The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1959
l(\ll't'tt J,11tttlr,,,I t'ilt., t'tµl1t \\H, l'(llt si ft\l't ,1 H tlifftt'ltlt \ t'ill' ll\ • Jll' 'fll' l'it., 'l'<>tll',1 .\ 111t'l't(·a 11"'. :111,l till'\ :ll't' l ,, l,l' l' l ll'\\"Hl'<l t<> l~l.)~) . - fl r itlll rc>\'t>lllt'11t \\ <' ll<\Jlt' it 1, llt)t till' l'' ,,11111,tll ()t' clll :t J>])t"()cl('ll – i11 g !)irtl1<l.1, 1l1,1t 111;11,t'"' 11"' t't'<'l • liifft'\r<;\lltl, tl1i, 1-t}l <lH \ <>f l)t'l't' lll - • • l>l\I". 1 t) ' " \\ ,, 11<t,·e jl1,t l) 'l\11 ,, tl11 - <leri11u ,,·l1 r tlll' l" tl1P l11s1<lr, <lf 1~):18 • ] !):~~l \\"1 11 l't\J)l'H t l t '-\(' l f t ,, l' ll t ). ,·p, 1 1, late1-. .. \ t ll',l~t tltl'l'P Hrl\ • l:l Jl<)llut1 11,1ra1lt'l, 1<) " 1ig·g·r~t tl1t) l''-) , il ilit~·. ~ \ , , , "t 1 · t' 111 c.:' 111 l) (' r i t . 1~) : ~ 8 ,,· n ~ al , t, ,l tliffi t1lt , ·t)cll', ,, llt'll it • " t t'111 , l t l1n t f i,·t~ ,·t 1 ,1rs of ~ e,,. .. J) t'H l ~1)011 li11g· of 4 to .'5 l)i llio11 • • <l > t'clr 011 1 1111111-11r1111111g· ,,·c1s go- i11g 1() fail to lJri11g: 11." Ollt of tl1e llt 1 1)re ,~i<)ll. I11 19:37 t l1i11p:._" tame 111 . b11t i11 1~):~L t11e clepr .---- io11 t l11·t 11 ,1 t e11t l l t l) 1·ett11·11 . .... To,,., f ·011r, ( 1 • ,,·p l1a, ·e g·otte11 11~ecl to , ·G;5 to ~'" llillio11 clolla1~ 1)11 lg:et:, lJ11t a l, l) ~o i1111111111 to . l1ot i11 tl1e a1·111 tl1at t l1 l,1rg·r) lJ11c1get of l~) t1 litl 11ot 11elJ). If 0111)· that failt1re ,,·cl11lcl trael1 11: tl1e f11tilit,· of L 1)111111)-pri111i11g. it ,,·01111 l)e ,,·ortl1 it all . l111t ,,·a it a11cl . ee \rhat 11 ,,. fa11ta "'ti · ~c:l1e111e., ,,·ill .. ·0011 b })1·0110 ·ec1 i11 011g1 .. e , ·. ...l2:ai11. 193 "' ,,Tel. the \·~r1 r uf t J1e • )l1111i ·11 .... \..gree111e11t tha g,1,·p Ilit- le1· ·0111·ag·e to 1narth in 1939 ~ c111cl ,,-e ca 11 0111~· g11e:. ,,·l1at ·on1p1~0- 111i"'e"' ,,·ill to111e a. a11 alte1·11ati,·e to ,,·a1· i11 19,-~). Tha11l{. t o tl1e clogaecl clete1 .. 111i11atio11 of :\Ir. D11lle". ,,·e l1a,... e 11ot ·0111p1·0111i ·eel i11 19,- '\ • l)llt ,,·itl1 144,()00 .._ T 1 1 j el1111· ·l1P" J)l ea li11g· ,,·itl1 l1i111 t o rec:og·11ize 1 l1iua c111c1 l laeate R11:– , ia . ,,·e c-a11 0111,,,. ,,·011cler ,,·hethe1· .. t 11 e 2() ,·ear ti111e ~c· l1ecl tile i: 0111,· .. . c111 e ,·ear late. .. 