The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1959
l l , 1, l i li" l , I , l \ \ ~ l l I I ' l ' .. \ t , l •J ( l OlltilllltCl ft'<)lll }l :lgt\ 1~) I l1 't r i 11 r· · , :11 t l 1 < \ 111 it i ,, t' t 1\ s ' r, - it 1 t. l'l1c :111tiit(ll'it 111, t>f t 1t<' t lt11rl~l1 }1 , llP\'ll l't'tlt't'<)l':tlt'll. cllltl ll]:ttl~ t' H I I f ) l' 11 t t' l' t' ( l t' t' l l l'H f ill l \ () f "'l l l l C f 1llt-' <l1}lP1' l'<ltll\\, a, \\"(' ]] . J ~ \\ 11 ~\ lx ~\ l l) '\, 1 ~ \ 1 l 'l I~ 'r. ", ,,1t l1 l li,·,, ,lilt\\l:ll\ 4tl1 tilt' • clt) lieatitl 11 t)f tl1P t•l111rel1 lt<lll it~ l.,1HllCll' l 1 l)qt('l' <> r~n 11 t l1n t t l1 e, .. l1c1tl r l(' I\ ell • l\arliPti i11 tllt' fnll. 'l'l1r ()rg·a11 \Y,l'"' J'l,l:"<'tl ll:· l;t.' rc1l<li11 t' :\l<11·ti11 ,,·itl1 l)i,lll () <l('l'()llll)Hlllll}('\ llt l)>T ,Ji111 t'\1rt< r. \\ }1,J i~ cl ft' Hel1e1· t)f 111llSlC ctt tl1,' 1~t' ' t'1·l , ~ <·l1l>l)l, ,l~ ,,·(ill cl ~ ,1 111t'111 be r t)f tlt<' el1tlr t· l1. 'll1P,T • ,11,<) , n111?. cl cl11~t. Hll<l ~Ir. '1 c11~ter , ,111~ ,l ~(ll<). .\ g·rotll) (>f gi1·l~ ~,111<.,,., ··I Io,,· (1re,1t '1'11011 . \ 1·t. ' ':I'l1e l1i~to1·)· ()f tl1e gi,·i11g f tl1e. e 01'!.!cl llS 1),. :\fr. },O "' t CT cllll] of t }1ei l' • 1·erei,·i11g 011r ,,·a. g·i1/e11 l>~,.. 1\f 1·. 1 c11·tt\1-. aftt\1• ,\·l1it l1 tl1r pa . tor Q'a,·e tl1e tlfllitatio11 p1·a}'"e1· . Edito1· Ra l 1111 T. .. T ordl ll llll preac l1ecl 011 , · · (;tlcl at tl1e ()1·gc111. ·' .... \ ltl1ol1g·l1 t!1e ,,·P,1tl1e1· ,ra , .. e1--,· <'old a11d tl1e '" 1·oatl " batl, tl1e1--e ,,~a__ cl 1--eco1·d at- t e11da11 · tl1at 111()r11i11g. . "E\\... RI 1 IIT.1 .L\ ;\D B.:\ PTI~ T. B r lle l 1e11ter J>a ·tor 1 Ia1·,"e~· 1 l11·i . tia11 r eport a !!OOcl ~·ea1-. ,,·itl1 ,l report of $3,– o93 for e11rre11 t expe1 :e: a11c1 66 g-i,·e11 to 111i. io11. , a11cl a 1)a1~ 011age f1111cl of . ·40 . Tl1ree ,,re1·e tal<e11 i11 clttri110- the )"ea1· l)~- lJapti. 111 a11cl t,,·o l>~· letter, lJ1·i11gi11g the me111- l)e1-. ·hip afte1· ·on1e lo. :e: b,:- c1eath ' ' lett e1.. a11cl rra. l1res to 43. }le f ee I · t l1e l)e:t pa. t of the r epo1--t i, that there l1a 1)een pi1~it11al gro,,th. JlE:\I RI ... \L BA PTii iT, .,ol 11 mlJ11 Tl1e fir ·t ·er,·i(·e. · i11 the new ch11rcl1 ,,·e1·e helcl J a11. 4th. :o the ,,·i11d t orm i11 Oetobe1~ clicl not de– la~~ them too 11111ch . Pa~· tor Cla,,·- 011 ,\·a11t all to kno,,.. t bat thr,T apprec·iatP the 11ote of ympathy a11cl off Pr\ to l1elp that have come, lJut that the 1~epo1't i11 the Bapti. t 1311lleti11 a11c1 OTB ,,a. 11ot f11llv corre · t. It ,,-a tr11e, a. ,ve . aic1 . tl1at it ,,·a co,,er ecl lJv in . 