The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1959

\' \\"11<) \\ 1,()'l' l·: IS \l .\ll ! ' ' I~., 1,;,1,,:t1·,l .J . ' ()l\1\~. ( \\'111. l> . 1 .; t, rt l 11 1, 11 1 s I) 11 l > l 1 "'h i 11 ~ l ,{).. < ~ , • n 11 < 1 l~cl)li,l, i\lit·l1. 'I' I 1P l){)\)I, t, 11 t i t 1 l, < l · · \ \,. 11 t ) \ \ ~ 1, ( )' I' 1 •: l s .\ I .\ I I ! ' ' l ), l~: < I,, a r ( 1 • .J . ' {)\lllt! 1, H fc\VtllHl )ll'(''-ll' ll1H - 1 illll ()f l'()ll fi1·111t'tl i11 f<ll'lllH t i<ltl 1 l1c1t (~() tl i, tilt' L\ t1tllt)l' clll(l 111,lt J..:;c11al1 is t l1t \ \\ rit<'l'. S(llll<' l1a,·l' :1ttt'lll t)t t'<l t) lli, l'l't 1 <li1 l'°'cllHll l)1tt tl1i~ t rea t i "'t, l) f t l 1 t' 111 a t t (' r <: 1 P,l l' 1 ~ · ,11,,,,, l1t 1 \ l 11<l c111,· ~11,l(ll)\\' <lf <l<>1lllt • • t l 1 a t 11 cJ t l 1 P r l) 11 t I ~a i H 11 l 1 c1 s l ) r <> 11 t l 1 <, , , r i t 0 1•. I t i ~ r i 11 ecl , ,. it 11 f <l c• t i11 '-1lll)11<)1't <)f tl1i~ l'<?alit.Y' cl lltl is <l 111<l,t l1t'l1)i'11] stlt<l~· of 111i" g· r pa t ])l'tl1)1ll>t:· lll tll<' )} c.1 1 ('Stcl lll Cllt . \ l 11tt)r-\ '" c11·~it~- I)rrs~\ ( 1 l1icag<1, J 11 i 110 i ~. . . :~ . :5 () ) ( )11< 1 of t l1t1 , ·e1·,- be ·t l)oOl{: I • }l,l\' P e,·er ]1a l t}1 l)l'i\ 1 1leg<1 of rP,l<.li11g· is 011e e11titl cl 4 ~ ~ T l ; ~ \ l.J l . · l),- 1.Jo i s Ro,,·e, R . X. 1 t • i~ a clail>· cle,·oti<)ll al g·t1ide ,,~ri t- t t-111 r ·1) et iall)- for Xl1rse: 1)1lt it i"' al~o ,111 exeelle1 t l)oolc £01· a11·'{ • <)11e ,,· 110 (laily· cle i1·es t o l)e a11d • l i ,·e tl1eir l)e:t fo r t l1 eir Lo rel. E,·e1·,- ~111·"'e i11 t lie lc111cl sho1111 • t)l1tc1i11 a c·op~-. l-.-c>1111g J) Pople : hC)l lcl 11 t)t fail to J)Osses: it cl 11cl 11.1e it . l t i:· 1111ic1l1e a11cl :01111d St·1·ipt11r– ,1ll,·. It ,,·ill .·ti11111late 1 l11·i. t ia11 • l i ,·i11g- a11cl he1 p to b11 ilcl 1 l1ri. ·tia11 (·11 a r a · t er . ··T()\\..,.~\RD 1 IIRI . TIA?\ 1I.!\R– :\II4\.<;E' ' l)J'" "\V. ?\Iel, 1 ille 1 ap– per an 1 II. :\Io1·ga11 Willian1s. \ I 11 ter- , ...a1·sit)· l">re:. , 1 hieago llli11oi. . . ·2.i-15 ) Tl1i') l1ook ,,·1·itte11 f1·c)111 a ( 1 hri.·– t ia11 ,·ie,YJ)oi11 t i.· 011 e 11111c h 11eecl– Pcl toclc1,- to :et forth thr t1·11 e 11a- • t11re <Jf 1uarriage a11cl thP :.;ae1--e<.l- 11 e ~ of ex a11cl sex re lat ior1:hips . \.,.. 