The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1959
January 1959 <>11 11a I .) r• 11 o,,,e,T r l) c.1 1 a 1t. ·e ,ve J1a,·e 1·1111 al1ead of Cl o 1. "\\-re ,,~ r i111 pres.=,ccl th c otl1 1"' cl~1)· ,1. · ,,·e 1·ra cl ~1 c last e l1ctp t er of -Jo l1t1a. I t 1s l a1·t of hi ~ fa r e,,·ell ad clre.... , a 11 d 011 111i o·l1 t PXJ)Pl' t · '0111 l )Ocl , t i11g· f l' CC f ll~ l1 t t1:e of 111 fir t J er . 011al J) 1·0 11ot111. 'I'l1e 1101· l ·a,r 1 l1i111 £1·0111 that te1111)tatio11 b)' c1p1)e,l1·i11g t<> hi111 cl ll(l l)~" 1·e. er,ri11g· all t l1r 4 ' l ':;;; , 1o hi111.. elf. I 11 , ,rr . c.1~ :3 to 1; (lo l ll , ·ed tl1 fir "t p e1·. ·011al J)1·011ol111 . e, ·entee11 ti111e. ·. I toolc YOl11· fatl1e1· r\.lJI·aha111 ... a11 l 1 cl lti111. ' · I . e11t l\Io.· e. al ·o a11cl .1\ a 1·011. ' ' ' I b1·ough t ) rOllr fa tl1 e r 0 1t t , f F.Jg3:·pt. ' ' I bro11gl1t ~ ,ot1 i11to tl1e land of the 1uorit . ' B c-at1. e (}od i.. the only 011e ,,·ho ca11 . ay, I a111 t ]1at I a1n l1r i · al. o the 011lv 011e ,vl10 c-a11 .. <.: lai111 tl1e 1·eal al1tho1-. hip of a11y- thi11g· tl1at i. goo 1. Ile 11:c1, i11- .·t1·l1111e 11t. pa1·ii ·L1la1·ly . C) i11. lJ1·i11gi11g· ll. 1111to l1i1n. elf· bt1t a: the pri111e 1110,,e1· a11(l 1)1 s. ·e1· II e alo11e ·a1 right ly . a)r ' I clicl it. ' l.Ji }{e ,JO h lla \\ 1 e 111 ll ·t Sa) ' , ' 11(1 }Te ]1a, re , ee11 all that tl1e Lo1·cl ~'"our }ocl hath clo11 . Il appy i . th e pa tor or ( 1 hr .. i. tia11 \\~orl<e1· ,,,J10 lea1·11. to g·ive Ci ocl al l t l1 e glory. We like to cli. te1·11 lJet,,ree 11 t l1 e \\ro rl< t}1at (Jod 1oe.: a11c1 Olll' O\\ rn - a11cl take ·1·ecljt £01· ot1r pa1·t. 'rhe . ·i1111er lil{e. to thi11k that 11 e i. 11ot 11t1Prl>r hPlpl e.. a11cl ... o 1 .. ej ect . t Ji e 1nes.. age that ,,,e a r e .·a,, d ,,..l1olly l))r g1·a ·c. 'rhe ear·11al ( 'h ri:iia11 like. to fee1 t]1 at he l1a a 11 eee ·a1"'y l)art to J)la)" 111 t]1e :al,,.atio11 of . ot1l:, a11c1 o obje ·t. to t l1e l3ib1 e tc.1acl1i11g of a .·ov– cr c-1iia-n le ·tio11. II olJj0C't1· that tl1e11 therc 1 isn t a11v 11:e of 11s clo- ~ i11g a11~rt}1i11g a11d t l1at \'T(l 111ig·ht as \,,r 1 l <' a 11 }1 <> rr1 a] l o 11 r 111 i s- • • S J()llal'JPS. 'J'11e cliffj e11l t1" 0 111 :v .. 1·p~iclrs 111 • • o 11 r r i 11 i t e rn i 11 cJ.·. ""\\ 1 P c·a1111 <) t 1111 - cJ P r ta 11 < l }1 o,,, t 11 <!! < l i ,, 1 11 e J)ro 1111 > t - i11i{ aJ1C} (l llR1 )1<1l l1Cll 1 lll,l,,. 