The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1959
January 1959 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Page Fifteer1 ~- HOME MISSIONS PROGRESS ~ 0011 ,,·c l1ope 1 o l1a ,?e a 11 a1·tielr lJ, · tl1 (.) 1 1 iel 18 l)ir() ·to1· ._ of tl1r fello,,·sl1i1) of l1a1)1 is1s f())' TI0111p i\li88101lS, 1~-' \Yi11~: \\Tal tr1.. · ~ l)11t t11e 1 iet11r e <)f t l1P 11 r ,, 1 1101110 of tl1e1 13ob Raoc>1·-; fa111i],, is tc>o O'O<)Cl to t"'> • ) 1~P€J). ~<>,\ :2()111 tl1r J a111:sE\ tJ Oll r11 ,1 l, Ra111:e\r, ~ . ) r. , ea1· - • 1·ied tl1at pirtt11·e 011 it. fro11t 1 a '.!e a11cl :o ~{ave adc1Pcl ir11- pet11~ to tl1e 1)ro~:1·e:: 111acl at tl1e ()l'ace Bai ti:t ' 1111· ·h that }1 a bee11 or·ga1 izccl llll– cler tl1e FBil :.\ I. R ev. R ob rt Rog'e r ., a11 l fa111il}"" 1no, 1 ecl -- tl1ere tl1e la. ·t ,,, elr of ~ r av to ._ tal<e tl l) t hi. . tr11g·g li11g ,,.101·1{ a f te1· ha,?i11p: lo11e a fi11 e 1 iec of ,,,ork at ·\"'\Te t . icl e Bapti t of Lo1·ai11. X o,v t h y l1a, 1 e a f i11e par. ·011age at 21:._ Mo1na1-– l ) 1·i, ·e i11 Rani. e,.. a11d . t1fficie11t • 1--00111 f 01· thei1· g1·0,vi11g· f aruily of f 0111· li,·e 1J 7 • l1ilclre11 Ro be1·t. l\1a1·l{ .J oa11 ancl Da , rid. 111·ot}1er Rog l'S rP('ei,·ed t}1e l{e)'"· f ro111 \Va.llac·cl }lope, t hair111a11 of t l1e t rl1 teeH. ()pe11 holl,·e ,,Tas the11 e1 joyed by tl1e n1e111l1rr. ·, afte1· \'\'hi ·h t hey a . - . e1n l)led i11 th ' 1n 11111' cleco1·a t cl AX~{ L Y(){Trl If RALL ( 0 11ti11ued £ron1 l)ag·e 14) J~a1)ti. t of 1-)ain .·,Tille thi1· 1. 'I'}1e local co1111n it1 ee lrcl 1),,. ].>a ." - • t O) l .:\ I(• Ke P'tel' le.. e 1·, 1 cs a 1• cl 1 'r O t 0 of tl1a11l{: fol' p1·e1)arat io11 111ade a11cl l1a11dli11g the . it1tatio11 ...o ,vcll ,\~l1P11 .·o 1na11 y could 11ot get tl1er e. )\·p1· 200 of t l1 761 1·eg·i:t er d f c>r cli1111 r c·o1llcl 110 t·<)n1r l) ~catL. e of ,,·r>at}1Pr c·<J11tliticJ11s. ' l' l1is c·reat rc.1 a l>ig cl1·a i11 011 t l1r )T t)tt 11 g l)POJ)lc '~ t1·(~a. tll'JT. 'l'ha11k~' to tl1<J8' ,vl10 SC' Jlt th j jl' lllOJlPjt P, 1 ( 1 ll t }l()llg'}l 1}1ry ('C)ttlc} )1()1 })p t}l<jl'<~. .l. I 4:X :; 'J' J 1 J•; i\1 1\ ~ 1 'r I~1~ \\' ~J J.\ V Ii~ f{ \ \, l l Pr, g· 1· a,\~ 1 l l r (la <ls 111 11 1• J i fr '" 1 > n t - 1 c~ r11 1\ 11 C ) ~ • 1 111 .' < > ( > l t t O f ] i l 1 fl, ,r l' l l ~ t 1} 1( I H s 1 p ) I \ (l a \' <- I• \\'11,, 1>la1111r'< l 111<> \\' ltc>IP <I( . igt1: J~ c,r· i1l Ill.)' lif P ~s <·l1,,i,,<~s1 Jln11 4 l'll ... 0111P clu,·l, 111r<~ucls 11111 s1 u1>1,,•u1f 'l't) 111,1l(P. t It<' )'()SC- th l'(•H( I:-, f H j 1·0 1· '111 :1 g<>l<l tll<)l'<- l>rig,}11 a11c( <· lt: at·. 'J' l1,~ J>,tf1 P t'll 1Jl,t) 7 Se 1 ll1 jJ11l'i<•,t1 1 J\11cl J1ctJ' I t<, t111<icr. t,111cl , J~,1 ' 1rtt~1 111c ~1;1Sf(-i J" \\ •,t\rP1~ 11 ,1 I I i . 