01111~r 1>ec>ple ,,,.110 (l r , ,.e 101) a frie11clsl1i r> ,ritl1 tl1e OJ)O:it .·flx tl1at ofti111es lc 1 a<l to a lif P of 1t11io11 t<)g·pt}1c. 1 r ,,·ill l) T)rofitPcl O'l'eatlj 7 b~T tllP i11f01'lllatiOll (•()r1·ertl\ 7 <lll(l .. 1 )11rP],~ tatecl to u11icle t l1r111 a1"io·}1t . ~ fJ11 thP j(>t11·11ej" of life. :<. .. ... ,~ ··~ .. ·· ...\:(1) T<> TII}: r~. 1 l( I.Jl( )H,' J~,· <}]r,1~<>11 II. I"<1c1"'",11·l. ( Thr • • )lc,c><l.'· J>r e1"' . ~11ic·c1g<>, Illi11oi~. ~:1. 75 ) RI~ IEW ~t<> l',\ tlf t ht ' l', l)('l'it 'llt'l'~. t liP :1,l– \ l1 lt{ lll'l'S, I l'iHls c1 11 cl <lil'fic·ltltil'S ,lt' c1 111 i"~i<)llct r, H 11cl 1, 1~ \\ i I'<' l>tl r • <1<\lll'cl \\ ith thP l' <''°' l><>llSil)ilit., '>I' U'<'tt111µ· til l' (:c>SJ>PI <>I' th<1 ~<1,· i11g· J><>\\ <' 1' (>l' ( 1 )1 ri s t t <> 111<· 1~~sl, i111<>s j11 t lt <' ..\ l' ('t i<· r P •].'l<)llS. It is H 111 P~– !--< l ~l> () f 11<>1 ,· ZPHl f<>l' tll (' lt>s t clll(l • (l t l t P r 111 i 11 e c 1 , "i 1 l t c > c> l > r , · < 1 <>cl i 11 • l'<',ll'lli11g· ('\'( l'.\'' sillllPl' \\'ith i}1 p 1 r l t t l 1. I1 , ri ll t 11 r i 11 ,111,• <> 11 P i <) • 1'Pclcl tl1P rff<>1·t J)11t fo1·tl1 t<) th,1i P11 cl rlll<l 811111t1latr 11r ,,,. ciot1rc1ge fo r c111)· ,rho 111a)" ]1a,re f ars c1bo11t ol )t')·i 11g 1 1 to g·o ,,· 11 er e h ,,·a 11ts thc'1l1 t o p:o. It i. cl cl1all r 11 g·e to p,·r1·,.. ( 1 h1'i. tia11 . • ,ll, .,... ~\ R 1 II... \ E()JJ( (J\r ...\ T D rl'IJE J.>RF.J - ( 1 IIRI "iTIAX 1 E:NT (TR– ] E~. 13:>· ~J . c\. Tho1111Jso11. ("\\ 111 . B . E e1·d111a11s P11bli .,l1i11g' ( 1 0 ., (i 1·a 11 tl Ra pi els , )J ic 11. $1.50 ) 111 : pite f tli e fa ·t that :01ue of the appli ·atio11 · of tl1e bool{ 111a}.. J,p cli. p11ted, tl1ere i. i11 it the 111o~t , -- al11able i11f 1·111atio11 £01· tl1e 1·eader. Tl1e fa ·t.· of Ar· ·haeol– o~:ical r ,Ticle11ee · fro111 the Bab}~ - lcl11i. h Exile 111J 1111til the l1ri~·– tia1 era is pre: 11te 1 i11 a very i11- t r1·e. ·ti1J g a11cl co11\li11ci11g 1nanne1--. Tl1e tr11th of tl1e 1 i ·to1·y of the TI elJ1--e,,T1·ace a11cl thei1· expe1·ie11ce8 i: ~Iearly ·011firn1 cl b)" tl1 ·e e, 1 i– cle11er~ of archaeologic:al di:eove1·- • 1e. . * * LlGII'r IN TIIE DARK V L – LEY._ . B)" II l1g·h R. II01--ne. (\Vn1. B. E r cl111a11.1 P1ll)li hi11g· 1 0., (i1·a111 Rapid:, .Jli ·h. $:....00 ) II er e i. a book that every (_ •hri. - tia11 :hot1lcl ov, 1 11. I t i.