19 :i , ,. cl , the , . ea 1.. t 1 e .F" re 11 t }1 L 011feel era tio11 of I_Jal)or . ·olc1 F ra11<· J to (:er111,111,· \\·itl1 .·lo,,· u10- .. tiu11 ,,·01·lt a11cl c·f>ll ·t,l11t st1·ilri11u· t:, for ,l101·te1· l1011r a11cl l1igher J)a~~. 11>· ~e1)t. 1. 10;30 tl1e)'" lJega11 to ,,-orl, . b tl t it ,,·a too late f 01-- 1)1· .J 1111e of tl1e 11Pxt ,·par the\.. l)eo·ai.i • .. t- ,,·01·l~i11g- ft>r II itlPr. '\\Te l1a,Te al- ,v·a~·, l)e1 ie,·ec1 t11 cl t \YOr ki11 g: 111e11 .·11ol1l c.1 tret tl1eir . l1a r r of the J)rofit . a11c.l tl1at 0111e ki11cl <>f 1111ic 1.i,111 i 11ec·r, a1~,· i11 lJio· i11- • r.:- d 11, t 1·: · : l)tlt ,,·e ,,·c,11c1er ,rl1et l1 e1~ ... \111t1ric·a11 lalJo r ,,·ill 111al(e tl1e :an1c 11.i,tal\P i11 011r i1111J 11cli11a rtr11a– o-)e ,,·itl1 R11,~ia a11c1 1 hi~a. ,, .... e 11 a , ..e 11 e I J) · cl th P , <) 1111111111 i t 11a - tio1_ , i11clt1st1·ia lizP ( tl1.l X( 1 ( 1 { 1 tl1i11l,, ,,·(, s l1<>t1l<l <l<) nt<>r<' ) . c1t1<I tt<>,, l,h1 ·1 1,<·l1t'\ l><>c1,t, that l<11s- ~•n 1, cill<>t\t l' <'Hc l, t<> tnl,<' th< ' • \\<ll'l<l tllHl'l,t't" H \\H\ fl'<llll ll'-1. \\"ill • tl1nt tlll'<'H f l>< 'P.' ltl tel Cl J) Pl'Ht<' ·1 11<1 llr111g , i<·tll r., ,, it l1c>11t ,t hlltlt I>., l~l(1,l ! )111, o·r<'Hf<'r c 1 f'l'tc·i c)11c·,· • t"' • clll<l 111i]li<>llllHil'P Jllcl C 1 hitl<'l'\ . <'Hll • Jl<)~~il)l~· 111,ti11tai11 <> ltl' · • . \111 Pri<·,t11 ,,,1.,· t>f life) ' ' ag·ni11st stt<·l1 c·c)111- ll l' t it i<l11; ct11cl ,,·c ,ro11 cl('r ,,· l1l)tl1 er ... \111 e> rie,111 l 1,1lJc)1· ,,·ill 1Pc1r11 l'rc>111 tl1P l~ l'Plltll failltl' (' <>f 1~):~ c' i11 ti111 p tc> .. a,"P 1L,. 10:3 ,,·,1s a ,·ta r <>f t<> l cl ,rar • f11ro1\ Ilitler b0i11g tl1 e rc111t r c>f tl1at clc1,... 103 l) l1as .·ee11 0 11e ( 1 0111- • 1111111ist-arra11g:e(l c1·i. i.· after a11 - otl1e1· i 11 }.Jg') 7 })t, ~}rria, Trac 1, I Jrl1a11011 t l1 .li 01·1110:a trait.· a11c1 110,,· i11 I3erli11. '\\ ill t he f 111·or O\"e r J~r1·li11 lea cl to a11othe1~ J I 1111i c: 1 ....