11ra11ce · ' . ll11t "'i11ce tl1e~~ frlt their o,,·11 \vorl{- er hac1 lJe 11 at f a11]t in 11ot braC'– i11g the rafter~ 1Jetter. the,... flicl 11ot colleet. , R eal ·hri tia~it:v· !) The total lo~ ,,Ta onl}... ·7 500; a11c1 ,,·bile the~· appr ec·iatecl offers of help the)· felt they were able to TJIJ4., 1Ill1 IN1)~,l l4:NI)l•N'I' ( ,l kt ' P:l l't ' ll f I ll t' l<lSS ( I l<'ll\"l'] \ 1 <'S. \\ (' n < I 111 i rt' t l 1, ' i r ~ I > i r i I n 11 < 1 ,\ i "'l 1 I h,,111 111n11~ llll)S~ i11gs 111 t hPi1· 11e,, ('ltlll'( 1 ll h<)]l\(' . 'r l{l\ l ' l' ' l{ \ I>' t I Nrl . l ;orni11 ~t\Hrl, ;~()() Htl<'ll<lP(l tl1e1 1 lt r1"f • 111n~ }ll'<)g· rn111 c111cl ,,c>t''-'11111> scr,1e' l) ('l' . :2 1~1 . N('\('l'Hl l11111tll'('( I )10,, lt<>lll<'~ clr r. l1<'i11g· l)11ilt ,\'ill1i11 '"1 111ile c>f 111<1 t·l111r(·l1 ,111cl s(>r11 11r,,T f,1111ili<'~ Hl'P l>rttl <'Oll{H('{Pcl fc>r ~ l l l l < l H \ . ~ l' } 10 < > 1. .. \ ~ J l l 11 j () l' l r Ol l 1 h • l1rc>ttJ) ,r,1~ l'l • 1111.)" orga11izc>cl ,rill1 ,111 a,TrrHg<:) c1ttr11c.lc111rr 81111 - (l,1)· 11jg;l1i~ of 1 ). 'f'l1ej" cll8o l1ave .cl ~ ... e 11 i or ir r o 111 >. FLASH l)r. 'I . I itl1ar(l T)t111l1a111 ha. 1·e ·ig11 rcl t l1 e J)11lpit of tl1e ~al– ,T,1r3~ 13a1)ti:i ('1l1l1rc}1 of Fi11d– la:'>? ,t11c1 ,,rill l)e availa l)le for • 13ible ( io11fer e11c "'To1--l{ afte1~ :\la1·el1 l c tl1. I I i · a lcl1·e i 717 ... T . ::\Iai11 8t ., Fi11dla1r hio. • l )R. R. T. 1 ET 1 I-I 1\·[ \ TIH rrr~ HI F l). J2, 13 he ,,rill attend the 111 ti11g of the ..c\ ~oeiatecl l\Ii ion · ( 1 0111111ittee at .. le,Tela11d ( tl1e mi. - ·io11a1·:- ar111 of tl1e I( 1 ) , Feb. 1,>-17 lie ,vi ll be ,, 1 ith the I-Iigh– ·vie,,,. A ,Te11l1e 1-3apti. t ( 1 l1l1r h of Akro11, ,,·l1rre .... \ lbert E. John 011 i: pa:tor. E elJ. 19-2] 11e will at– te11(l tl1e Ql1aJ·t rl)" :\Iicl-1\Ii · io11 : C 1 011fer e11 'e at E111111a11t1el Bapti t ( 1 hllr(' }1 of Tolcclo . 11.t tl1e latter t,,·o clc1te. a1--ea c11l11~rbe · might ,,·e 11 . e11 cl cle lega ti 011: to 11 ear t hi: Ol t t:ta11cli11g· J>r· eac.:11 1·. Hebrew Christian Society (An Independent Baptist Mission) 2524 Eu clid Heights Boulevard CLEVELAND 6, omo OUR AllVJ. To lead Jewish people to Christ To fl-Stablish Jewish believers in the faith To r esist anti- Semitism To stimulate missionary inter est in the J ewish harvest field To equip Christian fri ends with the means of reaching their Jewish neigh bor s FREE for dis tribution among yow J ewish friends Ha-O'r (The Light) - Write for Details REV. ALAN C. .METCALF Director REV. HOWARD A. KRAMER F ounder JfC.)l'll ;_try ] !)59 \~ J·~~' J, N 11) 1~; I ~, \ J >'J' I S'P, 1 JOJ'H i11 r I' It <' f [ <' I) f' ( >t l 1\ l (' 11 S f~, (' 11 () \\ 7 S l 1 i f) 111<'t h< 1 I'<' ,Jn11: 1()111, \\tf l1 1hc 1n ~– sc1g·p !..!'i\<'11 1>) 1 ,'<·c,11 \11c l r~\\'S of J > H I' 111 '1 . , f (l J l l (>8 ( J <) < f IC'.