· fill ec1 \vitl1 1 011:0] atio11 1 0111fort a111 E11 Oll r - a~:e1ne11t. I t i.. i11 ·pi1·atio11al 1111- clr1·:ta11cla 1)1 a11d 1 er·ipt111--all)- s11 p – l 01--tecl to l1elp the hristia11 i11 ti111es f greatest 11 eed . 1 t i. i11- J ,lll ltnry 1959 "'l rt1 (·li<> Jt \\'i1J1 r, ·g·,1rcl 1<> 1}1p 111;.t.i<>r 1>r<>l>IP111~ <>l' Ji 1'<> "11cl ,, ritt c-11 I<> !..! lti<l(• tht• l>PliP\ ( 1 1' tc, il g·rP,t1 Pr cl<'J)c•11clP11<·<' tlJ)<>tl < :c>cl a11cl JI i~ I I <>I, \\' <>r< l. • "' \ ~ I> J l{ I rl l r 1\ I J ( • f J J ~ I ( 1 • l~,· .J . • ()s ,valcl Ha11clPrs. ( rrJ1p ~l<>OCl)' • J'1· r·ss. ( ' ltic'ag·c), I Ili11 c>is. *2.75 ) 'l'}1i s l)<><)l{ js <l thesis 011 tl1c• cliag·1108is a11cl J)l' PS<'1·i1)tio11 fc)r J)roblc>111s 111 ( 1 l1ristic111 life a11<l :,.;<:1r, 1 iee. I t iH ,·rr,· al>J,, ,rritte11 . ~ a 11 l Sc:1·i pt111·a 11>· ·t1 ppor·tecl. • om<1 8 i 1·j ptl1ral i11te1·pr tatio11. may bf' < 111e:tio11ecl 1)11 t t l1e lJool{ a: a ,,~ 11ole is f ill(l d ,,,it 11 , ,.all1a l)lr i11f orn1a tio11 that ,,·ill g·r·eatl)· .· ti111t1late ct c· lo:e1· ,,~all( ,,·it h the T_;orcl a11cl t'I' f a t e cl l1ette1· 1111clerHta11di11g of the 111a11,... e11 ·ol111te1-. · i11 life 011 the • part of botl1 tl1r 3.To1.111g; and the aQe '"1 alil{e. Tl] lT TIT~ Do11 t expe ,t to u11der. ·ta11cl ,. 1·ythi11g al1ot1t ·alvatio11. 1.\ tra11.·a ·tior1 that in,.. ol, 1 e: Goel mu. t of 11ec .· ~it1r be . on1ewhat l'evo11c1 ... ., ot11· meag·e1· intelligence. ... ,,.. *.. .,1,- .. ,,. ... \. .., * ,,~ ...-\ u1a11' cha1·a ·ter i. like a fe11 ·e : all 1 h e ,,,}1ite-,,Ta ·11 i11 the , ,01--l cl ,,,,011 't :t1·E111o·the11 it. * 'F la tte1·~,. i.~ oft-. Ocl p-a11d soft– .·oa I) i.· 11i11et~~ per 1 e11 t lye. ' * r\ ~h1·i, tia11 ,vit11e. ·. · ,, ithout bold 11e ·. · a11d 11th tl, ia 111 i.· lil{e a :111ooth file or· a lr11ife ,vitho11t au edg:e.' ' * * * ot1 a1~e a .. 1 l ( 1 ( 1 E~ 1 if you are F TTI-IFl L ,vl1e1'E1 C:iocl ha,· a.~– .·ig11ecl yo11 to :e1·,?i · . ' ~ ~il e 11t se11se i.· l)ette1· tl1a11 fll1- f 11t foll,... • SSIONS with your PRAYERS, GIFTS, INFLUENCE . ,I -..(!I' l,. l ..... ·l ~ ~ ;J) .... _- P .O. Box 455 Help the FELLOWSlllP OF BAPTISTS FOR HOME MISSIONS Rechurch America with Sound Baptist Churches Blyria, Ohio