1l ll (] P l'1J (• ~ n 11 cl r J 1P. r g i z,~ a11 t l I a 1 \\ P cl<>. I~ f'- c· :111 se \V<· <lPc·icl e1 f<>l' ( 1 }1ris1. \,·e ,tJ'P ,iJ)t t<) 1}1i11]< f}1at \\' (' }lcl\' ( 1 <·l1ose11 }1i111, ,v l1P11 tl1 P tr11111 is 111,11 11< l ias c· l1<,s<•11 118 ( ~J <Jli11 1 :5: 1 (i ) . J{pc·c111 sc• S<J 11l . ,ire· 11<>1 11 s11alJ,· ' s:1\rec l \\ 1 it]l<)tlf , Il l ('\' Hll«r(• li s 1 <> I' ~ I 011]-\Vill ll <' J' , \\' l' HJ'(l HJ>1 1<) C() ll)l1 }1 ()\\ 1 l}IHII\' , ()ttJ. \V<• J1ctV<' ....,cl\' P(l • llt1J'i r1c:t 1 flP \ ' Pell' f'<)t'gp ( f i111, 1 J1 ,t1 r-, • ~, \ \ ' < C', ! J l t I (> 1 SH \ 7 f 1 C) 11 <' S < > 11 J '\ i 1 Ji <> l l { (iJ11·i ~t s l,Jes~ 1 i11µ, . 'J'}1<:a11 tJlt J' (~ i. (}1 ~ <>}>()<J. it P 111is- 1afc(j 111,l<I l>,r tl1<,st 1 t t1at ,,,, •r - • c,. 1 11 J > J 1 as i it , 1 c• t i, , 11 . 'J' I 1, >r r i g· I 1 t J.,, • ,, sc,111 t1·t11 l1 s 1 t1(.I 1·... : 1 11Pt>tl t <> THE OI-IIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST ~re : that lll ret.1011 r11e1a118 (}ocl ': e1101e:- of ll ," .a11cl l1a 8 11 c>1l1i11g· t<J clo ,,?1tl1 l)allot 111g·; 111at Ifi. 1 ·l1oiee ,,r,1. lll clcl r l)cfor r tllC' fott11cl,1tio11 or tl1e ,,,01·lcl ( I~1>l1. 1 :-! ) ; tl1 clt it tctl{<'S i11 all tl1e r c>cleen1e 1 a11cl 11ot jt18t ~11 leacl er: (R 0 111. : 2~) ) ; 1 t1c1 t j 1 l ,' ll PC('.','ar}r lf> ct11y a . 'Hlll' cl ll C'P .-,f t er11a1 ~·erttrit :'>' ( !{0111. 11 :2~) ) , fc,r \VC ra11 S f)Oi } Hll)rt }11t1 g \VP 11 ,11/p ·t })a1·t. i11. YPt 1 h P)T ()ftP ll L<>1·o·p1 t l1c1t l1 ocl 11 <>t <>11 l)T c·lio<>Sl'S t }1 p ]) r H0 11 lJ11t tl1e 111 <-1 a1 1. · of 1·rael1i110· hi111, i11 ·l1ltli11g i1 1e1 011e \Y' l10 lJrc11; t l1r 111 eHsc1g·c ( I I '1 1 }·1 <}s:. 2 :1:3-14) . 'rl1es,· are oft 11 too ,,,illi11g' to leavp it all to t l1c :ov r eig·11 ,,,ilJ of (lo!l, THE NEW YEAR (With apologies to Thomas Carlyle) L0. God has just granted Another New Year: Think, will it bring u s Sorrow or cheer ? A b it of eternity, Twelve months of more grace, That soon will be hist'ry For students to trace; A chance for true service, A season to shirk; For some wealth and progr ess, For other s no work. Y es , God has just granted Another New Year; But how we will u se it Means sorrow or cheer! - R.T.N. forg· ti i11g 111<1,t (1o l 111ct,· v,·a11t the111 to figl1t li l<e ~J os}1 l1a ~ c111cl tc) J)l c>cl(l lik:e J>c1 11l. (i c)cl clops 11ot () Jl J)r ll8(l 11 i 8 \\r Ol'( l , htlt ]Ji S \\T 01'(1 .' l)()l{P ll 1)~,. cl ]o~v i11 g· l1Pa l'f a11cl ,vc1t r r cl l)y tEcll'.' ( I Tl1r.s. 2 : 1 , 1 \ (•ts 20 :;3 1) . Jt 111a,T 11,l"\'"P 11ce11 a ,,,iel"rtl • ,,,0 111a 11 ,,·110 . ·,ti l lo I) ,1,,. icl, •· ( 1ot1 ... cloth cJe, 1 i," c} 111ec1 11 .