The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1958
December 1958 )II III J ~ IItTR 11E I-IELP ( outi1111ecl) . ·."),000 ·la.: tall<: abot1t l)ej 110~ 'I 001· ] ' • b J)reac 1er:, the3T la11gl1 a11cl ,,To11c1e1' ,,·J1etl1e1' II 1 0 1'. :14 i · i11 al l BilJle · ! TlJr 0111~~ 1'ea. 011 il1e3r l{eep 011 J)1·eae;l1i11g i ... lJeCHll ·e tl1r3r lo, 7 e tl1ei1· litt le floe lcs a11cl ,,To11cle1.. if a113r 011e e 1. c ,,Tot1ld l)e ,, 1 il] i 11g• to he11he1' l the111 if tl1e3 ... shot1lcl gi,re UI), ... T o,,T ,,·e 1{110\v ilia t th Bal)ti ·t I3t1ilcler s 'i l11l) l1a: c1011e a 111,1g·- 11ifice11t job h0lpi11g· ,,·eal{ cl111r 11 . lJt1ilcl ; bt1t ,,,itl1 0111)'" 4: 000 co11- t1·ilJ11tor c l1 l11'che . 01neti111e: l1a, , to ,,·ai t a yea1· a11 cl t l1e 11 ca11 onljr g·et UI) to . ·:..,000. ~ 11c:h a11 c>t1t1·ight gift i ,,,011de1·ful, 1)11t jt i. ofte11 11ot e11ot1g·l1 . ~ 0111et i111es the ;l1t11· ·11 B11ilcli11g· 1 om111ittee of the ~ 1 ello,,,_ ·l1ip of Ba11ti ~t. fo1· llo111e ii:. ion. ·a11 le11d lll) to $10 000 011 cl. fi1-. t 11101·tO'ao·e a11d :o far five c h111~che · r.- t:, ' l1a\·e bee11 l1 e l1)e 1. "'\Vith 11101·e lJ o- l)le i11,re ti11g· lllOlle)r i11 this afe le11di11g aO'ellC}r, tl1ey : hOlllcl 0011 be a l)le to help fi,,e 01· n1or·e · l1l1rch– e · eacl1 , ... ear: a11d that i ,, 1 011der- ~ ful. If 11101 .. e of ot11' p eople ,y·o11l cl joi11 the BaJ)ti t Bl1ilcl er l11b a11d gi,re . ·10 a )'"ear. and more i11t1'll t tl1eir money at 4% to the hurch B11ildi11g 1 om111ittee ot1r yo1111g ch111--c- he: cot1ld i11dee l g·o £01·,,,arcl 111ore 1·apiclly. At thi. l1ri t 111a tin1e it \ 1 {0t1lcl be " 1 ell for-- all of U· to a ·k ,, 1 hether a Gift to tl1e Ki110' n1ig·ht inclt1de :0111 etl1i11g to h el1J tl1e:e age11cie~ to 01Jerate. IIo,,,. to help Olll' 11eecl3r pctsto1· . cle111a11cl · a11otl1er· ·o] t1ti()11, 110\,·e,·er . "'\\re ha,,e 110 orga11izatio11 t l1at aicl. · J)a:toI'. · of org·a11izecl c- l1 t1 r c: hes a11cl ~'"et thry n1ay l) i11 j11. t a g1·eat 11eccl a.' a ho111e 111i:.1io11ar1r ,,.. ho • i ,,·or l{i 11g to estalJ lis l1 a 11r,,, (·l111rel1. ( 1 011lcl tl1e1·e be s11cl1 a tl1i11g a. a I~rot l1 1~}1ood l 1 l111cl to ,,·}1i ·}1 g·e11e1·ol1s f)a:tors a11cl lH)'111 e11 < • o 11 l(l c: o 11 t rib tl tr for t l 1 e a i c 1 <) f 1 l1Pir J,.. ~8 fort1111at r 1Jr rt l1rp11 ? If s(, 11<>\\' \\ 01tlcl it l>e aci111j 11i8t ,r l ·? • ' c, 111 <.. s 11 1 a J 1 <• I 1 l 1 l' < •} 1P s < • c > 11 l cl ~ 111 >I> or t tl1 ei r J>c1s1<Jt~ ,,·p l] if tl1c..