The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1958

Pt\ ~~~ ~---'----- THE )H_l~ INDRPEND~N'r_:::.B::..A.:.:P'~ l'l:..:::...:.::T____~~~~------ D c~mb r 1958 Re\". Jack Down CONGRATULATIONS TO CHURCH AND PASTOR I T11e Xo1--to11 1 e11ter Ba1Jti t 1 hl11·cl1 of Barbe11:011 le li ated tl1e alJo,·r l)ttil li11g· 1 ept . 14th ,,·itl1 al-- ot1t 300 i11 atte11da11ce. The to1--v ' i tolcl i11 tl1e ( ctobe1· i.1:t1e, o " ~e \\'ill 0111)' :a}r t}1at 110,-.r Ollf l"eader ea11 .ee ,, 1 hat ,,c'e 111ea11t 11).,. a ·'co11- .·e1·,,.ati,·e moder11 de ~io,11, a11d lJ,' ., Ol11· . tatr111e11t · Tl1e fro11t of tl1e bt1il li11g· i.' cliffe1"'e11t ' ,, 1 ith a gla roofed o,.. e1· . toop a11cl \",.. ell- ligl1tecl fo~.,.e1". ' l t ,,·a · co111plete l a11cl fl1r- 11i.·l1ecl cit tl1e 111ocl e~ t co. t of $7;- - 0()0. Tl1c c-011g·reo·a tio11 a11cl Pa: tor -J a<.;}( Do,,·11. are all to be eo11g1·at- .... 11la t ecl i11 lJ1·i11g·i11g: 11 · h a 111ag·11ifi- ·e11 t 11'ea111 i11to 1·eali t,.. . I t ha. ' tal{e11 111t1cl1 pla1111i11~: O'reat ac1·i- fice: a11 l 111uch ha1· l ,,Torl{ b}"" all t he able lJo 1iecl 1ne11 of the co11- 0·1·eO'atio11 i11 ·lt1di112· the pa. to1·. r o ' ._, \'Tl1ile tl1 1naj 01· C'011:t1--11~tio11 \\7a: (1011e. t)).. eo11t1--atto1-. , 111lt ·11 of tl1e fi11i.1l1i11g· ,,yo1·lc ,,·a. clo11e l)~" ,T0l1.111- t ee1· labor 01" the co t wol1ld have c·ee11 c lo er to . ·100 000. ,,r11ile great c.=1·edit i. clt1e to Pa:– t or Do1.v11. for hi energ·eti leader– :hip i11 b1--i11gi11g· thi lJ11ilding to ·0111pletio11, h l)l1 l1lic l)r gave credit to fo1·111er pastor '\T erno11 Billi11oio11 fo1-- t lie 01~io·i11al plan11i11g and the l)11ilcli11g· of the l)a~ en1e11 t, ancl to tl1e 111e11 ,,·ho hacl ,,To1·l{ecl a11d 1)reached i11 the earl}.. da}· of the ·l1111·eh. 'l 11e hi., tol'~y· of the ch111--cl1 ea11 1 e li,Ticled into th1--e part:,,;.– f 1·0111 19-1() to 50 a a Bil1le h111· ·h goi11g t 11rough O'reat t1·11g·g·le. ; from 19,-() to 19,-,-, ,,The11 Pa tor Billing- to11 led the111 to 01--g:a11ize a a Bap– ti. t h111·cl1 a111 tl1ere ,re1"e fi\'e s·ea1·. of :olicl 1·ooti11g· au l a be– o·i1111i11g of tl1e b11ildi11g·: and tl1e la. t t,,To a11d a half , ..ear 1111der .., Pa. to1· Do,,Tn . -nTl1i h l1a bee11 a J) 1·io l of t1--e111e11clo11. g1~0,,..tl1. :\Ia)"' the Lord o·i\ 1 e tl1 111 111a11,.. lllOl"' ~ ~ ~ ..ea 1·s of 111·00·1·e~'- .