\..g·r ee111e 11 t 01· v,·ill the ('Olcl \,·,11· t111--n to a l1ot 011e i11 1959 ? "\"\Te c1o 11ot k110,,· b11 t ,,. clo 1{110,,· t l1a t 11a tiou · a 1111ot f 01 .. e,· r i11. 111 t eacl1 other a11cl not fiO'ht, all}' n101~e tl1a11 i11di,.. idual ca11. 01113· the g·1·ac:e of :rod ·an 1·e. trai11 the ,,·rath of tl1 e c11 .. ago11 , a11cl Il e ma3~ 11ot see tl1e 11 ·e of . ·a, 1 i11g· eh111'ch 111e1nber s that ,,·ill 11ot p1--a)' . ~ o,,. ,v ha, 1 e 11ot p1·ecliete 1 a shooti11g· ,, i11 19-9. \"\Te ha,.. e 0111:v'" . ·aicl tl1at ther e i da11g·e1· of it ancl that ,,·l1ate,·e1· l ·e hap– p e11. it ,, 1 ill l)e a ~'"e a1· of 011e ('1'1 , i8 aft r another. R11. :ia a11d 1 l1ina ,,·ill :ee to tl1at. 0111-- c1ange1 .. af 1 l11·i:tia118 lie: i11 tl1e fa ·t that ,,,,e 111a}'" g·et 80 11:ecl to li,·i11g i11 a ti111e of cri. i.· thc1t ,,·e ,,·ill f 01 .. o· e t to 0 p ra}". I 11 fa et, 1110:t 1 l11·i:tia11 · }1a,·e g·otte11 llSecl to it };e\rera] )·ears ag·o a11 cl a1·e 1~ ... 110,, .. 801111 cl a.·leeJ) ! 1 IIRI .. 1 T'~ 1 RTR.L ~ 1 E ...~J->J I~T.JlE.i. TT I 11 a 1 .. ec:e11t letter £1·0111 0111' f 1·ie11 l, .J. I r,ri11g R ee:e, ,,. f 01111 1 th i: ge111 : ··}le ,,·as 1)01·11 to <li e, lJtlt Ile lietl to ri ·e a11cl 1 .. 0:e to li,"e f 01· 11. . ' \\Tl1etl1e1.. 01·ig·i11al ,,· it}1 }1im 01" llOt, \Ye pa:: it 011 E1"\ 1 e11 t ho11gl1 1 h1·i:t1nc1 .~ i: 0, 1 1·. . IIE \\T .c\ ~ 1 13 RX T() DIE., . 1Ie hi111.. elf . aitl tl1at l1 e ,,·a:. \"'\ 7 11e11 . rPki11g ( }1·eel<.· 1·e111i11clt1cl l1i111 of .Jc111ua,·y 1H59 tllC' ll ('('{'~s it ,,, <>I' tl1P ('l'()SS. he· :-.i,tl<l. · • \\ ~ ll H t " h c1 11 I ~ H \ ! I,. H 1 Ji <, r ~ H , ,P • 111P f'1·c>111 thi :-; hc>1tr ! ]~111, l'c)r 1his <·HttSP <·c1111P I 111110 1his )1c>t1r . ' ' 'J,rc1cli1ic>11 :-,a,~ 1'1Ht HS r1 <·hilcl ltP • \ \ cl "' I)l H·'. i l l g· \\' i t } 1 .. J c) 1111 t l 1c J 3 H I)- 1 is 1 ,111cl a c·t'<>ss .. Jc> l111 li r lcl <·H~t 1 It <' ~J1aclc>,,. <>f 1 }1 p c·r<J~s 111><>11 tt1<' J>Htl1,r,l,\" c>f .. f ps1 1s. '1,11,tt is ;,t c·1·t1cl P trc1clitio11 tc> 1>iC't 111· tl1 e 1 r11tl1 t 11at l1 r lc> 11 g· forc>l<11p,,· ,vl1at la v ,tl1r<lcl . 'l l1e 11il>l r 111al<Ps it • J)lai11 that he' l<11 e ,\· it lc)11g l)c--for P }1 0 left the (}lory. . ! JO, f <'On1e, i 11 t l 1 e , .. o l 11111 r o f th <> 1) <> o l< it i.