~.,. got tl1c \ 1 isi<J11. I!s 111 lr :1 so111<j \\ HJ' ,,·p c·o11lc l g 1 t tl1ut clttf,\r ,t 'l'OSS tcJ tJJp c]c 1 a 'Oll~ of' 1J1ps~ c·l111r ·lies ,, 1 i11l<J ll1 SP 1111i11g· 1 <, \' i O} ,1 t ( 1 1 J l <1 j 11 tl P J) 1 l l < l(• 11 <• .v· < > f 1 }1 (• l<,<·,1] c·l111rc·l1 ? , 1 <>111ratir11<1s ct 11rigl1 - lJt)ri11g· 1>as tc>1· c·a11 lJP i11,·it<1cl ic, fi])<•,1h: a11cl 111()11 t,tll< ,tl>ottt tl1P J>l'ol,- l<'JJI ttft<·1·,va1·cls. • 1 <,111e c·l1111·c·l1c•s n 1 • 1• <1 a l l .\ 1 1 cJ c, \\' Pa I c 1 <> i.; 11 J > J > <J 1 • t H ,,,1:tc,1· ,t<J .. ,Jllctt0.l.\ 1 • ('a11 tll ')' l,ca talce11 1111<l<)r 1}1p ,vi11g c,f a 11Pig·l1 - l>t>1·i11g· c·l1t11·<·l1 ,t11cl l'l ,. •i\' l 1 l1c•IJ> l l lJ t i J f ]1 ·\\' <• H 11 1 }1 <· 1u i-;r- I ,r < s • 111 > I>< l rt H f LI f ) 1 i l J 1 « J J 1 i 11 j 8 f I' \ 1 ! \ <J \ t ff l t J 1 e )' • • lJe 1t~1ll)J1c <I 1<) cl JH t1fl ttJ> fJll • ttt·h l1el1> , 1 ea1' a1'1t.. 1· \' t1,tr ,r c·c,11Jcl 111(ir .. . ., ' THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPT_I_S_T_____________ Page Thre~ lJe a11 c1g·1·ee111c:>11t tl1at tl1ey 11111:st ,ro1·l{ hcll'll t() l10eo111e :eJf-s11staj 11- j11g· ,,ritl1 l P.'8 give11 e:acl1 }'Pel l' for • < <l 111ax 111111111 of £i, 1 c )' ea r s? "'\\T 0 cll' P 0111.)" 111i11]{i11g· Ol1t l()ll(l }llld J10J)i11g· to g·et i l ea,8 tl1,ti 111ig·ht l1e '\'Ol']<a})}(' <l llCl 110llll l cll'. rr}1C\'(l 1L11(1C1l'J)aicl 11 astors <ll'0 c>11 otir l1 rart ,l ll (l ,,,J1e1· r 1}1er0 is cl ,vi ll. tl10 rc ~11rr l)r 11111 :-;t l)e . 0111() \\ 1 ,1y to l1el11 the111. l f ) TO l1 ha, 1 0 tl1e \\ 1 ill , ,,,J1at \\"cl~,. ,voltltl .\To 11 s11g·g·r,"t ! • Nl rl . ;c ~R.II >T I()N~~ ()~ T l1 E J N 1 RF.J .t\ SE }"01t1· <·l1t1r<·l1c.· a11cl 011e 111i. : io11 tcl1{r tl1e () IB fo1~ al l ac·t i,,e 111111- l r rHl1i1 h<J111eH: 13ro<>l<sitle ]~a11tist 1 lr, 1 c l a11c l 119 l 3iblr I~a11ti~t, l eclfo1·cl 5~ ·1i11to11\ 1 ill r l~a1)tist rol11111l)ll. >37 1) i1 )1e B a1> tjst 1 ol11111l)t1.· 14 Fi1·st BaJ)tist, ~ -.tro11g' ·, rill e fo1 .. all 111 tl1e frllo,,·.-l1iJ) of tl1ci1· l )l'O– J)osec1 (' ht1rC'h . 'I']1i r teet1 tlllll'tl1es ]1a\'C 10% OI' lllOl' e. l\ Ii cl,Tie,,T I3apti.'t Grafto11 l111- clo11l1te 11)'" s l1 ot1 l 1 be i11 the llPI er li.·· t \,·itl1 16 i11 a 111e1111Jer . 11ip of 23 ! ..i:\ t lea. t J)e1·te11t,tge ,,·ise 110 e l1 t1 re: h · a11 beat tl1a t. Fo.,toria I~npti.. t l1a , 71 or 11ea1--ly all . 