·· t l1at his l>a11i shrcl bP 1101 rx1)c·ll ccl frc)1 11 l1i111 . , Yet :,d1 '"l)Ol<e R 1-2,· r r,1t tr 11 t h. 1 1 }1 e I I ct 1• c 1 s l 1 P 11 s, or t 11 e • '~\11ti -lllP,l ll8 ]~H J)1 l, (8' ' l1a , ,p l)PPll ~dC>\\'1)' cl )"i11g' f<>l' t J1p last l1lt11clrc 1 cl \ '()ell's: l1tti {c,cl l1c1s l tsrcl tl1P :\Ji:-;- • 8 j () I1cl l' .\. ] ~ cl r) 1 i S t S 1 0 \ \ 1 11 l l l i }] i() l l ~ ,1 l J o ,, 0 1· 1 1 1 <' ," c > r I cl • 11 11 t i I 1 <) c 1, 1, • • 111 e1 ., ,. <l l' <' a 111iµ: l1t.,· hc>s1. ,,Tt\ ··11c-,,· ·' l{ eg·11lar l ~n J>lis1:--i ,t r < 1 :·t J>Hi-1 c>f' tl1a1 Jli s~ i<)llct l'.' I~ cl J)tist Hl'll l,r. ( Jik:r -J ():,.,IJ1 t ct \\(' l>p]jp\ p • tl1P l.1<>l'Cl \\· ,11 1( ~ 11~ ( Cl f'iµ:hf. Hll<l c·,c 1 11 1<> <·c1 1>1tt t'(' .\ i ,,ith H ~tratt – gP111 - all >eit \\ jf }1 h1 ra1t'g' l\111"-i (>f )C>\·P . \ 'p l i11 <>lll' cllltl>itit>ll 1<> ll Sl' I ) (' \ \ l l l (' t l 1() ( Is' l ( 't l I ~ l l (1 \ 7 ( I I' f ()}'~pt 1}t ct1 1 ltc• S<)\ P l' <' i g' ll (_\r lll'lt>Jl!!·~ 1<> ( ;<><l a11,I 11iut \\' <' 11111,1 11<>f 111t>\t' l 11 I t i l J f l' 111 < > \ 7 t • S l l~. \' < > 1• l l l \ l Sf \\ t' r ()()I i s} 1 l \ 1 I H 'H :-:; 1 () r () 11 r () \v 11 ( l (. (. () 111 - • 1>li s l111 1t· 11t .·. I t•t 111 t· I ,<>r <l lt~l f 11 < • I ~ ' , a 11 t I I <• t 11 ~ g i,, t' J I i 11 1 H 11 t l tt • g I () l\V'. P age Three THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS'f Published Monthly by THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES Publication Office 118 E. Oak St., Butler, Ind. Editor RALPH T . NORDLUND 586 Maple Street Fostoria, Ohio Circulation Manager MRS. JOHN KAUTZ, 4519 Wellington Ave. Parma 34, Ohio Subscription Rate: Per single copy ... . . .. ....... $ .15 Per year .......... ..... .. .... $1.50 Adverti ing Rate: Per column inch ...... .. .... $ 1.50 Per half page ... ...... . ...... $21.00 Per full page . ............... $40.00 Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at Butler, Indiana under the Act of March 3, 1879. Po_tmaster : Please send form 3547 t :> The Ohio Independent Baptist, 1519 Wellington Ave ., Parma 29, Ohio. COUNCIL AND OFFICERS Ohio Association Of Regular Baptist Churches Chairman REV. T . FRED HUSSEY 26 E . Church St. Niles, Ohio ecretary REV. GEORGE O'KEEFE 3420 Henninger Road Cleveland 9, Ohio Tr a 11rer REV . GLENN GREENWOOD S Ima Rd . at York St . Springf1 ld. 01110 l\ili~sic>na1·y REV . 1-I LL DAUTEL Gallia ct11d Walle1 St~ Poi tsr11ot1tl1 , 01110 l c111bers ALLAN E. LEWIS (}EORCiE I~. (1lBSON R. KENNE'l'l l Sl\JJ~"'L ~ER I IOW 1\ R l) ; . \ ' <.)UN( ~ l{OBERl, J . l"{EYNl iOUT FJ\RI , \ WILLE'l ' l'S ·---~--~--------~---------------· •
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