 to111i11g' to ~·l111r·e 11 a111 ·h ilc11·e11 i ~ :,11eeti11g8. :\I ose.·. t 11 e olcle. ·t, 11a.· 1 ee11 sa ,Teel ko111e t i111e a11cl ree e11tl}· Solo111011, tl1e . couc1 l)oy, at eptecl tl1e l JOl' (l cl8 hi. Sa, 1 iOlll'. ' 'Te p1·,1ise thr Lo1·cl £01· t l1at. Tl1e}· a1·e lo, ·e l~.. ,,Te ll-1)el1a,·ec1 cl1il 1re11 a11cl a1·e ~;<J e; 11 t e a 11 t l 1· e. ~ ec 1 cl like. (, C) 11 ti i111e to p1·a:v· fo r :\ l.i\:\l .i\DOl"" .q11<l hi: £a111ilJT• "\\Te pl' aise the Lo1· 1 fo r 1'I r. a11 cl :\ f1·s. l.)a11l. 01 1, 0 11 of 011r 111i:·: io11- ,11·}1 co11ples " 1 110 tool<: a cle11tal col1rse 011 t l1ei1" ]ast £11rlo11g·l1. 11 tl1rer of 11s 11eedecl cl e11tal ,,,.01·lt c1011e .·o tl1e fi r st 1)a1·t of -Tlt l)'" . ,,·e ,,·e11t to . ee tl1e Pa11l. 011:. ::\Iiria111 hacl a .. ix ):rca1· 111ol a1~, ,,.. it11 _ clb:ee. ·: es 011 tl1e 1·oot. ,,·hich 111 P,... rxt1·attecl . "\"'\ e a 11 hatl fill – i 11g:s a11cl othe1· ,,·01·1( cl o1e :o t l1e t 1·ip ,,·a. ,,Tell "To1"t l1 '\\Thile. . \\Te l1a , re p la11necl 0111-. fall 1 at1,Te l ., .... t '\. f <· ,,11t't'l' <' ll<' P l'c> t' ()c·tc> > ' I' .... f <> A"<> \ t' 111 l. c•1· ~ . t>l Pcl S<' 1>t tt tli c,~c· <IH1P!',; (I() \\ 11 :,..,() \ '" () \ l \ \ i 11 11 () t r() r ~PI 1 0 1>rc1., l'c>1· ,·,s c1t tl1c1t ti111c . . '\\ r. a1·e1 l<><>l, i11 u· tc> i l1 <' IJ<>r<I 1<> sti r ctll <>ltr l1P,trt st"t }1at ,,c, ,,i ll 1><' <> tl fi1·<' f'<> r Jli 111 <lltc l t l1,,1 ( 1 l1ri~tia11~ ,ri ll l>P rt·,· i,·t1c l ,1 11 (1 l1a,·p cl <lP~i r <> t<J 111<11{<' ( 1 l1rist l<110,,·11 . ' I1J 1c>r<1 i~ ,1 lc>tl1,1rg~· a111 o 11g· 81 t 11 t> t>,• a11 g· P 1 i s t s t <J <> . 'I h r. c·ll11rel1 i: 11ot ctl>l e tc) pay tl1e1n r11011g'h j11 ,,·ap.·p:-;, s<) tl1t1~" .-1)e11 cl a grcc1 t cl r,1 l of t i111e 111c1l{i1 g cott on a11c.l <>t l1e r g·,1 r~(l e11s. ( 1 011sec111e11tly tl1 r , ,. clo 11ot g·o o t1 t aH oftc>11 a: they • • 1 sl10111 1 for , ·illage 111eet111g.·. .. o })t'a)r for t l1e111 a11 cl for 11:. . "\\re ar,e exp eti11g a 11e,,· 1n1f·– ~io11a1' )'" tO tl}) l e 11ext 111011th to ,,Torl{ , ,·it 11 11. 11 ere at I~ 1~ i a , ~ I r . a 11 cl :\ [ rs. \\.,.illia111 I~1·0,,T11 a11t1 their tl11·ee little childre11 . ()f ro11r :e, ,re ,,·ill l1a,·e to t each the111 •ango f ir:t. \\""e l1a,Te lJee11 getti11g 0111· old 11111cl ho11: r fixe 1 llJ) £01-- the1n a11cl l1a, ·e a o·ar c1e11 .·ta1·ted fo1~ tl1e111. ) r ol11-. · i11 l I in1. C 1 la1--enc a11d E . tl1er ~J el11111rtte The INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF JEWISH MISSIONS, INC. performs a two-fold ministry: 1 It shepherds and supports many Hebrew Chris,. ti.ans caught In the cross-fire of Gentil e anti-Semitism and the hatred of Jews who regard them as apos· tates. Thei r pl ight is sore indeed. You can !lelp save the ljves of these oppressed fellow believers by your gifts. 2. It brings eternal l i fe to many Jews here in America , Israel, Europe, North Africa and Mexico through the witnE!ss of its missionaries undergirded by your prayers and support. Without you we are powerless to meet these urgent needs. THE INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF JEWI SH MISSIONS, INC. has on its board outstanding Christian leaders. Write for a tree copy of our bimonthly, THE EVERLASTING NA· TION wi th i ts most informat ive articles and reports of world Jewry. To new subscribers we shall send a two years' sub– scription f or the price of one year. ($l per year.)Dr. Jacob Gartenhaus, President Dr. Robert G. Lee, Chairman Advisory Board, world-renowned minister and author.
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