1, ,1 cl .)r, g ll i Ii 11 g 11 a 11 rl . - \ ll JJtJl' l 11 J~11tJ \VlJ 1 c1sc>111e11t for a .· l1 ort le, 1 otio11,1l 111cs8age b~.. Rev. K c.>1111rtl1 (1ooc1 of the !Ia li:011 1\ , re1 t1e Bar)ti:t l1111· e h of Pa tter:011. '1 1 l1r. Roo·eJ'.. ,,..e1·e th 11 p1·c.)sr11trc1 ,vit l1 a li11e11 tal)leclotl1 a 11cl a 6:5 l)ie~e et of cli8l1es aftrr ,,, 11 i · 11 1·pf r e:l1111e11 t. ,,.. r e , rve 1. rr11 i8 i. tl1 e ~: la11101·011.. si ]e of l10111e 111issio11 ,,·or l{ 1>11 t ,vc 1{110,,T t l1r l{og·er8 c.l e . e1·, 1 e all <Jf it after 111<)11t l1. of e,tl lit1g· a11 l te 1io11s or– g·a11 izcl1 io11al ,,,orl(. rrhro1tg·l1 .'ll<'ll \\'Ol'l, t }1c attP111al1('fl ]1as g l'C)\\rll f1·0 1J 1 -!O to a l1ig·l1 of ;3 a 11 cl J1 e,,,. 111e111l)er. · 11c1\ 1 C l)(_)(l}1 i 11 r l ll cl i 11 g cl (' o a < • 11 ( 1 c> l11111l)ia l r11i,' Pl' , it,~ • 111 <' c 1 i <• ,1 l cl<)<' t <) r . ,1flflL)rl. f 1·0111 ,l 11 fl ,1 rJ'}J('ll 80lllP ()f Olll' boarcl 1 11 P 111 l e1 r .· cl r r 11 <) t 1 i 111 it i 11 g· t l1ei r rffc, rt s 1<> ,t111111,1l 111PPt– i11~s c111cl g·i,·i11g ,ltl,·ic·e i <) others. .1\ ( ' l1rist111,1.· lett er £1·0111 J> ,1. ·ic>r {: lo rg·e i\ l c: !,111l P}'" of l~ct l{e1-, :\f <>11ta11,t, tells ,,·l1at 1 e is cloi 11g i11 t 111 J)aicl 110111P tn i. · ·io11 a 1·,r ,, 1 or l<. l 11 ~J ll1 , ,. . .. l1 r bega11 ,1 ,,·orl< at ::\Iar- 111 c1 r t l1, K. l )al{otct, ,111(1 110,,· hc-1.· a floltrisl1i11g ~ • t111cla}T . c·11ool J)r eac·l1i11g sPr,ri<·es ,t11c.l cl yot1 t l1 g1'0llp t here~ a t11 ]at r l)e– ga 11 a 11oth r ,ro1·l< 20 1nil : 11orth at 1\1011111, ~- D . r e11tative .. 11r– 'Te,r, · 11 a,, }Je 1 1nacle i11 (} l e11clive • a11 l ~i(1l1C\'" ~lo11tclllcl a11cl i11 130,, 1 - .. 111a11 ~- I . ~o ,vo11cl 1~ i11 abol1t three ~·ea r. 11 l1a: r1111 11p () 000 111ile.~ 0 11 hi: ·a1· ! l f Ti1·c>the1· i\ I ·( 1 at tle1r ci,111 clo • tl1at i11 t l1at la11 cl of far cli:t<111c.:es, ,,~it l1 j· o111c' of t l1ose <·it ic-1s 100 n1ilr.· a,va~v·, ,,?ll}r ea11 't 11101·e of 011r ()l1i<> J) astc) r: clo t l1r ~cl111ci 10 or 1~ 111ile. ,l \\' R\" ? • GIFTS TO OHIO ASSOCIATION Glenn Greenwood, Treasurer, 2224 Woodside Ave., Spring·field Ohio I r l l 1) t f l) l 11' g· ]i al) t is1 .-.----.---.... _-_ -......-.-.-.-.-.--.. --.. -.. -.---... --.-...-.--....---.-.--... -.... t • 1 L 1 • () () Re ,·. l\ I ax 'l l le l< c1, ._ ..._ ......._ ... .................. -................................................. ~ J. ll O Re,,.. (: P() f ff P (: il). 0 11 ........ ---·-----· ·· ·--·-----·-····-····························-.············ ( 1 c1l ,·a r y 13c11 tist- ( 1 le, 1 Pl,lll<l ....................... ............ ...................... ....... . 