\ , , J l'., i S t h I > a !-11 < > r c > f' I I 1 i:-,, I 1, I{ I I ~ I c· h t I r r f1• I { I I ~ I .1 1~: ( 1 I I l r l{ ( •I I f < I~j ( ; l f 11\ I~ J ~ , \ I > '11 IN '1' , X(' 11 i a 'l' J 1 P a \· \r n g <> a 1{ r 11 c 1 a 11 · <! f o 1~ 1 o- \ ' <\r11l>cr ,,,a:-:, :~4o/o ,ll>c>\Tr 1hat for ()(•1(>1>Pr a11cl the fall atte11danrr 11 PH rl}" 0 % o, 1 rr t }1 r s111nn1 <>r. E11 - 1·c>l111r11 tis a1sc> 11p 5 %. Tl1r ' at<'ll-.1. ig·ht . er,rire wa. ,,·r ll attr11cle1cl. 'l'he fir.·t hou1· \Va. gi,~e11 to l3il)lr . t11c1y a11cl prayer t 11 r 11 rxt ,,ra: 1 hilclrrn s II 011r ,,·itl1 ehc>1·11sr: a11cl I3iblr cl rill. a11(l a clra,,·i11g lJ)ar J>a .~tor .. 4 • • 1I t1 tehi . 011 of a l1all{ piet11re of ' 'l'he IIa, 1 e 11 of Re. t. The next 110111-- ·lid . a11cl n10,rie. ,){ere ~ hown of tl1e ~ 1111 laJ' . c hool te timo11ie ,,·ere gi, 1 e11, a11 l r efre hment. :er,Tcd. D111·i11g th la~ ·t hour the J)a. to1~ gave a ew Year' mes– . c1g•e, follo,,Ted b3r p1~ayer • El 1 LID- T TTIJ. T j- II :\I li ... .\PTl ~ T levela11d The chaneel choir ave a can– tata thi 1 3rear, A Xight of Mi1 1 a– ele · ' ' anc1 g·a,Te a 1'epeat perfor m– a11ce at the ,\ 7 illouo·hbv Youth for ~ ( '1hri~t ,Ja11. 3rcl. Botl1 the Bo3r · Brigade and tl1 (}i1·l Pio11ee1~s are ,·erv acti, 1 e ~ at tl1e eh111·ch. ~ 1 ixtee11 of the bo~"· e11jo>re l a t1·ip to E1nmanuel Bapti:t h11r ·11 of Tole lo Xo,T. 15th to l1 ea1-- D1· . Bill Rice. ever al al ·o 11la1111ecl to g·o to the tTunior Ijeacl rs ( 1 011fere11(·e held Dec. 20- ~J a11. 3 at ,\TJ1 eato11 C 1 ollege. 'f,,To Fat 11 e1-- -i. • 011 1neeting were al ·o l1eld. 011e hu11cl1·ecl fifty Pio11eer Girl .. a11cl Pal. celebrated J. rational Pio11eer Girl: W eel{ ... ov. 6 with a . t1pper at the cht11·c h. Four g'irl p1~e e11tecl a pla3.,. , ' ' The Year– lv Proble1n. ' 1\1a11, ... 1~e,,rard wer e ' ~ gi,Te11 011t. That ,veek they al o ha cl a c1i. play i11 the " 1 i11dow of the 1 e11tral ...... atio11al Ba11l{. ......e,,,. con1e f1"on1 Pa tor . R. Pl1elp tl1at at tl1e an11ual meet– i11g ~J a11. 3. the ·h11rch voted to ""ithcl1,,a,,T fJ·om botl1 the B of 111 e1·i ·a a11cl the B of hio and to co11:ider tl1e n1atter of eeking fello,v hip ,, 1 ith the G RBC ancl the ARB . Thi ame ,vithout a11y u1~gi11g fron1 the pa to1 .. , im- ( onti11l1ed on page 17 )
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