· ,,·1·itt l) l1 of l11P. IIo,,· . acl tl1at fooli. 11 1·r, 1 cle1--.· c1ri11l{ to the l)i1~th of tl1e 011e \,·ho c·a111e to lie fo1· their . ·i11:. The)" ,,..e1·e l)Ol'll that thP,,. 111i o·h t li,re .. ~ b11t l1e ,,Ta. lJ0 1--11 that lie migl1t clie. IIE DIED T RIHE. ' IIP :ai(l ' I la,, c10,,·11 111, .. life that I • 111ig·ht tal{e it ao·ai11. Ile con- . e 11 t e(l to l)e ·o,,~11 a.· a kerne1 of ,,Tl1eat that he n1igl1t 'JJring t1p to f1·ttitful11e. . '\"\Te a1·e al..o appoi11ted to die. 1)11 t ,,Ti th 11· " ' 1111willi11 a I,· u c- .. e11111b to the 011 .·la11g]1ts of .·torm 01.. sic·k11e. 01· :,\"Ord. ,v e ould have no a.,. 11ra11ee of life to come 1111le. · hr--i. ·t hacl gon b fo1·e 11. . hattlecl tl1e c11·ago11. ancl come fo1·th a. the Pio11eer of Lifr . That ,va.– tl1e 1·ea. 011 h e ·011l cl p1·e · · 011 to– ,,,ard hi.· appoi11t111ent ,,·ith the (·1·0 a11 1 tl1e g·ra, ~e . £01-- beyond the t1· ,1,Tail he .·a,, l1i · 1·e.. 111--1·eetio11 , .ictor, 1 a11cl ,va · . ati. ·fi ecl. ..., '~HE RO 'E TO LT, :r~ F R l ".. . , Tl1a t i.· he a1·0 ·e a.· the (iocl-:\Ia11, that he 1night li,,.e a · 0111· i 11te1 .. cedi11g· Hig l1 P1·ie. ·t. Be– f 01· l1i. iu ·a1·11a tio11 h e li,yed a. the .. 1 e 011 l Pcr.·011 of the T1·i11it,.. 1)11 t t l1a t Life eo11lc1 111, ,. co11de1~~ .. 11101·tc1l ., i1111 e1-. . ... To,,. l1e i: 1~i:en to li, 1 e a. 0111-- Rep1 ..e ·e11tati,~ . a11 l · i8 al>le al:o to save th em to the 11tte r1110:t tl1at ·01ne 1111to TOCl bv l1i111, .·eei110· he ,Tei· li,.. r t}1 to 111alt .. e i11te1·ee~ :io11 fo1 .. the111.,, Ye.· t1·a11g·e1)~, Ile ,,·a ho1--n to clie l)11t Il e c1ie l to 1·i. , a11c.l 1·0:e to live for ll."' . \ EREI TX PRIORITY ,J a11t1ary i · a 111011tl1 ,,·he11 pcl ·– tor· oft e11 1a}r bef ()l' t 11 ir c h111~ch- E'.' 11e,;v pla11,~ f 01• tl1e , Tear• '"T ._ thi111< late 11g·l1 t 01-- ea1·l:v" ... ~ep- t embe1· i: bette1-- bl1t if the 11e,, J"ear ac]c1.· i11.'J)iratio11 a11cl 1·e– cltti,·at (.l: u11r J) la 11:, it i~ all to the o·c>ocl . Jl 11c·l1 of 0111· })lau11i11g· lie
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