11" i 1•8 t 13 cl l) t is t - 11 t) \ , , 1 i 11 g· ( 1 1• ee 1 l ....................................... ..... , ................ C 1 li11t<>11,,ilJ l Ba J)t ist - ( io lt1111 l>11~ ............ ······--·-··--··r··-··················--·-------· 13rO<) l<Hi< lP ,~<l })tist - 1 lP,' <' lu111 -·-- --··-------- -----------····-········ ·············--·-······· J)r1111 .. \ , ~e. lia 11t ist - Hll c1 1· cl11, I >n. --····················------·-······························ 1 1 '1 rst I~a 1)1 iH1 - \ c111 \,\ r 1·t ......................................................................... . Ji' i 1·8t Iia}J1 iHt - \\T cl ltsec>11 •.••••.•••••••••••...••••••••••..•.••••••••••••.•••••.••••••••••••••• \\ 11 er 1 ers lJ 11 1• g: 11 a 1)1 i st ......................--..-..--... ------.. -...--- -.-.-.. . . . .--.------ - ( 1 e(la 1· 11 i I J I ~ct t)t is1 ...........•..... .,.....•.... -································· ·-- - · ·· --- ']' }' i l l i t ) 1 l ~ ( l l) t i H 1- 1 J() l' ( \ i l \ ••••••• •••.. • • ••• ••· •••••· •· ••••••• r • • ., • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • N t l'll 111 ('l'~ I ~il ()t i~t 'I ,t l)(\l'llH t• l (' ··-········· -- .. ---------··············1··················· I~~ltc· l itl ~<>tii11g·l1,tn1 lta})tis1 ................., ........................... -··· ......•. -·-· J~ t~1·en I1uJ lti~t ... ......... --·--·- ---···········- .. -- .. --.-- - · - · · - · 11 i1·"'1 I~a 1>t i"'1 ( iH 11 iJ)C)l i~ .. .... . ... ••r ...... --············r···········: ., ......., .. ,, .. J ti l,lc• ~, i-..,si<>ll l'>nJ>1 i~1 ------ • ····--. c··~ ·······~··············· ( 1 u l \ ' HJ',\ J lH J > 1 i"' 1 ~ < > r \\ u 11... -- ....• -- --- ----·········· ············- ...... Ji~n ~ f Sic lP l {a t>1 i'"'t - 1 J() l'cl itt -------- - ............... - , - a•••••• - ••••• --- l ~tttlllclll llPI J ~HJ>1 i~t ' l't>{('<l<> ...... . ., ................. ,..... ,..•.. ,.. -· •• - :ZU.Ol ) fl.OU :1 . () () l ().()() ,) . (){) ;') , {)() ~{) .()() ~o. t)t) !j(). ()() :...1.()() I ~ () f>. l)() I (l .(l(l l (). ()() l0.( 0 ;\,()() .>.()() l() . ()l) 1 :! .Bl) H I> I I{ I 'J l 1 \ l, :--; l I ( ' I I > l~ 'f'<> l'('rlt St ' (:<H1 S J)ill'{ltl1l is ft) .. \I ~<>\' 1 1 : 1 l'l l l~ \~ <)lll j l) ' ' ' l'lt o l >tst ,vuv· il , li ve it1 <• () 111111 j f ~ J) j I' j f l IH I l l i • j l 1 l l • ' ,11 1 P s,, (. I'(' t (> r a 11 u , 1. n t is r i l , 11 i I\., ft>(> <>ff Pll is Hit llll lll'l'l lltlt'I' 1 l l ,, iJ I.' ,J. I I 11cl~o 11 'J H)' l<>J". • '" >Pl,I is i, li\'t ubt>\ l it.' ' ( )11 e 111 , tl\t's ll<) ~,1,·1·i fire· i11 lll'e tll i1lg ,l ( '1 l1t•ist ia11. l l r i11l... "~ llll i11 l'i11itt' l\ 111 (>1'• (]l,111 h ni \ P~ ll}). •
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