13e1·ecl Bapti. t l1a 30 or 11ea1 .. ly c1l l . ( 1 al,.. ar)T liaJ)1 i ·t Nor,,·,lll( 11ea1·– J)1 all. .b-. i1·:t Baptist Gc1lio11 34 l1a 11ea1·- 1,, all . , ..\\Tl1eeler sl)l11~g· 13aJ)tist :~2 ( l 1) fr(>111 2 to 32 !) Ji-,i1·st Ba1)tist, l ecli 11 ,t 31 rrr 111it)~ 1~a J)tj ·t, IJOl'Hi11 2 N"ortl1siclc) I3ar)ti8t, J__;i1l1a 1-l: ( i cl 111clc11 licl l)ti. t, l(ipto11 l~ Fi1·st l3cl1 tist ~e,,· I10 11clo 11 11 ~c)r1]1 .J aelc8011 l11t1. 11,111ti:·t 9 ( i cl 1 \• ,11' ) r I~ cl }) t i: 1 rl' i ff i 11 G . CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION, Inc. Our Fifty-Fourth Year A staff of twelve dedicated workers. Our ministry to the thou– sands of J ews in Clevela11d, Youngs– town and other cities in Northeast– ern Ol1io; Cl1arleston, W. Va.; and Sao Pau'o, Brazil. Our Radio n11nistry over stations in Cleveland, Tol do, Youngstowr1 and Cambridg , Ol1io ; Apollo and Altoona, Pa.; a11d V1qucs, l'uerto Rico, toucl1ir1g cou11tles!:> 11un1b 1 s of our Lord's kir1sr11er1 . W rile for inf 011na ti ve rnagazine, "Tl1e T1 u111p t 1 for Isra l." REV . GE11ALD V. SMELSER, Supt. 1~. 0 . Box 3556 Clevela11(l 18, Ol1io THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS'f Published Monthly by THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES Publication Office 118 E . Oak St., Butler, Ind. Edito1· RALPH T . NORDLUI~D 586 Maple Street Fostoria, Ohio Ci1·culation Manager MRS. JOHN KAUTZ, 4519 Wellington Ave. P arma 34, Ohio Subscription Rate: P er single copy ........... ... $ .15 P er year ..................... $1.50 Adverti ing Rate: P er column inch ............ $ 1.50 P er half page ................ $21.00 P er full page ................ $40.00 Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at Butler, Indiana under the Act of March 3, 1879. Postmaster: Please send form 3547 to The Ohio Independent Baptist, i519 Wellington Ave., Parma 29, Ohio. COUNCIL AND OFFICERS Ohio Association Of Regular Baptist Churches Chairman REV. T. FRED HUSSEY 26 E. Church St. Niles, Ohio ecretar REV. GEORGE O'KEEFE 3420 Henninger Road Cleveland 9, Ohio Trca ' ltr r REV. GLENN GREENWOOD Seln1a Rel at York St . Spri11gfield. Ohio Ii ·sio11nry REV HALL DAUTEL Gctlltd a11cl Waller St:s . Ports111ot1tl1, 01110 Ic111b l 'i Al L_ N E. LEWIS GEORG~~ R. :.IB l)N R. KENNli'1'II Sl\JIEI ~ER fl WAI{lJ . YOl Nli R BERT J . I,EYNlfuU'l' l1~1\R l.J V. \\ 7 1LL:B~,-l"l'S --------------~----~---------
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